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I LOVED today....

it's my 21st birthday, and I woke up half an hour late for church... so I missed taking the sacrament. Still, I went to the rest of church. On the drive home, I felt I really should attend another ward's meeting if only just to take the sacrament, so I came home and then left 20 minutes later. Their testimony meeting really touched me, and I saw so many people who I haven't seen in a while. Right now I'm on a spiritual high from all that, and from teaching with the missionaries last night. Tonight there's a CES fireside for young single adults and young married couples, so that'll be another treat. Hope everyone had a great Sunday!

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Today we had a record 3 babies blessed and 2 baptisms confirmed! And of course the testimony meeting was a powerful spiritual experience....our High Priest group leader told a tender story of His son serving a mission in So. America and how humbled he was with these loving but very poor families he is teaching who are embracing the unhollowed hand my friends!

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