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Everything posted by estradling75

  1. I think we can all sympathize with someone who is trying to follow the legal process to immigrate. I think we can also all sympathize with not putting your life on hold as the process drags on (20 years wow). I also think we can all sympathize with after waiting and building the panic and desperation of being denied. (Even if maybe you did something a little foolish to trigger such denial). All that sympathy however does not mean that that the denial is racially motivated or that accusations of racism are factual. It does however reinforce the need to fix/cleanup how things are currently being handled.
  2. My mom is a resident alien. She has lived here and raised her family here. She is here legally and lawfully. She is not a citizen. She can not vote. She pays taxes. That being said strong case can be made that our laws on immigration are overly complex and cumbersome. Add to that inconsistent enforcement of the law depending on what party is in power. This can definitely lead to confusion, and some people setting up homes that legally should not be. That is why I think our priorities should be to secure the borders, clean up the immigration laws, then clean up internally. I think if we get the first two... then it becomes an easier to offer amnesty for the immigrants... whose only crime is illegal entry. However the first two must come first... because we have been burned by offering amnesty first and the second two never happened.
  3. And what I think is more important... Is that we have covenanted to "Take upon ourselves the name of Christ" Not to take upon ourselves the name of Mormon. In many ways I see this as a call to repentance from the Prophet of God to the membership of the church. And like always some will follow and heed the call... and some will not.
  4. I am trying to understand you. I have met too many people would fall into the scriptural warning of "When they are learned they think they are wise" for me to think that "Learning" is a standalone answer. But rather as the scriptures go on to say. "But to be learned is good if they hearken unto the councils of God." This places learning as a supplemental/secondary activity that gives benefit. Thus following the councils of God first and best... then learning about others second.
  5. When you said you disagreed. I am saying that "Doing unto others" is the least hypocritical and cruel path to take. That it is better then "Knowledge" You disagree... Therefore you think that "Knowledge" is the better path (aka less hypocritical and cruel then "Doing"). You are entitled to your opinion, but I do not understand it so I am asking your to clarify your logic and reasoning on how you see it.
  6. So you think that "Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you" is a hypocritical/being cruel thing to do? While I agree that knowledge can help. My point is "Doing" is generally more effective. If you truly disagree with me.. then you need to point our how "Doing unto others" is more like to be hypocritical/cruel then knowledge could be
  7. Which is why the answer is not "Gain Knowledge". Gaining knowledge does not stop people from being hypocrites... or making jokes... or having fun at others expenses.... "Do unto Others as you would have them do unto you." does that. If the effort we are being asked to devote to "learning others religious beliefs" is instead devoted to following Christ's command and we think "Is this how I would want others to treat me?" When we do this hypocrisy goes away (or is greatly reduced) and humor becomes much less mean spirited. Thus it is a much better answer then the one the Article goes with. It is also a command with means it is what Christ wants us to be doing.
  8. Both these are cases where "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you applies" And people can have different answers For example when someone comes knocking on my door to share religion... I am polite but firm and clear in my lack of interest. On a hot day I'll offer a drink. Why? because that is how I would want to be treated. As a missionary I did not want to talk to people that had no interest. Of course I did want people to be interested, but I did not want it to be faked... because that just wasted everyone's time. As for ignorant claims sure knowledge counters ignorance. But in this case simple respect counters making claims you really know nothing about. All knowledge you need is that you lack knowledge to be talking about it. I know I would like to have my religion treated respectfully... so that is my approach (or what I try to make my approach) to other people's religions. And I find a clearly respectful treatment of others people faiths even when I do not know much about it goes much father then any attempt to show how much I might know about it. While the article tries to make the case that we need to "know" and "learn" in order to effectively reach people. But it ignores the power of respect and treating each other like Children of God. Things we can do, things we are counciled to do, without taking a singular religion class.
  9. You are talking about "Soul Mates" in the Hollywood romance fantasy crap... and crap is exactly what that is In the Soul Mate fantasy you find the "One" and there are no struggles or fights or hardships.... You simply have a "Happy Ever after" That is no more really then the Hollywood fantasy about beauty. We do believe in Foreordination... That means maybe you can have been called to marry someone in the preexistence (maybe). If so then like with any calling you can accept it, you can reject it... you can phone it in or you can work to magnify it. And sometimes maybe you get released from it for a variety of possible reasons. Because of this I have no reason to doubt people who say they and they feel they found "The One" in fact I really hope they do feel that way about the one they have chosen... but given how twisted and curved real life can be some times you might need to find another one that is "The One" and if you are in that sad situation then that is OK... in fact I kind of hope it does happen. Thus it is possible that your Blessing did tell you about a Foreordained spouse(again maybe)... But as the scriptures say "Many are Called but few are chosen" and in the case of a spouse you are the one that does the choosing... so choose well and wisely.
  10. 3 Nephi chapter 8 verse 1&2 See the bold.... Until Mormon made his comment we had no reason to doubt the time frame. But Mormon himself seems to be hedging the time frame and we do not know why. Space on the plates were valuable so what take up space with that unless he felt it was necessary.
  11. Sigh once again you are asking for advice... which based on your history you will not take. So why waste all of our time? Knowing that it most likely fruitless I will advise you on the second question. The Word of Wisdom has the Letter of the Law and the Spirit of the Law. The letter of the Law is what the Church enforces with various worthiness interviews. The Letter of the Law for the Word of Wisdom says nothing about caffeine or energy drinks. Therefore you can pound down three during a interview and still pass. For the Spirit of the Law the church directs us to study and ponder and pray about it and the follow the guidance given from the Spirit. Because everyone is different and at a different place the Church makes no hard and fast rules at this level... Rather we are to be spirit directed. In the Word of Wisdom it talks about being wise and using judgement and skill. And biologically speaking there is nothing that is free. You want to be awake and alert? You pay for that by sleeping and resting. Stimulants (like caffeine) allow you to temporary postpone paying. They allow you to be awake and alert now... at the cost of paying more latter. But make no mistake you have to pay it at some point. Various studies have shown that Caffeine works as a stimulant for the first couple of days, but after that people build up a tolerance and they have to have it to keep from feeling like crap. (aka paying the price). Thus being a bit addictive. Of course if you stop caffeine and pay the price in about a month or so the tolerance fades and it becomes effective again. So if you have a short term need for Alertness caffeine (in its various forms) can be a rock star. But for anything lasting more then a day or two... nothing works like diet, exercise and rest. So you need to prayerfully ask yourself is caffeine/energy drinks really the right answer for you in what will be a condition that is going to last awhile? Is that really the path you should take/want to take?
  12. That would not be what such a statement means. The Atonement of Christ satisfied Justice completely and totally. Those unaccountable are covered. Those accountable have to follow the commands of Christ (up to whatever level of accountability they have to follow Christ's commands)
  13. Indeed... People seem to be missing the fact that declaring (aka preaching) Christ is an action. I am use to it when I discuss Faith vs Works with non members having to tell them that "Accepting Christ" is a "Work" and a very important important piece of evidence of ones Christianity or lack thereof, but I find it surprising that I seem to have to explicitly tell people here. The very first step for filtering Christians has to be "Do they accept Christ?" People who do not clearly have no desire to be considered as such and should be respected. It is after that important self selection that I think actions speak louder and are more important then word or dogma. The scriptures say "Who knows the master whom they have not served?" and "By there fruits you shall know them." Not "Do they believe in the Trinity or the Godhead?"
  14. Indeed... The scriptures talk about how God uses the wicked to destroy the wicked. And how rulers can do right by the people while doing wrong personally. That does not mean we embrace either type. The Lord had given us his council and instructions for our personal voting whom we should support. We can follow that as best we can, and trust that the Lord's wisdom is wiser than mans... Or we can call the Lord's council to be foolishness and look to man and his wisdom to save us. And the interesting thing is as with many of the highly personal choices following God's pattern does not mean everyone is going to have the same answer. After all we all do not work at the same job, or have the same spouse, so why should our vote be the same?
  15. What part of " And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins. " Fails the belief umbrella? The fact that you had to clip it out to make your point means you knew your point was not valid in context of what I said.
  16. Given what I posted... what makes you think I expect Conservatism or any of the other political ideologies to survive? (at least in the form they are currently playing out) Last I checked 3rd Nephi is about the political ideologies (and the other forms of -ites) being destroyed in favor of God's kingdom.
  17. This statement matches my expectation that we are going to follow the Nephi path as given in the Book of Mormon... (ie the government will be destroyed and we will break down into tribal organizations)
  18. For me... for the debate on who should be called Christian... I tend toward saying I once heard... "Would there be enough evidence to convict you?" This tends to down play doctrine and dogma in favor of behavior and actions. Or as Nephi said, "And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." That to me is what it means to be Christian
  19. Fair enough... But if you want to yell and castigate me for my dysfunctions... while proudly displaying the very same dysfunctions... Well then you should't be surprised if I ignore you or even do the opposite of what you are trying to get me to do. (Stubborn Contrariness is one of my many dysfunctions)
  20. This... While no one is perfect... the saying goes "Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" I know dysfunctional people trying to dictate to me things like morality and ethics from a media bully pulpit is a huge peeve of mine.
  21. Because if they did not... the left/democratic power block.. would have to deal with they fact that Trump has called them on their utter incompetence. They are the one in powers in the larger urban cities and they have been for decades. The problems of those areas (Crime, drugs, poverty etc.) are all on them. Trump is pointing out that their emperor has not being wearing any clothes for a long time. Rather then deal with that they have to distract by playing the race card.
  22. There was no sign mentioned as being given. There was the sign of his birth... A night without darkness... There was the sign of his death... A day without light... Note the symbolism of both. For is resurrection their was no sign promised... just the promise was that he would visit after it happened. Which he did. As for the timing of his visit... any time after works for that. But note that Mormon 400 years after the events had some questions himself about the time frame as it was recorded. We do not know why he was questioning it... only that he did and that he went with what was recorded.
  23. Indeed... Some people are so instant on proving the idea that the pioneers were 'illegal' that they do not seem to realize that even if they 'win' that battle it costs them the war. Ok so lets call the pioneers 'illegal' that puts the USA in the role of the Indians and Mexico. History shows us that if we do not push back hard, strong and constantly we will have our land taken from us. How is that suppose to make me OK with allowing 'illegal' immigration? If I have more then two brain cells and a basic grasp of history it is clearly not something to be OK with.
  24. Indeed... Note the profound difference between the Church members who where persecuted (and even the Anti Nephi Lehis) and what is being demanded of us. The Church members and the Anti Nephi Lehis both asked for and waited until they had permission before moving. When the Church members were denied they didn't just go and take want they wanted anyways. And remember Navuoo was a swamp that the Church was allowed to settle on. God's call for Charity and Compassion works both ways... He does not turn a blind eye to thievery and law breaking just because one is in a bad place. Immigrants who wait for permission are not illegal and are welcome. Immigrants who do not wait... who selfishly think their needs justify taking that was not given them are illegal and not on the side of God.