Whose story inspires you?

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I love the story of Joseph. He is the patron saint of prisoners, imho. He struggles with his brothers (has pride issues, imho), gets falsely accused and convicted of being a sex-offender (attempted rape of Potiphar's wife), spends years in prison, but earns favor with the officers, and yet through the anointing of the Holy Spirit, interprets dreams and becomes 2nd in command. Powerful, 21st century stuff!

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I highly recommend each of the above. I have many people in life who have inspired me, usually for different reasons and strengths. My mind often goes to Ether and Moroni, both of whom wandered for years observing and chronicling the destruction of their peoples. Either could have said, "Oh woe is me," but spent their efforts writing the things of most worth to us today.

I am inspired by Lehi and Alma as parents, counseling and guiding their oft wayward children.

Pope John Paul II inspired me in his efforts to reform the Catholic Church, moving the priests away from radical political action to refocusing on the spirituality of the flock. For info on this, I recommend Malachi Martin's book on the Jesuits.

I'm inspired by the living prophets, from Joseph Smith to Gordon B Hinckley to Thomas S. Monson.

I'm inspired from the many fathers and mothers out there who try with all their might to raise their children in righteousness, in a world that has turned its back on Christian principles. I'm inspired by the youth who say no to drugs, sex, and other evils.

Mostly, I'm inspired by my greatest hero - Jesus Christ, who selflessly gave everything for me and you.

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Just a small story has always been one of my favorites.

When the scum suckers came to kill Jesus, what did his buddies do? Peter "smote a dudes ear off" now that tells me a couple things..1 he was trying to cut off his head!!! awesome. 2- the rest doesnt matter, a former apostle tried to cut off someones HEAD!! you cant get any cooler than that :)

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