Kicked Out of School


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I saw this story on the news today. It was about a young man who is now suspended from school for taking a call on his cell phone during school hours. Turns out the call was from his Dad who is serving in Iraq. What do you the school justified or in this case should they make an exception????
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While this story tugs at the heart strings, no, an exception should not be made. In some school districts (Clover Park near us - Tacoma, WA), a large % of the kids have dads and moms in the military.

I like what the speaker said one Sunday in church, when a cell phone rang..."If it isn't Jesus, hang up!" :-)

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Dad should have called the school. I personally don't get too concerned about our youth wearing hats in the building, listening to headphones, talking on the cell, etc. Out-of-school suspension is simply ridiculous. The student is getting basically what they want. I think the teacher should be allowed to make decisions about what goes on in the classroom. This is what I would do:

YouTube - teacher destroying a cell phone


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Maybe the dad was thinking he would leave him a voice mail or just wasn't figuring out the time difference correctly. Kind of hard to blame the kids for answering it - I think I would've just asked my teacher if I could take the call. When my brother was in Iraq, sometimes we had to go a long time without hearing from him.

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Maybe the dad was thinking he would leave him a voice mail or just wasn't figuring out the time difference correctly. Kind of hard to blame the kids for answering it - I think I would've just asked my teacher if I could take the call. When my brother was in Iraq, sometimes we had to go a long time without hearing from him.

good point:)
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I agree with morningstar... the son probably should has asked the teacher if he could step outside and take the call. I know that I would have been heartbroken not to be able to talk to my daddy and would have taken the suspension just so I could have a few minutes with him on the phone. :)

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If I were the teacher, I would say, "Hey, put your dad on speakerphone so we can all say hi!" :D It would be fun and then they would know for sure if it was really his dad calling.

Have you guys seen this?

sometimes there is an easier way of doing things instead of always trying to bend the rules.
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If you had a family member serving in Iraq, wouldn't you want to take the call? The kid was probably excited to get the call and just wanted to talk to his Dad. The men out there probably do not have a lot of time they can talk on the phone so every second is precious.

So yes, they should make an exception for this. His father might be dead tomorrow.

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If you had a family member serving in Iraq, wouldn't you want to take the call? The kid was probably excited to get the call and just wanted to talk to his Dad. The men out there probably do not have a lot of time they can talk on the phone so every second is precious.

So yes, they should make an exception for this. His father might be dead tomorrow.

My brother's son has Autism and it was very hard to explain things to him while his dad was gone. Every time someone announced on the news that a soldier was killed in Iraq, he would become very alarmed until we would explain it was a different city. He must've worried so much about his dad.

Then they put off his baptism for a couple months and my brother came home and baptized him. That was one of the best days of our lives. My brother brought me this cool bracelet from Iraq and I never take it off because it reminds me of how we blessed we are that he came back. And we have a picture of him sitting in Saddam's throne, which was pretty funny.

I would've taken a phone call from him anywhere! It was so hard while he was gone. He left three days after I had my third son. We sang in sacrament together with my sister, had my baby blessed, and said goodbye in the foyer. People thought I was nuts for singing three days postpartum, but I kept thinking of how I would regret it if he didn't come back. Now he's a cop and I don't worry about him much at all. :P

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