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Everything posted by AngelLynn

  1. Hey Goodness. Welcome to the site. I too was inactive for awhile. And most of it was because I felt like I couldn't handle the pressures of life at times. For me it was being in school. But I considered myself a member, just that I couldn't seem to fit the pressures of being in school and handle all the things that came with church. I still had a connection to members in the church though and even though I wasn't too active I had a VT partner, which wisely enough the Relief Society saw to it that it was my own mom. So I couldn't exactly say no to her about visiting people. I am now becomeing more active in church. But I can understand about being on your own schedule and your own pace. I guess I am still going at my own pace at times. Welcome to the forum.
  2. I am not sure if I would eat dog. Maybe if it was put before me and not displayed in a window like in a butcher's shop. The only things I've eaten would probably be tame compared to that. I have had frog legs and rabbit.
  3. I knew it existed, I actually had a Catholic friend in one of my classes recommend that I watch it. lol I did and I hated it. Anyway.... You might be a Mormon if your idea of New Years is sitting in front of the tv set watching New Years and drinking ginger ale and Sparkling Grape Juice. You might be a Mormon if your favorite cable/satlite stations are BYU TV and BYU Radio Network. You might be a Mormon if the highlight of the conversation is how BYU or the Utes did at a game. You might be a Mormon that if you live in Nauvoo you have it written in white paint. Go Utah Jazz instead of the Chicago Bulls. (True story this one is, as I went on a church history tour and during that time the Basketball playoffs had The Bulls against the Jazz. A group of us were walking around Navuoo and I saw a car painted with that and my jaw droped.) lol
  4. Same here. Although not smoking. I developed quite a habit with tea, herbal and others. The reason being was I don't like sweet drinks like hot chocolate. Then one day I was asked by one of the members of the Bishopric about going to the Temple as I had just turned 27, and that I really should think about it. I decided to drop the tea cold. I am determined not to let my salvation hinge on something like that.
  5. I am adventerous when it comes to food. And I like American-Chinese food. I am the one who will automatically choose something on a menu that no one else would. lol
  6. Well it's a little hard to be good at it when the LDS past has been filled with such violence and vengence. However, we are in a more peaceful time and it seems that people now resort to words rather than blows. Although spending a lot of time learning how to write in writing classes I can easily say that words can cause just as much damage and can be even worse than a gun. A gun kills and maims but words can leave a lasting impression on a soul. The mission hasn't changed, both are out to convert souls to Christ. I truely belive that President Obama's words are correct about what he said about not having one's hand clenched in a fist and having it open instead. The sprit is so much more open on both sides if we stop having contention with each other and having an open dialogue with each other.
  7. Thank you for your kind words. I easily get discouraged at the drop of a hat. Your words inspire me. The sister we are seeing was also once inactive. Now she is a bit more active and I guess the best way to say it is that she is semi-active. I know this sister has had a tough time. She's been married and divorsed before and her children are both going in all sorts of directions. Her son thinks that she's being unfair to him and so he left and is living with his father, who is not a member of the church. Her daughter finally finished High School and joined up as a MP and could possiblely be sent to Iraq. I know her life has been hard and so I am sure you are right that our determination to get the message to her has been a blessing in her life.
  8. We have had that situation as well with another sister we were assigned to. This sister has MS and she cannot get out of her house that well. Before we were assigned she had no one coming to see her. They were about to take her off our list of sisters to see but we put our foot down because we feared that she would go back to not having sisters come and see her and we know that it's important that she should have contact every month.
  9. I've done that sometimes, it's been awhile though. So I guess you could say I've been lazy. The nasal strips are helping some as well as some nasal spray, but it still really thick up stairs as I am still having troubles breathing. I am contemplating boiling some water and putting some of the mentholated rub on me when I do it. I am thinking it's a bit of a combo sinus/cold though. As I went out in the rain Saturday to see a play preformed by the Utah Shakespearian Actors at the Southern Nevada College. I felt fine enough to go to church on Sunday, but it was cold and damp as well. And then Monday morning I woke up feeling this way. *sighs*
  10. Okay my visting teacher and I have this sister that is really difficult to get in contact with to do our visting teaching with. I know a lot of it is due to the fact that she is a nurse and a lot of her time is spent working as a nurse. But she doesn't neccessarily make it easy any other time to have us contact her. As a person this sister is very reserved and quiet towards us. She is very open with other sisters in the ward. So we sometimes wonder if we are not the right sisters for this sister. We do our best to reach her though even if it means talking to her by phone, mailing her the message, and leaving her gifts by her door, or talking to her at church. Somehow we both feel that there is a wall around her spirtually that we just can't get through. It's extremly frustrating but we are both very determined to visit our sisters each and every month.
  11. Winter, deepest regrets at the passing of your dog. Here is a poem I remember and I found online. I hope it gives you some solice. From: Dog's Prayer
  12. PG, I think your sister has a wonderful heart. I think the point also has to be made that when we are in the eterneties that things like jealousy and possesion are really abitrary as it in the long run as those are things that should not determine our salavation. On personal note my mom was having some difficulties understanding this doctrine as she was trying to figure out the temple work for her deccesed mother. Her mother was married three times to three diffrent men. She was told that she would have to be sealed to all three of them, but it was up to her on the other side on who she would choose which husband she wished to be with. It was also confusing to her as her and one of her other sisters is a half-sister and how this effects them in the sealing of them as a family. But my mom stated she wasn't worried about it that much as she was content in the knowledge that she was sealed to my father. I suppose the best thing to realize is that everything will be worked out in the end.
  13. I am not really careing if they accept me or not, BW. I do think some understanding should be met. You're probably right in some ways as I am remembering JSH 1:6 6 For, notwithstanding the great love which the converts to these different faiths expressed at the time of their conversion, and the great zeal manifested by the respective clergy, who were active in getting up and promoting this extraordinary scene of religious feeling, in order to have everybody converted, as they were pleased to call it, let them join what sect they pleased; yet when the converts began to file off, some to one party and some to another, it was seen that the seemingly good feelings of both the priests and the converts were more pretended than real; for a scene of great confusion and bad feeling ensued—priest contending against priest, and convert against convert; so that all their good feelings one for another, if they ever had any, were entirely lost in a strife of words and a contest about opinions. I have no idea if Rev. Gregory Johnson is being sincere. I hope he is and that his friendship with Robert Millet is truely geuine. And I looked up the link you pointed out. Short of saying I don't know truely what anyones true intentions are. I do understand that you believe that Robert Millet is being taken advantage of and that is possibly true as well. Anything is possible. It is just part me thinks that we shouldn't throw out everything with the dishwater.
  14. I truely believe there are some people that are sincere in their hearts about having convicted civility, Warrior. This forum is proof of it. Another example of it was when the Catholics rose in defense of the LDS church in the backlash that followed Prop. 8. While the Catholic church admited there were doctrinal issues that divided us, they showed on this issue we held common ground. I don't believe Evengelicals will change overnight on how they see or believe our faith is. I've been looking up on it and it appears that Rev. Gregory Johnson has taken some flack from Evengelicals because of his position of being inclusive to LDS. Do I expect Evengelicals to accept us right off? No. As years of Anti-Mormon literature and Anti-Mormon teachings have overwhelmed them which is why we need this discourse to attempt to understand each other. I can understand the need from all sides to find common ground as we are all God's children and eventually we will have to stand before Him and be accountable for how we treated our fellow brothers and sisters.
  15. I actually look at it as a medcine. I've taken Green Tea extract in the past to boost my metabolism. When it's in a capsule form, I see it as medicine to be taken as the instructions dictate on the box. It's used as a treatement for something, and not as a recreation or a habit. Plus it mentions hot drinks. Which going by the standard is Coffee and tea in a hot form. You're not boiling the tea or taking it as a full drink, you're using it as a suplement. Although, only you can be the judge of your own conscious whether or not to take it.
  16. I've been having sinus problems for two days lately. Although I am on Clartin D and Mucinex trying to break loose all this conguestion and all this icky mucus. Plus also using breath right strips as I sometimes have problems breathing for the stuffiness. I've used medicated chest rub on my nose as well. Is there anything else I can do? And yes I am very suceptiable to sinus infections, it never really fails. I always end up having sinus problems. I can't wait till the millennium when pollens, dust, dander, mullberry, olive, and mold don't bother me. But untill then I'll survive and endure it with the best of all allergy suffers.
  17. To say I didn't have reservations about the bill, I'd be lying. Sadly to have anything done in this country you have to give something for everyone. That's human nature. Do I think the bill is needed, yes. I am just sort of mixed about some of it. I don't think it reaches out enough or does enough.
  18. Could it be that there were pagan pratices with the preperation of pork? I've done some reading and I remember reading that was the primary cause for the reasons of Jews being Kosher. The mixing of meat (flesh) and milk were not suppose to be had and a lot of it dealt with the pratices of the other nations did it in their religious observances. I'd have to look it up but probably there were some cultures that did not worship the way the Children of Israel did and pork may have had some other significances beside being unclean.
  19. My mom was nervous to mention that she was LDS/Mormon to reletives in Lousiana. As she knew there was not a lot of civility down in the south towards the LDS faith. This went on for about ten years and my mom's conversations with her aunt and cousins in Lousiana was filled with reasurances of faith and of God. Then one day my aunt asked my mom on the phone what faith she was and my mom told her that she was LDS. Her aunt acted shocked on the other end but said nothing more. I am not really sure what was going through her aunt's mind but it was probably shock that we had more in common than she had realized.
  20. I would have your dog put out of her misery. I know it is not easy to let go of a good and wonderful friend in your life but to have the poor thing suffer so. I remember my family's last dog. We had him since he was a puppy and he was there when I first started Middle School to the time I was in college. When he had a tumor underneath his tounge, we did all we could to help him out. We had them try and remove it, but they couldn't remove it all as it was underneath the muscle that connected his tounge to the bottom of his mouth. We knew he was dying as he struggled so very hard to eat near the end. He had to eat nothing but soft food and trying to eat biscuits or anything hard was so difficult as he would slobber all over the place to just eat it. His breath stunk so very bad and was petruid but we loved him anyway. Then one day the tumor just ruptured and it started bleeding all over the place. We could do nothing to stop the bleeding. So we sadly gather him up as he was bleeding and he looked at us with such eyes that pleaded at us to do something anything to stop the bleeding. We took him to the vet and let him go. It wasn't easy. My mother and I could scarely eat anything at all that day although eventually managed to overcome our grief of our lost pet. I do not believe that our dog held us in any malice for the action. My mother had a witiness of that. She was sitting down at the table writing about him in her journal. She heard him scratching and breathing (snorting) deeply, as he always did this when he was alive and he wanted out of the house. She ignored it but it continued. She cried out, "Oh my baby...." She went over to the front door and opened it and the scratching and the breathing (snorting) stopped. Somehow we think our dog wanted to come back one last time to say good bye. I do believe Hevenly Father has a place for our pets as they are a part of our lives and give so much love as well. It's not easy to let go of a dog as they have become part of your family and are loved just as much. However, dogs I believe are not under the same covenant that we are when it comes to enduring our sufferings to the end. They are creatures of our Heavenly Father. That being said, it would be so much more humane to let the dog be put down and no longer suffer in this life.
  21. Oooh nice. Bit expensive though. But I do love the fact that having all the info of the Gospel on CD-ROM is truely a wonderful thing.
  22. Has anyone bought a copy of The Scriptures on CD-ROM Product Details ( The Scriptures: CD-ROM Edition 1.1. ) It's looks like a really good program, and I am just wondering will it work on Vista alright. Although I know there is compatiblity mode. I am just wondering. And I am also wondering is it fairly easy to use as well.
  23. LOL. That being said my aunt in Placerville and Pollock Pines, CA said it was snowing there. The bad thing is her car was stolen and it had 4 wheel drive. So she had to get a rental car to get to work but and it doesn't have 4 wheel drive and she had to get a ride home from her job. Talk about being curtailed by weather.