The veil.


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When we enter spirit world will the veil over our memory of pre-mortal life be removed at that time or do you think it will remain in place until after or just before the day of judgment? If so, I think it would make missionary work on the other side easier but I also wonder if removing the veil would affect agency.

Since there must be opposition in all things, what opposition do you think will exist in the spirit world?

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I agree with Gwen. But the honest truth is, I don't know.

But I have to ask, how could having the veil removed affect agency at all? Didn't we all know the whole plan in the pre-mortal life? 1/3rd of the host of heaven who didn't have the veil still chose to follow Lucifer. Sometimes people can know something is wrong and still choose to do it anyway. I regret to say that sometimes I fall into this category. That is why a loving Father in Heaven gave us repentance.

Just my thoughts,


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If Alma the younger's coma was a Near Death Experience, as suggested by several LDS scholars, it seems that there is no recognition of the premortal existence while in spirit prison/hell. As it is, when Alma is delivered to paradise, he does not mention recalling his premortal existence, but only speaks of the experience of the moment. I would suggest, therefore, that the Spirit World deals with the here and now, and that the veil of forgetfulness is lifted later on - if not later in the Paradise experience, then at resurrection.

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i think the opposition will be the same as it usually is here.........ourselves. we create most of our trials. really how much oposition comes from something other than our own thinking and shortcommings? we will take that with us, pride and all. that is about the greatest opposition anyone can face.

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i think it thins through life guess how quickly it happens depends on the stage you are at when you get there - some people see more than others in this life.

Like Gwen I think the greatest opposition throughout eternity remains the same ourselves. Satan may influence and others but its us that choose to sin.


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I agree with The mighty quinn.. However, we do remember the earthlife and hopefully can arrange some things that we did not arrange when stil here. From what I have heard we are going to be mighty busy on the other side too... anyway those involved in familysearch...

Someone who wisited the other side told, that there are people in different groups... there are people who run around with messages and arranges things... there are people with different "shine", some shine more some less... There are peole who get special messages to deliver or special occasions they are allowed to be with on earth. They are not allowed to vist earth when ever they want... They love their family, but their work is more important, than talking to a visitor from family... work first then fun... some grupes that stick together look lost, while those doing the work seem to know excactly what to do and why...

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on the same subject but off a bit, i hope it's ok. could one say that the gaining of testamony is the removal of the veil?

things we come to know, can't prove, can't convince others, can't even "remember" and yet we know without a shadow of a doubt that it's true. somewhat like a rememberance. kinda like we don't remember all the days of bottles and diaper changes and mommy/daddy playing games with us but as we grow there is an affection between a parent and a child. a love that we just know, we just feel, it's real, and yet there is no tangable evidence there. it's a rememberance without the details.

as the spirit testifies we do have a "rememberance" of this sort, we know that our heavenly father loves us, that it's true; though no explaination that will ever be good enough for anyone that hasn't had that same experiance. as we gain greater and greater testamony we "remember" or "know" more things, we are entitled to more knowledge without faith.

possibly like how the brother of jared saw the finger of christ, his testamony was so great that the veil was thin/somewhat removed and he saw, he got sure knowledge of what he already remembered/knew. or other accouts of ppl seeing angels about the work of the lord, like small children that seem to not have the veil compleatly drawn yet....the veil is thin with these ppl.

is it possible to have the veil so thin that it's almost compleatly removed before this life ever ends? could it be the same on the other side, as the testamony grows so does the "rememberance" and the veil is slowly removed?

wow i hope that makes since, my posts feel really random and scattered lately....can i blame that on pregnancy hormones? sorry yall. just thinking out loud. lol

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I am someone who believes the veil was intended to be only temporary.

The answer is found in the question -- to what end is the "veil" drawn over us? I have grown-up believing it is in place so that our mortal probation would be a true test. If I were standing in the presence of Heavenly Father all the time, and had a memory of my relationship with Him, this would not be a difficult test (or at least I would like to think that would be true). The test is in their apparently not looking over our shoulder all the time. We feel at liberty to make our own choices.

Now let me ask you this: If I progress in my Christlike walk that I do become willing to obey Him at all costs and in the face of all hazards, if my faith in Him is such that it would -- quite honestly -- make no difference to me (or Him) if the veil were in place or not (as far as my obedience) -- then what purpose would the veil serve at that point? None! Would it then be removed? Yes!

Our mortal struggle takes place under two different circumstances. It begins on THIS side of the veil. We learn to walk by faith and become obedient. The intent is for us to reach a point in our obedience where the veil no longer serves any purpose. That is supposed to happen during mortality. That is the pattern of God. That is why I believe the story of the brother of Jared is preserved in scripture. To show us the pattern -- what is possible. If it can happen to the brother of Jared, or Nephi, or Joseph Smith, or Moses, it can happen for the "least Saint." -- and indeed, that is where the Holy Ghost, which is literally Christ's own voice, is leading us. The Holy Ghost brings us to the presence of Jesus Christ. Christ then brings us to the Father. That is the pattern readily demonstrable in scripture, and nowhere in scripture does it say this must happen after death (a common misconception).

But don't take my word for it. An apostle of the Lord has said as much. Entering the presence of the Lord, parting the veil, is possible in this life. It is for every Saint who will have the faith to claim the blessing. It is one of the "10 Blessings of the Priesthood":

Blessing ten: We have the power—and it is our privilege—so to live, that becoming pure in heart, we shall see the face of God while we yet dwell as mortals in a world of sin and sorrow.

This is the crowning blessing of mortality. It is offered by that God who is no respecter of persons to all the faithful in his kingdom.

“Verily, thus saith the Lord: It shall come to pass that every soul who forsaketh his sins and cometh unto me, and calleth on my name, and obeyeth my voice, and keepeth my commandments, shall see my face and know that I am.” (D&C 93:1.)

“And again, verily I say unto you that it is your privilege, and a promise I give unto you that have been ordained unto this ministry”—he is speaking now to those who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood—“that inasmuch as you strip yourselves from jealousies and fears, and humble yourselves before me, for ye are not sufficiently humble, the veil shall be rent and you shall see me and know that I am—not with the carnal neither natural mind, but with the spiritual.

“For no man has seen God at any time in the flesh, except quickened by the Spirit of God.

“Neither can any natural man abide the presence of God, neither after the carnal mind.

“Ye are not able to abide the presence of God now, neither the ministering of angels; wherefore, continue in patience until ye are perfected.” (D&C 67:10–13.)

taken from: - Ensign Article - The Ten Blessings of the Priesthood

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