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Everything posted by pam

  1. First of all...what are your reasons why you can not?
  2. That is such awesome news Michael. I'm really really happy for you.
  3. Desire, curious as to why your profile says Christian instead of LDS? Not that LDS aren't Christians but I am just curious. You mentioned on another thread about a youth activity and a Bishop.
  4. Wow all these new babies. Congrats Pale on the upcoming new grandchild.
  5. Because they drink beer? You seriously prevent a college from advertising to potential students because the current students drink beer?Elphaba I agree with you El. Is this not stereotyping ALL students at that college? What about those students who would seriously be interested in that college but don't drink beer? So they now aren't given the opportunity to receive literature? Seems there would be some kind of legal issue here not being followed. Some rights of the college.
  6. I bet CM is going to LOVE getting all the pm's.
  7. Yes welcome to the site. Always good to meet people from around the world.
  8. You can't buy beer in a convenience/grocery store?
  9. Years and years ago my mom used beer as a hair rinse. Brought out the shine. Imagine her chagrin to run into the Bishop while at the store buying some. I told her she needed to start using a grocery store far from the house.
  10. I don't understand your point, PC. What does this have to do with the story?Elphaba I kind of was wondering the same thing.
  11. Might be on sale now that Christmas shopping is over.
  12. I'm all about pouring a packet into a mug and adding hot water. haha
  13. it was on the hallmark channel earlier thinks I saw it at Walmart and almost picked it up.
  14. I would like to see the movie Christmas Shoes derived from the song of the same name. I hear it's a tear jerker.
  15. Jingle all the Way which is my son's favorite movie.
  16. UGH oh like that movie too.....I think there are alot of these movies that are bad and people like them .....but they are afraid to admit it......... UGH means I admit to? Oh are from Missouri...You just don't understand the meaning of UGH. now lets talk about where you are from....... and where you live now...... The great city of San Diego.
  17. A really nice Chargers throw blanket Shrek 3 Pirates of the Caribbean 3 I'm a happy person. Congratulations a-train on the upcoming new addition to the family.
  18. UGH oh like that movie too.....I think there are alot of these movies that are bad and people like them .....but they are afraid to admit it......... UGH means I admit to? Oh are from Missouri...You just don't understand the meaning of UGH.
  19. The last ward I was in they asked you to pay for the RS manuals.