How easy is it ????

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How do I abandon sin? Wow that is easy. If I lie, I stop lying. I apologize and tell the truth. I make restitution for any problems caused by my lie. I repent to God. I ask him to forgive me. He forgives. I am cleansed -- thru his sacrifice. I am whole again. Not whole on my own, by literally sanctified thru the blood of the lamb.

Do I sin? You bet. But isn't that the good news? I can be made clean again! cease from maintaining, practicing, or using

Then no, we cannot abandon sin, especially on this earth......Because, did you ever lie again? You don't have to answer on this forum......So all in all, we cannot escape sin because we have not been glorified yet.............. Could we agree on that? Keep your answer to yourself and close to your heart..... Just passing the salt your way?

I don't dispute any of the scriptures you share. I just understand that the word 'one' doesn't necessarily mean one being.

ONE...1: being a single unit or thing

I understand how you may understand it though.

I just can't though, ( ONE DAY YOU WILL ) look as these scriptures and then factor them into all the rest that demonstrate a difference between the Father and the Son and net a belief in the trinity or triune. The Godhead simply makes more sense to me.

Been a member my whole life. Don't know what you mean by the husband question. Sounds to me like you have been ill informed on our doctrine.

I will leave that issue alone.......But it has been told to me by many LDS.........

SURRENDER.............. 1 a: to yield to the power, control, or possession of another upon compulsion or demand

TRINITY................... 1: the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one

Ok....try this.......

You have a earthly father right? Obviously.....

Did he have a wife?

Do you have children....

Assuming yes to all questions or for the sake of illustration....

He is your father, he is a husband and he is a grandfather......... 3 persons in 1.

Ponder on it for a while...............

One thing though, thank you for such a kind and vulnerable response.....I really appreciate that in you.

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The one above me....I don't understand why simplicity is ruled out in finding the truth but listening to pastor who himself does not hold the complete truth, using Cathlic Doctrine. Hizwife, do you know what you are posting about the Trinity? Do you know how it was originated? I see, you do not. At this point, my counter point, I would visit the Catholic site since you are using 'bits' - n - pieces' of that faith.

Why do you think I said that? I use to be a Catholic. It comes down to two faiths, LDS, versus the Catholics for choice. Not a splinter group

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I am going to respond you vanhin but I think misshalfway questions will get answered..And yes i can undertand where she is going in her logic.

Let me give you an analogy..There is a apple and and a banana before us. I call mine a banana and you call yours a banana..I say i put my faith in bananas and you say you put your faith in banana..but before you is an apple..make sense?

It is not that we disagree so much on works being important or not it is our definitions that are creating the questions and the division.. We do not worship the same Jesus. I know that their are similiarities..sure. but you know what we should do a whole thread on this "Who Jesus is" because this is so important. not just to mormons but to all people.

Understanding the nature of God is absolutely important to Mormons as well. It is clear that our definitions are different. So, I am afraid that it would end up in a draw. If understanding the nature of God were absolutely essential for salvation, I am afraid all of us would be in trouble. Protestants say it would be impossible to understand God and I know from my experience that I learn something new about God all the time.

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Understanding the nature of God is absolutely important to Mormons as well. It is clear that our definitions are different. So, I am afraid that it would end up in a draw. If understanding the nature of God were absolutely essential for salvation, I am afraid all of us would be in trouble. Protestants say it would be impossible to understand God and I know from my experience that I learn something new about God all the time.

I never said you had to understand all the attributes of God to earn salvation..but you need to know the difference of a apple before you and a banana.
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I am not CATHOLIC.....I am a Christian. I belong to Christ........ No need to exhort your authority over me and judge me.....It holds nothing to me for I know and have the power. strength and might of Jesus Christ in me....He dwells within my and your words nor judgementalism can take that away..... I have learned alot from you and for that I am very thankful. ;)

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I never said you had to understand all the attributes of God to earn salvation..but you need to know the difference of a apple before you and a banana.

It is important to understand who Jesus is and what he did, in order to exercise faith in him. I understand that.

I just don't agree in the way you separate us. I prefer to believe that we believe in the same beautiful Savior and that we can respect the devotion we each share even though we understand Him differently.

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It is important to understand who Jesus is and what he did, in order to exercise faith in him. I understand that.

I just don't agree in the way you separate us. I prefer to believe that we believe in the same beautiful Savior and that we can respect the devotion we each share even though we understand Him differently.

my heartaches at this post and i don't even know you. But I wish that could be true..That everyone that claims Jesus is going to heaven. Catholics, lds, flds, methodist, baptists, jesus cults, jehoviah witnesses..etc etc...that we all would just end up there if because we all actually agree but there are these minor different doctrines we need to address...

but, it does not not work that way.and I say that with as much compassion as i can say it through a computer screen.

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I am not CATHOLIC.....I am a Christian. I belong to Christ........ No need to exhort your authority over me and judge me.....It holds nothing to me for I know and have the power. strength and might of Jesus Christ in me....He dwells within my and your words nor judgementalism can take that away..... I have learned alot from you and for that I am very thankful. ;)

Being judge in Israel, I am a judge. Do you even understand the priesthood and its functions? As a servant of the Christ, I will have to teach you the CORRECT principles and not falsehood that is being presented here. :D

I note, your reading comprehension is lacking when posting. :confused:

Again, go back and read what you post on the Trinity and what I post that it is nothing more than Catholic doctrine and not found in the bible. :D

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my heartaches at this post and i don't even know you. But I wish that could be true..That everyone that claims Jesus is going to heaven. Catholics, lds, flds, methodist, baptists, jesus cults, jehoviah witnesses..etc etc...that we all would just end up there if because we all actually agree but there are these minor different doctrines we need to address...

but, it does not not work that way.and I say that with as much compassion as i can say it through a computer screen.

You ae right to say, you are going to Heaven but when, where, that is a different story. :cool:

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I am not CATHOLIC.....I am a Christian. I belong to Christ........ No need to exhort your authority over me and judge me.....It holds nothing to me for I know and have the power. strength and might of Jesus Christ in me....He dwells within my and your words nor judgementalism can take that away..... I have learned alot from you and for that I am very thankful. ;)

Seems to me this is a two way street in these kinds of conversations.

What is your purpose in coming here, Hiz? Did you come to understand? Put us on the spot?

Aren't you here to tell us we are wrong?

This is why these conversations bother me. They are rarely started with the intension to understand and promote mutual respect. They open a forum for one to elevate him or herself above another. And I must admit, it makes me sad. We as humans and fellow Christians waste so much time criticizing one another. Tearing each other down in the name of salvation. Christ didn't do this. His message was that of love and inclusion and brotherhood. He spoke the truth, but never required those around him to believe it before he showed them the utmost respect and love and inclusion.

Don't you all think we could spend our time in higher, more beneficial pursuits? Understanding one another, listening to one another, controlling our pride in our desperate need to be right ? Why is it that we look at doctrine that is different than our own and decide that this gives us permission to condemn?

I am here too.....participating....... hoping to set the record straight about my own doctrine and expressing confusion about the opposite view, but when the conversation starts going like this, it just makes me so very very sad.

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Understanding the nature of God is absolutely important to Mormons as well. It is clear that our definitions are different. So, I am afraid that it would end up in a draw. If understanding the nature of God were absolutely essential for salvation, I am afraid all of us would be in trouble. Protestants say it would be impossible to understand God and I know from my experience that I learn something new about God all the time.

To reside with the Godhead, you will have to have that understanding.

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I only go by what the bible tells me..any other thoughts are of man and not of God.

Could someone *please* provide some scriptural evidence of a closed cannon? So far nobody has provided anything, other than the verse in Revelations, which is very obviously only refering to the book of Revelation.

WHY no more Prophets??? Why would Christ call the Twelve if he didn't intend for that organization to be the norm in His church?

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Being judge in Israel, I am a judge. Do you even understand the priesthood and its functions? As a servant of the Christ, I will have to teach you the CORRECT principles and not falsehood that is being presented here. :D

I note, your reading comprehension is lacking when posting. :confused:

Again, go back and read what you post on the Trinity and what I post that it is nothing more than Catholic doctrine and not found in the bible. :D

Who is our priest?

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In the name of Jesus Christ, I rebuke you and your teachings. You have no power or authority over me whatsoever.....You might feel you do over your own group, but remember, you have absolutely no authority to those that are in Jesus Christ.

And if you claim to be that of Jesus Christ, because He is the only one who has the authority, then you are a false teacher.

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I only go by what the bible tells me..any other thoughts are of man and not of God.

At this time, you are not. Partial truths are forbidden with the Savior and not of His gospel. Let me shred some light: one church and one church only. One gospel of Christ and one gospel of Christ only. There is no other partial, bits, mincing, or what ever Lucifer can manifest to men[women] in bringing forth salvation unto this world.

At this point, you find yourself on the short end of "what will be".

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Could someone *please* provide some scriptural evidence of a closed cannon? So far nobody has provided anything, other than the verse in Revelations, which is very obviously only refering to the book of Revelation.

WHY no more Prophets??? Why would Christ call the Twelve if he didn't intend for that organization to be the norm in His church?

Jena,,I love that you asked this fact bug me if i don't answer it in the next week or so okay.

I am looking into that really heavily..but as far as revelation goes...its not just referring to revelation and if you take it as such then we have to apply all the scriptures with the exact same logic.

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The bible was not available back then..... God has revealed everything He wants to reveal and it is contained completely in the Bible......

A scripture from the Bible in regards to that, please? Or is it a philosphy of man? Since it was at *least* a century after Christ before the Bible was compiled, did he say "Whatever my apostles write about me in the near future is all you need to know from here on out,"?? Was it a revelation to someone after the Bible was compiled, that it was the end of God's revealed Word?

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