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We do! We're fairly new too.

Tip: Have a handful of witty rejoinders when you meet all the judgmental people who tell you you're a bad person.

We have a bumper sticker that says "Warning: Unsocialized homeschoolers on board!"

LOL! Awesome!

I think about homeschooling all the time. I have many wonderful friends who do it and love it. I still may do it someday.

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My sister home schooled her oldest for a little while. It turned out to be the best thing for my neice. They had so much fun making learning interactive and going on "field trips". She got all of her curriculum for free as well because the local school board was throwing out some curriculums that were less than a year old.

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My sister home schooled her oldest for a little while. It turned out to be the best thing for my neice. They had so much fun making learning interactive and going on "field trips". She got all of her curriculum for free as well because the local school board was throwing out some curriculums that were less than a year old.

i NEED TO KNOW HOW SHE GOT HER CURRICULUM FOR FREE..OOPPS MY CAPS IS ON.. okay that is have a friend who needs free curriculum.

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my kids brought home about 7 books that looked like new that the school was getting rid of cause they were switching cirriculum. then they complain about not having enough money and want me to do some fundraiser everytime i turn around. blah how dumb is that?

i may homeschool one day (when all my kids are school age, i know i don't have it in me to juggle school and toddlers). i have one son that i don't think will do well in the typical school setting, i may be required to home school him.

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My fifth daughter is home school this year. Interesting to note, the amount of homework has increased from public school to what the state of California home school system gives. She does enjoy it since she can spend more time with her mother.

Next year, we will have my youngest daughter home school.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest User-Removed

I don't know much about home skool, I think my California Publik skool edjamocation wuz jist fine....

I remember muh favorite math question:

Skillit has 2 grams of crack but cuts it with 1/2 gram of mannitol, while at the sametime giving neckbone a gram and 3/4's. How many grams does skillit have left?

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Im not convinced on the idea. Teachers are trained to teach children and have a curriculum to incorporate everything-parents are teachers, but they are not trained to teach specifics if u see what I mean. I would hate for my kids to grow up lacking in knowledge because of me.

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Im not convinced on the idea. Teachers are trained to teach children and have a curriculum to incorporate everything-parents are teachers, but they are not trained to teach specifics if u see what I mean. I would hate for my kids to grow up lacking in knowledge because of me.

If you have ever done a any research on homeschooled children. They perform 3 grades higher then the public schooled child. With so many resources avaliable to parents it is hard to mess it up unless your child sits at home and you never teach them anything. my 4 year old was reading chapter books..

My 3 year old is now learning to read. My 5 year old now does simple algebra, addition, subtraction, skip counting 3 year old does some of that.

These are not brilliant kids its just that i work with them.

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We homeschooled for 12 years. I wouldn't trade the experience for the world. I so enjoyed being able to be the one raising my kids; teaching all subjects within the context of the gospel; reading aloud together, going places together, growing up together... To homeschool you don't have to be the expert on everything - or anything really. You just have to be willing and eager to learn yourself and start plugging in! I looked around for home school groups, and shopped around till we found one that was a good enough fit - tried tons of different curriculum, many methods/schedules...I am not a very organized person. Being one would help immensely. But we still pulled it off. Sure there are lots of "things" my kids might have been "taught" in school that perhaps I missed - but I remember my experience with Grammar. I was taught it probably every year in school through high school, in some way, shape or form. But I never bothered to really LEARN it until I was in college and decided to become an English teacher. Then in one semester I really applied myself and learned all those persnickety rules! Kids will catch up and the holes are easily enough filled in. The experience of being together was so so SO worth it - they grow SO fast. It was VERY hard for me at times - would get so burned out and frustrated with the kids, with myself, think I should be doing a "better " job... but I'm so glad Heavenly Father gave me the grace to do it as long as I did. What priceless memories. My oldest began local community college/correspondence studies at George Wythe College (what a cool place!) at 15, and had his A.S. before he left on his mission with a 4.0. I just put my other two in public school this year, 7th and 9th grades(something I would have NEVER thought I'd do, but somehow for some reason right now I just was impressed that's the right thing for us and for them - go figure) and they are both 4.0 or above. I'm not saying that to brag, just that you don't have to be perfect to do it, and to do a good enough job. Check out Latter Day Family Resources for curriculum - they are great. Would be happy to answer any other questions if I can help any. Good luck and welcome to a wonderful journey!!!

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Im not convinced on the idea. Teachers are trained to teach children and have a curriculum to incorporate everything-parents are teachers, but they are not trained to teach specifics if u see what I mean.

Urban Myth: Homeschoolers "go it alone". There are plenty of options for group learning, educational cooperatives, etc. In my area there are around a dozen different coops to choose from, the local schools offer classes to homeschooled students. There is a homeschool choir, orchestra, debate team.

If you are looking to be convinced, here are some links that should help:

Rudner Study 20,760 homeschooled kids across America took the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS; grades K – 8 ) or the Tests of Achievement and Proficiency (TAP; grades 9-12).


Within each grade level and each skill area, the median scores for home school students fell between the 70th and 80th percentile of students nationwide and between the 60th and 70th percentile of Catholic/Private school students. For younger students, this is a one year lead. By the time home school students are in 8th grade, they are four years ahead of their public/private school counterparts.

CATO/Fraser Institute Analysis

These guys look at the history, recent growth, academic performance, and socialization aspects of homeschooling.


This paper has established that home schooling is a thriving educational movement both in Canada and the United States. It has also empirically demonstrated that the academic and socialization outcomes for the average home schooled child are superior to those experienced by the average public school student.

US Department of Education Study

The National Center for Education Statistics looks at demographics such as number of HEK's in the US, their characteristics, parent's reasons for homeschooling, and public school support.

Results: The study doesn't look at academic performance, but is very interesting to see who we all are. A similar study is found here.


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I have been homeschooling for 6 years. It is what the Lord has told us to do for our family. I just ignore the people who tell me I am dumb for doing it. I find it interesting that people think teachers have no gaps in their education. I have a bachelors degree as well. And there is still so much out there for me to learn. One of the things I really like is that my children actively like each other and miss each other when one is gone for a couple hours. They help each other and in general are kind. Also my kids miss out on a lot of the garbage of the world at this point. Both of my neighbor girl's became sexually active in the 7th grade. My oldest would be getting ready to enter into middle school next year. He is not prepared to enter into that kind of environment where sex is normal at the age of 12-13. I guess I believe that in general it takes a very special child to be put into an R or X rated environment and come out PG.

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