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My understanding is that if we make it into the highest level that Kingdom (which, itself, has 3 levels inside of it, of which only the highest level enjoys actual Godhood) we will continue learning how to become Gods while living within that Kingdom. How long that will take (once we get there), I have no idea. Some things that will help will be that we will no longer be struggling with the effects of the Fall. Our learning will be greatly accelerated compared to what it is now.

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ok I see. So eventually we become Gods from the 3rd level of the Celestial Heaven. Now, we all believe in the scriptures, the Bible. Of course many say that there are contradictions, though in my study I have found it to be all truth. God in His wisdom breathed the Word. In John 1 we are told "In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God."

Now, In the Fall, which we both believe, Satan according to my Bible rose because of pride. He said something that is strikingly close to what Mormon's believe. Keep in mind the Bible was written 1800 years prior to the Book of Mormon. Isaiah Says this:

“ How you are fallen from heaven,

O Lucifer, son of the morning!

How you are cut down to the ground,

You who weakened the nations!

13 For you have said in your heart: "

Now, let's stop right there. First we see that God is speaking through Isaiah about Lucifer concerning his fall. It then says "For you have said in your heart:" so now God's about to say what his heart said; it went like this:

‘ I will ascend into heaven,

I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;

I will also sit on the mount of the congregation

On the farthest sides of the north;

14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,

I will be like the Most High.’

Now, that's what Lucifer said in his heart when he rebelled against God. The Bible does not say at all anywhere, and you can quote Psalm 82 and John 10 if you wish and I will explain to you how it's been misinterpreted, but the Bible does not say anywhere that we can become gods. In fact God says He IS and that He will always be. Scripture says "I am the Alpha the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last."

However, I have been told that I can "ascend into heaven...exalt my throne above the stars of like the Most High"

Do you not realize what you are believing? I love you guys and have Mormon Friends, however, you believe what Satan believed, do you realize that? you believe you can become a god, now that is blaspheme in and of itself. It's pride which says "I can become like the Most High." that's un-biblical.

So based upon the Word of God, you can not become like God at all ever. But according to the book of Mormon and the Mormon Doctrine, written only 200 years ago, says I can exalt myself and be a God.

Question: My Bible which is older then the Book Of Mormon states that God just IS and always has been. The Book of Mormon , the Mormon doctrine rather, states that God was once a man, on a planet just like us who "be[came] like the Most High." However you, calling yourselves Christians, just made the biggest error known to Christianity. as the Christians believe, God IS and always will be forever and ever. He was never once a man.

When you state that God was once a man, you bring Him lower than who He is. You bring Him to the level fallible man. I am a Christian, not a Mormon, I have been on a question to understand the Mormon doctrine. I am 18. I read my Word Everyday. The Bible does not coincide at all with the Book of Mormon.

I want to have a good debate, as I love all of you. But I want to know, why is it that you rise up in pride and think that you can become a god?

Now something that makes me a little awestruck is what Mark Peterson From Brigham Young University said:

“Think of the Negro, CURSED AS TO THE PRIESTHOOD.... This negro, who, in the pre-existence lived the type of life which justified the Lord in sending him to the earth in the lineage of Cain with a BLACK SKIN, and possibly being born in darkest Africa—if that negro is willing when he hears the gospel to accept it, he may have many of the blessings of the gospel. IN SPITE OF ALL HE DID IN THE PRE-EXISTENT LIFE, the Lord is willing, if the Negro accepts the gospel with real, sincere faith, and is really converted, to give him the blessings of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. If that Negro is faithful all his days, he can and will enter the celestial kingdom. He will go there AS A SERVANT, but he will get celestial glory.”

(Race Problems as They Affect the Church, an address by Apostle Mark E. Petersen, delivered at the Convention of Teachers of Religion on the College Level, Brigham Young University, August 27,1954)

So I'm a little unsure what to think about that. I am no racist and God's word does not align with that man's statement. Yet you call yourselves Christians.

"Not only was Cain called upon to suffer, but because of his wickedness he became the father of an inferior race."

-Joseph Fielding Smith, The Way to Perfection, p. 101

"It was well understood by the early elders of the Church that the mark which was placed on Cain and which his posterity inherited was the black skin. The Book of Moses informs us that Cain and his descendants were black."

-Joseph Fielding Smith, The Way to Perfection, p. 107

"According to Brigham Young, Joseph Smith classified these people as "The seed of Cain. Young said the "Joseph Smith had declared that the Negroes were not neutral in heaven for all the spirits took sides, but `the posterity of Cain are black because he (Cain) committed murder. He killed Abel and God set a mark upon his posterity."

-Joseph Fielding Smith, The Improvement Era,

"There is a reason why one man is born black and with other disadvantages, while another is born white with great advantage. The reason is that we once had an estate before we came here, and were obedient, more or less, to the laws that were given us there. Those who were faithful in all things there received greater blessings here, and those who were not faithful received less.... There were no neutrals in the war in heaven. All took sides either with Christ or with Satan. Every man had his agency there, and men receive rewards here based upon their actions there, just as they will receive rewards hereafter for deeds done in the body. The Negro, evidently, is receiving the reward he merits."

-Joseph Fielding SmithDoctrines of Salvation, Vol.1, pages 66-67

"In the spirit of sympathy, mercy, and faith, we will also hope that blessings may eventually be given to our negro brethren, for they are our brethren - children of God - notwithstanding their black covering emblematical of eternal darkness."

-Joseph Fielding Smith, The Way to Perfection, p. 102

"I would not want you to believe that we bear any animosity toward the Negro. 'Darkies' are wonderful people, and they have their place in our church."

- Joseph Fielding Smith, Look magazine, October 22, 1963, page 79

So not only is Joseph Smith, the founder and writer of the Book of Mormon, in the belief that he can become and ascend like God and become a god, but he believes that Black people are "cursed" with black skin and of an "inferior race." that is not biblical. Cain did not "become black" because of murder. another un-biblical doctrine.

I realize most of you don't teach this any more, but Joseph Smith forged the Book of Mormon with lies implementing it with his Freemasonry.

Book of Mormon says:

1 Nephi 12:23 "became a dark, and loathsome, and a filthy people, full of idleness and all manner of abominations."

2 Nephi 5:21 "that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them."

Alma 3:6 "skins of the Lamanites were dark, according to the mark which was set upon their fathers, which was a curse upon them because of their transgression and their rebellion."

Alma 3:9 "whosoever did mingle his seed with that of the Lamanites did bring the same curse upon his seed."

Mormon 5:15 "shall become a dark, a filthy, and a loathsome people, beyond the description of that which ever hath been amongst us."

Now that is very un-biblical and not held by God, Bible Believing Christians, or the Bible itself.

More on this subject

LDS - Father God (Elohim) is a resurrected man with a physical body. Christ (Jehovah) is a separate resurrected man with a physical body. The Holy Ghost is a separate man with a spiritual body. They are three totally separate and distinct gods:

“Three glorified, exalted, and perfected personages comprise the Godhead or supreme presidency of the universe...Each occupies space and is and can be in but one place at one time, but each has power and influence that is everywhere present. The oneness of the Gods is the same unity that should exist among the saints...” (Pg.319) (Additional documentation: “Doctrines of Salvation”, Vol.1, Pg.1-2; D.& C. 130:22)

BIBLE - God is spirit and does not have a physical body (John 4:24 with Luke 24:39). He is omnipresent, not merely His “power and influence” (Joshua 1:9; Ps.139:7-8; Pr.15:3; Jer.23:23-24).

Furthermore I am under the impression that the Mormon Doctrine greatly goes against the teachings of the Bible.

I witnessed to two Mormons the other day. Their minds changed on Mormonism. My friend and his Historian father-in-law got two Mormon missionaries to cry because they found the truth. I am asking that all of you hear me on this and open your hearts to the truth, that is the Bible is all Truth and Book of Mormon was forged by a man, not inspired by God.

In Him,


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'Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.' Psalm 82:6

Interesting. Psalm 82 and John 10 is a reiteration of the Story of Moses and pharaoh when God says "I have made you like a god to Pharaoh." in other words, God gave Moses His (God's) power as a representative of God to Pharaoh. Matthew Henry, someone who understands scripture better then I explains this best:

Christ's reply to their accusation of him (for such their vindication of themselves was), and his making good those claims which they imputed to him as blasphemous (John 10:34, &c.), where he proves himself to be no blasphemer, by two arguments:--

1. By an argument taken from God's word. He appeals to what was written in their law, that is, in the Old Testament; whoever opposes Christ, he is sure to have the scripture on his side. It is written (Psalms 82:6), I have said, You are gods. It is an argument a minore ad majus--from the less to the greater. If they were gods, much more am I. Observe,

(1.) How he explains the text (John 10:35): He called them gods to whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken. The word of God's commission came to them, appointing them to their offices, as judges, and therefore they are called gods, Exodus 22:28. To some the word of God came immediately, as to Moses; to others in the way of an instituted ordinance. Magistracy is a divine institution; and magistrates are God's delegates, and therefore the scripture calleth them gods; and we are sure that the scripture cannot be broken, or broken in upon, or found fault with. Every word of God is right; the very style and language of scripture are unexceptionable, and not to be corrected, Matthew 5:18.

(2.) How he applies it. Thus much in general is easily inferred, that those were very rash and unreasonable who condemned Christ as a blasphemer, only for calling himself the Son of God, when yet they themselves called their rulers so, and therein the scripture warranted them. But the argument goes further (John 10:36): If magistrates were called Gods, because they were commissioned to administer justice in the nation, say you of him whom the Father hath sanctified, Thou blasphemest? We have here two things concerning the Lord Jesus:-- [1.] The honour done him by the Father, which he justly glories in: He sanctified him, and sent him into the world. Magistrates were called the sons of God, though the word of God only came to them, and the spirit of government came upon them by measure, as upon Saul; but our Lord Jesus was himself the Word, and had the Spirit without measure. They were constituted for a particular country, city, or nation; but he was sent into the world, vested with a universal authority, as Lord of all. They were sent to, as persons at a distance; he was sent forth, as having been from eternity with God. The Father sanctified him, that is, designed him and set him apart to the office of Mediator, and qualified and fitted him for that office. Sanctifying him is the same with sealing him, John 6:27. Note, Whom the Father sends he sanctifies; whom he designs for holy purposes he prepares with holy principles and dispositions. The holy God will reward, and therefore will employ, none but such as he finds or makes holy. The Father's sanctifying and sending him is here vouched as a sufficient warrant for his calling himself the Son of God; for because he was a holy thing he was called the Son of God, Luke 1:35. See Romans 1:4. [2.] The dishonour done him by the Jews, which he justly complains of--that they impiously said of him, whom the Father had thus dignified, that he was a blasphemer, because he called himself the Son of God: "Say you of him so and so? Dare you say so? Dare you thus set your mouths against the heavens? Have you brow and brass enough to tell the God of truth that he lies, or to condemn him that is most just? Look me in the face, and say it if you can. What! say you of the Son of God that he is a blasphemer?" If devils, whom he came to condemn, had said so of him, it had not been so strange; but that men, whom he came to teach and save, should say so of him, be astonished, O heavens! at this. See what is the language of an obstinate unbelief; it does, in effect, call the holy Jesus a blasphemer. It is hard to say which is more to be wondered at, that men who breathe in God's air should yet speak such things, or that men who have spoken such things should still be suffered to breathe in God's air. The wickedness of man, and the patience of God, as it were, contend which shall be most wonderful.

There's the real meaning of John 10 and Psalm 82. The Mormons have interpreted that scripture quite incorrectly.

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Here's my question: I'm sure many LDS faithful have encountered Protestants and Catholics who were scandalized by the doctrine of exaltation to godhood. I'm guessing that explanations would be somewhat detailed and would take time. How have you handled these conversations--or did they inevitably lead to "Let's agree to disagree?"

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We have not that much information on this...(like a-train wrote) not a big deal, just to get in the celestial is a lot of effort,why worry about beeing a god(ess). I am sure we wont be Gods that have their own earth BEFORE we can handle it..and I am not so sure many of us can handle that for quite some time. Maybe we are more like helpers to some frends who are ready for an earth...

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I'm not sure I've ever come across anyone who was 'scandalised' - if I disagree with someone who is equally firm in their beliefs then we just agree to disagree. There really isn't any other way to behave is there?

If you tell most Protestants or Catholics, "In my faith, we expect to become gods some day," you will surely get some raised eye brows. Perhaps the topic has never come up such that you've had to say this in a direct way?

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Well, you have to remember that Joseph Smith Jr was 14 when he had this so called "Revelation." That is younger then me... How do you KNOW that he did not just make up a story?...


He clams that both Jesus & God visited him, and they spoke face to face...but the Bible says that no man can see Gods face and live... I see a contradiction here.

BTW: Moses did NOT speck face to face, God hid Moses in the cleft of a rock and showed him His back side.

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Well, you have to remember that Joseph Smith Jr was 14 when he had this so called "Revelation." That is younger then me... How do you KNOW that he did not just make up a story?... was a vision, and I'll answer your question with a question....How do you know God actually called the boy David to be the spiritual leader of Israel? The answer is simple faith and an acknowledgment from the Spirit of the truth.


He clams that both Jesus & God visited him, and they spoke face to face...but the Bible says that no man can see Gods face and live... I see a contradiction here.

BTW: Moses did NOT speck face to face, God hid Moses in the cleft of a rock and showed him His back side.

So you believe God has a face? I guess you would have to believe that since the Bible says that God has a face.

Does that mean He has a body too?

He must have a body because the Bible says He has a backside because He showed it to Moses!

Cool....thanks man, you just proved to me that the Bible says God has a physical body that we can see.

Awesome dude!

No one can see Gods face and live? What about Adam and Eve...did they not walk with God in the Garden?

What about Jesus...isn't He God?

And....If God wanted to show Himself and His Son to someone...why couldn't He?

Isn't He God...can't He do anything He wants?

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Here's my question: I'm sure many LDS faithful have encountered Protestants and Catholics who were scandalized by the doctrine of exaltation to godhood. I'm guessing that explanations would be somewhat detailed and would take time. How have you handled these conversations--or did they inevitably lead to "Let's agree to disagree?"

PC....with the LDS church it all boils down to the belief of continuing revelation from God.

Most of Christendom believes all that we need to know about God and the Gospel is contained in the Bible. A compilation of Christian writings which was assembled by inspiration under the authority of a pagan Roman leader some 300 years after Christ lived. With much of the doctrine being creedal. On the other hand you have the LDS church which uses not only the Bible but another witness of Christ teachings in the Book of Mormon....however this compilation of writings was given to mankind by revelation which makes it a truer account of the Gospel along with further modern day revelation to bring to light the truths that were lost or changed by the hand of man over the centuries as well as other truths given to us line upon line and precept upon precept. The LDS believe in a possibility of obtaining godhood because we believe that God Himself told us we can. You won't find that in the Bible because the Bible is revelation from 2000 years ago. When confronted by someone of another faith regarding the godhood thing or any other truths given to us through modern revelation. I just tell them it's because we believe in Modern revelation and you don't. They have the Bible and we have the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price and a living Prophet.

But, PC, as LDS we have been chastised by most of Christendom. I am constantly hearing them say we don't believe in the same Jesus of the Bible. I often wonder why they would say that? It's almost as if they think we don't revere the Bible as much as they do....or perhaps they think because we have the BofM we take the Bible lightly or something. This is so far from the truth. It is so frustrating to me because I love the Bible and I love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Why are the LDS attacked so much?

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I was just wondering because I am not all to sure, after the Celestial Heaven, is it then that we become a God? I have heard a few different things and am not sure...

Its part of the "bigger" picture Deep. Take life as it is and look at it a little deeper. Some of its doctrine and some of its, well... not as much doctrine:-) We came here from the preexistence to get bodies and progress. After we die, we go to Heaven or hell depending on what we made of ourselves in our time. If we make it to the highest degrees of the Celestial Kingdom we believe that we get to progress to Godhood. Now if you put it in perspective whith what came before and what could lie ahead...God had to come from somewhere. He didn't just wake up one day and POOF there He was. He had a path that He had to follow to get where He is today. We will too. How soon after we reach our Glory that we become Gods in our own right no one knows but it makes sense that it is possible. That is part of the purpose of why we are see if we are cut from the cloth of gods.

Well, you have to remember that Joseph Smith Jr was 14 when he had this so called "Revelation." That is younger then me... How do you KNOW that he did not just make up a story?...

I love that question... I have NEVER met a 14 year old that had the ability and KNOWLEDGE to take a scratch pad and turn it into a 550 page book with factual information, historically correct cross references and use so much of the biblical information and do it IN FRONT of a witness and then have the anal fortitude to stand before thousand of people in his time and tell the same story and stand on that as truth until his death by martyrdom. Oh... did I mention that he only had a 3rd grade education? Some things in life are divine and are still questionable. This is not. Its got glory written all over it. Faith and asking for confirmation is the only way to KNOW for sure of its validity.

He clams that both Jesus & God visited him, and they spoke face to face...but the Bible says that no man can see Gods face and live... I see a contradiction here.

BTW: Moses did NOT speck face to face, God hid Moses in the cleft of a rock and showed him His back side.

Ok... I didn't have a good response to this but it did sound funny to me. With that description I'd have to say that you are implying that God mooned Moses on the mountain? Ok. so maybe not. It does sound suspicious since Adam saw God...lived in His presence actually, at least for awhile before they were cast out. The Bible is not the ENTIRE word of God as we believe it anyway. Its a good part of it but its not the whole banana.

Just a thought or two...

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wow I can't believe that you deleted my post with all the evidence proving that mormonism is not of God. I would like you to send me the deleted message please thanks :)

Evidence? Proof? Deleted post? You must have written an anti-Mormon post. If you read the TOS, posting anti-Mormon stuff is not allowed. All faiths are welcomed here but we do not allow attacks on anyones faith here.

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wait so I can't challenge your faith? But you say it's real so prove me wrong. If I am proven wrong, I would switch religions...however here's how I know you can't become a god:

Isaiah 45:5, "I am the Lord, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God...."

You can't become a god. this isn't a matter of semantics, this is reality. There is one heaven and there is one hell. Listen I fear for your lives. I am not messing around. the scriptures say plainly not to preach another Jesus or else they are false prophets and here you teach that Jesus was married and that you can ascend and be like the most High God. That scripture above disproves that whole doctrinal flaw.

Please, prove me wrong. I mean seriously If I am wrong, then there is a way to prove that I am wrong through the scriptures, but if you are wrong then there is a way to prove through the scriptures that your wrong...Isaiah shows your wrong in the aspect of becoming a god, Jesus Himself disproves that....Please, I beg you prove me wrong and I will convert....but if I prove you wrong, I would hope you would convert to the truth, which is absent, set apart, from that of the Book of Mormon.

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wait so I can't challenge your faith? But you say it's real so prove me wrong. If I am proven wrong, I would switch religions...however here's how I know you can't become a god:

Isaiah 45:5, "I am the Lord, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God...."

You can't become a god. this isn't a matter of semantics, this is reality. There is one heaven and there is one hell. Listen I fear for your lives. I am not messing around. the scriptures say plainly not to preach another Jesus or else they are false prophets and here you teach that Jesus was married and that you can ascend and be like the most High God. That scripture above disproves that whole doctrinal flaw.

Please, prove me wrong. I mean seriously If I am wrong, then there is a way to prove that I am wrong through the scriptures, but if you are wrong then there is a way to prove through the scriptures that your wrong...Isaiah shows your wrong in the aspect of becoming a god, Jesus Himself disproves that....Please, I beg you prove me wrong and I will convert....but if I prove you wrong, I would hope you would convert to the truth, which is absent, set apart, from that of the Book of Mormon. have come to the right place....always go to the source if you want to know the truth about something. I am glad you decided to ask an actual Mormon about what we believe.

I will try to answer all your concerns:

1) LDS doctrine DOES NOT teach that Jesus was married

2) LDS doctrine DOES NOT teach we will become God, for there is but one God, the Father, Our God. What Isaiah said is true...however....

3) The LDS doctrine DOES state (as well as the Bible) that we can become co-heirs with Christ, we can inherit all that the Father has just as Christ did and what does Christ have? Godhood! (through modern revelation this is explained more to us)

The Bible says it nicely....'Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.' Psalm 82:6

4) The LDS church DOES teach about the nature of Heaven and the "mansions" or degrees of glory therein. (this is modern revelation for our time) Remember if you look in the Bible after every dispensation of the Gospel to man the Lord gave further revelation.

As far as being converted to the truth....I was. I once lived in the dark just as you and had only the Bible as my witness to Christ. The Bible is wonderful was compiled by inspiration but many simple truths were lost by the hand of man (thats why the Lords church had so many denominations....they all read the Bible the way they want to, to make it fit into their doctrine) But the Lord said NO......the church must be restored to the Earth, the truths must be restored and the children of God must be guided again (remember about the dispensations of the Gospel in the Bible?....then comes revelation! Hoo-rah). Deep, you have the truth in the Bible just as I have the truth in the Bible...but because the Bible (put together 300 years after Christ's death by order of a pagan Roman leader) has been translated down through the ages it lost those clear and simple truths, thats why it's easy for so many Christian denominations to read it so differently. So the Lord's church had to be restored! I am not looking to convert you, nor am I asking you to prove your faith....I'm just hoping you understand what the LDS believe and accept us as followers of Christ because we love our Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ and we aspire to follow Him and try as hard as we can to be like Him. Isn't that what He asked us to do?

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Share on other sites have come to the right place....always go to the source if you want to know the truth about something. I am glad you decided to ask an actual Mormon about what we believe.

I will try to answer all your concerns:

Ok, I will reply to them:

1) LDS doctrine DOES NOT teach that Jesus was married

Your Teachers say this:

We say it was Jesus Christ who was married, to be brought into the relation whereby he could see his seed, before he was crucified (President Orson Hyde, Oct. 6, 1854, Journal of Discourses, 2:82 [Vol 2, page 82]).

Jesus Christ was married at Cana of Galilee, that Mary, Martha, and others were his wives, and that he began children. All that I have to say in reply to that charge is this--they worship a Savior that is too pure and holy to fulfil the commands of his Father. I worship one that is just pure and holy enough to "fulfil all righteousness;' no only the righteous law of baptism, but the still more righteous and important law "to multiply and replenish the earth." Startle not at this! for even the Father himself honored that law by coming down to Mary, without a natural body, and begetting a son; and if Jesus begat children, he only "did that which he had seen his Father do." (President Orson Hyde, March l8, l855; Journal of Discourses, 2:2l0)

It will be borne in mind that once on a time, there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and on a careful reading of that transaction, it will be discovered that no less a person than Jesus Christ was married on that occasion. If he was never married, his intimacy with Mary and Martha, and the other Mary also whom Jesus loved, must have been highly unbecoming and improper to say the best of it. (Orson Hyde, Journal of Discourses, 4:259)

2) LDS doctrine DOES NOT teach we will become God, for there is but one God, the Father, Our God. What Isaiah said is true...however....

Your Teachers say this:

Lewis has explained: "The command Be Ye perfect is not idealistic gas. Nor is it a command to do the impossible. He is going to make us into creatures that can obey that command. He said (in the Bible) that we were 'gods' and He is going to make good his words.

If we let Him-for we can prevent Him, if we choose-He will make the feeblest and filthiest of us into a god or goddess, dazzling, radiant, immortal creature, pulsating all through with such energy and joy and wisdom and love as we cannot now imagine, a bright stainless mirror which reflects back to God perfectly (though, of course, on a smaller scale) His own boundless power and delight and goodness. The process will be long and in parts very painful; but that is what we are in for. Nothing less. He meant what He said.

3) The LDS doctrine DOES state (as well as the Bible) that we can become co-heirs with Christ, we can inherit all that the Father has just as Christ did and what does Christ have? Godhood! (through modern revelation this is explained more to us)

You've completely misinterpreted that. Co heirs mean co heirs of eternal life in heaven. we become co heirs of the heavenly realm, heaven. God is the ONLY GOD there will ever be. you can't become your own God. you are doing what Satan did when he said "I will become like the Most High" you believe the same. which is a shock.

The Bible says it nicely....'Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.' Psalm 82:6

lolz, well then God's a liar isn't He? no wrong. again you misinterpreted the scriptures just like Joseph Smith did.

6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. 7 But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. 8 Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations.

We have here,

I. Earthly gods abased and brought down, Psalms 82:6,7. The dignity of their character is acknowledged (Psalms 82:6): I have said, You are gods. They have been honoured with the name and title of gods. God himself called them so in the statute against treasonable words Exodus 22:28, Thou shalt not revile the gods. And, if they have this style from the fountain of honour, who can dispute it? But what is man, that he should be thus magnified? He called them gods because unto them the word of God came, so our Saviour expounds it (John 10:35); they had a commission from God, and were delegated and appointed by him to be the shields of the earth, the conservators of the public peace, and revengers to execute wrath upon those that disturb it, Romans 13:4. All of them are in this sense children of the Most High. God has put some of his honour upon them, and employs them in his providential government of the world, as David made his sons chief rulers. Or, "Because I said, You are gods, you have carried the honour further than was intended and have imagined yourselves to be the children of the Most High," as the king of Babylon (Isaiah 14:14), I will be like the Most High, and the king of Tyre (Ezekiel 28:2), Thou hast set thy heart as the heart of God. It is a hard thing for men to have so much honour put upon them by the hand of God, and so much honour paid them, as ought to be by the children of men, and not to be proud of it and puffed up with it, and so to think of themselves above what is meet. But here follows a mortifying consideration: You shall die like men. This may be taken either, 1. As the punishment of bad magistrates, such as judged unjustly, and by their misrule put the foundations of the earth out of course. God will reckon with them, and will cut them off in the midst of their pomp and prosperity; they shall die like other wicked men, and fall like one of the heathen princes (and their being Israelites shall not secure them anymore than their being judges) or like one of the angels that sinned, or like one of the giants of the old world. Compare this with that which Elihu observed concerning the mighty oppressors in his time. Job 34:26, He striketh them as wicked men in the open sight of others. Let those that abuse their power know that God will take both it and their lives from them; for wherein they deal proudly he will show himself above them. Or, 2. As the period of the glory of all magistrates in this world. Let them not be puffed up with their honour nor neglect their work, but let the consideration of their mortality be both mortifying to their pride and quickening to their duty. "You are called gods, but you have no patent for immortality; you shall die like men, like common men; and like one of them, you, O princes! shall fall." Note, Kings and princes, all the judges of the earth, though they are gods to us, are men to God, and shall die like men, and all their honour shall be laid in the dust. Mors sceptra ligonibus æquat--Death mingles sceptres with spades.

4) The LDS church DOES teach about the nature of Heaven and the "mansions" or degrees of glory therein. (this is modern revelation for our time) Remember if you look in the Bible after every dispensation of the Gospel to man the Lord gave further revelation.

mm, the Bible does not say different levels at all. You added that in. Yes the NT talks of Mansions, not other levels of Heaven, but homes in Heaven. Go read the Geneva Bible, you'd be surprised.

As far as being converted to the truth....I was. I once lived in the dark just as you and had only the Bible as my witness to Christ. The Bible is wonderful was compiled by inspiration but many simple truths were lost by the hand of man (thats why the Lords church had so many denominations....they all read the Bible the way they want to, to make it fit into their doctrine) But the Lord said NO......the church must be restored to the Earth, the truths must be restored and the children of God must be guided again (remember about the dispensations of the Gospel in the Bible?....then comes revelation! Hoo-rah). Deep, you have the truth in the Bible just as I have the truth in the Bible...but because the Bible (put together 300 years after Christ's death by order of a pagan Roman leader) has been translated down through the ages it lost those clear and simple truths, thats why it's easy for so many Christian denominations to read it so differently. So the Lord's church had to be restored! I am not looking to convert you, nor am I asking you to prove your faith....I'm just hoping you understand what the LDS believe and accept us as followers of Christ because we love our Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ and we aspire to follow Him and try as hard as we can to be like Him. Isn't that what He asked us to do?

Sure no I understand :) however, the Bible says that if you come teaching another Jesus or that if one comes preaching another Jesus which was not preached in the Word, or another gospel that was not given by them, they are false prophets...

You put up with this doctrine because it sounds good. oh you can become a god, join us. "I've prayed about it and God told me the LDS is the truth and the Book of Mormon is the Truth" well I've prayed about it to, and God told me and shown me the Book of Mormon is false, teaches a false doctrine, and teaches another

I hope you hear me on this, but your doctrine is false completely.

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And I will rebut:


1) LDS doctrine DOES NOT teach that Jesus was married

Your Teachers say this:

We say it was Jesus Christ who was married, to be brought into the relation whereby he could see his seed, before he was crucified (President Orson Hyde, Oct. 6, 1854, Journal of Discourses, 2:82 [Vol 2, page 82]).

Again...this is NOT doctrine of the LDS church....this was an opinion by president Orson Hyde 150 years ago. Some tend to believe Jesus may have been married...we don't know for sure so it is NOT doctrine.


2) LDS doctrine DOES NOT teach we will become God, for there is but one God, the Father, Our God. What Isaiah said is true...however....

Your Teachers say this:

Lewis has explained: "The command Be Ye perfect is not idealistic gas. Nor is it a command to do the impossible. He is going to make us into creatures that can obey that command. He said (in the Bible) that we were 'gods' and He is going to make good his words.

I think you are confused at what I am saying....No one living on this Earth can replace God...God the Father is our God.....However we have the opportunity to become gods...but our God, God the Father will still be our God...for eternity!


3) The LDS doctrine DOES state (as well as the Bible) that we can become co-heirs with Christ, we can inherit all that the Father has just as Christ did and what does Christ have? Godhood! (through modern revelation this is explained more to us)

You've completely misinterpreted that. Co heirs mean co heirs of eternal life in heaven. we become co heirs of the heavenly realm, heaven. God is the ONLY GOD there will ever be. you can't become your own God. you are doing what Satan did when he said "I will become like the Most High" you believe the same. which is a shock.

No, actually you have misinterpreted it Deep, It reads that we can become co-heirs with Christ...but that's only part of the truth...remember I said the Bible lost some important truths....this was one of them and through modern revelation we have been given the truth.....we can become gods.....!!


The Bible says it nicely....'Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.' Psalm 82:6

lolz, well then God's a liar isn't He? no wrong. again you misinterpreted the scriptures just like Joseph Smith did.

LOL...again, you don't have a modern revelation to reveal the truth to you, you have half the truth and twisted truths.....


4) The LDS church DOES teach about the nature of Heaven and the "mansions" or degrees of glory therein. (this is modern revelation for our time) Remember if you look in the Bible after every dispensation of the Gospel to man the Lord gave further revelation.

mm, the Bible does not say different levels at all. You added that in. Yes the NT talks of Mansions, not other levels of Heaven, but homes in Heaven. Go read the Geneva Bible, you'd be surprised. you've got me want me to read a version of a Bible that was interpreted to fit your churches doctrine? No thanks, I'd rather rely on the Lord for my truths not someone Else's ideas of truth. Again, you refuse to understand or acknowledge modern revelation from God. It's too much for you to believe that God would talk to and direct his children again. Therein lies the LDS along with 13 million others in this world we believe that Heaven is not closed to us and that the Father loves us so much he would direct us along the path of righteousness and truth again.


As far as being converted to the truth....I was. I once lived in the dark just as you and had only the Bible as my witness to Christ. The Bible is wonderful was compiled by inspiration but many simple truths were lost by the hand of man (thats why the Lords church had so many denominations....they all read the Bible the way they want to, to make it fit into their doctrine) But the Lord said NO......the church must be restored to the Earth, the truths must be restored and the children of God must be guided again (remember about the dispensations of the Gospel in the Bible?....then comes revelation! Hoo-rah). Deep, you have the truth in the Bible just as I have the truth in the Bible...but because the Bible (put together 300 years after Christ's death by order of a pagan Roman leader) has been translated down through the ages it lost those clear and simple truths, thats why it's easy for so many Christian denominations to read it so differently. So the Lord's church had to be restored! I am not looking to convert you, nor am I asking you to prove your faith....I'm just hoping you understand what the LDS believe and accept us as followers of Christ because we love our Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ and we aspire to follow Him and try as hard as we can to be like Him. Isn't that what He asked us to do?

Sure no I understand :) however, the Bible says that if you come teaching another Jesus or that if one comes preaching another Jesus which was not preached in the Word, or another gospel that was not given by them, they are false prophets....

You put up with this doctrine because it sounds good. oh you can become a god, join us. "I've prayed about it and God told me the LDS is the truth and the Book of Mormon is the Truth" well I've prayed about it to, and God told me and shown me the Book of Mormon is false, teaches a false doctrine, and teaches another

I hope you hear me on this, but your doctrine is false completely.

You understand nothing...because if you did you would not be here telling the LDS community we are wrong to believe God, that we should deny the Lord and that the Jesus of the Bible (KJV) is not the real Jesus. You tell us that we put up with this doctrine because it sounds good....but you know nothing of us...and you refuse to know about us. Who are you to judge the LDS church and it's members, who are you to tell us what is or isn't true doctrine of the Lords church? And judging from what you stated (underlined) I can see you have really no clue about the LDS church or it's members. And your statement about reading the Book of Mormon is extremely hard to believe...did you read the Book of Mormon completely through? Did you get on your knees and ask God with a contrite spirit and faithfully asked him if the Book of Mormon was true? Were you searching for the truth or magnifying lies taught you? I personally am done with this thread because there is no reason to have proven to me that you have a much different agenda than you originally posted.

Just for your'd have better luck converting a cat than asking a faithful Saint to deny God!


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wow I can't believe that you deleted my post with all the evidence proving that mormonism is not of God. I would like you to send me the deleted message please thanks :)

Let me get this straight - you think you provided evidence that proved The Church of Jesus Christ is not of God?

Seriously? Is that what you believe you did? Seriously?

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I'm confused about this...didn't Lucifer want to be God? And wasn't that the reason for his fall? At least this is what I was taught. I don't mean to be offensive, but now that the topic has been brought up..what do LDS think on this one?

Yes that was the cause of Lucifer's fall. They will tell you a little different. However, the Bible was written before the book of Mormon, so I think the Bible's Got it right.

But the thing that trips me out, however, is you teach that you can become a god (i've members from the LDS visit my house and answer my questions) and Lucifer taught the same thing.

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I have to thank Bro. Dorsey for his in depth attempt to show you of your errors. It is sad that there are so many people that feel it is their personal responsibility to "save" us Mormons. I met quite a few of you on my mission. You know what I did. I just kept walking. Cause trying to talk to you is pointless, you don't listen, you just want to contend with us and we all know where contention comes from. If you aren't sure, Deeper, go read 3 Nephi 11:29. Oh wait, I forgot you can't bring your small mind to accept the fact that there could be other scripture given from God. Too bad for you my friend. I would recommend that this thread be closed seeing as the original poster was deceitful in his original post. He wasn't looking for information, just trying to find a means to spew his hate.

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