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Everything posted by pam

  1. Funny you should mention Apple (I do know where that is coming from). I think I posted in another thread ages and ages ago about a friend of mine I grew up with. Her last name was Apple...and her first name was......drum roll.....Candy. So she was Candy Apple.
  2. When my mom was a child a Stake President gave a talk where he said that in the last days food and substance would become so expensive that you could have a wheelbarrow full of money and not afford a loaf of bread. Are we not seeing that coming to fruition now? Look at the rising costs of gas. Which means that the price of everything else follows. I don't want this to start a political discussion. It's not about politics it's about signs of the times and those that we are now seeing.
  3. pam


    Hey we should do a scrapbooking day. hehe
  4. Yes how do you can butter?
  5. That has always been my opinion as well. That Heavenly Father used existing matter. Could these "pieces" have been from other worlds where these things existed? I don't know. But I've always believed this. Disclaimer: Just my opinion and not necessarily the opinion of the LDS Church.
  6. Welcome welcome welcome
  7. I started watching the movie and found it far too graphic for my taste.
  8. pam

    I read a lot...

    Who are some of your favorite authors?
  9. I wish my ex could read some of these comments. Unfortunately he made the decision when we separated to move to the other side of the country. He has made no attempt to see his kids in the 9 years we have been divorced.
  10. Just a would also be easier to read your post if you didn't capitalize every single word. Just a suggestion.
  11. Welcome welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it.
  12. Yes welcome to the site...I graduated in high school in.....okay I'm not saying...just a long time ago. hehe
  13. pam


    Okay I used to be really into this but find I no longer have the time nor do I want to spend all the money for all of the supplies. Anyone know of an online source for digital scrapbooking that doesn't cost an arm and a leg?
  14. Blue ones skiing or snowboarding
  15. In reading some of your posts, it appears to me you already have a good foundation for one. Just keep up in studying about the church, read the Book of Mormon, pray about it's truthfullness...but pray with a sincere heart.
  16. The site is awesome Mark. You did a great job.
  17. I find nothing in the BOM to be allegorical. I believe them to be complete truths, things that really happened. A history of the Americas.
  18. Welcome to the site. I hope you enjoy it.
  19. Actually JD your remarks were right on the money.
  20. Fiannan are you still in Tibet? I'm reading on the news about all the violence and protests going on there right now. Just wanted to see if you are okay.
  21. And business was conducted in the office on the office phones. None of this walking all around, into stores, shopping, driving, eating, etc with a cell phone attached to their ear...or bluetooth attached.
  22. I do believe Traveler also used to frequent the cgi site with a few of us in the 40's room.