Cure for Depression


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Wow if your CURE worked for you great. There is not a blanket cure for anyone. This post has me almost mad enough to argue my point but I think thats why you wrote it to stir the pot because no one could be so narrowminded could they? I suffer from this and believe me I don't whine and wallow. I am busy with my kids, Choir, fundraisers, church, etc. I don't want attention. Anyway its useless to argue. My peace and harmony has saved you. I have no cures for Depression but I have alot of tools which help me cope . You are not helping. El and Tree Thanks so much.


I need to get back to my whining and misery......... NOT I need to get back to my peace and Harmony.

Peace and Enlightenment to you it might help:hippie::D

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depression is an ugly disease. my heart bleeds for US who suffer from it. my prayers are with you all. fibroidmyalgia is just as bad. and believe it or not my restless leg syndrome is worst than any thing i have ever experienced. requip will be the only medication i will remain on as soon as i am totally weaned off the Zoloft. at one time i was on 6 different meds at once and hospitalised 3 times . praise God for answered prayer!!

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I believe depression can happen based on our surroundings (being depressed if someone passes away, you lose your job, etc), but I also believe that there is the depression that literally is caused by a chemical imbalance. My wife has the second and I know that she keeps herself active, preoccupied and positive amidst her condition, but without the proper prescription it simply is not possible for her to function normally, though she can go through the motions. It is a tough thing to live with, but for the most part, manageable.

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:sunny:depression is an ugly disease. my heart bleeds for US who suffer from it. my prayers are with you all. fibroidmyalgia is just as bad. and believe it or not my restless leg syndrome is worst than any thing i have ever experienced. requip will be the only medication i will remain on as soon as i am totally weaned off the Zoloft. at one time i was on 6 different meds at once and hospitalised 3 times . praise God for answered prayer!!:sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny:

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Depression is not an easy thing to diagnose or to deal with. I think that the advice of the OP could be helpful to some. There is no doubt that getting out of yourself and concentrating on others is beneficial for lots of problems. But I don't think that this approach truly covers the spectrum of people who suffer with depression and it certainly doesn't take into account the individual. I have experienced depression at different times in my life and for different reasons including post partum depression. One of the reasons I was depressed is that all I was doing was taking care of everyone else but me -- serving myself into the ground. So, I just find the statement "CURE for Depression" a bit naive or maybe just one dimensional. I don't say that to discount it, only to expand the discussion. I think that there is a lot to be said for learning self caring behaviors. And for people who truly have a hormonal or chemical imbalance, serving others endlessly wouldn't begin to address the issue. It may help to manage it though.

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I think before any of you should post, you should not assume. :) I have gone through depression and suicide, and I have helped many other people overcoming their depression. As for the rest of your responses, I shall read upon these things later when I am awake. Nor do I mock anyone with depression, and do agree there are many chemical imbalances, etc, which was previously stated.

So do you still maintain that those depressed people should pull their chemical imbalances up by its bootstraps? :rolleyes:

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Who was just talking about will power? Thanks for bringing that up. I really disagree with that approach. It is all about performance based evaluations. I haven't found this kind of approach very successful at all. It actually invites more failure and therefore more depression.

I have found more success with meditation and reading influential books. I especially like Byron Katie's "Loving What Is". I think it is important to understand our thoughts and that we are not always defined by our thoughts and feelings. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. And sometimes I think it is a powerful position to understand better our relationship with our flesh or our natural man. I also like this little simple book called "The Knight in Rusty Armor". It is a cute little story about a Knight who runs around trying to be the best at everything and realizes that he was always kind, good, and loving and never needed to prove it to begin with.

I think we need to be kind and gentle with ourselves. Especially when we make mistakes. And kinder and gentler with each other in all of our various brands of imperfection.

Accepting the depression is a powerful idea. Whatever we resist will persist.

I think the acceptance opens the door to gratitude and gratitude leads us to find meaning in our suffering.

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"Accepting the depression is a powerful idea. Whatever we resist will persist.

I think the acceptance opens the door to gratitude and gratitude leads us to find meaning in our suffering. "

I allow myself to be sad, have a bad day , then I regroup and continue with the fight. I feel I am more perceptive because I have had to deal with this. I have more compassion and understanding to others with problems. So you can say depression has made me a better person.... HA HA stretching it but makes me feel better puting a positive spin on it. Meditation is a great tool, Relaxation exercises, and cognitive thinking really help. I read a great book by Kim Nelson " If god loves me why this" it is a must read if you have struggles of any king. I got it so clearly. I loved it and refer to it often.

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I'm sorry. I did not realise it caused anyone problems. I always use the same colour on every forum I participate in and no-one has ever complained before. I shall try to remember not to use it here in future. Perhaps the forum could be set not to permit the changes in font colour if it causes difficulties.

Please excuse me if I forget in future and lapse back into the 'dark orchid'

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I especially like Byron Katie's "Loving What Is".

Yeah, right on for Byron Katie. Combine her work with some of that from the Landmark Forum and the Course in Miracles plus the Buddha's Four Noble Truths and you really have something helpful. It has helped me.

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I'm sorry. I did not realise it caused anyone problems. I always use the same colour on every forum I participate in and no-one has ever complained before. I shall try to remember not to use it here in future. Perhaps the forum could be set not to permit the changes in font colour if it causes difficulties.

Please excuse me if I forget in future and lapse back into the 'dark orchid'

Willow, Dark Orchid is just as easy to read it as black. Kona, you can always highlight her posts and that might make it easier for you to see it.

Willow, please go back to your Dark Orchid, I liked it, it is you. You may want to bold it, see if that helps Kona see it better.

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So many friends on this thread, and people I have not yet met.

It is absolutely hogwash that someone who is truly suicidal has the choices the OP spoke of. That is what suicidal is--NO CHOICES LEFT.

I am also glad to see every one on this thread who is or has suffered from severe depression speaking up and saying, NO, that is not right. That is not what I go through, and that is not what works for me. We each need our own voice when speaking of our depressions, even with the doctors, and it can drain your energy so that you stop talking when you really should continue. So I admit it, I'm not very patient with the self-proclaimed experts.

So many of us know how enormously hard it is just to pull your head up above the water and take a breath. And then you have to hold it until you're going to burst, and then have to find the energy to stick your head above the water again. Over and over and over and over.

My heart goes out to everyone on the thread, both my good friends and new.


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I found it very interesting when I posted a topic asking if anyone would like to talk about depression in a positive way , sharing what works etc. I got very little response but when someone writes th piece just written that started this thread wow the response was amazing. I think / know we are always stronger when united and the more we loose the isolation of depression and reach out to each other the better we all are. I'm just so tired of the fight and am going at it a whole new way, my way with a bit of this and that all I've learned from all those books etc. My life is so hard almost to the point of overwhelming but somehow someway I will overcome this or at least cope in a more positive way. One day one moment and sometimes one breath at a time.

You all are great , I think for me this interaction is wonderful.:grouphug:

:hippie:Till next time peace and enlightenment

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i think your color is beautiful. i keep trying to change mine but i cant get it to work? and thanks every one for the books that were recommended, i wrote them down so that i could try to find them, I'm sure they are great books and will help.and the support you all give is more precious than gold my whole family is well off and they all just about own their own businesses , so i am a total cast out, referred to as the retarded one,white trailer trash and hill-billy because i am a simple person and love every body and i am not afraid to get my hands dirty. i had my mom move in with me because she is getting old, but because i felt i was being called back to church(which i left because of her hostility towards me about being Mormon, and at the time i was bad off in my depression and had a 2yr old to take care of,so i moved in with her so we could help each other out.)and came back full force not letting her control my destiny and desires to serve heavenly father as i please, she is moving out at the end of this month on her own accord not to mention verbally attacked the elders,but they were so polite and it didn't seem to bother them so she turned around and came at me, but soon she will be out of the house and peace will be restored. sad huh! i will fight the good fight as i was called to do and this time no one will stop me ! lots of love ,tree.

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"Accepting the depression is a powerful idea. Whatever we resist will persist.

I think the acceptance opens the door to gratitude and gratitude leads us to find meaning in our suffering. "

I allow myself to be sad, have a bad day , then I regroup and continue with the fight. I feel I am more perceptive because I have had to deal with this. I have more compassion and understanding to others with problems. So you can say depression has made me a better person.... HA HA stretching it but makes me feel better puting a positive spin on it. Meditation is a great tool, Relaxation exercises, and cognitive thinking really help. I read a great book by Kim Nelson " If god loves me why this" it is a must read if you have struggles of any king. I got it so clearly. I loved it and refer to it often.

Over the course of my life time, I have asked God over and over to remove my depression.... and my struggle with self worth. Literally begged and pleaded for God to show me the solutions or help me climb out or change me from the inside out or reveal to me what steps to take. So far, He has not chosen to lift the burden. And so I manage it. I go long periods of time where I feel better. And I have stretches where very little helps. I often have asked "If God loves me why this?" just like the title of that book. If will power or effort worked, I surely would have beaten it by now. I will say that I am learning patience. I am learning to suffer long as I practice kindness towards myself. I don't expect too much anymore -- I don't expect myself to be a super hero and don't put so much pressure on myself to hide it and pretend like all is peachy. That helps.

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Depression can be caused by oh so many different things. If someone seems to be depressed, make sure they get an EXTENSIVE physical examination and blood work done, too. I don't want what happened to me to happen to someone else!

I was misdiagnosed with clinical depression when I was 21-ish. Crying all of the time, eating way too much, really not being able to get up at all before 3pm because I was so tired, etc, etc.... The doctor put me on Prozac. I didn't know it at the time, but in younger people, that drug can intensify thoughts of self harm or suicide. Needless to say, that happened to me. I had to drop out of school that semester because I was so out of it.

So, I was back home with mother again, and she made me see her doctor because I told her that I'd rather be, quote "Run over by a bus than take those ******* pills again!!" unquote. Turns out that I was born with hypothyroidism. I was put on hormone replacements and have been in the best mental and emotional shape in my entire life since.

Slightly off topic, please forgive me.

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Depression can be caused by oh so many different things. If someone seems to be depressed, make sure they get an EXTENSIVE physical examination and blood work done, too. I don't want what happened to me to happen to someone else!

I was misdiagnosed with clinical depression when I was 21-ish. Crying all of the time, eating way too much, really not being able to get up at all before 3pm because I was so tired, etc, etc.... The doctor put me on Prozac. I didn't know it at the time, but in younger people, that drug can intensify thoughts of self harm or suicide. Needless to say, that happened to me. I had to drop out of school that semester because I was so out of it.

So, I was back home with mother again, and she made me see her doctor because I told her that I'd rather be, quote "Run over by a bus than take those ******* pills again!!" unquote. Turns out that I was born with hypothyroidism. I was put on hormone replacements and have been in the best mental and emotional shape in my entire life since.

Slightly off topic, please forgive me.

NOT NOT NOT NOT off-topic at all.

Hypothyroidism is a major cause of depression. Every competent psychiatrist screens for hypothyroidism, and if yours doesn't, you should insist he/she runs the test.

If you do have HPTM, it is a very serious disease. However, it can easily be treated for most people. And if you do have HPTM, no antidepressant will help you. If the HPTM is treated, you may have a number of antidepressants that will help.

I am a huge stickler of testing for hypothyroidism as I have it myself. It makes things much worse, and I insist every doctor I see screens for it.


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estrogen and progesterone (?sp) levels being off can also cause depression symptoms. not sure why it's not made easier to have full hormone workups and why more dr's don't check that before passing out other treatment options. not saying that the treatment options out there can't be wonderful. i just think sometimes they are used as a quick fix and the real problem is never addressed.

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not sure why it's not made easier to have full hormone workups and why more dr's don't check that before passing out other treatment options. not saying that the treatment options out there can't be wonderful. i just think sometimes they are used as a quick fix and the real problem is never addressed.

I have to agree 100% with you. My doctor just "throwing pills at me" is what caused me to go through a needless suicidal period. (I was not ever before that point, and am not ever, self destructive. I look forward to living to a ripe old age, even if just to annoy people as I slowly cross the street with my walker! :twistedsmall:) I still resent him to this day. If he had done his job instead of looking for some sort of magic bullet, I may not have had to have drop out of school back then.

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I've changed my outlook about not expecting too much

and how I deal with depression. I've quit praying for a cure and just am trying to learn to make it a positive. Not so easy but fighting it all these years hasn't worked. I am still on meds and of course I also have a chronic pain issue but will do more than endure. All things are possible and I refuse not to believe.

I choose to have a great brightness of hope.:hippie: Peace

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