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  1. Today
  2. There was only one perfect man. We all make mistakes and the good ones learn from our mistakes. Looking back on my life I made lots of boneheaded mistakes that I wish I could take back. I’m lucky that my wife and kids put up with a bunch of my garbage. But they did and they still give me World Greatest Dad mugs and shirts. Even though we both know I don’t deserve them… I still accept the gift with a thankful heart.
  3. Lucifer did not under basic glory & honor economics. Glory and honor cannot be given away. It can only be earned. And curiously when Jehovah said the glory be thine. It seems like Jehovah thought that He was going to vector all the glory to the father. But it don't work that way. The glory that Jehovah accrued was multiplied and shared with his Father. Moses 4:1-2 It’s like being given a $100,000 dollar samurai sword - without any training or experience. That person would be more likely to hurt themselves then do any harm to an opponent. And a true warrior would be deadly with a wooden spork.
  4. Recently I was having a discussion with my brother, and he introduced to me an idea that I had not thought much about – divine currency. Because currency is closely associated with the economy – I thought defining economy would be a good place to start. Among the definitions of economy – I would project that economy is, in essence, the practices, discourses and expressions associated with the production, use and management of resources (copied from Wikipedia). The word from scripture that seems to deal with G-d and his overseeing of resources is, in scripture, the term “Glory”. In the councils of our pre-existence, it seems that the focus of Lucifer was on two principles or things. One was the empowering of individuals with agency (Lucifer strongly opposed this) and the second was that Lucifer wanted G-d’s glory. I have understood that Lucifer intended to utilize G-d’s glory to take over heaven and place himself as the supreme Suzerain of the Kingdom of Heaven. With G-d’s glory Lucifer would oversee, manage and control all the resources of the universe – both physical and spiritual. Here in mortality and on earth – our currency (wealth) is associated only with physical stuff like silver and gold. But silver and gold is such a limited commodity that we use the glory of our government to print and distribute dollars – which are guaranteed by our government rather than actual gold and silver. If our government loses its glory the money will be worthless. It would seem that anyone with unlimited access to dollars has the ability (power) to do purty much whatever they want. I am still in the process of thinking this through – any input would be appreciated. Anyone willing to discuss with me and deal with questions would make me very happy. If you have better ideas – it would be better than gold. The Traveler
  5. Don’t you think that if you really were selfish you wouldn’t admit it? In fact, a truly selfish person would think they are a saint, or they’d just give lip service to being “selfish” and go back to ripping people off in their Ponzi scheme. I’ve always thought LDS are too hard on themselves. Thought in 2014, think so now. More so than any other group.
  6. Thank you. I appreciate your kindness. But I know better. I truly loved (and love) my wife and our children, and for that matter the rest of my family, but I am a selfish man. That selfishness has permeated my life and has too often intruded on my relationships. I'm 61 years old, and I dearly hope that by the time I meet my Maker face to face (which surely cannot be too very long in the future), I can give a better report of my spiritual state than I could give right now.
  7. I’m 100% confident that you were a spectacular parent bro. I think parents are way too hard on themselves.
  8. I don't believe it. To be brutally candid, I don't believe I did my best at parenting, even though it was probably the most fulfilling activity of my life and one of the two things I really wanted to succeed at. I think I operated well below what I was capable of, of what I should have done, of what my Father in heaven expected of me. And while I don't inflict my own weaknesses upon everyone else, I also am not naive enough to believe that I'm somehow specially wicked and lazy. Yes, I'm wicked and lazy, but my observation is that just about everyone else is in the same boat, more or less. People betray their children all the time, a truism that came as an honest shock to my young adult self when, in a horrifying moment, I realized it. In the depths of your soul, do you truly believe that those mothers who encourage their daughters to be boys or their sons to be girls are just doing their honest best? A few pathetic and lost souls, perhaps, but not in the main. That's not doing one's best. That's caving to societal pressure and hoping you can be seen as the heroic defender of the sexually downtrodden, sort of a twisted version of Munchausen syndrome by proxy. I spare my wholesale condemnation of such people. If the mortal Christ did not see fit to condemn a woman taken in the very act of adultery, I can't believe it's my place to condemn someone else even for something as horrific as encouraging his child to mutilate his own mind and body. But I sure as heck don't believe it's a good-hearted and honest attempt at upright parenting. Not in 99% of cases.
  9. Lol. Behind every girl taking photos of her food for instagram….is her boyfriend who just wants to eat his steak in peace!
  10. I also agree that I don’t have an answer. I find both sides of this argument deeply troubling. The “blow up Gaza kill em all” is just as repulsive to me as the what they did to Israel back in October. Black Sabbath was right. War is the great Satan. 😞
  11. So an influence trad wife will have a lovely dinner ready for you. But you cant eat it until pictures are taken of it with a ring light. And your dinner is constantly interrupted by her monitoring the likes on her website.
  12. On the other hand, if your 70-year-old mother had voluntarily donated her basement as a place for goons to keep their Jewish sex slave . . . We have a strong western tradition of at least giving lip service to the distinction between civilian and military; and the notion that a populace is often not accountable for the acts of its government. But when you see the public opinion polls about the number of Palestinians (and Palestinian supporters in Europe and the USA) who support the 10/7 attacks . . . I don’t know. It makes me reconsider the OT conquest narratives. Could it be that sometimes, an entire culture is simply beyond rehabilitation/reconciliation; and for the sake of self defense, all that’s left to do is to give them the most humane death your resources permit?
  13. That proves my point. They listened to external pressure, judged the current climate and adapted. That alone proves how wise they are.
  14. I like to think so; but in this case the external pressures were immense.
  15. I can’t read her mind, so I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes people get what they think they wanted and find out it’s not all it says it is.
  16. I think she is an influencer posing as a tradwife. That dog wont hunt.
  17. It’s funny you mentioned that, because this has been trending. She’s a former alt-right princess. It turns out for her, the “tradwife” trend is just that. A trend. I get the feeling her alt-right career is pulling a Tim Ballard and crashing down to Earth.
  18. So Im getting an education from my 26 y/o daughter who is visiting for the next few days. Girl-boss slogan: the 3 Gs - gatekeeping, gaslighting, girl-boss SAHM: Usual stay at home mom, send kids off to school, do pillaties with the girls, walking the dog, having dinner ready. Tradwife: Traditional wife. Practices traditional roles. Likes to take care of her family and man. Homeschooler. Enjoys making goldfish from scratch. essential oils. Preparing dinner for the family with homemade mozzarella and sourdough bread. My daughter is a working woman hoping to get pregnant and become a tradwife. The pendulum had swung for a good portion of women from Girl-boss to tradwife.
  19. I think it needs to be said that 90% of moms, working or not, are doing their best. Just like 90% of dads too. Being a parent is brutal work. I’m always pleasantly surprised at how wonderful children are today. I think most parents are knocking it out of the park.
  20. "Childcare crisis" doesn't mean we need more nurseries and daycare facilities. "Childcare crisis" means mothers aren't taking care of their own children.
  21. I missed this part. Maybe it’s just the type of friends I have but the conversations I have with them are some of the highlights of my life. I’m very blessed, but I wonder, isn’t that part of friendship? We’re all different but what good is having friends and co workers if you can’t have in depth conversations with them? I think all of us stay here because we enjoy the conversations as well.
  22. The above link is to Motherly's 2023 State of Motherhood Survey Report. Some interesting findings: This year finds mothers increasingly stressed about finances, yet a lack of access to affordable childcare keeps many mothers out of the workforce. The key to getting mothers, who also do the majority of childcare and household management, back into the workforce? Flexibility, Motherly’s survey reveals. Importantly, mental health concerns continue to climb, now registering as a top worry. More mothers report they have sought mental health services in the past year than in the year prior. The Great Resignation continues for mothers This year finds more survey respondents clocking in as stay-at-home parents than past years at 25%, compared to 15% in 2022. Eighteen percent (18%) of mothers in our sample changed jobs or left the workforce in the past year, and the top reasons cited are staying at home with children (28%) and lack of childcare (15%). “America is in a childcare crisis and the data shows it’s driving moms from the workforce and threatening the economic security of our families. It’s time for us to reimagine our workplace cultures around the realities of motherhood and invest in the structural supports moms need to work and have kids.” Reshma Saujani, CEO & Founder of Moms First Just about half (49%) of moms in our sample rely on outside childcare and 63% are paying for 30+ hours a week of care. While most moms are satisfied with their childcare, 1 in 5 (21%) are not, and the overwhelming reason is cost (69%). Tracking with last year’s results, 67% of moms are spending at least $1,000 a month on childcare, with 18% spending $2,000-$3,000 and 13% spending $3,000 or more (31% in total spending $2,000+ per month). It is not surprising that one-third of moms (33%) using outside childcare report that the cost is “often” or “always” a source of financial stress in the household. In fact, 52% of working moms say the cost of childcare has made them consider leaving the workforce. 8 in 10 mothers worry about a recession and are making preemptive cuts Eight in 10 (80%) are concerned about a possible recession, 27% are very much concerned, and 71% report they are planning to cut back spending. Possibly because more women are choosing to become SAHMs than in previous years and more partners have returned to the workplace, we see an uptick across the board on duties like scheduling, errands, cleaning, meal prep and so on among mothers who have partners. Thirty-two percent report sharing responsibilities equally with a partner, down 2% year over year. ANYWAY... It looks like Gen Z isnt as that into being a juggling superwoman / mom / high powered executive. They are looking for a better balance of life and generally would be thrilled to have a real man take care of them so they can be SAHMs... I don't think that the upcoming generation was the impetous for the General Relief Society President's facebook comments. It was likely to appease the old guard... my 2 cents.
  23. Yesterday
  24. The second link doesn't work, but a search should provide more recent articles with even more amazing stuff! Such as when Joseph Smith translated it in relation to the rest of the Book and intertwined connections, its connection with the 116 lost manuscript pages, connections with Hebrew/Jewish practices, etc.
  25. I guess you're right. I was just taking an aside to address the old adage: "No one ever said at the end of their lives that they wish they'd spent more time at the office." I'm just not sure that is true. Being at the office means that you're providing for your family. And if you do that well enough at the standard 40 hrs/wk, then great. If you need to do overtime to make the mortgage payment, then that's what a man ought to do. Losing the house because you wanted to make every function your kids go to is not a balance of priorities. (But... I'm speaking as the father/husband. I agree that there are different priorities for the wife/mother). I'm not so sure of that. That is not what I'm hearing from General Conference. The post Sis. Johnson made on a Facebook page is not "what the Church teaches." Pres Oaks responded that he was happy to hear that she prioritized her role as a mother. That was not a statement that "it is perfectly ok to be a career woman and a mother at the same time." It was praise for a particular behavior which she seemed to espouse. It's called being diplomatic while correcting her at the same time. In the screenshot provided, I didn't read a single word from Pres Oaks praising her for being a career woman.
  26. I think there's a big difference between what you are describing and a mothers who are also "career women" who work full-time as professionals out of ambition, the desire for a high standard of living, or both. The church currently teaches that it's completely fine to be a "career woman" and a mother at the same time, which is the exact opposite of what was previously taught.
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