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Everything posted by AngelLynn

  1. I can certainly understand some of the thoughts and feelings that go on with people of a creative mindset. I empthize with the creativity parts of people who write and or make movies. Anything I write creatively, I write mostly for myself. Most people who make anything do things for themselves. However, there is also the need to support yourself and make money. It's a hard life being any sort of artist, be it a writer, a painter, or even a film maker. It's a matter of trying to create something and not die. I can understand Dutcher is trying to find himself through his craft, all artists and creative types do it. His journey sadly has lead him away from his Mormon roots in an attempt to find himself as well as make money. I think he'll end up more than likely going in circles and end up comeing back to his Mormon background. Once you have the gospel in your life, it's a little hard to see the signifcance of art without realizing you are touching your roots. An example I have, is looking over anything I have written as a student writer and realize there is a diffrent feel to them than the stories I have read from non-LDS student writters. When I write I don't intentionally try to go for an LDS framework to my writings, it just sort of happens after I have other people read over it and mention to me that my stories seem to frame my beliefs and religious background. So I truely think that Dutcher will end up coming back to his Mormon background. He may not, but his perspective will always have a Mormon bent to it.
  2. Sounds like an intresting movie, regardless. Although BS on the whole Zodaic thing and Christianity. Of course the ancient world with it's polytheism and focus on stars is due to the fact that they had the truth of the gospel but fell away from it. But intresting title, nontheless. I spent a whole semester in Literary theory class and the instructor kept pounding into my head about Zietgiest and it's meanings in regard to literature. So kind of surprized to see a movie with this title.
  3. And all of my family plus myself are snowed in. (I live in Vegas/Henderson area) I watched this afternoon as flurries and rain started then suddenly watched as it stuck. I've been in the house since this afternoon and haven't moved at all. The streets are all full of snow, so not much driving around or getting out much. My dog seemed to be confused by all the white stuff around her that was all over the place where she usually goes for her walk. It was kind of funny actually. And my mom *snickers* She's acting like a big kid, I teased her and said that she's more of a child then the kids that are outside playing in the snow. She said it made her think of the times when she was living in Northern California/Nevada. I guess it's more of a nostalgia factor for her than anything else. Anyway, probably the first time ever that I can think of the schools are all closed for a snow day tomorrow. I bet there are a lot of thrilled kids all over Las Vegas this evening.
  4. I spend way too much time on YouTube. But I love this. Kenai the Scary Bear
  5. Could this possibly be an image of a relative or relation of Joesph Smith? It's possible that some of the features could be similar for a relative or a relation and yet be off because it's not him. But I agree that it's not even close to being Joesph Smith.
  6. My brother who has Downs syndrome has ADHD. Although I've heard it's pretty common with those who have mental disablities etc. He's on medication to keep him calmed down. He has in his past become extremely violent. When I was about 11-13 years of age, and I was babysitting him, he trashed the whole house, threw down a TV set and basically went beserk. I didn't know what to do at the time because my parents were away. We didn't know he had ADHD at the time, but eventually he was diagnosed with it. My mom doesn't like the idea of medication either, but realizes that she cannot handle his needs without it. It keeps him from becoming extremely hyper and possibly violent. He's also severly mentally disabled and functions basically at the level of a five or six year old. He is now 22 years of age. So the medication keeps him at a level that helps us all out. He goes occasionally to a psychologist that keeps check on him to see that he's doing well and prescribes the medication for him. As for him daily, he's extremly stubborn and will not allow anyone to touch him so things like shaving, and cutting nails becomes a challenge. He fights back, but my family chose this path and having him near us is a lesson in love, humility, and patience as well as love. I am sure there are others on opposite ends of the spectrum who don't have these problems, as my brother has a mental disablity as well as ADHD.
  7. Yea I know. I just have a really senstive ear for bad French accents. It probably doesn't help that I took like three years of French
  8. You mean the one where Palin thought President Sarkozy was on the phone? I couldn't listen to that. The fake French accent was horrendous.
  9. LOL (Where's that laugh button when I need it?) It's an aquired taste. But I love the stuff. I like Egg Nog Ice cream as well. Egg Nog Ice Cream with chocolate syrup.
  10. I suppose sparkling cider doesn't count. Frankly, I like Egg nog myself. Although nothing added to that, as some people do. :)
  11. Now here's a funny article. She thought it was a prank phone call. But I read this and started cracking up. Click here for story
  12. Now that sounds really good. But on a side note, I know of a Tomato Soup (with vegtables) recipie that has Curry powder in it. And I love having that.
  13. *sighs* It's this whole thing about being tolerant. Although tolerance only goes so far. When it starts offending or making people get upset that are Christian and do celebrate Christmas because it has been made a Christian holiday. What do people who are not Christian and are Non-thiests want us to do? Go back to Happy Yule, a pagan title for what Christmas was called before we called it Christmas. I remember a teacher in High School put up a sign in her room that said Merry Christmas. One of the students began to say something and she said, 'Look Christmas is a holiday and I am going to have a sign that says Merry Christmas.' She could have gotten in trouble. But none of the students said anything afterwards or complained about it. I wanted to cheer for her for standing up for Christmas and I respected her a lot for doing it. She didn't get in trouble for it either, surprizingly. It's not really a big deal, people in Asian countries celebrate Christmas and a lot of them don't put the religious significance that we do. So what is the big deal?
  14. I think it all boils down to the members faith. What about Brigham Young? Heard in today's light, It's easy to say that what he was saying can be considered racist. The factor that he said No Blacks would be given the priesthood till the millenial era. Well considering that Blacks can hold the priesthood now and it isn't the millenial era. What happened? Was Brigham Young wrong? Did he truely believe this was doctrinal teaching? Are members suppose to follow the teaching Brigham Young gave that No Blacks are to be given the priesthood, in light of new revelation given to the contary? Of course members follow the new revelation, at least the ones in the main fold of the church. So I suppose....and on the leap of faith that members have to go on, that what was for the saints to follow then isn't what members have to follow now. That which the Lord gives us is because it's what we can handle as much as Brigham Young's teachings were for the members of the church then. Church members are encouraged to study past prophets, but we're suppose to focus on the current teachings of the current prophet as they are teachings of today not of the past. But again all of this is based on testimony and faith.
  15. To try and put a value on being valant enough or not valant enough in the preexistance seems kind of silly. Is their a treasury on how much a person is worth in being valant? Can it be measured? Of course not. Some might be more valant than others, but that's a man made measurement. It's kind of hard to put a factor on how worthy or valant a person is. In the pre-existance all were valant to some extent, at least those who agreed to the Lord's plan and are on Earth now. It's a true test to say we are all valant because we are here. We chose to come to this Earth, go through trials, and have all sorts of problems. We rejoiced in Heaven over coming to this Earth and rejojoiced over the trials, pains, and afflictions we were going to suffer. I want to think at times, Gee, I rejoiced over these things. I really must have been crazy.
  16. Thanks for all the advice and guidence. It feels nice that I am not alone in the single and where's the one? field. I think a lot of my frustration comes from my family. You know the nagging mother who keeps asking me, when are you going to have kids? I want grandchildren and you're not getting any younger you know? I am agree I am not ready for marriage, I think if I married now it would be a recipie for disaster. I suppose the Lord knows this and instead of me praying for the one and only guy to walk into my life, I think I should pray for the Lord to prepare me for marriage. That seems more realistic to me than looking and praying for the right guy. If the right guy comes along and I am ready then all the better.
  17. I had curry once in institute for a Friday, $1 meal that the University Insititute program always had. The people that fed us were planning on opening an East Indian resturant, they wanted to know what we thought of the curry. I am brave when it comes to spices and hot foods, and had the normal hot style curry. I went home with a headache, the spice was too strong on my stomach. But curry does sound good.
  18. To say all people who look at porn turn into serial killers, is a bit much, since that is a generalization. Not all who look at Porn are going to turn into a killer. However, Pornography appeals to the baser instincts of human nature. It is addictive. Bundy ended up being one of those who acted out his violent sexual fantasies and was motivated by the porn. I will say that Pornography didn't help the situation with Ted and brought out the base nature of his personality and it motivated him to do murder. But addictions don't just have to be with porn it could be anything that people have troubles with, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, etc. We all have struggles and trials. It's how we act or sometimes how we don't act that can determine how we are. We also have help from the Lord to help resist such temptations. I am sure Ted Bundy had it, but he was so wrapped up in the porn that he ended up having the Sprit leave him.
  19. I am frustrated in being single. I am 26 years old and sometimes feel extremly....I am not sure if their is any other word other than the word frustrated. Sure I want to find the right guy, get married and have children. But sometimes I feel like I am trying hard enough. Part of me feels that I've sacrficed having relationships with guys for my education. I know their is nothing wrong with getting an education. I've enjoyed my time in school. But sometimes I feel like the marriage express is passing me by and part me doesn't want to be on it either. I feel extremly troubled at times in the whole factor that Heavenly Father wants me to find the right person, but that at times I don't feel ready for it and yet I do want to follow His plan. I want to find a worthy Priesthood holder and get married and follow that course that all worthy members of the church take. This has been on my mind a lot lately, particularly since I am graduating in about two weeks. I am starting to think a lot about my life. And sometimes I wonder if it is normal to feel this way. I suppose I will find someone someday. I just worry sometimes that I won't find someone or perhaps I'll end up getting older and not finding anyone at all.
  20. Welcome to the site. I was born and raised in the church. My parents were converts though. They both experienced a desire to know more about the church, at about the same time. I would say about the man you are marrying, you should pray for guidence about the situation and pray for a moment that the sprit will be open and receptive for him and that he'll understand your desire. That's about all I can say on your seeking more info on the church and hoping that he won't hit the roof.
  21. You truely have had to face a lot of temptations and problems from Satan. You're very blessed to have had such a strong ward and church family. Thanks for sharing your story in detail. To sacrfice your gender problems for the truth of the church.
  22. I had that happen to me last night I was watching a movie and the content, a lot of bathroom humor, was so disgusting, I was about to vomit, it was gross. I turned it off and deleated it off the dvr. So there is self control. A lot of pople may not think they have it, but it does exist.
  23. Welcome to the forums and the site. I have never had the challeges you've mentioned. But I am sure you can give a lot of direction and perspective to the forums and boards with your set of challenges as well as a testimony.
  24. Heh or the Decameron and the Symposium. I've heard the stories in their are pretty risque. Course these two books are slghtly the basis for Chacer's Canterbury Tales. Not sure how many have read Chaucer but a lot of the stuff in their can make you blush.