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Everything posted by skalenfehl

  1. Society is caught in a perpetual downward spiral. People don't want to "parent" properly anymore. Fathers are not taking responsibility, children are more and more unruly, disobedient, lazy, etc. What if we could somehow break the cycle for a generation and reinforce good parenting, family structure, etc. What if we could shift our focus and emphasis on the "prevention" instead of the "cure"? Since we're discussing hypothetical scenarios, how could we build on this one?
  2. Ok, my suggestion could be the punishment, followed by yours for the actual "rehabilitation".
  3. If anything bring back chain gangs to build federal and state highways. That would build infrastructure while saving lots of tax dollars, and rehabilitate many criminals. Each generation is getting softer and more unruly.
  4. A little on the political side, but... An extreme view all the way around, I think. Never incarcerated following the first conviction? We treat a felony the same as a misdemeanor? Besides, the two biggest problems in my mind are laws are not being enforced and the jails/prisons are overcrowded and the innocent overtaxed to punish and imprison the offenders. How would you fix that?
  5. Welcome to our little corner of the internet.
  6. Welcome! I joined for the same reason, plus I enjoy making new friends. This is a great place for both.
  7. Brother, it sounds like you're addressing/describing your ex-wife, instead of addressing/describing the rest of the ladies here. I can tell you are truly hurting right now. I hope things start to ease up and that you have a good support system.
  8. I think Joel is also smart enough to say the right thing at the right time.
  9. I've listened to him on occasion and his talks certainly have merit. Personally speaking, I'm not sure I'd buy his book unless I knew where the profit/proceeds were going. Just my opinion, though.
  10. I remember back in the day a hundred years ago when I was a kid dating gals who weren't members. I was a naive kid, but I always knew that I was going to marry in the temple no matter what. A girlfriend dumped me when I told her I planned on serving a mission. Looking back I think she wanted to marry me. Oh, by the way, I lived in an area that was predominantly another religion so the pickin's were slim.
  11. Very insightful reply, a-train, as are most of your posts.
  12. Welcome to our little corner of the internet. It's quite an enjoyable place to hang out and people here are friendly.
  13. Laws are for everyone, but only the lawful uphold and obey the law. The laws, however, need to be enforced. But I digress. This is about preparedness. While I believe in the right to bear arms, I probably ever won't own a firearm. I'd be interested what others consider good alternatives.
  14. I agree with you, kona, and I think my post was supportive.
  15. Now go forth and make lots of new friends and make many posts.
  16. Wonderful post. Good on ya! Keep the faith. :)
  17. I think you're missing the point, brother. And it feels like your emotions are governing your posting more than your rational thinking. I hope things work out for you and I agree that there is a special someone out there for you who is very likely sharing your very same concerns.
  18. Welcome to the boards! I'm sure you'll enjoy it here. I graduated high school in 1987, ha ha!
  19. I caught a few minutes of South Park once and realized why I never bother to watch it.
  20. LOL!!! Yup that's true! :lol:
  21. Well dangit, I can't thank myself for finding my own post, but I've thanked Dr T and pushka! :lol:
  22. When Christ was crucified and He died on the cross the world mourned and there were severe tempests, and massive natural disasters. We read in the Book of Mormon about cities collapsing, some being completely buried, covering up the sins of its inhabitants, others being swallowed up by the sea. If the Lord did not want to leave these cities standing in view, I believe He is entirely capable of concealing them from His eyes and ours. That said, there are still signs of civilizations descended from the people of the Book of Mormon, but it seems the proof that they are connected is debatable. In my mind it is an issue of faith and that is the way the Lord will have it. Think about it. As it is the world is struggling with Christianity even with proof of biblical cities and artifacts still in existence! But that is not enough for many to believe that Christ walked the earth and if there are people that believe He did, well then, maybe He was just a great man. Had Jerusalem been destroyed like some cities of the Book of Mormon were and covered up forever I can imagine the unbelief of the world population today. But we need that anchor, that evidence that Christ did walk the Earth. Without that, perhaps the less valiant of the world would fall into Satan's grip given that they, in their ignorant state, would be left to their own devices. If people have a hard enough time believing that Christ lived and that there is a God, then what difference would it really make if the city of Zarahemla really was found or if perhaps a gold plate or two had been discovered. There would still be something to criticize, something to doubt, something to dispute and something more to disbelieve to people's condemnation. Just my two cents.