Tarot cards

Guest HEthePrimate

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I am also a Tarot enthisiast. I love collecting tarot cards and I do read for my wife and friends for free of course. My 12-year-old son, a deacon, is also learning how to read it.

One thing I would like to clear up is that tarot has nothing to do with evil practices. If there is anything evil with tarot reading, I would have departed away from it long time ago. Tarot is an effective counselling tool. It is not supposed to be used for fortune telling. If anyone uses tarot for fortune telling, then, he or she doesn't understand what tarot is really for.

Tarot is a set of cards with individual meanings that when put side by side could create a wonderful story about life and of how could one overcome the difficulty and obstacles that prevents one from achieving happiness. It's moral has no difference from the counsels of The Book of Mormon, the Holy Bible and our modern day prophets.

The meanings of the cards varies from reader to reader. Individual's faith gives meaning to the cards. I am a Mormon and my faith in God and the Church molds the meaning of my readings. My counsels are all based from the principles taught by the Church. A Catholic or Buddist reader will interpret the meaning of the cards according to what they believe based from the teachings and principles of their faith.

I've read to a lot of church members and it truly helped them realize the importance of doing what is right and to keep holding to the principle the church teaches. Tarot cards are mostly used for psychological treatment for depressed patients. It is also used in many kindergarten schools in the UK to enhance the psychological ability of children. Children could create many stories from various tarot card combinations.

So, really it's nothing to do about evil. It is a misconception. Tarot cards are only papers with painted pictures. It has no power of whatsoever. The reader and his faith molds the stories behind a true tarot reading.


The Devil Card = is our obsession to worldly things and addiction to drugs or sex or anything in the form of evil that consumes both our body and spirit. This card counsels us to depart from this obsession and to seek spiritual enlightenment.

The Death Card = means spiritual rebirth. A challenge to change ourselves from our old ways to new ways

Heirophant = means to seek counsel and guidance from our spiritual leaders such as bishops or branch presidents

Hermit = means to go, study, and read your scriptures



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The pictures of the Tarot major arcana are symbolic, and appeal to our subconscious mind. I agree that the cards are not to be used to look into the future, or "fortune-telling", but are for contemplation or meditation.

Nice post, Angelboy.


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In the United States tarot cards are overwhelmingly associated with fortune telling. Therefore, imho, they have no place in a U.S. Christian household.

You seem to be imbuing these pieces of paper with magical qualities. What is your stand on Harry Potter or the Chronicles of Narnia books?

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You seem to be imbuing these pieces of paper with magical qualities. What is your stand on Harry Potter or the Chronicles of Narnia books?

First of all, there is no magical about Tarot Cards. It has no power of whatsoever.

My family loves to read and watch movies of Harry Potter and Naria. These are beautiful fiction stories about good versus evil. In the scriptures we could also read about the War in Heaven, Cain and Abel, Nephi and his brothers and many stories about wars. These stories all illustrates the triumph of good versus evil.

For me there is nothing bad about that. The moral of its stories is what counts most.

Cheers, Angelboy

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You know sometimes, we as members of the Church, needs to be more open-minded. We are given the guidance of the Holy Ghost after our baptism. We need to seek guidance from it so we could know which one is good and which one is evil.

We are unlike those any other churches who scare their members of everything which they are supposed to be enjoying in this wonderful world. The prophets of our time admonished us to seek things that are good and wise, things that could uplift our spirit. We are not doomed to confine ourselves in one corner. Heavenly Father wants us to enjoy life as it is. We just need to be careful not to fall on wickedness or anything that will push us away from our eternal goals.

Enjoy life as it is, - Angelboy

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I am also a Tarot enthisiast. I love collecting tarot cards and I do read for my wife and friends for free of course. My 12-year-old son, a deacon, is also learning how to read it.

One thing I would like to clear up is that tarot has nothing to do with evil practices. If there is anything evil with tarot reading, I would have departed away from it long time ago. Tarot is an effective counselling tool. It is not supposed to be used for fortune telling. If anyone uses tarot for fortune telling, then, he or she doesn't understand what tarot is really for.

Tarot is a set of cards with individual meanings that when put side by side could create a wonderful story about life and of how could one overcome the difficulty and obstacles that prevents one from achieving happiness. It's moral has no difference from the counsels of The Book of Mormon, the Holy Bible and our modern day prophets.

The meanings of the cards varies from reader to reader. Individual's faith gives meaning to the cards. I am a Mormon and my faith in God and the Church molds the meaning of my readings. My counsels are all based from the principles taught by the Church. A Catholic or Buddist reader will interpret the meaning of the cards according to what they believe based from the teachings and principles of their faith.

I've read to a lot of church members and it truly helped them realize the importance of doing what is right and to keep holding to the principle the church teaches. Tarot cards are mostly used for psychological treatment for depressed patients. It is also used in many kindergarten schools in the UK to enhance the psychological ability of children. Children could create many stories from various tarot card combinations.

So, really it's nothing to do about evil. It is a misconception. Tarot cards are only papers with painted pictures. It has no power of whatsoever. The reader and his faith molds the stories behind a true tarot reading.


The Devil Card = is our obsession to worldly things and addiction to drugs or sex or anything in the form of evil that consumes both our body and spirit. This card counsels us to depart from this obsession and to seek spiritual enlightenment.

The Death Card = means spiritual rebirth. A challenge to change ourselves from our old ways to new ways

Heirophant = means to seek counsel and guidance from our spiritual leaders such as bishops or branch presidents

Hermit = means to go, study, and read your scriptures



So, a rough translation and interpretation: tarot cards could be used like ink blots?

If so, I agree.

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So, a rough translation and interpretation: tarot cards could be used like ink blots?

If so, I agree.


I don't really catch what you mean. But to tell you, anyone could create their own tarot cards! You can design a Book of Mormon Tarot Cards. You can start with Lehi being the Card 0 which is the Fool Card in a normal tarot deck. The Fool represents a start of a journey - exactly as how the family of Lehi started the story in the BOM. The Card No. 2 which is the High Priestess in tarot, you can use the Liahona - the guide., and so forth... :animatedidea:

You can then use this in Family Home Evenings and pass it around to members of the family. Then, each family member can take turn on creating a story based from the cards they have. Be creative in your stories!

Bright Idea? - Angelboy

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I was making satire on the talk of divination from the cards. What's so different from laying out the cards in front of someone and asking, "what do you see" and using their response to analyze what's going on in their heads...much like psychologists do with ink blots.

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I was making satire on the talk of divination from the cards. What's so different from laying out the cards in front of someone and asking, "what do you see" and using their response to analyze what's going on in their heads...much like psychologists do with ink blots.

Sorry, MOE. But I do not have any psychology experience or background so I cannot answer your question.

But I could tell you how to do a tarot reading. You start by shuffling the cards while you are thinking of a question (or you can choose not to ask any question). Then, cut the cards into 3 parts. After doing that, you lay down the cards on what is called a spread. Then, you can start reading the cards creating a story based on the cards on the spread.

Interesting? - Angelboy

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I was making satire on the talk of divination from the cards. What's so different from laying out the cards in front of someone and asking, "what do you see" and using their response to analyze what's going on in their heads...much like psychologists do with ink blots.

I think I got your question now. I do not know a lot about divination but in tarot one has to ask a question and that becomes the base of the situation sorrounding the cards.

Example: The question is: what should I do in order to maintain my high marks in school?

Cards: eight of pentacles + chariot + star

8 of pentacles = study hard

chariot = balance your life

star = knowledge or wish will come true

Reading Analysis = You have to study hard and try to balance your schedules. If you do this you will achieve your goal!

(See, is there anything evil from that reading? Instead it encourages you to study hard in order to meet your goal - It has just given you a valuable counsel and guidance)

Back to your question, a reader only reads the cards according to what he sees from the cards on the spread and weave a story based from your question. A true tarot reader should not invent his own story outside from what he sees on the cards.

Hope it helps - Angelboy :)

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So, a rough translation and interpretation: tarot cards could be used like ink blots?

If so, I agree.

Yes, exactly so. Except due to the picture content, a message or lesson to be learned, is available as well. For example, understanding the interaction of the subconscious mind with the conscious mind. And the reasons for such.


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The only serious objection to tarot I can see from a religious perspective is if you reduce religion to show biz and then view tarot as a competing production that reduces ticket sales. Otherwise, it is just a deck of cards.

Hi Mosha,

I've been playing tarot for so many years now and it did not divert my faith away from my church. I truly know that all truths comes from God. Anything evil comes from the other side. Tarot is a great counselling tool, but we should not forget that we have our priesthood leaders who knows best.

Sometimes its good to think or find ways to solve our problems before we go to our priesthood leaders and to our HF. We can ask counsel from our friends, our family members, our VT or HT, or any counseling experts, or specialists. After then, that we can go for confirmation to our priesthood leaders or with our prayer to the Lord if our decision is right.

- Angelboy :)

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Outside Asia the term "play Tarot" does not mean "Tarot reading". There is a distinction in the West between Tarot reading, a divinatory art and playing Tarot, which is playing a Bridge/Spades like card game like they commonly do in France and Austria. I consider myself a Tarot enthusiast because I play actual card games with Tarot decks but I do not do Tarot readings. I'm not trying to change people's minds on divination, but in my opinion, card playing is the more pure and more authentic use of Tarot cards than divination. Tarot cards resonate differently depending on one's culture. If I understand Asian culture correctly, Tarot reading appears to be considered a form of recreation and leisure. This conception of Tarot reading as recreational was especially common during the hippie era in the USA but today Tarot card reading would be more likely classified under "religion/spirituality" rather than "recreation/leisure" Actual Tarot card games, because they are similar to Bridge and Spades, would be considered "recreation/leisure" by those familiar with them.


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Outside Asia the term "play Tarot" does not mean "Tarot reading". There is a distinction in the West between Tarot reading, a divinatory art and playing Tarot, which is playing a Bridge/Spades like card game like they commonly do in France and Austria. I consider myself a Tarot enthusiast because I play actual card games with Tarot decks but I do not do Tarot readings. I'm not trying to change people's minds on divination, but in my opinion, card playing is the more pure and more authentic use of Tarot cards than divination. Tarot cards resonate differently depending on one's culture. If I understand Asian culture correctly, Tarot reading appears to be considered a form of recreation and leisure. This conception of Tarot reading as recreational was especially common during the hippie era in the USA but today Tarot card reading would be more likely classified under "religion/spirituality" rather than "recreation/leisure" Actual Tarot card games, because they are similar to Bridge and Spades, would be considered "recreation/leisure" by those familiar with them.


Hi Jim,

You are exactly right. I am from Asia and nobody thinks of Tarot playing as a religion here or anything connected to spirituality. It is, I think because some weird people there in the US has used tarot for divination that gave this poor card game a bad name and all of these misconceptions.

If people are using these cards for any other purpose other than counseling, then, I would strongly suggest to keep yourself away from it.

Cheers, - Angelboy :)

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Hi Jim,

You are exactly right. I am from Asia and nobody thinks of Tarot playing as a religion here or anything connected to spirituality. It is, I think because some weird people there in the US has used tarot for divination that gave this poor card game a bad name and all of these misconceptions.

If people are using these cards for any other purpose other than counseling, then, I would strongly suggest to keep yourself away from it.

Cheers, - Angelboy :)

Tarot PLAYING is never considered a religion everywhere, but Tarot READING sometimes is.:lol:

The point I was making is that there are actually TWO traditions of Tarot in the West. The Tarot was first created as a competitive card game which is still played mostly in Europe. It is a card game like Contract Bridge and has nothing to do with divination or counseling. The symbols on the cards have no part in this game. Although it is mostly played in Europe, there are a now a few Americans such as myself who are now starting to learn Tarot as an actual game.

The divination or occult part of Tarot started long after the cards were created. This is the Tarot tradition with which most of us are familiar but it is distinct from actual card game playing. This type of Tarot application is the one that is controversial with people of certain belief systems such as Christianity.

The reason I believe Tarot cards are controversial here in the US is that American Tarot publishers only publish the cards for divination and for no other purpose. Unlike many European Tarot publishers, the American publishers seldom publish the Tarot cards for their intended game playing purpose.


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Tarot PLAYING is never considered a religion everywhere, but Tarot READING sometimes is.:lol:

The point I was making is that there are actually TWO traditions of Tarot in the West. The Tarot was first created as a competitive card game which is still played mostly in Europe. It is a card game like Contract Bridge and has nothing to do with divination or counseling. The symbols on the cards have no part in this game. Although it is mostly played in Europe, there are a now a few Americans such as myself who are now starting to learn Tarot as an actual game.

The divination or occult part of Tarot started long after the cards were created. This is the Tarot tradition with which most of us are familiar but it is distinct from actual card game playing. This type of Tarot application is the one that is controversial with people of certain belief systems such as Christianity.

The reason I believe Tarot cards are controversial here in the US is that American Tarot publishers only publish the cards for divination and for no other purpose. Unlike many European Tarot publishers, the American publishers seldom publish the Tarot cards for their intended game playing purpose.


Well, Jim, if you ask any tarot reader, they will not agree that tarot reading has anything to do about christianity or any religious organizations. You can be an atheist and still be a great tarot counselor. Anybody can. It's plainly a counseling tool as is any good counseling books in your local bookstore.

Best Regards - Angelboy :)

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To be honest, the only exposure I have to any form of Tarot would be through books on or by Crowley. Obviously in that context it's associated with "magic" so to speak, so my knowledge is quite limited.

But in most senses the only crime I see involved with divinity and the like is the fact that it's a waste of time.

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Guest HEthePrimate

Sometimes its good to think or find ways to solve our problems before we go to our priesthood leaders and to our HF. We can ask counsel from our friends, our family members, our VT or HT, or any counseling experts, or specialists. After then, that we can go for confirmation to our priesthood leaders or with our prayer to the Lord if our decision is right.

- Angelboy :)

It's been a while since I've given the Tarot much thought, but thanks for keeping the topic going--it's interesting!

My understanding of the Gospel leads me to believe that it has a lot to do with learning and growing. As we progress and become more like Heavenly Father, we become stronger, more knowledgeable, and more capable. Much of the learning and growing process involves studying things out and attempting to solve problems and accomplish tasks by ourselves, along with counsel from a wise mentor or parent. Therefore, I would argue that although we should counsel with our Heavenly Father, we normally should also try to figure things out for ourselves right from the start. I see Church leaders as a useful resource and source of guidance, but not as people who are to make my decisions for me, or as an "intermediary" between me and God--I would rather counsel with God Himself. Even after receiving counsel from a Church leader, I would ask God if what they said is right, had I any doubt or question about it. I think most Church leaders would agree that they don't have all the answers and really don't have enough time to answer everybody's questions, either.

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Guest HEthePrimate

But in most senses the only crime I see involved with divinity and the like is the fact that it's a waste of time.

Do you watch TV or read (non-great-literature) novels? Besides, "crime" seems too strong a word.

I can, however, see why you'd have a problem with Crowley--he was quite an "interesting" character.

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Guest HEthePrimate

Yes, exactly so. Except due to the picture content, a message or lesson to be learned, is available as well. For example, understanding the interaction of the subconscious mind with the conscious mind. And the reasons for such.


Yes, that's pretty much how I see it, in terms of symbolism and the interaction of the subconscious mind with the conscious. It can actually be quite informative, and I think that something similar can happen when we contemplate mythology, literature, and art, as well. However, I'm too much of a skeptic to place much credence in supernatural ideas about the Tarot or other methods of divination, though I do remain theoretically open to the idea that God could, if He decided to, use them as a tool to communicate with people, like when the new apostle was chosen by lot to replace Judas Iscariot, or the Urim and Thummim.

Think I'll go home soon, read and later catch the news and Jay Leno on my "crystal ball." :P Believe it or not, I still have one of those old black and white crystal balls!


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Do you watch TV or read (non-great-literature) novels? Besides, "crime" seems too strong a word.

I can, however, see why you'd have a problem with Crowley--he was quite an "interesting" character.

I think you misread my post. I don't have a problem with Aleister Crowley. I actually own "The Book of the Law". I just meant to say that he's my only experience with anything involving divinity, tarot, magic etc so I can't say anything really in-depth about the subject since my knowledge of it is quite limited.

I used the term "crime" in a facetious manner. I was trying to say that tarot cards are just unproductive uses of time, not harmful or sinful.

Just for the record, what does my television choices or taste in literature have to do with the subject? Were you trying to be insulting with that comment? The internet makes it difficult to convey tone at times so I have to be sure, I apologize if I made too much of it.

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