FACT or FICTION: How Much Do You Know About the Latter-day Saints?

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"Latter-day Saints ... you mean those people with the weird underwear who can't drink Coke?" There are countless rumors and misconceptions out there about what members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints do and believe. Some of them are so ingrained in our culture that even Latter-day Saints believe them! The quiz below is 10 questions long (plus a freebie) and is designed to get more difficult as you progress. If you've been a Latter-day Saint for a while, you're probably going to do fairly well. Your non-Latter-day Saint friends might not fare so well. Share the quiz and let's see how they do.

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17 hours ago, prisonchaplain said:

8/10 ... but how was I to know about the swimsuit issue? Also, the celebrity question was pretty sneaky, IMHO. :popcorn:

Rather embarrassed to say, but when you said "swimsuit issue" I thought you meant SI.  Uhmmm. No...

Anyway.  I got 9/10 because I disagreed with the wording on one of the questions.  But, whatever.

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8 hours ago, askandanswer said:

Would you feel comfortable in sharing what led you to start?

To start learning, sure. I met my LDS friend in high school. She invited me to many church activities, youth dances, camping, halloween activity, road show, etc which eventually led to taking the discussions when I was 17. My parents would not give permission for baptism and I was forbidden from attending church. My friend and I of course stayed friends, still went to dances (which were great during my adolescence). About 18 months after not getting baptized, I changed my mind and did not want to join the church anymore. My friend and I eventually married brothers, both brought up Mormon, but her husband loved the church and my husband did not. I will always be connected with the church due to extended family, nieces and nephews, etc. I also started reading more church history books, like Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale Smith (wonderful book). Which showed how truly interesting "Mormon" church history is. As time goes on I keep learning.


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