Anyone Else Work For a Woke Company?


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1 hour ago, NeuroTypical said:

I'm a sucker for a good summary.  Here's a good summary of how people are different in currently-paid-attention-to ways:

Diversity Wheel Graphic


Now, here's how to woke:
1. Know something about every single box.
2. Understand that people tend to emphasize different boxes.  (For example, you can find a black disabled 40 yr old gay Nigerian immigrant male with neck down alopecia, a strong Nigerian accent, living in New York as a naturalized citizen, who is an atheist that graduated from college and is a caregiver for a mother with alzheimer's, is married, who has been your boss for 3 years.
3. Learn how to respect the folks checking boxes you don't understand.  No matter what sort of person shows up, treat them all equally.  But learn about the various box-checkers who have had a harder life than yours (or had a harder life historically).  Pay more attention to those than everyone else.  Take it on yourself to right what you feel are historical and current wrongs.  Struggle with how to define and do both 'equality' and 'equity' at the same time.

There.  There's my summary.   You may be tempted to believe that I'm aligning with or pushing woke.  Please understand that is not the case.  I'm just summarizing it.  Doing so helps me follow Sun Tzu's advice to Know thy enemy, while at the same time helping me follow Jesus' advice to Love thy neighbor.   Honestly, the older I get, I see less and less light between the two.

I volunteer for a faith-based group of progressive community organizers that's primarily made up of Christians and Muslims, and I think there may be some synagogues affiliated with us as well. And I'm not the only atheist on the team. 😅 The range of belief systems and backgrounds in our organization is astounding. We have pastors, teachers, doctors, imams, farmers, students, life-long Minnesotans, transplants, and one mentally-damaged atheist Army veteran. It really drives home the need for political/community work to be intersectional. I feel like the political right struggles with this a lot, and the left definitely has room for improvement.

Edited by Phoenix_person
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34 minutes ago, Phoenix_person said:

I volunteer for a faith-based group of progressive community organizers that's primarily made up of Christians and Muslims, and I think there may be some synagogues affiliated with us as well. And I'm not the only atheist on the team. 😅 The range of belief systems and backgrounds in our organization is astounding. We have pastors, teachers, doctors, imams, farmers, students, life-long Minnesotans, transplants, and one mentally-damaged atheist Army veteran. It really drives home the need for political/community work to be intersectional. I feel like the political right struggles with this a lot, and the left definitely has room for improvement.

To be fair, the left celebrates diversity like the kind you mentioned. But only to a point. If one of the imams said there are only two genders or that life begins at conception, he’d be outta there faster than you can say JK Rowling. 

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On 10/4/2023 at 7:01 PM, prisonchaplain said:

I've always wanted to be part of the 1%. I'm basically conservative, but in this era of no compromise, I feel more like a moderate--more like the 1%. 😉 

Do you scream in rage at the other side? No? Then you must be a wishy washy moderate. 

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5 hours ago, LDSGator said:

Do you scream in rage at the other side? No? Then you must be a wishy washy moderate. 

Perhaps. It could be that I get my news from a newspaper rather than the shock-news-jocks on TV. Worse yet, my main news source is the notorious "country club Republican" Wall Street Journal. I suppose all that does make me a wishy washy moderate. 

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9 hours ago, prisonchaplain said:

Perhaps. It could be that I get my news from a newspaper rather than the shock-news-jocks on TV. Worse yet, my main news source is the notorious "country club Republican" Wall Street Journal. I suppose all that does make me a wishy washy moderate. 

It has been at least a full generation, probably more like two, since the WSJ took over the place of "newspaper of record" from the loathsome NYT. I don't really read the WSJ any more, so I don't have a feel for its current journalistic practices. But I'll take it all day, every day, and twice on Sunday in preference to that NY rag.

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