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Everything posted by pam

  1. Oh I forgot Mr. Kruegers Christmas. I LOVE that movie too.
  2. Welcome to the site Rockwell. The only offroading I can lay claim to is when I slide off road on the ice and snow here in Utah. Hope to hear more from you in the future.
  3. No he wouldn't take the oil. He asked the guy in the truck if he could read. He pointed to the sign and said "See it says MONEY not oil."
  4. I at one time would throw a couple of dollars to those holding up signs at the exits of the freeway. Until one day when a man was holding a sign that said "Need money for oil for car." A gentleman in the truck in front of me jumped out, reached into the bed of his truck and pulled out 2-3 quarts of oil. Talk about a confrontation. The man didn't want someone to give him OIL he wanted the money. Obviously for something else. Now I give money to places I know will directly impact those in need. Not scam handouts.
  5. Oh one more but not a movie. ALF Christmas Special. I taped it and still watch it every year. I still cry each time I see it after all these years.
  6. LOL, Pam, I almost put Miracle too! I think I like both of those because people choose to believe in something despite all logic and other people telling them it doesn't exist. I agree. Shows we can still believe in something even though we know logically and factually that they don't exist. But still let's the child in us believe.
  7. Couldn't have answered it better myself Pushka.
  8. Miracle on 34th street (original version) The Santa Clause (1st one)
  9. I first started with this site (older version) 9 years ago. During that time I've had the pleasure of meeting some wonderful people in person as well as online. Many of those have been friends during that entire 9 years. They've been wonderful friends and though I don't see them on a daily basis we've gone through alot of things together. As far as my knowledge of the gospel. Many of the gospel discussions have made me really realize how little I know in the whole scheme of things. I have had to do alot of research in the scriptures and using other sources just to be able to keep up with the topics. Awakening in me a desire to learn more about the gospel. I've been a member all my life but I think you come to a time when you just take all of that for granted. I may not be THE most active person but my testimony has never died. Ldstalk is a huge part of that. My ego has been deflated a few times realizing I really don't know as much as I thought I did. So in that respect ldstalk has had the greatest influence on my life. ps..Plus the fact that I will get the supreme privilege of taking PrisonChaplain to MC'D's. Oh and having Acez to my house for dinner when he gets his mission call to Utah. haha We can only hope.
  10. Kind of different point of view compared to a few years ago where it was said the internet was a pool of iniquity. It's not the internet that is's the people behind the computer screens in a lot of cases.
  11. So john if I seal off my house to teenagers perhaps they will go to yours?
  12. Thank you thank you WELCOME? I thought he was the President of the CLUB!!! yes I am the President....and I will never raise anyones taxes except for....oh nevermind.....LOL!!! always watch your rear view mirror...... I thought I did this without anyone noticing....LOL!!! Oh wanted to make sure EVERYONE noticed.
  13. The news is awesome Dr T and Dr T. My heartfelt congratulations to your family.
  14. I will confess to being a bottle blonde. The person below me currently teaches a Primary class or a Sunday school with children. For those that aren't LDS.
  15. pam

    Hi! I'm Pam

    Sundae we are all happy for you.....I remember going to my Uncles house....I was driving along and turned off the Interstate....after about 5-10 miles on this highway...I thought...where am I???? but I kept driving and then seen a sign that said-Oakley??? anyway....I finally got to yes....thats it.....Oak City Oakley?? that's in Idaho I think..........Oak City is near Delta, but we are 50 miles from Nephi and I-15 and the main highway!! Totally out in the boonies..............and 100 miles from Provo and any shopping :)
  16. I think trials are important to us. An example would be: My father has Alzheimers. Of course seems more of a trial for him than for me but it affects everyone. I could let it get me completely down. I'm losing the father I have known for 50 years a little more every day. But I have learned alot about the disease that I possibly would not have known. I've learned to be more patient with my dad. I've learned more about compassion than I ever thought I had. I've learned to defend those with this horrible disease when people make jokes. I've learned to get more involved with the community.
  17. pam

    Hi! I'm Pam

    Hey PamElla! Yeah right Pale...............some Bishops!! sheesh LOL -- It's good to see you all here. I guess I need to come here more often. do you all remember me?? I"m married now and living in Delta, UT. aka, Sally You are living in Delta now? Wow, my parents just moved from Delta. I'll have to come visit you Sally. I have a bank account there I need to close anyway. Plus I haven't seen you since we had that ldstalk party at my place...sheesh what was it? 3-4 years ago?
  18. We have information that a terrorist cell is going to blow up a bridge in a certain city, between 3:30 and 4:30PM. There are three bridges in the area, and it is now 3:05PM. The bomb is expected to kill a minimum of 800 people, and could kill as many as 5000? With 14 seconds, those subjected to waterboarding panic, and there is a 70% chance that the technique could rendor the information that will allow us to defuse the bomb in time. There is also a 70% chance that using this technique will mean the victim suffers recurring nightmares and develops a fear of running water. Do we do it? It's a tough call, but needing information "in a timely matter," certainly does change the situation. To that I would say call in Jack Bauer.
  19. Dear Civilians, We know that the current state of affairs in our great nation have many civilians up in arms and interested in the military. Many civilians are considering joining the military. For those of you who can't join, you can still lend a hand. Here are a few of the areas we would like your assistance with: 1) The next time you see an adult talking during the playing of the National Anthem ... kick their butt. 2) When you witness firsthand someone burning the American Flag in protest ... kick their butt. 3) Regardless of the rank they held while they served, pay the highest amount of respect to all veterans. If you see anyone doing otherwise, quietly pull them aside and explain how these Veterans fought for the very freedom they bask in every second. Enlighten them on the many sacrifices these Veterans made to make this Nation great. Then do the patriotic thing and hold them down while a Disabled Veteran kicks their butt. 4) If you were never in the military, DO NOT pretend that you were. Wearing battle dress uniforms (BDU's), mysteriously telling others that you used to be "Special Forces," and collecting GI Joe memorabilia might have been okay if you were still seven. Now, it will only make you look stupid and get your butt kicked. 5) If you witness someone calling an enlisted Marine "Sir," stand back ... a Marine will kick their butt. 6) Next time you come across an Air Force member, do not ask them, "Do you fly a jet?" Next time you come a cross a Marine, do not ask them if they were an embassy guard ... do not ask an Army soldier if he or she drives a tank, do not ask a Navy sailor or a Coast Guardsman if he or she drives a boat. Not everyone in the Air Force is a pilot. Not everyone in the Army is in armor, not everyone in the sea services is on a vessel. Also, do not ask ANY service member "Did you ever kill anyone?" If they HAVE seen combat and have been forced to take human life, it's something YOU will never understand and THEY certainly don't want to discuss with you. Such ignorance deserves a butt kicking (children are exempt). 7) Roseanne Barr's singing of the National Anthem was not a blooper ... it was a disgrace, and was sickeningly disrespectful to anyone who raised their right hand and swore to defend this country. Laugh, and sooner or later your butt will be kicked. 8) Next time Old Glory prances by during a parade (Or any other event), get on your darn feet and pay homage to her by placing your hand over your heart. Quietly thank the military member or veteran lucky enough to be carrying her ..... of course, failure to do either of those could earn you a severe butt kicking. 9) What Jane Fonda did during the Vietnam War makes her the enemy. The proper word to describe her is "traitor." Just mention her nomination for "Woman of the Year" and get your butt kicked... and the same holds true today for Sean Penn or any of the other so-called "celebrities" who mistake their Hollywood success for importance and are attempting to involve themselves in world politics. 10) Don't try to discuss politics with a military member or a veteran. We are Americans and we all bleed the same regardless of our party affiliation. Our Chain of Command, is to include our Commander in Chief. The President (for those who didn't know) is our CIC regardless of political party... We have no inside track on what happens inside those big important buildings where all those "representatives" meet. All we know is that when those civilian representatives screw up the situation, they call upon the military to go straighten it out. The military member might direct you to Oliver North. (I can see him kicking your butt already.) 11) "Your mama wears combat boots" never made sense to me ... stop saying it! If she did, she would most likely be a vet and probably kick your butt! 12) Bin Laden and the Taliban are not communists, so stop saying "Let's go kill those Commie's!!!" And stop asking us where he is!!!! Crystal balls are not standard issue in the military. That reminds me ... if you see anyone calling those darn psychic phone numbers; let me know, so I can go kick their butt. 13) Bus Driver, Jarhead, Grunt, Swabbie, Coastie, Skimmer, etc., are terms of endearment we use describing each other. Unless you are a service member or vet, you have not earned the right to use them. Could get your butt kicked. 14) Last but not least, whether or not you become a member of the military, support our troops and their families. Every Thanksgiving and religious holiday that you enjoy with family and friends, please remember that there are literally thousands of troops from all five service branches overseas wishing they could be with their families too. Thank God for our military and the sacrifices they make every day. Without them, our country would get its butt kicked. Some words edited for appropriateness at LDSTALK.
  20. I would love to get back to the simplicity of Christmas. But when stores start advertising Christmas in October it's hard to get my own kids to think about anything but what they want. Though this year might be different. Money is extremely tight so a good chance for me to bring the real meaning of Christmas back into play. Doing some family things instead of focusing on the material side of it.
  21. Sometimes there isn't anything you can say or do that would change his mood or attitude. Some people delight in feeling miserable. Sometimes it's an attention getter which he is obviously getting from you. Then there is the old cliche "Time heals all wounds"
  22. It all actually sounds quite lovely Gabelma. And I just realized I changed the name of the classic movie. Boy do I feel stupid. It's Miracle on 34th Street. I just wanted to change addresses.
  23. I think one of the most gripping, can't put it down books was Helter Skelter. About the Manson family. Getting into the psyche of several of the family members was interesting. Plus the fact I can remember when all of that hit the news.