Online Missionary Work


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Just wondering what people thought of online missionary work. how have you gone about it? Have you found anything that is successful?

I feel we havent fully used the internet for missionary work like we could. And I think if we did we would have an explosion of people joining the Church.

I am a missionary in whatever forum I am in...on-line or real world...I just testify to the truth of what I KNOW in my heart and am honest about it with people. I have seen many seeds planted. I also use my poetry as a form of missionary work...
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I feel we havent fully used the internet for missionary work like we could. And I think if we did we would have an explosion of people joining the Church.

Maybe indirectly it would be helpful. It might work to make the ground more fertile, or even plant some seeds, but people will only join if they can meet physical missonaryies and members face to face.

Good online practices (missionary work) could get people to join a new message board though. That's for sure!

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Just wondering what people thought of online missionary work. how have you gone about it? Have you found anything that is successful?

I feel we havent fully used the internet for missionary work like we could. And I think if we did we would have an explosion of people joining the Church.

In the age of YouTube it's now possible to create a video with a gospel message and distribute it globally for free.

Just an idea...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wouldlove to make a nettside about mormonism in my language...maybe with forum...but my last try stopped as someone hacked in and put a photoalbum there that I MOST certainly had NOT put there! :angry: So that made me scared of trying again....

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've had discussions about the church in unexpected places. I'll see someone asking questions or giving out incorrect information about the church and I can't help entering the conversation. I had a very nice experience with people who never knew anyone LDS in person and got to know a few of us. I think that probably made them more likely to talk to members in person if they ever meet one. :)

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Actually , i was converted online. i was in a chat for a tv show Big Brother and a lady in there and i were talking about how trashy the other chats were and she asked if i was religious . at the time i was looking for a church and she bore her testimoney to me. we continued to talk and then i used the internet to get the 800# to call the missionaires to come visit me.

there is more to it than that, but yep. online random meeting helped me be LDS.

and!!!!!! Garden Girl has been a VERY positive influance on me. even when i was dead set against the church for awhile i couldnt make mysef delete her email addy. for some reason i kept it and kept wanting to talk to her. so now im leaning toward a life in the church that i have been missing. just this time i will be the best LDS person i can be, not try to keep up with the lifers. being a convert its so hard to try to be the perfect LDS person and really you just need to be the best you can be....


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Actually , i was converted online. i was in a chat for a tv show Big Brother and a lady in there and i were talking about how trashy the other chats were and she asked if i was religious . at the time i was looking for a church and she bore her testimoney to me. we continued to talk and then i used the internet to get the 800# to call the missionaires to come visit me.

there is more to it than that, but yep. online random meeting helped me be LDS.

and!!!!!! Garden Girl has been a VERY positive influance on me. even when i was dead set against the church for awhile i couldnt make mysef delete her email addy. for some reason i kept it and kept wanting to talk to her. so now im leaning toward a life in the church that i have been missing. just this time i will be the best LDS person i can be, not try to keep up with the lifers. being a convert its so hard to try to be the perfect LDS person and really you just need to be the best you can be....


you dont have to be the best. You just need to try to be the best you can be.

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Actually , i was converted online. i was in a chat for a tv show Big Brother and a lady in there and i were talking about how trashy the other chats were and she asked if i was religious . at the time i was looking for a church and she bore her testimoney to me. we continued to talk and then i used the internet to get the 800# to call the missionaires to come visit me.

there is more to it than that, but yep. online random meeting helped me be LDS.

and!!!!!! Garden Girl has been a VERY positive influance on me. even when i was dead set against the church for awhile i couldnt make mysef delete her email addy. for some reason i kept it and kept wanting to talk to her. so now im leaning toward a life in the church that i have been missing. just this time i will be the best LDS person i can be, not try to keep up with the lifers. being a convert its so hard to try to be the perfect LDS person and really you just need to be the best you can be....


Growing up LDS it's hard to be the perfect LDS person too! :D Recently someone gave a talk in our ward and she said, "If you think you know the perfect family, you don't know them very well." I think that goes for individuals too! Don't compare yourself to others - just enjoy seeing yourself grow in the Gospel. It's cool to look back 10 years at yourself and what you were then compared with what you have become. I am much more aware of the needs of others now than I was then, I give more service, I think I have become less selfish, more forgiving, more commited, less judgemental, and more loving than I was 10 years ago. I try to continually improve myself. That's cool that you were converted online. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

One option is to go to and leave your story of conversion or a story about your specific conversion to a gospel principle.

Invite your friends and ward members to do the same!

This can be done almost in any language, so if you have friends who write in another language tell them about this opportunity. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

If you're interested in doing online missionary work, please visit my website at:

There, you can post your testimony and answer investigators' questions.

I'd love for more people to participate!

I was cruising around the forum tonight and came upon this thread. It took a while to find, as it was basically pretty far down, which means that this particular discussion has died out. Of course it caused my immediate attention to be drawn to the very reason I joined the family in the first place. Which was to become an online missionary.

The first question I had to ask myself was, "how am I doing"? Well, not too bad I suppose... after all, I really enjoy having conversations with everyone here on the forum. I feel that I am making some good friends and that we really are creating connections that I liken to a kind of online cyber-ward. I really think we have something very special going on here at these forums and I take every chance to invite others to participate as I do feel a great spirit about what is happening at the root level. I feel privileged to be a part of the beginnings of what I believe is only the beginning of most likely one of the greatest tools in missionary work ever.

I am not here with the BIG answer, but my thoughts are that from what I have seen and felt happening between all of us so far is wonderful. I know that accountability does work. I feel that many of us do feel connected to each other already and that more than likely we are on the same page in our desires for being here. I know we all have much to do in our busy lives and would like to make this productive for the Lord.

My simple thoughts and I know you can add to or make way better are along these lines... Perhaps we can find a way to kind of maintain a "committed" dialogue that will remain open, say something like a weekly check-in with each other. It could be something like Sunday evening to Monday evening of every week where we would have a particular thread that we all just touch base with each other and share our experiences of how we feel like our personal efforts in the area of missionary work are going.

It could be for information, resources, ideas, encouragement, testimonies, etc... But most important it would remind all of us why we are here doing what we are doing or trying to do.

Or something where a particular individual could post a weekly "cyber-ward" training and we could all check it out, then... go and do, then talk about it during the week. In this way we would be encouraging each other doing the same thing. Richard Miller has written some great ideas on his blog and we could discuss many of his ideas. Maybe some of you have already implemented them?

I just know that this online missionary work should start to roll, and perhaps our interaction with one another will increase our faith in our own neighborhood? And maybe it will be online? But somehow, I think we all know that there is a power here and we all need to tap into it and actually have the faith to see it in our own lives, as well as those who we have the privilege to encounter.

Thanks 4321 for this post. I really hope that others feel the same way and are interested in keeping yourselves committed to the work through staying connected to the reason we are here through one another.

Also a link has been given in this post to someone who has taken the time to go the extra mile, as has been suggest. This individual has put up their own blog about being mormon. Wow!

They have asked us to help out! Check out the link at the top of the page. All About Mormons. Very nice site. People have posted questions and it looks like he/she could use some help answering them. I think many here could click on over there and help out quite a bit:-)

Well, I have rambled enough! I shall wait patiently and hope that others have some similar feelings and we shall see where we could possibly pull together to cause a little MORE GOOD to happen 'here'? :D

P.S. I am a lousy missionary and am committed to change my pathetic ways... so please help me in becoming something more useful. :(

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I was cruising around the forum tonight and came upon this thread. It took a while to find, as it was basically pretty far down, which means that this particular discussion has died out. Of course it caused my immediate attention to be drawn to the very reason I joined the family in the first place. Which was to become an online missionary.

The first question I had to ask myself was, "how am I doing"? Well, not too bad I suppose... after all, I really enjoy having conversations with everyone here on the forum. I feel that I am making some good friends and that we really are creating connections that I liken to a kind of online cyber-ward. I really think we have something very special going on here at these forums and I take every chance to invite others to participate as I do feel a great spirit about what is happening at the root level. I feel privileged to be a part of the beginnings of what I believe is only the beginning of most likely one of the greatest tools in missionary work ever.

I am not here with the BIG answer, but my thoughts are that from what I have seen and felt happening between all of us so far is wonderful. I know that accountability does work. I feel that many of us do feel connected to each other already and that more than likely we are on the same page in our desires for being here. I know we all have much to do in our busy lives and would like to make this productive for the Lord.

My simple thoughts and I know you can add to or make way better are along these lines... Perhaps we can find a way to kind of maintain a "committed" dialogue that will remain open, say something like a weekly check-in with each other. It could be something like Sunday evening to Monday evening of every week where we would have a particular thread that we all just touch base with each other and share our experiences of how we feel like our personal efforts in the area of missionary work are going.

It could be for information, resources, ideas, encouragement, testimonies, etc... But most important it would remind all of us why we are here doing what we are doing or trying to do.

Or something where a particular individual could post a weekly "cyber-ward" training and we could all check it out, then... go and do, then talk about it during the week. In this way we would be encouraging each other doing the same thing. Richard Miller has written some great ideas on his blog and we could discuss many of his ideas. Maybe some of you have already implemented them?

I just know that this online missionary work should start to roll, and perhaps our interaction with one another will increase our faith in our own neighborhood? And maybe it will be online? But somehow, I think we all know that there is a power here and we all need to tap into it and actually have the faith to see it in our own lives, as well as those who we have the privilege to encounter.

Thanks 4321 for this post. I really hope that others feel the same way and are interested in keeping yourselves committed to the work through staying connected to the reason we are here through one another.

Also a link has been given in this post to someone who has taken the time to go the extra mile, as has been suggest. This individual has put up their own blog about being mormon. Wow!

They have asked us to help out! Check out the link at the top of the page. All About Mormons. Very nice site. People have posted questions and it looks like he/she could use some help answering them. I think many here could click on over there and help out quite a bit:-)

Well, I have rambled enough! I shall wait patiently and hope that others have some similar feelings and we shall see where we could possibly pull together to cause a little MORE GOOD to happen 'here'? :D

P.S. I am a lousy missionary and am committed to change my pathetic ways... so please help me in becoming something more useful. :(

Okay guys.... I posted this late last night and I think it just got thrown back on the bottom, and I can't let that happen. So here it is again.... I hope you are interested in doing something together to move us all along? Perhaps? :sparklygrin:

Don't let this thread loose air this time, come on guys! :P

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Check out this guys blog!

Flooding the Earth With the Book of Mormon!

This is Hilarious... :lol:

Oh that I were an Angel! This guy really does have a voice as a Trump, as he has NO FEAR. What an example. Look how he has committed himself to the world by accounting for his commitment to go AND do? He distributes Books of Mormon and other non-english lds materials all over and reports online to how it went. It is great. He also post how others can do the same thing. Maybe in pairs ? :huh: It's a thought.... a thought!

Now that is integrity. :rolleyes:

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Hey fish4kitty,

Just wondering, I read this post that you wrote a while back.... give us the followup?


Had an opportunity to share the gospel yesterday and took it. While at physical therapy the young guy that was hurting me made a reference to mormons that was not all that nice. I corrected him and told him I was a member and that I didn't appreciate his humor. He apologized and for the next half hour we visited and shared our thoughts on many things. I in turn invited him to church. Going to see him again today at 330. Many of the therapists were there and were listening. Maybe I'll invite them all.

Have anyone else taken the opportunities that God has given them to spread the gospel? Tell me about it. I want to know what you have done and to inspire others to do the same.


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I think becoming friends with people is the best way to be a missionary - talk with them, laugh with them, be an example, serve them, etc. More people become interested in the church through friends than they do through missionaries knocking on their doors. You can even talk about silly things like funny mattress stories. ;):P:D Really though, I got to know someone online and the subject was religious, but I shared a lot of my opinions about all kinds of stuff, talked about my family, told jokes, etc. When she decided she wanted a Book of Mormon, she asked me to mail it to her personally because she trusted me. I think if I had just talked about church doctrine, maybe she wouldn't have felt like she really knew me. So I mailed it to her along with a card with my testimony written in it and her favorite candy. :D We had quite a few discussions about candy.

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I think becoming friends with people is the best way to be a missionary - talk with them, laugh with them, be an example, serve them, etc. More people become interested in the church through friends than they do through missionaries knocking on their doors. You can even talk about silly things like funny mattress stories. ;):P:D Really though, I got to know someone online and the subject was religious, but I shared a lot of my opinions about all kinds of stuff, talked about my family, told jokes, etc. When she decided she wanted a Book of Mormon, she asked me to mail it to her personally because she trusted me. I think if I had just talked about church doctrine, maybe she wouldn't have felt like she really knew me. So I mailed it to her along with a card with my testimony written in it and her favorite candy. :D We had quite a few discussions about candy.

That's great. So just making new friends online and telling about yourself and allowing the gospel to become part of your conversation. Is that what you are saying? What types of online places do you find where you can just develop friendships on an ongoing basis like that?

Also, how do you feel about some of my other suggestions, like maybe having a permanent thread or something like that, where we all just checked in with each other and talked about what we were doing, could do, commited to each other, etc... Just to stay motivated by each other?

What are your thoughts. I really love how simple your post makes this sound. I even think I could get brave and do something like that. :D

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There are so many message boards for so many things. It could be one for your favorite TV show, an art board, music, some kind of collector's site, etc. With me, I saw an interesting episode of Trading Spouses on FOX where they joined together a Christian and Jewish family. I thought there would be some interesting conversation going and looked to see if there was a message board. That was the first time I ever went to one. There were lots of fun and interesting people and discussions, I got to know a few people, and when that show ended for the season, I drifted to other FOX forums since I was already signed up. They have detailed profiles where you can fill in lots of info about yourself including your religion. When I was on the Nanny 911 board exchanging potty training and other child rearing tips, I didn't talk about my beliefs at all that I remember, but one woman read all of the quotes I had in my profile by LDS leaders and she e-mailed me to say it was the most beautiful thing she had ever read. She was telling everyone that they should read my profile. Well, she clicked on a different part of my profile and discovered I'm LDS, which really surprised her because she didn't realize how much we have in common (she's Baptist). It did open a door for me to clear up some misconceptions and we've been penpals ever since. :)

I met lots of people who have never met a Mormon in person, so meeting one online is the closest they'll get for a while. There were a group of us chatting in one discussion and several people said they started standing up for us because they liked us so much. They didn't agree with our beliefs, but they really respected us. If they ever meet a member of the church in person, what a nice conversation starter that will be. I think it's important to let your personality shine through - what is unique about you and your life, then talk about your beliefs just comes along naturally at some point. Hope that helps!

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Hey fish4kitty,

Just wondering, I read this post that you wrote a while back.... give us the followup?


Had an opportunity to share the gospel yesterday and took it. While at physical therapy the young guy that was hurting me made a reference to mormons that was not all that nice. I corrected him and told him I was a member and that I didn't appreciate his humor. He apologized and for the next half hour we visited and shared our thoughts on many things. I in turn invited him to church. Going to see him again today at 330. Many of the therapists were there and were listening. Maybe I'll invite them all.

Have anyone else taken the opportunities that God has given them to spread the gospel? Tell me about it. I want to know what you have done and to inspire others to do the same.


Unfortunitely there are a lot of anti literature out there that is hurting the cause. Most of it is taken out of context or misquoted garbage people choose to believe. It is a shame that more people don't get out of there rut they are in and explore the possibilities.

I did share my testimony and asked my pt guy to go to church w/ me. He declined. I have switched it up a bit and I have let my light shine. What I mean by that is I have just been myself and hopefully he'll see HF through me and get him curious. I pray that this opportunity is not lost because I am doing something wrong. I've learned from past experiences that if you push most people will shy away from you. You have got to plant seeds and then water them only when needed. Then let the "SON" shine on them.

f4k B)

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Hello gvr...

First, let me say I enjoy your posts...

I'm with MorningStar on this one (who I was just delighted to meet in person last Friday at the Portland, OR temple, along with two other LDS cyber sisters. It was the first time we met in person...previously it was just here and at MADB for the past almost two years).

I am genuinely interested in people and have an easiness in talking with them whether in person or online. When we have that true interest, it comes through even online in our posts. Since starting to participate online, I've had several individuals that I've exchanged PMs with over a period of months that I hope I have been able to help...

I think we do have a place to be missionaries online, and that is right here in these forums. People come with questions, and if we try and answer honestly, respectfully, humbly and with good humor, it will go a long way in encouraging those people to contact local wards/missionaries for more info.

I watch for opportunities in talking generally with people in my area to make some comment about "my church"... or being LDS... for instance, sitting waiting for my car servicing to be finished at the auto dealer. I usually read the paper and I'll casually say to someone sitting there something about the floods, earthquakes or fires, and how my church packs hygiene kits that are sent to the disaster areas wherever needed... the usual question is what Church is that? and my answer is "LDS, or Mormon" "Oh" is usually the reply... and then I will say something about food storage and emergency preparedness... sometimes more questions come, sometimes not... but I am congenial, smiling, gentle in my talk... and I know at least I've planted a seed and set an example. Many times it is the planting of seeds and the setting of an example by our actions that is one of the best missionary tools we have... living the gospel. I don't think we realize how much of an influence we have on those around us... it is this type of example that opens doors when missionaries do show up, or for further discussions with us...

If we are in tune with the Spirit, and ask for guidance, and for "missionary moments," we will know when and in what way to introduce the gospel... we don't have to hit people over the head with it all at once... the questions will come... sometimes just being a friend is a catalyst for building trust so that deeper discussions can take place. If we live our lives so that we are ready to speak when opportunities present themselves, we will recognize those opportunities and be able to respond accordingly.

In the meantime, we can participate here and in blogs...

The Garden Girl

Edit to add: I just read fish4kitty's post just above mine and I agree wholeheartedly, in fact, it's a great example of how we can just "live" and be ourselves and let our light shine... the opportunities will present themselves (in addition to those we take on our own) because don't forget... Heavenly Father knows our hearts desires and will open the way for us... GG

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I was cruising around the forum tonight and came upon this thread. It took a while to find, as it was basically pretty far down, which means that this particular discussion has died out. Of course it caused my immediate attention to be drawn to the very reason I joined the family in the first place. Which was to become an online missionary.

The first question I had to ask myself was, "how am I doing"? Well, not too bad I suppose... after all, I really enjoy having conversations with everyone here on the forum. I feel that I am making some good friends and that we really are creating connections that I liken to a kind of online cyber-ward. I really think we have something very special going on here at these forums and I take every chance to invite others to participate as I do feel a great spirit about what is happening at the root level. I feel privileged to be a part of the beginnings of what I believe is only the beginning of most likely one of the greatest tools in missionary work ever.

I am not here with the BIG answer, but my thoughts are that from what I have seen and felt happening between all of us so far is wonderful. I know that accountability does work. I feel that many of us do feel connected to each other already and that more than likely we are on the same page in our desires for being here. I know we all have much to do in our busy lives and would like to make this productive for the Lord.

My simple thoughts and I know you can add to or make way better are along these lines... Perhaps we can find a way to kind of maintain a "committed" dialogue that will remain open, say something like a weekly check-in with each other. It could be something like Sunday evening to Monday evening of every week where we would have a particular thread that we all just touch base with each other and share our experiences of how we feel like our personal efforts in the area of missionary work are going.

It could be for information, resources, ideas, encouragement, testimonies, etc... But most important it would remind all of us why we are here doing what we are doing or trying to do.

Or something where a particular individual could post a weekly "cyber-ward" training and we could all check it out, then... go and do, then talk about it during the week. In this way we would be encouraging each other doing the same thing. Richard Miller has written some great ideas on his blog and we could discuss many of his ideas. Maybe some of you have already implemented them?

I just know that this online missionary work should start to roll, and perhaps our interaction with one another will increase our faith in our own neighborhood? And maybe it will be online? But somehow, I think we all know that there is a power here and we all need to tap into it and actually have the faith to see it in our own lives, as well as those who we have the privilege to encounter.

Thanks 4321 for this post. I really hope that others feel the same way and are interested in keeping yourselves committed to the work through staying connected to the reason we are here through one another.

Also a link has been given in this post to someone who has taken the time to go the extra mile, as has been suggest. This individual has put up their own blog about being mormon. Wow!

They have asked us to help out! Check out the link at the top of the page. All About Mormons. Very nice site. People have posted questions and it looks like he/she could use some help answering them. I think many here could click on over there and help out quite a bit:-)

Well, I have rambled enough! I shall wait patiently and hope that others have some similar feelings and we shall see where we could possibly pull together to cause a little MORE GOOD to happen 'here'? :D

P.S. I am a lousy missionary and am committed to change my pathetic ways... so please help me in becoming something more useful. :(

Reposting my "epistle" and hoping you will let me know how you feel about maybe some of these ideas I have mentioned, i.e. touching base with each other on a more frequent basis, etc... (would love other ideas as well, as this is only and idea)

Thanks :)

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There are so many message boards for so many things. It could be one for your favorite TV show, an art board, music, some kind of collector's site, etc. With me, I saw an interesting episode of Trading Spouses on FOX where they joined together a Christian and Jewish family. I thought there would be some interesting conversation going and looked to see if there was a message board. That was the first time I ever went to one. There were lots of fun and interesting people and discussions, I got to know a few people, and when that show ended for the season, I drifted to other FOX forums since I was already signed up. They have detailed profiles where you can fill in lots of info about yourself including your religion. When I was on the Nanny 911 board exchanging potty training and other child rearing tips, I didn't talk about my beliefs at all that I remember, but one woman read all of the quotes I had in my profile by LDS leaders and she e-mailed me to say it was the most beautiful thing she had ever read. She was telling everyone that they should read my profile. Well, she clicked on a different part of my profile and discovered I'm LDS, which really surprised her because she didn't realize how much we have in common (she's Baptist). It did open a door for me to clear up some misconceptions and we've been penpals ever since. :)

I met lots of people who have never met a Mormon in person, so meeting one online is the closest they'll get for a while. There were a group of us chatting in one discussion and several people said they started standing up for us because they liked us so much. They didn't agree with our beliefs, but they really respected us. If they ever meet a member of the church in person, what a nice conversation starter that will be. I think it's important to let your personality shine through - what is unique about you and your life, then talk about your beliefs just comes along naturally at some point. Hope that helps!

What an awesome example that is MorningStar! You make that sound so simple. Again, I think I could actually get brave and try it. Lets see, I might need to watch some T.V. so I will have some fun to talk about... hmmmm? Which one shall I pick? Any suggestions?

Okay, MorningStar, please let me know how you feel about staying connected with the forum and helping to cheer each other on with your "no fear" experiences, etc... I am thinking this could really help all of us just reach out a bit more in our personal willingness to do these kinds of things if we have a kind of return and report thread...

So, what do you think about that?

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