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Everything posted by jayanna

  1. The first 2 times I read the Book of Mormon, I read it side-by-side with the Bible, following the footnotes on the bottom of the page. I learned a lot doing that. Every time it mentioned a Bible reference, I started flipping to that. I always had a hard time understanding most of the Bible when I was growing up, even though I had an English teacher for a mom, and a college reading level since I was 9. I found opposing explanations so confusing, especially when I asked questions at the different churches I went to and got so many different answers for the same passage of scripture. Now that I read the Book of Mormon and Bible together it makes so much more sense to me. Put that together with prayer, and you cannot fail to learn something.
  2. Well, I do know that the Bible is referred to as the stick of Judah (Jewish) and the Book of Mormon is the stick of Joseph, and that we should put them together. There is a pretty hefty prophesy about this in Ezekiel 37 around v. 17-19. p.s. Most Latter-Day Saints I know are of the tribe of Ephraim, including me. :)
  3. You know, I kinda feel the same way. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, not the church of mormon, don't get me wrong Mormon is great, but I wasn't baptized in his name, I was baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. When someone asks if I'm a Mormon, I kinda wanna say no, because I am not trying to be like Mormon, I'm trying to be like Jesus. I actually say, "Well, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, if that is what you mean." I'm not really worried about who's going to hell. I think that everyone are sons and daughters of a Heavenly Father, but they just don't know it yet. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ...at some point everyone will know and acknowledge Him...I just want to be able to look back at my life and know that I loved people the way Jesus does.
  4. dahlia, I don't know if you have been to any of our Sunday meetings or Stake conference, but I've been a member for a little over 10 years, and have never had a 'fire and brimstone' sermon like the ones you are describing. My hubby was in another church before this one, and didn't like the 'fire and brimstone' lectures that he got there, he came to church with me one time, and that was it for him. We mostly tell each other how to be better families, wives, husbands, more Christlike etc. and encourage and check on each other to make sure eveyone is okay. Sometimes, I look around at church at all the programs we have, including our ward choir, and I'm kinda in awe that it is all run by volunteers. Even my bishop isn't paid. I'm glad you liked conference. Stake conference is great too, but in order to hear it you have to go.
  5. reduce your temple recomment interview to only 3 questions using this age old trick... eliminate spam in under 30 days....wait...never mind
  6. My hubby was raised a Baptist. After we got engaged, he came to church with me and loved it. He said that one of the most important things to him about attending Sunday service with me was not once hearing the word hell, or about someone else who is going there. We aren't trying to be good because we are afraid of hell, but because we love Christ and want to show him. Also, we love each other. What he said that really got him was that everything that was taught was about how to be more like Christ. He heard plans to help people, scripture stories, and how to be a better husband. The gospel is good news :)
  7. Elders give 2 years of their time to serve their mission. They do not get paid for it. They do this before they get married. They cannot go on a mission if they are married and/or have children, who should depend on them for income and support. Usually, that means that they are pretty young. There are older couple missionaries, but they are not available in all areas. The couple missionaries are usually retired. Remember, the men in the church have jobs, so going on a mission means taking off time from a career if you are older, unless you are retired. Don't let the age fool you. Elders taught me when I joined the church, they taught my husband. My missionaries were very kind, and did a lot of service, which is what I needed. My husband's missionaries were very very knowledgeable about the Bible, which was what he needed. In the ward you are in there is a ward mission leader. There are other adults in the ward who are ward missionaries. You can ask if one or two of them can come with the Elders if you want, but the Elders are still responsible for the gospel discussions. They are the ones that will be answering most of your questions. Don't worry...I'm sure you will find them kind, and humble, and very studious.
  8. When I was a newly new member, I was on the internet one night, and ran into an anti site. At first, I didn't know what it was...I was looking for 'you might be a mormon if' jokes. Then I saw a joke about the prophet, it was kinda ugly, so I looked at what site I was on. I read some things I wish I hadn't. I questioned my testimony. My amazing testimony that I had changed my whole life for, and the lives of my kids for.... Well, that just wouldn't do. I got on my knees immediately and prayed. I told Heavenly Father what I had done and what I needed to know. Once again, he assured me of the truth, he instructed me to continue to read my scriptures and I did. I felt better almost immediately. Believe in the Savior, believe in a church that teaches about him. There was a missionary assigned to this area, not long ago. He was born and raised in the church. He had started to read some of the anit stuff, in spite of me telling him not to. He was starting to believe it, I am so glad that he felt comfortable talking to me. He said one day, "Sis.___________, I read that our church does not teach one single primary song about Jesus, not one. And you know what, that's true, there aren't any." I looked him right in the eye...and sang "I'm trying to be like Jesus, " Sing it to yourself right now. In your head, whatever, just do it. I'll try to put a link here for the words LDS Church Music Interactive Music Player Then, we both knew that what he had been reading was junk. Just a bunch of very convincing junk. That book had taken something so untrue and convinced him, utterly convinced him of a complete lie. To the point that his memory was not even able to grasp onto a primary song he had sung a thousand times. What is more like Him, a church that helps you be more like him, or a group of people pointing their finger into the foggy past, looking for instances and recordings that can be skewed as questionable actions of people who are not here to defend themselves? I wasn't around back then, I have no idea why they did some of the things they did, or wrote some of the things they wrote. I don't know who did what. But I'm here, right now, and I'm trying to be like Christ. I am doing what He tells me to do. I tell them, get thee behind me, I'm too busy for this, I'm on my way to the temple! I'm helping others, I'm going to be like Christ!
  9. I'm so sorry this is happening to you, Melissa, it is not okay. For whatever reason, he is being unfaithful to you.. There is a lot of this going on in the area I live in. I worked at a bank branch that was across the street from a casino. There would be people walking along the side of the road picking up change, and then come in the bank and change it in. There would be bits of grass in it. I told one man, "Don't go back over there." He responded with, "I have to, they have all my money." (I've heard that a lot) I said, "It's not yours anymore, besides, they don't give it back. That's why the building is so big." He went right back over there and lost the grass money. Someone came up to me one day in our parking lot. "I ran out of gas just down the road, do you have a few bucks?" I gave him a 5, he walked right across the street to the casino. I don't get it, I really don't. It seems to me that if tobacco companies can get in trouble for selling an addicting product, why don't casinos have to face the music for addicting people to their product? There are a lot of addiction counselors around here now. Those things you listed are true, but didn't they tell you anything that you can do? I've seen some people successfully budget a certain amount for gambling each month. They consider it and entertainment expense. Or maybe organize an intervention. Maybe your bishop can help. Otherwise, pray and fast for your hubby, he has a disease, he is afflicted and you can put his name on the temple prayer roll. My dad (step) was an alcoholic, and if it helps any, my mom gave him an ultimatum. He came home to a completely empty house. We had moved about 500 miles away. He quit cold turkey, and moved out there with us. Looking back, I think it was good that we moved because his friends would help him drink. I don't know if that would help in your situation or not. My dad did not have a safety net, so it worked, probably did save his life. A great big bearhug for you. Sorry, all I can do is mourn with those that mourn and comfort those that stand in need of comfort...no real advice here I guess.
  10. I had to get divorced, and remarried later. He was a nonmember, a Baptist, and when we got engaged decided to go to his church one Sunday and mine the next. We never did go to his church :) Don't get me wrong, I was perfectly accepting of this decision, he just decided to get to know more, and that was it. We are sealed now, and he is doing so great, and my oldest is now in seminary this year. She was really mad when she was little, at the missionaries. She first heard from the Holy Ghost when we gave her her first set of scriptures before she was baptized. Her sis. is 12 now, and hasn't gotten that yet. I'm sure she will someday, though.
  11. I know it so much, that when I decided to join the church, I lost my friends, my husband threatened to kill me for it (and nearly did), I lost my job, my home, my parents disowned me...and all I had was a car full of baby clothes and two toddler girls. I would not have given up the only home my children had because of a nice idea, or a faint belief. I was offered a lot of things if I would only say the church wasn't true. I could have it all back, if I only said a few little words... I Deny it. Instead, I listened to that still small voice, who told me just what to do and where to go. I have a new home that is not built on sand. God sent the rain that came tumbling down, and washed that sand away, so I would go toward the rock. The rock is revelation, God builds his church on revelation, this is the rock that Peter had. This is the rock that I still need to lead my children through this whirlwind of the world. Testimony isn't solely a hope, it isn't reasonable speculation, it is the rock that I use to make important life decisions, I would not risk my life, and my kids future on anything less. Leave my home and go where the Lord asks? check Life being threatened and stick with the church anyway? check Look in my children's faces and not know what to tell them? check Living forever with my eternal companion and being sealed to my kids? worth it. A decade later, I would do it all again. I know exactly why those pioneer saints carved in that rock "We thank the O God"
  12. Easy. Living without hope was hard, hard, hard.
  13. Well, if they are not claiming to be legally married, then what law could they be breaking? Technically one is married and the others are living together. So, while they might say 'wives' it really means wife and girlfriends. This would be a hard thing to make stick, legally.
  14. water purification tabs, or bleach toilet paper soap, infections suck good shoes
  15. Okay, so ask her out this weekend and let us know how it goes! The suspense is killing me... da duh DDUUUMMMMMMMMM.....
  16. Daenvgiell, I have found that sometimes when someone does not have a testimony of something, they have to live it first, and then the knowledge comes. Take tithing for example, from the outside looking in it makes no sense to give away 10% of your income...but when you do, the blessings come, somehow they just do. I would suggest that you bide your time on getting the answer you are expecting, and instead focus on learning one principle at a time and trying it out...like family scripture study, or Sabbath worship, family home evening, fasting, just pick something that is taught that we should do and try it out for a while...give it 6 weeks and see if there is a difference in the feeling of your home. Then pick something else and do it also, look for the difference in your life. Sometimes the testimony is in the fruits of what we do. If we do good things, there will be good results.
  17. 10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: 11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. 12 They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. 13 Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: 14 Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: 15 Their feet are swift to shed blood: 16 Destruction and misery are in their ways: 17 And the way of peace have they not known: 18 There is no fear of God before their eyes. Romans chapter 3 Is not talking about everyone on the whole planet. It is talking about certain people at a certain time. What decides a good person? We don't. God does. We will be judged according to our works at the last day. Judge by the fruits. Good fruit cannot come from a bad tree. Sometimes faith in God eventually leads to faith in Jesus Christ. People learn at different speeds, it may be hard to wait for others to believe in Christ, but we are not supposed to condemn each other. Jesus came into the world not condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. The way to him is not one of force, He calls to us, and when we are ready, we answer. Sometimes, like with the Old Testament prophet, Samuel, He has to call more than once. Be patient with others, like you want the Savior to be patient with you.
  18. I know that the church is true. I know that the book of Mormon is true. I know that Joseph Smith and Pres. Monson are the Lord's prophets. I know these things not because I read some things and decided to believe them. I know these things because I prayed and asked and received an answer. The answer was a still, small voice, one that I recognize, one that has never lied to me or led me astray, has only encourage me to do good, and led me closer to my Savior. I know because I have acted on these facts, and it has born good fruits. If I decided one day to say it's not true, I know that I would be lying. I know these things better than I know what the couch I'm sitting on is made of...I know them better than I know most anything... Do the missionaries know it? I don't know, but to assume I know what they think/feel would be arrogant on my part, so I just worry about me.
  19. I do try to wear nice attire to sacrament meeting. I wore a nice dress to my wedding, my baptism, and sacrament is just as important to me. Some might wear nice clothes to impress others, but if I were the only person there, I would be wearing the same thing. In fact, I have had sacrament in my home, when I was too ill to go to church, and I washed my face and put on something nice (not stockings and heels, but a clean top and skirt, or if I can't move at all, a blanket to make sure I'm modest). If someone that did not know me saw me at church, they might think that I was dressed to impress, while actually, I have had that dress for 5+ years, and my shoes may be very worn, but polished. I very very rarely wear any jewelry at all, I don't even have much jewelry to wear to be honest. In fact, I don't even wear a wedding ring. I'm just too clausterphobic to wear it. I asked my hubby if it bothered him that I didn't wear it. He said, "Honey, I would much rather you act married and not wear the ring, than wear the biggest ring in the world and not act married at all." Inward feelings can be shown outward in many ways. When I love someone I tend to hold their hand, hug them, or smile. Dressing nicely for taking the sacrament is one of the ways I show outwardly to the Lord that I care about Him, along with caring for others, and following his words. Other people may show it outwardly much differently than me. If you do not have time to dress up, go anyway, attending is always more important than looks. Don't worry so much about what people will think of you :) Whether or not I wear a ring is between me and my husband, what you wear to church is between you and the Lord. Be at peace.
  20. I agree, don't contend with anyone, don't even open up a conversation about it. If someone asks merely say, yes, and leave it at that. If they demand an answer, simply say, I prayed and received an answer. If a huge debate starts, leave. Nobody wins. Just be joyful, and let them see the happiness the gospel brings to your life.
  21. Liz, I want you to know, that I think for a lot of people you are very right. Most of the men that admittedly use porn that I know of, are definitely under the impression that the girls actually like it. They lie to themselves and say that they like it. My husband told me of the one and only time he went to a strip club...it was a long time before he joined the church and like a decade before we met..he went out with a group of friends for a bachelor party, and they ended up going to some seedy bar. At first, he was very flattered, and excited to see what a great welcome he got, until he started to notice some things. He noticed that whoever seemed to be giving out the most money was who got the most attention, and that the girls were so desperate for the money (mostly $1 bills) that they were willing to do anything to get it. Then he started to wonder why they were so desperate. Suddenly, instead of being excited, he was sickened, and has never looked back on the experience favorably. Although, I do also know that there are plenty of men out there that honestly don't care how they treat the girls...or how much they are hurt. I had a friend in jr. high (15) that had been a prostitute in L.A. since the age of 12. Those men just wanted to get the most fun for their money, and didn't care who they hurt in the process. I don't want to debate about porn either, but I just wanted to say that I support you, Liz, and understand your viewpoint.
  22. Wait, you mean that they are actually legally married? Well, performing wedding ceremonies with marriage licenses, etc? I'm confused, I thought they were just standing in a church building of theirs and exchanging vows, etc. not actually claiming to be legally married.? Do the women have the same last name?
  23. My hubby rides a motorcycle to church. He does have short hair and a clean shaven face (yay! I find it much more kissable) It is so cute to see him in his suit with his big Marvin-the-Martian helmet riding along on his motorcycle into the church parking lot :) Tie flying over his shoulder...the occasional bug on the lapel Really, curtis, just try to look your best and only worry about if the Lord thinks you are being respectful to Him, it will be great. Let us know how it goes!
  24. Well, curtis, I don't know about where you are, but if you were coming to my ward, people would trip over each other trying to greet you. :) Somebody might ask if you have kids, etc., but once you answer, word will spread and you won't have to keep answering forever. No one I know of would look down on you. People occasionally still ask me if we are having any more. I just say ,"no" I have a heart issue which keeps me from being able to carry and deliver. Adopting is out of the picture too, since I can't even hold a baby and walk around, much less chase one. It is sometimes hard to see someone have a baby and not be a little jealous, but I know that I'll get cuddle time :) since babies are passed around quite a bit in my ward :) I can sit and play with baby toes!!! and peek-a-boo during sacrament with the babies in the pews around me.
  25. What are almost illegal substances, missme? You know, missme, I can't really say if you should get divorced or not. While he did not do anything illegal, to my knowledge, If I made a list of the horrible things my husband did before he truly converted to the gospel, no one would believe me. They would simply not believe that I was talking about the same man. He joined the church about the same time that we got married. For about two months it was great, then something happened, I'm not sure what. His favorite missionary went home, someone at church disappointed him, I don't know. For a long time I cried every Sunday b/c he was not the man he was supposed to be. He was mean to me and my children. I seriously regretted getting married...again. Then I decided to work on me instead of on him. I went to the temple and received my endowments. I was the person that he wanted to be sealed to for the first time in years. He got curious about the change in me. I loved myself again, I loved him again, I was kinder and more patient. He wanted to know what this whole temple thing was about. Later that year we were sealed in the temple. The next spring he was able to adopt my daughters and we were sealed to them. I feel like I am still getting to know this new guy. He is amazing. Will this happen to you? I don't know. Anything is possible. What I do know is that you have to work on you. An STD test is definitely important for you right now. I don't think I would tell the husband that you are getting one, unless you come up positive for something, it will only cause a fight. You want as little contention in the home as possible. Work on being the best you can be. Pray about what you should do, talk to your bishop and a counselor, even if he won't go. Grow your relationship with your Heavenly Father, know that He loves you and that you are precious to Him. Wait to receive counsel from Him before you act. You are not alone, He will not let you be alone.