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Everything posted by yjacket

  1. IMO, I think many types of behaviors-not all but many are learned behaviors. Is it possible that depression is genetically passed down? Possibly, but it's also very, very possible that at a very young age we learn depressive behaviors. For example, if one has a parent that is constantly bemoaning the world, saying things like "I can't do this", "I don't feel good", etc. I can guarantee you that the child will begin to pick up those same habits-they will say and do things that mimic the parental behaviors. So in effect, we can train or not train our children to have these attitudes. Does it work in all cases? Absolutely not, but children do mimic behaviors from their parents. I also think we need to recognize where these feelings come from. Certainly not from God; the scriptures tell us that "Adam fell that men might be and men are that they might have joy". The purpose of this life is to gain a body, experience mortal life, have joy in the journey and then return to our Father. We also know that Satan desires that all men might be miserable like unto himself. We have good, light, life, laughter, joy, all those good things come from God. We have anger, malice, hatred, despondency, etc. those things come from the Devil. In this life we are expected and must experience both, the sadness to understand better joy, anger to better understand peace, etc. In addition, we are given free agency in this life to make the conscience choice on how to live our lives. While we might be trained in a certain way, while we might be influenced in a certain way, while we might have horrible things happen to us-life is a conscience choice on how to live. A huge part of being a fully formed adult is becoming responsible for oneself. There is no person out there who is going to magically solve this problem for you. There are guides along the way who can help, but ultimately learning how to become responsible for oneself and choosing what path you want to go down is, learning to more fully rely upon the Atonement of Jesus Christ to help heal your soul that is what will help you the most. And before someone spouts off, I don't know what I'm talking about-I do know what I'm talking about-I've lived it in my family and my family has conquered it too. I know what it is like to train a child to be depressed, and I know what it's like to train a child to have grit, determination, self-sufficiency, etc. I know what it's like to live in a depressed household and I know what it's like to slay that beast and how it gets slayed. The battle can be long and hard, but it can be won. And I guarantee you, the more accountable you are for your actions, the more responsible you become, the more you make a choice to choose the better part, the more you rely upon Christ to heal your soul, the more that this problem will fade away. You are 18 years old, you literally have your whole life and whole world ahead of you; choose to embrace it, choose to have joy in the journey, choose to be the best person you can be, choose to do something that will help out your fellow man (helping out your fellow man by providing service through a job), choose to do something productive with your life. God gave you a body to be on this earth-yours is the power to do with it what you will. Get up and do something more than worry about your own problems; a magical thing happens when you stop worrying so much about yourself-you end up being happier. Nobody, not the doctor, not your parents can make you happy, being happy and finding joy in life is a choice. Invictus is one of my favorite poems and there is so much truth in it. Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
  2. I wrote a whole thing and it got gobbled up. All I say is that I agree, but I don't think you and I agree on what the best solution means-and it sure as heck doesn't mean we let foreigners who don't understand American culture into this country. The Syrian crisis is a US caused crisis from the idiot neo-con warmongers. The best solution is just to leave them alone. 3000 miles of ocean and dozens of other countries that fit their culture better-absolutely no reason why we should let them into this country.
  3. No kidding; let's talk about the ban! Hallelujah actually doing something to stop people who don't share our culture, don't share our values from coming here. Thank you!!
  4. Oh you'll get no complaint from me on State's rights. I hate the REALID act, I believe it is severe federal overreach. California has the right to do how they please . . . but just b/c they do doesn't mean I have to like, regardless of what state I live in. And this is why I'm glad for the electoral college. California could let anyone who breaths vote and they still only get 55 electoral college votes. Doesn't mean I am happy with the potential of illegals voting, doesn't mean I won't complain about it-but ultimately California can do what it wants to and it will still get 55 electoral college votes.
  5. Very, very true. I love this from you. Thank you! Just one of my own personal quandaries in the Church-we don't talk about it very openly . . .I'm not talking about the blessings, I'm talking about the no kidding, literal Power of God to cast out Devils.
  6. I have often wondered this and personally, I think there is a lot more truth to this than most people realize. I don't know why it's so hard for us to believe in the influence of evil spirits, being "possessed by them" when a significant portion of Christ's miracles were casting out Devils? We all say that in a common refrain "Christ raised the dead, healed the sick, cast out devils", yet today we have completely lost the ability to think that this might really be the case. Why would the scriptures include "casting out devils" if they didn't recognized that devils possessing people were part of this life and happened. Yet in today's modern society-when was the last time we heard of "casting out of devils". It is so hard for us to believe that portion of the scriptures, yet we are willing to believe the philosophies of atheistic men? Seem like a little bit of a quandary to me.
  7. Yes . .and?? Your point being? AB-60 is a legal California Driver's license that complies with the REAL ID act-the only physical difference between an AB-60 and a regular DL is a that the upper right hand corner states: FEDERAL LIMITS APPLY (i.e. it shouldn't be used for travle), right about CLASS A-that's it. And if you believe that our illustrious TSA is going to be able to kick out every one who has that on their license-I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Again, if everyone does things on the up and up-there should be no problems. But if you are an illegal, you already aren't on the up and up-so yes there will be problems.
  8. But that's not science (that's taking a dart and throwing it and saying welp looks like we got somewhat close this time!), it's not solving the problem-the studies end up being rigged, it's very hard to find double-blind studies and even those that are may or may not be meaningful. For the FDA to approve a drug, they need 3 studies that prove it "works", but they don't tell you have many studies they needed to do in order to get 3 that it worked. Yes we literally know almost nothing about it. When we start getting to the point of scanning brains and saying it is exactly this part of the brain that is causing a problem for each and every instance of xyz and we know that abc medicine does blah to make xyz part of the brain "normal". Then we might be getting somewhere. It's not scare quotes or over the top rhetoric-it is reality. Now this isn't to say that their is no value in talking to a "professional", b/c there are effective coping methods that can help-but the bottom line is we don't know why this person exhibits symptoms of bipolar or this person has this issue or that issue. Until you know why, you can't solve it anything that you try to solve it is pseudo-science and quackery. As long as we recognize that and go into it with eyes wide open, I'd don't have a problem with it. If you think you need to see a psychologist-fine go for it. But just recognize that they really don't have a clue as to "what's wrong with you". Ultimately we are talking about the human mind and how people think. IMO, God only knows exactly what makes us tick. What part of us actually forms conscience thought and how are those thoughts transformed from thoughts to actions? Only God knows. So IMO psychology, without the affirmation of the existence of God is a false science, and a false religion. And unfortunately, the vast majority of major thinkers in psychology are and were atheists. So you are going to trust your life based on an ideology that disavows the existence of God? Nope, no thank you. If science advances to the point were it becomes similar to a broken bone-I'll change my opinion-if and until then it is my opinion that it is a quack psuedo-science dressed up to make people feel good, that someone knows exactly what is "wrong" with them-which isn't the case at all.
  9. I did mean California driver's license for CDL. Now, I don't know if getting an AB-60 triggers automatic voter registration or not. My state does not automatically register anyone to vote-you are asked, but it is not automatic. So I really don't care much about automatic voter registration, simply the fact that illegals can vote in California-there is a mechanism in place for them to do so. Yes, anatess corrected me on the undocumented part-now they are just documented illegals. It basically puts people who jump the border in the same boat as overstay visa holders. In fact, contrary to popular belief the greatest amount of illegals doesn't come from people jumping the border, but people who come here legally (through work visas, student visas, etc.) and just quite simply don't go back when their visa is up. And that is the point, if you are already a criminal by overstaying your visa or jumping the border-why would you not commit another crime by registering to vote? Regardless California has made it extremely easy for illegals to be just the same as everyone else and easy to cross into other states. Many states simply require another states DL in order to issue their own DL, is Florida DMV going to know exactly what to look for on the California DL to know it's a AB-60, not a regular DL. Is TSA in South Carolina going to know that the AB-60 CDL can't be used for identification?? I highly doubt it. California has opened a can of worms, and yes I distrust my government enough to believe that when they passed this law they understood the potential consequences. Just like those Obamaphones. As was relayed first hand to me, there are booths where they give out Obamaphones and they "give you a call or something on them when it's time to vote so you can know you need to vote". The Ds are very, very sneaky about getting votes.
  10. That's a negative, Ghost Rider. Registering to vote is not a federal or national item-you don't register to vote with the Federal Government, you register to vote with your State-and as such each State sets their own rules as to what's needed in order to register to vote-provided it's not too stringent b/c the Supreme Court would strike down tough voter registration as "discrimination". California does not require a birth certificate or passport-I don't know how much more clear it can get. I copy and pasted directly from California's voter registration page what is needed to register to vote in California. All that is needed is a) A California Driver's License and b) the last four of your SSN. In California, you don't need a passport or a birth certificate to register to vote. You can register online and that is all you need, a California Driver's license (CDL) and the last for of your SSN. Unless California has an automated check to match a CDL with an SSN or they have an automated check to kick out AB-60 driver's licenses then it is 100% possible for illegals to vote in California. I'm an illegal, I have a CDL, I go to the website, punch in my CDL and the last 4 of my "SSN" and I'm good (and since I copy and pasted the procedure for legal non-citizens-i.e. visa holders to obtain a SSN it is much easier for legal non-citizens here to vote!). Now it is possible that California has an automated check-but considering it's California and it's the government-I highly doubt they have a database that validates CDL's against SSNs b/c according to liberals there is probably some "discrimination" that occurs by doing that.
  11. Yes, b/c they have no freaking clue what they are doing!!! That's why. Why are you willing to trust your life with a "doctor" who has absolutely no clue how to solve it? Me, I'd rather put my faith in God only rather than some quack.
  12. But if you don't know what is causing it then maybe, just maybe the cure is to actually "buck up/shake it off/get over it". I don't think anyone-and certainly not myself-make the claim that the symptoms of depression do not exists that the symptoms of bipolar, etc. do not exist. But b/c we are dealing with the mind and at this point we have no concrete evidence that there is an actual physiological problem-maybe the cure is to "buck up/shake it off/get over it". Maybe not, the fact is we don't know. And while yes sometimes medicine helps,sometimes not-sometimes it's no better than a placebo. My main point is two-fold, we should be very leery of the quackery of psychologists and more specifically the philosophies of men in psychology. Not that they are all bad-but we need to really be careful about whether they come from God or whether they are just the ideas of some man . The second point is we need to be very careful about the types of medicine we have people take for these issues-those are very powerful drugs and if someone goes batcrap crazy for a bit (hysterical,breakdown,bipolar, etc.) or depressed, giving them a drug that gives them suicidal thoughts (as many of them do!) ain't a good thing.
  13. Wrong on both counts: #1) http://www.dmv.org/ca-california/ab-60-drivers-license.php As of January 2015, California residents who cannot establish legal presence in the United States may apply for a driver's license if they can show eligible proof of identification and residency in the state. These driver's licenses may not be used for identification purposes[i.e INS cannot use this as proof that they are illegal]. By law, no one may discriminate against a holder of an AB-60 license, or use this license to attempt to question the holder's citizenship or immigration status. So can illegals have a drivers license-YES!!! And as I quoted earlier, you just need a driver's license to register to vote (and the voter registration does not stipulate that you cannot use a AB-60 Driver's license). With this new law, California just opened Pandora's box on illegals-they basically created a mechanism where there is no difference between illegals immigrants and everyone else-in fact by law you cannot discriminate against illegals in California (i.e. businesses can't say, you're illegal I'm not going to hire you!!-how stupid is that). So yes illegals can vote in California!!! This isn't hard, it is simply a loophole in the current laws that allow illegals who want to take advantage of the law to do so . . .and if you are already illegal why wouldn't you break another law and take advantage of another loophole! And California politicians are almost all Democratic and this just opens up a yuge avenue for California to become even more Democratic-these politicians are smart they know exactly what they are doing. #2) From the Transcript: RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us [not them but us]? OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote. Obama is absolutely 100% wrong in his quote- voting does not make you a citizen. And notice what the interviewer said. Obama could have easily said, there isn't such a thing as an undocumented citizen; he could say if you are legal US citizen you have the right to vote-he didn't say that. And if you want to say he misspoke, didn't understand the question, etc. I guess there goes the mantra of "the most articulate, poised, polished, etc" President we've ever had. The question was specifically about "undocumented citizens", i.e. illegals voting. This is the left showing they are completely ignorant on this issue and that yes, for many, many years there have been forces at work to bring as many illegals into this country. They are drawn here b/c of the social services and end up being primarily democrat so yes there is a high incentive for the left to bring in and have vote as many illegal/legal immigrants as possible. Thank heavens we finally have someone in office who will enforce one of the very few things the federal government should be doing, ensuring our country remains our country. If you don't have an enforceable border with enforceable immigration laws, you don't have a country. I really don't see what is so hard about that.
  14. No, it's just that you can't truly fix something unless you know exactly what is wrong. Prescribing medication to cover up the symptoms is a pretty crappy and can't really be described as "medicine" more like "quackery".
  15. One word: California. You don't understand how voting is done here. Each state sets their own rules for what is required for voting and the types of verification needed in order to register to vote. In California you need (in order to register to vote) a driver's license and last four of your social-that's it. Well California has recently allowed illegals to obtain a driver's license. And social security numbers: http://www.forbes.com/forbes/welcome/?toURL=http://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2016/04/13/irs-admits-it-encourages-illegals-to-steal-social-security-numbers-for-taxes/&refURL=https://www.google.com/&referrer=https://www.google.com/ https://www.ssa.gov/pubs/EN-05-10096.pdf If you are a legal non-citizen you can legally obtain a SSN. In addition, unless California does an active search to match your name with a SSN, then poof. All you really need to register to vote in California is a California Drivers License. And since California is giving them to illegals-then yes illegals can vote in California in elections. Couple this with the video of Obama actively encouraging "noncitizens" to vote in our elections. Yes it can happened and I'm positive it did happen.
  16. It's not talked about as much b/c there are a few problems with "mental illness"; first for the vast majority of mental illnesses, we have symptoms and diagnoses, but not concrete evidence of the exact nature as to the problem. If you break your leg, you can see the x-ray, the bone sticking up etc. Mental illness has none of that. If someone broke their leg and went to the doctor saying "my leg hurts really bad, it's hard to walk" and the doctor said-here is some percocet-take this whenever the pain gets back and that's it-that's similar to mental illness. Psychologists prescribe extremely powerful medicines that drastically jack with the brain and cause lot of bad things in the body, mind, soul to cover up the symptoms of mental illness. We truly do not know what causes these problems. Psychologists describing a "chemical imbalance" are just spouting complete bull-they didn't measure one's supposed "chemical imbalance", they don't even know what the "right" chemical balance should be. It truly is black medicine. And it's really hard to talk about something personal that has no real known causes.
  17. Chalk it up to modern society . . . .sad state of afffiars.
  18. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/01/26/andrew-napolitano-trump-has-committed-most-revolutionary-act-ive-seen-in-45-years.html I figure if my thoughts are similar to the Judge then I'm probably pretty good. Obamacare is dead. I've been very impressed so far-even from a libertarian perspective.
  19. Surprisingly enough, I agree with this. I read completely the EOs he issued today. None of them are legislating. In each EO, for each actual action that the Executive Branch is taking he lists the corresponding law authority that has already passed. Then he messages to the Executive Branch, saying each and every time enforce xyz to the maximum extent possible. Quite frankly, the reality hasn't been that we don't have laws in place to keep illegal immigration in check (oh and I did like it when the EOs called them illegal aliens, very nice no PC crap)-it's just that they haven't been enforced. Hence what I've said earlier, there are so many laws on the books that it is almost impossible not to break a law during the day. There is a book written "3 Felonies a Day" explaining this. It's just a matter of whether a) you get caught and b) whether the executive authority (local,state,federal) are enforcing that law. So Trump doesn't need to create new laws-b/c they are already there-we just have to enforce them. What a huge difference and relief from He Who Shall Not Be Named-one of the worst presidents ever. This is a huge part of what Trump meant when he said multiple times-we will bring back Law and Order. This is bringing back Law and Order. This is actually quite amazing b/c I'm uber-libertarian, actually an anarco-capitalists, but I am really loving this. Unlike most politicians, he is actually doing exactly what he said he would do. So much for all those who said he was a con man!! They are and will be eating crow soon. Hiring 10,000 border agents to enforce immigration, but putting a freeze on the rest of government hiring. That is putting some teeth into immigration enforcement; hallelujah baby! I tell you I've got nothing against people from xyz country, but I am so blasted sick of walking into the Quickie Mart and being barely able to understand the guy at the counter. Sometimes I feel like a stranger in my own country.
  20. The only ones where I have the utmost compassion for is hermaphrodites as clearly something went awry genetically. I really feel for those individuals as I feel for other individuals who are born into this world with severe physical deformities and clear mental retardation. Those individuals will struggle to lead normal lives and God will one day ensure that all is made right.
  21. My thoughts briefly. There is only one word for it, sin. We know that the natural man is fallen and that we all have tendencies towards proclivities that are sinful. We don't say that the man who likes alcohol is sober challenged or that his spirit must really be a spirit that needs alcohol-no we say it is sin. We don't say that the man who loves to look at naked women has a spirit who's natural state is that to be his "true" self he must see those things-no we call it sin. We don't say that the man who lives with his girlfriend, that his true spirit needs to find out if they are really compatible, no we call it sin. In all other forms of human behavior that does not comport to the revealed characteristics and behavior of the commandments we call it sin. So why is it that when we come to one of the most basic fundamental sins, (those of sexual nature), we make excuses and say well maybe their "true spirit" is really xyz. There is no revealed doctrine that can even remotely support those suppositions. So praytell why can we not as LDS members who are to stand for truth and right call it what it is-sin! I will answer. Because too many of us have come to to rely upon another God, a false God. A false God that in the past 50-60 years has taken over religion and completely replaced the bedrock of society. It is the false God of psychology. Because psychologists, not Prophets, but pyschologists have told us that transgender, homosexual, and every other deviant type of behavior isn't sinful (they don't even believe in sin), but it is natural and these poor, poor people don't have anything wrong with them, they are simply just misunderstood. As a society, we have come to rely more upon the philosophies of men . . .mingled with scripture rather than upon the revealed Word of God and it will be for our downfall. No there is no other word for it except sin-the why of the sin for us is unimportant (it maybe important for the individual who commits the sin-but for us it is not-it is sin and should not be done and therefor we should stand against those deviant behaviors). Now we love the sinner, but not the sin. So how do we treat sinners-as Christ would treat them. But make no mistake, society likes to think of Christ as this personage who loved everyone, peace, never said anything hurtful, etc. That is a serious, serious mistake. At the appropriate times, Christ was very forceful (I bring a sword, overthrew the moneychangers, condemned the Pharisees, etc) and he never said it's okay that you sin in xyz way. No He said, go and sin nomore, not it's okay that you sin in that particular way. He came to save us from our sins not in our sins. So if we are in a position where we should, we firmly and boldly state that certain behaviors are sinful and not of God and we love those who are sinners. But we should never make excuses for sin.
  22. But I think this is what the memo means. The IRS doesn't have to go after people who don't pay-it has limited resources and budgets-it can go after others rather than those who don't pay the tax.
  23. Maybe, maybe not . . .all I know is that if I was faced with the Obamacare individual tax for not getting healthcare, I'd refuse to pay it and see what happens. If I were a business hit with an Obamacare fee, I'd refuse to pay it and see what happens. I would definitely push the issue if I were in a position to do so. Trump has in effect messaged to the populace, the mandate, fees, penalties, etc. are dead. It will become a dead letter. Just because something is law doesn't mean it has to be enforced- there are tons upon tons of laws in this country-local,state,federal-that are on the books but never enforced. That is part of the trick-figuring out which laws are enforced and which are not (b/c the vast majority of them have nothing to do with morality).
  24. Love this one. Basically with the swipe of a pen he killed Obamacare; as the main portion of Obamacare was/is the taxes/mandates. And before people complain, I believe the executive branch has the ability to tell it's agencies not to enforce a law, but doesn't have the ability to enforce a law not created by Congress. Executive local/state agencies do it all the time-just b/c you were speeding doesn't mean the officer has to give you a ticket.