Can you join the mormon church if you smoke?

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There is nothing to stop you attending church if you still smoke though. You will be asked to give it up before being baptised and there will be help offered to you to achieve that. The main thing is not to get discouraged. I've known people who have given up and then later slipped back into their old ways again and stopped coming to church. It's easier to give up if you are amongst people who want to help and encourage you.

I wish you all the best to get through the struggle.

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Thanks for all the replies. I havent decided wether or not to joing the church but I definetly want to quit smoking. The missionaries were here last night and said they have a 7 day program that will help. They are coming back Friday so hopefully I can get more information about that.

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Thanks for all the replies. I havent decided wether or not to joing the church but I definetly want to quit smoking. The missionaries were here last night and said they have a 7 day program that will help. They are coming back Friday so hopefully I can get more information about that.

As a “former” smoker that often slips up and returns to the nicotine, I wish you the best of luck on the road to quitting.


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While you are working on giving up smoking and hopefully preparing to join the LDS Church, remember to keep working on the things that are easier to do: pray, study the scriptures, attend Church. If it takes you years to stop smoking, at least your progression during that time will be a blessing and benefit in your life, in that you have moved forward spiritually - even if baptism is delayed by a few bad habits.

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Guest AutumnBreez

You can do it!

It will be part of your testimony, you will realize how much Heavenly Father loves you and know you did it with His help.

Get passed how hard it could be and start to visualize your life as if you were free from the habit. What things would you do without a cigarette in hand?

Sounds silly but really, see yourself without as if you never had the addiction in the first place. Keep it visualized! You can do it!

You will find it easier as you go... and keep communicating- PRAY about everything, things you are struggling with to the many blessings you know

are happening- gratitude.

Take care- Tammy

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Several years ago when I was called as a of my councilors was less active and he was 71yrs old....he had smoked for a long long time....since he was like 14-15 yrs old. He was called as my councilor and he was given 30 days to quit or he would be released....he accepted the calling and never smoked again....he was awesome and a great to can quit.....good luck
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Thanks for all the replies. I havent decided wether or not to joing the church but I definetly want to quit smoking. The missionaries were here last night and said they have a 7 day program that will help. They are coming back Friday so hopefully I can get more information about that.

A friend of mine tried to quit many times. When she converted to the church, she received a blessing and she said she was able to quit after that. I should have her tell me that story again because I know there was more to it. :)
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I found that every time I wanted a cigarette, a glass of pure grapefruit juice helped.

Now, this is not as horid as it sounds, but how it works (well how it worked for me anyway) was everytime I wanted to smoke, I had a glass of grapefruit juice. Then, if I still had the urge to light up, I physically couldn't because the taste of the cigarette coupled with the acid from the juice literally made me want to be sick.

I soon realised it was cheaper and healthier to buy seven cartons of grapefruit juice a week than a pack of cigarettes a day.

I am not saying it is easy, not by a long shot (the first two months are the hardest I found) and while the various aids available from the doctor are all well and good, you will only really quit if you want to quit. It all comes down to willpower in the end

Plus, when you think what the Savior went through for us, the word of wisdom does not really ask us for much in return, does it?

Whether or not you decide to join the church, you will feel the benefits of not smoking, so I wish you the best of luck.

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I had to quit smoking in order to join the church. At first I worked really hard on not smoking and it didn't work. Then, at the suggestion of the missionaries, I worked really hard on reading the scriptures and praying. At one point I stopped to say a prayer every time I had the urge to have a cigarette. Pretty soon I was able to stop smoking. That was a lot of years ago and I'm still smoke free.

Good luck, you just have to find out what works for you.

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We once had a lovely missionary couple in our Ward. Shortly before they left to go home the dear Brother told us that he had grown up in the church and been baptised at 8 years old but in his teenage years he had drifted from the church teachings and started smoking. He'd struggled for years trying to give it up and succeeded for a time and was able to marry in the temple - but something had got to him again in later life and he had started smoking again and in the end he went inactive rather than face people at church.

Then one day his Bishop called round and said he thought he and his wife should serve a mission. He was gobsmacked - here he was inactive and smoking like a factory chimney and the Bishop saying he should consider serving a mission! The Bishop didn't give up though. He insisted that the Lord wanted this dear Brother and his wife to serve a mission. The Brother prayed about his smoking addiction, then threw away his cigarettes and never touched another. They made a brilliant missionary couple and after returning home they served for many years as Temple Ordinance workers. He is now deceased but sealed to his family for all eternity and died a fully active temple worthy member.

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Thanks for all the replies. I havent decided wether or not to joing the church but I definetly want to quit smoking. The missionaries were here last night and said they have a 7 day program that will help. They are coming back Friday so hopefully I can get more information about that.

Let us know how it goes.

Even if you do slip up, keep trying your very best. You can make it. Whether you're successful or not, I hope you won't feel unwelcome at church. God still wants us there no matter what problems we're having. I know you can do it though!

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