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Everything posted by AngelLynn

  1. And the American revolution started out with blood shed as well. And not everyone in America was for the rebellion. My own family history has a tale from my father's line where they were for the monarchy. Consquently they changed their minds and supported the Republic due to the fact they were about to hang them for treason. Our own government could have easily become a dictatorship, but George Washington refused to become a monarch. Revolutions generally come with bloodshead. Men can easily become brutes when it comes to power. The thing about our own government was that our own founding fathers were afraid of power and it's inheritant in the way our government is run.
  2. The problem with the whole pure socalistic and communism it relies too heavily on the idealism of man. Which reminds me of a quote from Lord of the Rings about the hearts of men being easily corrupted. With the example of the former USSR, the people started out with good intentions but... power corrupts for one, people always want more than another and no matter what good intentions exist it fails. The concept of the gospel teaches that everything we have comes from God So therefore we should not have any trouble giving it up and letting the leaders of the church give our measure. However, even when the early saints tried to pratice it, it just didn't work out. Again, the nature of human beings is easily can be lead to greed. So we are living the lesser law of titing, because it is a lesser law.
  3. I consider myself a moderate, but then again that's most people they are somewhere in the middle. I don't consider myself compleatly liberal nor do I fit the conversative mode either. Frankly trying to stay in those labels for a lot of people seems a bit difficult and probably is the same for a lot of people. Then I again trying to watch the UK parlament on C-SPAN is confusing. I can't tell which side is conservative and which side is liberal. It feels like a big bowl of chop suey to me.
  4. I forgot to mention that sometimes I'd get an occasional call for Pizza Hut as well. Heh. But lately it's been Big-O tires.
  5. And what about places in Europe where it's sort of a pseudo-socalistic type society. Not exactly pure socalism but not exactly capatalistic either. It's sort of a quasi form of it. It is a limitation of business and the free market by Government. That is the tradtional defintion that I go by.
  6. Of course this probably happens to everyone, but lately everyone is confusing the home phone with Big-O Tires. So some of the conversations have been intresting to say the least. One day I was half asleep and the phone rings. I wake up and answer the phone and the conversation goes like this. Me- Hello -Yes, I'd like an oil change and then I need to have my tires rotated. I've had troubles figureing out where exactly you are located and getting in touch with you lately. Me (eyes go a bit wide)- Umm I believe you have the wrong phone number. So it happens again today. Me: Hello _____ Residence - Where are you located? Me: I think you have the wrong phone number sir. - This isn't Big-O tire? Me: No this is a private residence. It's intresting to have people confuse you for a business at times, espically when the two phone numbers are nothing like each other. I think the first one is funny though.
  7. Not to mention Alma 17-19 doesn't call everyone Lamanites. They are called Lamanitish. So people who live in the style of the Lamanites or accept the belief or non-belief of the Lamanites. Perhaps Nephite captives or apostates as well. That's a good group of people at anyrate.
  8. I have no idea. I was pretty active trying to chase down my father's genelogical line at one time. I got bogged down with school and had to put it aside. Although from other family members who ended up doing a lot of genelogical work, they weren't LDS by the way, we have some background that my family was either related or associated with Daniel Boone, but that's another story.
  9. I remember once that they came to the Clark County State Fair in Nevada once when I was about seven or eight years of age. Although the name has changed to Living Legends. Has any one seen them? They appeared at Tuachan (Near St. George) once. I enjoyed the show and it was a beautiful testimony as they wove Book of Mormon text and Native American dance in a wonderful program.
  10. Thank you Michael. I have Cherokee blood from my father's side of the family but I also have Irish, Scottish, and Welsh blood from my father and mother as well. I think the main problem with the DNA studies is the fact that so many people have intermarried (not saying that's a bad thing) but the point comes that we become so much more mixed with diffrent heritages from all over it gets harder to determine who we are unless we have offical geneological records to go on. It's intresting how much stock and store we put to heritage. I remember reading an article once that the Cherokee decided that no African American decendants whether or not they did or did not have Cherokee blood in them would now not be counted among their tribe. Now I am sure that really hurt a lot of people. But sadly the Cherokee had the right to do that as they are an independant nation with their own laws and regulations on who can be and who can't be in their tribe. Although I am proud of that part of my heritage, I would never let my DNA determine my testimony. As I know I am a mxiture of so many heritages and so many backgrounds, DNA would only be one small link in the chain to my faith.
  11. I agree very intresting stuff. I managed to finally get around and watch about it on the History Channel. True a lot of the show seemed to focus on doom and gloom. lol The thing that stuck with me the most was that after December 21, 2012 the calander just reverts back to the beginning. As the calander is cyllical and is three calanders placed together. The show also stated that the Mayans unlike western civilization believed that history and time went around in a round cycle and eventually repeated itself. It is an intresting way to look at time and history.
  12. But all those lovely comments are so much fun.
  13. And this time I think I'll keep my mouth shut. Not really a fan of the former Pres, but that's another discussion and I am not about to get partisan about it all. More fights start over poltics and religion etc. But I do think Obama should be given his due chance at having his star rise or fall by his own merits of course.
  14. Probably so. Although in all things Obama re-took the Oath. And then I just heard that the press reported that Obama made a major flub in his speech, when he said 44 people have taken the Oath of office when it was actually 43. Not sure if anything is too diffrent. Seems the Press is doing what they normally do, press forward.
  15. Umm I could state about the press getting on Obama about the flubbing up of the Oath of Office. It was on CNN earlier about it and on Yahoo AP press. Anyway the point is the press will eat alive anyone they choose to at any time they wish.
  16. *Cough* I am LDS and I am Democrat. Does this mean I agree with every policy that the Democratic party puts out, of course not. But the math for the election, it was clear that many people who normally vote Republican decided to vote diffrently. The same could be said for the 2004 election except in reverse, in order for Bush to be reelected many Democrats had to have voted for him.
  17. I agree that the poem at the end felt odd and did feel as if it contributed to the sprit of the moment. It was out of place and didn't really have place within any prayer at all. I could see it being used outside the context of a prayer but.... I consider prayer a scared moment with God and so I did consider it just slightly irreverent. It didn't feel right with the invocation or with the speech Obama gave after he had been sworn in. Overall I was content with the inageration and feel that Obama will do the best that he can in his new postion as President.
  18. Another factor is that Mormons/LDS should just stay clear of those anti-vids and not even post on them. To post on them gives rise to what these antagonists of the Church want. They love to argue and they love to rant and curse. Some of the vids posted are crude jokes as well. They think they are being funny and they're not. There is no way the Sprit can exist on a vid that was posted by a person who doesn't have the sprit with them and obviously has the Sprit of the Advisary with them. I am not perfect though, I posted on one to explain that the material was false and taken out of context. Course that brought debate anyway. But on princple members should stay away from anti vids. Of course this doesn't mean they won't post on member vids but that's diffrent, the Sprit will be there as the vid was made with the intent of spreading the Gospel message. I feel the Sprit actually when I am responding if I choose to respond.
  19. No. His name begins with an M. And he has obvious has done some study, he has reasearched and uses information from Church sources. I suspect that he is probably an ex-member with lots of time on his hands. He starts civil and then slowly begins to fall apart into anti-Mormon dribble. You know I find it pathetic when people start cursing and swearing when it comes to the church. Makes me pity them.
  20. Intresting thread. I remember as a young girl visiting my cousins and a great aunt in Lousiana and going to their church. They were not Mormon's but Baptists. I wanted to proudly declare that my family was Mormon, but my own mother warned me not to as she did not want to wash away any good feelings that we had with our cousins or our friends. So sadly I said nothing. I don't think I had any idea or at least that much about anti-Mormon stuff or anti-Mormon ideas as a young kid but of course my mom did. She didn't want me to be hurt. In looking back I agree she had a point but as a kid I wanted to share the truth of the gospel and I know that isn't wrong either. Although I never grew up in Utah, but we lived in the Las Vegas/Henderson area. The community where I live I would consider a pretty strong Mormon community to the fact that our mayor is LDS, was our former Stake President, and goes to my ward. Anyway, I feel that our community has a good strong LDS presence for the most part. Consquently, my great aunt asked my mom recently what church we belonged to as she had never asked what faith we belonged to. My mom told her that we were LDS and I think she was shocked. But she never said anything else. My mom has always talked of Christ in her conversations with her and other Christian ideals. If anything else perhaps her great aunt will have a diffrent impression of LDS people other than what has been spread around by people who don't think we are Christian.
  21. I posted my testimony in one vid and got pmed by a guy who was trying to shake my belief in the Book of Mormon. We had a civil disussion. He was in no way rude or mean but I could tell he held anmosity toward the church. His argument was pretty circular and there were somethings I couldn't answer but I answered what I could. But then I understand that faith holds things that sometimes can't be answered. EDIT: I went back to Youtube and regretfully and no surprize to me, this person's 'civil' behavior has degraded to disappointing Anti-Mormon dribble that is far from civil.
  22. I love to cook. But not ashamed to cut a few corners occasionally espically when it comes to time. Nothing wrong with Hambuger or Tuna Helper occasionally. Although a lot of sodium in those things, I am not ashamed to say that a few times I've cooked it. I have to say the easiest thing to make is Spaghetti with a bottle of sauce and sometimes some hamburger thrown in as well. If you are someone who buys a whole roasted chicken at the store, if there is any leftover chicken, debone it and chop into peices, boil some noodles, and throw in some frozen mixed vegtables, canned chicken broth and put it all together and you have a quick chicken soup. Although you may also want to add some salt and pepper to taste. These are a few things I do timewise and are pretty quick. I've done cooking out of a cookbook and I love to experement with food but these are some of the things I think anyone can do.
  23. I remember as a girl growing up that when ever there was a situation where my father was alone with another woman that my father would either take me or my mom with him, for the sake of being proper. He knew that their would also be no accusations of infidelity either if one of us was with him. I have no experience with this situation the factor of being married and having someone being unfaithful, as I am a single adult. But I do have the exerperience of my mother and my father in my life. They have been married almost 40 years and have been friends, confidents, and other things as well. But my father worked hard to make sure no one could accuse him of being unfaithful or of infidelity. Consequently I've also babysat for a friend on mine who is married. Her husband took me home and he was alone with me. I was very quiet the whole way home. I didn't feel comfortable being alone with him. Although he didn't show any sign of being unfaithful, it still made me nervous being alone with a married man and the husband of a best friend.
  24. I am glad I found this thread actually. I've been having a negative thought day . I've been moody, and slightly depressed all day today. Now I don't consider myself always depressed or always negative. I can tell when I feel pesmistic and feel like it's going to be bad day. Other days I am very happy, out going and feel really postive. But today has been a bit pity partyish I read the scriptures, I listen to music, I watch a movie that up lifts my sprits. I do something to help uplift my sprits. Sometimes I also journal or write something about my mood. Sometimes getting it out on paper does help. I remember one time I got it out on paper I cried and cried afterwards but I felt so much better putting my thoughts down on paper. As for drugs, I am generally one that tends to be nervous about drugs espically ones that effect thought and brain chemistry, but that's just my opinion.