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Everything posted by pam

  1. Sometimes you just have to turn it on.
  2. I finished the series today. I thought it was excellent. Now I need to find something new to read.
  3. I'm not familiar with her. What is a book she has written?
  4. Pushing a partner to do something really is being optimistic.
  5. And what a nuisance he is too.
  6. But thanks for helping me up my numbers. I'm almost there. lol scam artist Hey whatever it takes. Oh like that's so shocking to you.
  7. But thanks for helping me up my numbers. I'm almost there. lol scam artist Hey whatever it takes.
  8. But thanks for helping me up my numbers. I'm almost there. lol
  9. Isn't good boy Pale an oxymoron? shut up Nope
  10. thanks for your expert speculation...... :) Oh that was such a low blow.
  11. All good resolutions. Or goals perhaps I should say.
  12. you need to read it again......LOL!!!!!! Not to take anything away from Susie's lovely post but...Pale SHUT UP
  13. Thanks Susie....that's something I needed to read tonight.
  14. Would you believe Pale and I brought in 2000 together on ldstalk? are you sure.....I was in Memphis that year watching Byu and the Liberty Bowl....we did walk in the door at about 10 till Wow I thought we did. I could have swore we did. But maybe not. Age must be settling in. hahahaha
  15. Would you believe Pale and I brought in 2000 together on ldstalk?
  16. Keep up the good work Pam! I'm trying but one of my New Year's resolutions was to be nice to Pale. I don't think I can do it. shut up Pale! Don't be rude to your elders!! You know Pam is older than dirt!!! (Sorry Pam, I'm just pretending to be horrible to you, so he doesn't think I'm agreeing with you..) And that's supposed to make me feel better? hahaha
  17. I think that sounds just fine Marsha.
  18. Hmmm have to think about that one. Usually it's all or nothing.
  19. Keep up the good work Pam! I'm trying but one of my New Year's resolutions was to be nice to Pale. I don't think I can do it.
  20. Oh Marsha I am soooooooo sorry. It's hard for those that don't have an animal to realize how much a part of the family they become . I wish I had some special words to take away some of the pain but I'm at a loss. Just know that I'm thinking of you during your time of grief.
  21. He's always been afraid of me.