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Everything posted by pam

  1. Never does and never will. He's just a brat.
  2. Why even discuss this with you then? You point something out of the 'infallible' Bible, I show where a prophet (and yes, Jonah was a prophet: he prophesied to Nineveh because THE LORD TOLD HIM TO) made a prophesy that didn't happen because the people repented. Then you say, "well, he wasn't REALLY a prophet..." You aren't going to be convinced. You simply wanted to poke, and when you were proven wrong, you dismiss it with the wave of a hand. The Lord spoke of people like you. Always wanting a sign, never satisfied when you hear something that answers your question. 'Wicked and adulterous' was how he put it... Good luck Six. You are wasting your time.
  3. Oh Really? I'm not sure he has any tongue yet for all the times he has bit it.
  4. yes.....thanks Pammie Anytime
  5. He's horrible and so rude. He's horrible and so rude. Oh and's spelled Pammy not Pammie. haha that's the resolution that Pale broke. Oh No!!!! A million pardons, l beg you Pammy!!!! haha you are forgiven.
  6. He's horrible and so rude. He's horrible and so rude. Oh and's spelled Pammy not Pammie. haha that's the resolution that Pale broke.
  7. I thought you had been in drill team not a cheerleader.
  8. pammie is like a big sister you always have to pick on...... At least you didn't say "older"
  9. Things would not be normal if we didn't.
  10. Now is my chance while PC is offline. I only have 1145 to go.
  11. whats really scary is the fact she knows the exact number of posts.... I am mathematically trying to figure out how many and when I might possibly catch up if at all possible. Now if I had a way of banning PC from posting for say 1 month I might stand a chance. Pam, I think we should get both of them banned for a month, then us two ought to find lots of stuff to post about..even if nobody replies to our 'new threads' we can just create more cos we know they all read 'em at least! What do you think about that Pam? Shall we?????!!! I say let's do it. You have my vote.
  12. whats really scary is the fact she knows the exact number of posts.... I am mathematically trying to figure out how many and when I might possibly catch up if at all possible. Now if I had a way of banning PC from posting for say 1 month I might stand a chance. yea right.....
  13. whats really scary is the fact she knows the exact number of posts.... I am mathematically trying to figure out how many and when I might possibly catch up if at all possible. Now if I had a way of banning PC from posting for say 1 month I might stand a chance.
  14. haha like I will EVER catch up.
  15. PC I am now only 1161 posts behind you. Better watch your back.
  16. You broke your resolution. lasted longer than yours did......LOL!!!!...... True, very true.
  17. You broke your resolution.
  18. I did that exact same thing years ago. Got into a car..started it and saw things on the passenger side seat that didn't belong to me. I looked up and there next to the car I was in was my car. Boy was I embarrassed. was it a blonde moment????......LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pale Pale Pale
  19. I did that exact same thing years ago. Got into a car..started it and saw things on the passenger side seat that didn't belong to me. I looked up and there next to the car I was in was my car. Boy was I embarrassed.
  20. Same here. We have a monthly activity. The day changes each year. Our building has assigned a certain night for a ward to have all their activities whether it be YM/YW or what.
  21. Really? I think Pale is paranoid.
  22. I saw that already. Just my thought that anything you do to possible deter is a help. But those that want to steal a vehicle are going to do it no matter what.