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I saw two movies this weekend - Waterhorse and Juno.

I loved Waterhorse! Very cute and clean, I thought.

Juno - Not what I expected. I pretty much hated it. I wanted to see it because it has Dwight from The Office, but he's only in one scene. It was weird and I thought the main character was pretty unlikable.

What movies have you seen lately and which ones do you recommend? Despite some negative comments, I thought Bee Movie was very cute. I think people's expectations were pretty high, but I thought it was clever. I enjoyed Enchanted too, but it's definitely not for everyone. Some people find the princess to be annoying, which she is, but I think that's kind of the point. If we knew people who behaved like fairytale characters, wouldn't we kind of want to smack them? But she becomes less annoying as she lives in the real world. There was one scene that had me laughing really hard. My kids LOVED it and are still singing the songs all over the house. I first saw it in the theater with a friend and that is how I learned about her severe roach phobia. No one else was in the theater, so she was screaming at the top of her lungs and I was laughing at the top of mine. I was already laughing at the roaches and then I was laughing harder because of her screaming, then laughing harder when she got mad at me for laughing. :lol:

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My daughter and I both enjoyed Juno. We also enjoyed Penelope this weekend.

The five movies she enjoyed the most this last year were:


Golden Compass



Spiderwick Chronicles

We are looking forward to the Prince Caspian Narnia movie this summer.

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Question for you Juno viewers:

Whether you liked it or not, what do you think about it's value for teaching girls why you don't wanna get pregnant as a teenager? From what I understand, it has a pro-life message, but does it have a "hey, everything ended up fine, go for it girls" message too?


I also liked the Golden Compass. Because even though the bad guys were less than two-dimensional, the characters and setting was new, and the special effects were outstanding.

I'm most of the way through the 2nd book, and the 3rd one is on it's way to me.


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Waterhorse was an excellent movie I thought.

Pan's Labyrenth was really well done but very dark. Well done though.

I have heard that "I am Legend" is excellent so I need to watch that soon.

Not sure if Golden Compass is out on video but since it is based on books promoting atheism I think I'd let my kids watch "Planet Terror" instead. Actually, Planet Terror was a pretty good flick -- but a bit more gory than the typical flesh-eating zombie movies. Anyone see "28 Weeks Later"? Just wondering if it is any good.

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Loved Waterhorse. Kids ate it right up.

Watched Juno and saw some real charm in it. Loved the writing style but it was kinda crude. As far as teaching girls? It did have a prolife message, it didn't IMO make it seem like everything turned out fine, and completely failed at teaching any sort of sexual responsibility other than contraception. Beyond that, I so wanted to like Jason Bateman. But, he ended up being a poop! Bummer!

I am Legend -- took me two days to get over it. Disturbing!! And I hated the film makers after they killed Samantha, the perfect dog!!!

We also watched

Dan in Real Life -- Loved it.

Dear Frankie -- Loved it even more!!!

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Question for you Juno viewers:

Whether you liked it or not, what do you think about it's value for teaching girls why you don't wanna get pregnant as a teenager? From what I understand, it has a pro-life message, but does it have a "hey, everything ended up fine, go for it girls" message too?


I also liked the Golden Compass. Because even though the bad guys were less than two-dimensional, the characters and setting was new, and the special effects were outstanding.

I'm most of the way through the 2nd book, and the 3rd one is on it's way to me.


I guess Juno has kind of a pro-life message, but at first the girl doesn't seem to think twice about getting an abortion until she goes into the clinic. She acts very indifferent throughout the movie and finally shows some emotion towards the end. I thought she was more likable at that point and I liked the decision she made after what happened with the adoptive couple she chose. But because of them, maybe there is someone out there thinking that abortion would've been better. I don't know. They did make it seem like she was turning a negative into a positive though and showed how difficult it is to go through all that and give up a child.

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Loved Waterhorse. Kids ate it right up.

Watched Juno and saw some real charm in it. Loved the writing style but it was kinda crude. As far as teaching girls? It did have a prolife message, it didn't IMO make it seem like everything turned out fine, and completely failed at teaching any sort of sexual responsibility other than contraception. Beyond that, I so wanted to like Jason Bateman. But, he ended up being a poop! Bummer!

I am Legend -- took me two days to get over it. Disturbing!! And I hated the film makers after they killed Samantha, the perfect dog!!!

We also watched

Dan in Real Life -- Loved it.

Dear Frankie -- Loved it even more!!!

I loved Dan and Real Life too! Forgot about that. This seems to be a pretty good year for movies.

Yeah, Jason Bateman really made me mad in Juno. I think I would've liked the movie if it weren't for the crudeness. Dwight was funny though. He's such a weirdo.

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I have no idea. In "I am Legend" they cure cancer by using a strain of the measles and it causes people to become violent mutants. Is that what Omega Man was about?

I think a military experiment unleashes a strain of virus that kills off most of mankind and leaves a few surviving mutants who form a strange religious cult and try to kill what few humans were left unaffected. Heston has a natural immunity and tries to protect a few teenage and younger people unaffected. Interestingly enough, as movie trivia, since Michael Moore tried to make Heston look like a racist in his so-called documentary movie I would note that the female lead for Heston (which he chose) was black.

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I think a military experiment unleashes a strain of virus that kills off most of mankind and leaves a few surviving mutants who form a strange religious cult and try to kill what few humans were left unaffected. Heston has a natural immunity and tries to protect a few teenage and younger people unaffected. Interestingly enough, as movie trivia, since Michael Moore tried to make Heston look like a racist in his so-called documentary movie I would note that the female lead for Heston (which he chose) was black.

Sounds similar!

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"I am Legend" is a poor screen rendition of a 1954 of the same name. In the novel a bacteria pandemic sweeps the Earth killing its population, save Neville the main character, and turning the dead into vampire-like creatures. The bulk of the novel deals with Neville's daily struggle to keep his faculties and deal with the unending undead threat.

There have been 3 attempts to turn the novel into a film, the closest being "The Last Man on Earth" (1964) starring the immortal Vincent Price. "Omega Man" (1971) starring the Apebane Chuck Heston differed from the novel removing all vampire elements. Finally, the 2007 movie starring Smith haphazardly has Neville cause the pandemic.

Juno has a warm and fuzzy pro-life undertone, she decides to keep the baby because it has fingernails; does indeed fail to promote precepts like safe sex or abstinence (which is what all hard line christians want), but ends on a happy note of the main characters finding true love.

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I'm curious as to what people tought of the movie States of Grace (God's Army 2). I heard that it was not as popular as #1, and yet I found it very compelling, and that it really went beyond the LDS genre.

I never did see that one. I saw the first and didn't like it, but I heard the second was quite different. I'm more into movies made by Mormons for everyone than movies made by Mormons for Mormons. Like Napoleon Dynamite. :lol: One of my best friend's introduced that to me and she said her sister had to use her inhaler three times when he was yelling at the Llama, "TINA! COME GET SOME HAM!" I wasn't sure about that movie at first, but the dance hooked me.

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I'm curious as to what people thought of the movie States of Grace (God's Army 2). I heard that it was not as popular as #1, and yet I found it very compelling, and that it really went beyond the LDS genre.

It was very spiritual and spoke of redemption. These are things that LDS people should strive toward.

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I am shall I say.... obsessed with movies! Just love 'em. Can't get enough. We just watched this little French movie called My Best Friend. It is about a man who only thinks of himself. He has lots of contacts but no friends. Thru a chain of somewhat painful events, he learns the lessons of real friendship. It was charming. And I highly recommend it!

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