
Guest gibs0n2

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I'm quite shocked at the immediately judemental responses of you lot. Fair enough, he probably wasn't looking to be baptised, but how would you know? No one bothered to ask. Ben Raines immediately got on the defense, Bro Dorsey was sarcastic and CK made assumptions. No wonder he hasnt re-posted. Maybe he really wanted to know the answer! If one of your friends came upto you and said, mate, these contradictions have been bugging me for some time, can u explain? Would u be sarcastic or make fun of him and drive him away? The OP didnt sound aggressive or argumentative in any way. Its sounds like he had questions. Congrats once again guys for displaying the 'I-am-holier-than-thou-you-ignorant-questioning-heathen' attitude.

And there's the rub with this one. He didn't say, 'hey I'm new to this, can you help a guy out?' He came in with guns ablaze, firing with everything he had. He obviously wasn't looking for answers, he was pulling a hit-and-run using ancient anti-Mormon arguments which have been asked and answered many times in many forums.

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Hey Aphrodite, long time no hear.

Gib was here to persecute, not investigate. His "question" is such an old anti-mormon attack that it's rather sad. I wish the anti's would at least come up with some stuff that hasn't been around since the 1800's.

Now if YOU asked me a question, Aphrodite, I'd take time to answer. :) Why? Because I like you. And I know you're not a jerk just out to cause trouble.

Thanks Crimson :D

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Before I became a convert to the church I loved my coffee....nothing like a hot cup of gourmet java with a little sugar and maybe some café mocha French vanilla cream....YUM.....I drank a ton of that everyday...and since I stopped my heart murmur went away. Anyway, after joining the church and giving up coffee I tried was the most disgusting tasting garbage I ever sipped...nothing like coffee at all. I have a feeling some really nice Mormon fellows once said "hey lets come up with a hot beverage drink to replace coffee to help the converts"! Trouble is they had no idea what coffee tastes like! LOL!

Not to worry, there is always Decaf. While it won't wake you up in the morning, it helps you sleep better at night. You can always take a thermos full (with a touch of chocolate and vanilla) to Church with you on Sunday (not fast Sunday however). :idea:

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Before I became a convert to the church I loved my coffee....nothing like a hot cup of gourmet java with a little sugar and maybe some café mocha French vanilla cream....YUM.....I drank a ton of that everyday...and since I stopped my heart murmur went away. Anyway, after joining the church and giving up coffee I tried was the most disgusting tasting garbage I ever sipped...nothing like coffee at all. I have a feeling some really nice Mormon fellows once said "hey lets come up with a hot beverage drink to replace coffee to help the converts"! Trouble is they had no idea what coffee tastes like! LOL!

Not to worry, there is always Decaf. While it won't wake you up in the morning, it helps you sleep better at night. You can always take a thermos full (with a touch of chocolate and vanilla) to Church with you on Sunday (not fast Sunday however). :idea:

What a rebel you are Moksha. You must remember though that even decaf coffee is still Hot; luke warm or cold coffee would be just awful - unless you are the type that likes your coffee cold. What is the world coming to. :dontknow:


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