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Everything posted by pam

  1. This may not work. I just tried to watch it again and it says "This video is no longer available" Darn it was amazing.
  2. New copies of The Book of Mormon will have a word change in the introduction. The change brings the introduction more into line with prevailing scientific theory. Many Latter-day Saints already believe that the ancient peoples written about in The Book of Mormon represent only part of the inhabitants of Central America at that time. The change, in the introduction, accommodates that belief. Latter-day Saints believe that The Book of Mormon tells the story of Israelites in the New World in 600 B.C. One family split into two groups called Nephites and Lamanites. From Joseph Smith to the present, church leaders have told followers that Native Americans and indigenous peoples of Central and South America are descendants of the Lamanites. In 1981, an introduction was added to the Book of Mormon that included the phrase: "... all were destroyed except the Lamanites, and they are the principal ancestors of the American Indians." New editions from Doubleday now read: "... and they are among the ancestors of the American Indians." DNA testing and research in books like "Losing a Lost Tribe" and "Who Are the Children of Lehi?" have brought the issue into modern context. Kerry Muhlestein, BYU ancient scripture assistant professor, says church members should not look at this as surprising. "As we come to look more carefully at the text of The Book of Mormon and clues in it about other people they're interacting with, I think we've come to understand that the picture may be more complex than we have assumed," says Muhlestein. Prof. Trent Stephens says this is not simply science versus religion. DNA testing does not have all the answers. He says, "You may be descended from a person 10 generations back, but the chances are almost zero that you actually have any genetic material from any given ancestor that far back … There's a difference between tradition and doctrine, and this is what we're really talking about." Muhlestein says he doesn't believe it's in response to some DNA research that shows the continent's early inhabitants are of Asian descent. LDS Church spokesman Mark Tuttle says the change will be included in the next edition of The Book of Mormon that the church prints.
  3. A driver is stuck in a traffic jam going into downtown Chicago, nothing is moving going north or south and a man knocks on his window. The driver rolls down his window and asks, "What happened, what's the hold up?" "Terrorists have kidnapped Hillary Clinton, Rosie O'Donnell, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton. They are asking for a $10 million ransom. Otherwise they are going to douse them with gasoline and set them on fire. So, we are going from car to car, taking up a collection." The driver asks, "On average, how much is everyone giving?" "About a gallon."
  4. My sister just sent this to me in an e-mail. You have to watch the entire thing to get the whole picture. I was in tears. Will you be my Hero?
  5. My mom drives me to distraction sometimes now...yet I know that she is the one that instilled so much into my character. She was the one who was always there when I needed her. My dad is awesome too but during my growing up years he was a flight engineer and was gone much of the time.
  6. Doug you think you are exhausted now. Wait until they REALLY put to work. But it sounds like you will put your entire effort and being into whatever they have for you. Congratulations.
  7. My congratulations to both of you as well. It really is amazing news.
  8. Moksha! I love KD, and I loved that song, so much so I just ordered it. Thank you so much for posting it! Now, to break the mood: Don't bring your cell phone to church! Elphie Was that for real? Or put on?
  9. pam

    Some Irony

    Hmmm I knew that you being Sioux sis wasn't a good thing. hahahaha j/k Love her.
  10. May I put my vote in? I vote for Jacob.
  11. Children love birthdays and birthday parties. Perhaps for a 2 year old putting it in that perspective might be helpful but of course a bit toned down. A friend of mine put together a three ring binder with all the pictures and stories she could find about Christ's birth. That way her children could go through it and they could discuss what each of the pictures represented and read and talk about the stories.
  12. Thanks for those comments. You are a strong woman to raise three kids so close together in age. My husband keeps teasing me about us having twins. I tell him it is not funny. I certainly will be sleeping whenever they are both sleeping at the same time. :) Good for you. I was one of those ones that thought I needed to use the time to get all the other things done. Once my doctor pointed out how silly that really was...I slept whenever I got the chance.
  13. I'm wondering the same thing. I haven't seen her in awhile. I'm hoping it didn't go to surgery.
  14. Let me tell you. Not that I have any great advise but I will tell you what my doctor told me. First of all I need to daughter was 22 months old when I delivered twin boys. So I had 3 children under the age of 2. Talk about a nightmare. And I went back to work full time six weeks after they were born. I think part of that helped to maintain my sanity. But until doctor told me...don't do what EVERY young mother thinks they have to do. You think while baby sleeps you need to get all those things done you can't do while baby is awake. Hogwash. Those things can wait. It doesn't matter if there are dishes in the sink, if there are a couple of loads of clothes that need to be washed...while baby is asleep and your other is down for nap...YOU take a nap as well. Your health is just as important as those children who have been entrusted to you. Enlist the help of any family members. Ask them for just a couple of hours of ME time. I and another mother traded off a couple of days a week. I took her kids for a couple of hours and she took mine. That gave me that ME time I so needed.
  15. pam

    Some Irony

    We'll see if it's ironic or not. I'm voting for Romney! :) Me too!!!!
  16. Oh but I MUST comment Ben. Goes to show how much younger I am. I KNEW that was the new name. haha
  17. She wants to go to UVSC or UVU as it will be known officially by next school year.
  18. Does anyone know of a reputable site to search for available scholarships without having to pay a huge service fee just to look? I have a senior this year and I don't know where to look. Her school isn't providing much information.
  19. Well they are books of fiction so that doesn't bother me.
  20. Thanks Ben. They sound interesting. I didn't want to hurt my friend's feelings by not taking them with me. So I guess I'll give them a try.
  21. Has anyone heard of or read The Left Behind Series? A coworker has lent me the first 4 volumes and I was wondering if it was worth my time.
  22. I have been exactly in your shoes. The only way I got out was to leave a beautiful home with my 3 kids and move into a 2 bedroom apartment. Hardest thing I ever did. I felt all the emotions. How could I do this to my kids was the biggest. Now 9 years later I realize it was the best thing I could have done. Financially it was a terrible struggle and still is. Emotionally...I've never been better. With the exception of one of my children they haven't seen their dad since we separated. Not my choice but his. Do I get lonely? Yes but when I consider the alternative I prefer the loneliness. But I now know who I am and what my strengths are instead of constantly being told what my weaknesses are.
  23. Yep I think he's pretty cool too. Now if anyone tells him I said that I will deny it.
  24. I could probably agree with you on the smell for Edward. Though I don't think anything to do with food would be a smell that would appeal to Edward as far as Bella goes.
  25. hee hee. Well, let's just all PM John Doe with a good pumpkin pie recipe. He would love that. Good suggestion.