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Everything posted by yjacket

  1. lol . . .probably. Unfortunately, I've seen too much corruption up close and personal (I recently had to move jobs due to corruption at work). I've seen society morals change so incredibly fast. 2002- anit-sodomy law in Texas struck-down to homosexual marriage in 2015 and members of the LDS church get upset when the Church takes a stand on it? The moral underpinning of this country is going down the tubes fast. May in my lifetime there be a cleansing that will at least give me hope for my children's generation, that they won't become scorned and hated for being religious or moral.
  2. You have definitely got that right. I'm at the point that this sucker ain't going back. So let's get this party started, 'cuz when the facade really starts wearing thin people are going to realize there ain't nothing special about this country anymore. Right now we still have 2 things going for us, the best economy in the world and highest standards of living (thanks to having the world's reserve currency that we continually abuse) and military. Those will be the last things to go and then the boiled frog with be cooked. And we'll all wake up praying for deliverance that just maybe God will deliver us.
  3. There is a lot to be said about how the founders originally structured this country. They knew having uninformed masses voting would not be a good thing.
  4. Negativo my friend. Please don't be mislead by the pied pipers within the Republican Party who are a part of the modern day Gadianton Robbers, who will stop at nothing to keep their power. And I do mean that literally. McMullin is part of 'em. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evan_McMullin Right on his wiki page, member of the Council on Foreign Relations and former CIA officer for 10 years and then worked in investment banking. He is part of the Gadianton Robbers. Nope, no thank you; sorry my fellow mormons- you are being trolled with him. I honestly thought I might vote for Johnson, however the more and more I am seeing, I will be casting my vote for Trump. For one reasons and one reason only he is a massive big middle finger to the power elite and the corrupt Deep State, the Gadianton Robbers that control this country. I like some of his policies but not a terrible many of them, he's not libertarian, he's not a moral person or necessarily a nice person. Wikileaks is starting to lay bare the massive corruption that is embedded within our institutions of power. The collusion and downright campaigning from major news networks. If you think this corruption is only on the D side, you are fooling yourself. My guess is at the RNC level (and having been acquainted personally with several of the RNC committee members, I'm fairly positive of this) what we are seeing with wikileaks is only half of the story. From the RNC level, once Rubio/Bush dropped out they literally did not care who won (and that was certainly conveyed to me and several other folks by a certain powerful RNC individual), they had already given up the fight. Anyone who thinks Cruz would have done any better is fooling themselves as the Establishment/Deep State candidates were already gone. Cruz would have tried to appeal to them (and might have been successful) Trump just doesn't care about the power elite. Trump might be a bad guy, but if he is and if he does something illegal, you can bet dollars to donuts he'll be prosecuted for it. Those connected to the Deep State .. .hah they will never be prosecuted for their robbings, plunderings and murders. The Clinton Foundation filtering those who receive money from the State Department for disaster cleanup of Haiti??? Got to be a "Friend of Bill" you go to the front of line, otherwise go to this website. Pure corruption and they will never be held accountable. There is a reason why Trump has been made out to eat little babies (and he certainly hasn't help himself), but it is b/c he is not part of the Gadianton Robbers. The only other point in the last 50 years the people have had the possibility to toss out those robbers was in '92. If he is part of the secret band, then I will gladly vote for someone else who more aligns with my political beliefs. But unless that evidence comes forward, it might take an immoral man to root out the evil.
  5. Bull; how many lives have been destroyed b/c of false accusations. I'm really sick of how all a woman has to do is cry "rape" with no actual you know proof, with something that it can never be proven b/c it turns into a he said she said. This is the new wave, you don't like a man, just cry rape, don't like a fraternity just claim they made racists comments. Everyone fawns over these people. Get drunk have an encounter with a guy, regret is the next day and claim he date raped. Are there perverts, yes, but come on that this comes out 3 weeks before an election? You're going to believe the news media that has already been proven to be in bed with the Clinton Campaign? We already know they are corrupt, just exactly how corrupt are they? Hey I was at this party one time and this big shot grabbed my butt . . . .really that is your evidence? 3 weeks before an election? Wake up and smell the coffee. Clinton will never be prosecuted, she could have someone wacked and it wouldn't matter-she's not just "another" corrupt politician, she is evil incarnate. Trump may be a sexual pervert and if he is one, will certainly be tried and convicted If he is tried, convicted and impeached then Pence would be the next President and the establishment Republicans would be rejoicing. Hillary is a criminal and will never be tried.
  6. Not only is it worse in regard to policy; she is a corrupt crook. She is a criminal, she broke the law and is above the law.
  7. Lol, right okay. Look, you're telling me that about basically a year of "vetting" that this stuff is just now coming out. Give me a break. This is a calculated takedown. Come on man, you've got to have better info. that that " The Entertainment Tonight video was just released on CBS News. You can't see Trump in the video, which was recorded around Christmas time inside Trump Tower. CBS says he was looking at a group of 10-year-olds walking past him when he made the comment, and you see the group of girls on a nearby escalator right after the comment. " Give me a break. looking at a 25 year old tape in which, he isn't visible where CBS (who is confirmed in bed with Clinton) says he was looking at them. Could he be a predator, sure; I've learned in life to never be surprised by what people do-but if that is your evidence, you are going to have to do a lot better than that! You'll believe that, but won't believe the Clinton corruption coming out of her e-mails . . .sigh no wonder we are screwed. And now there are multiple women accusers . . . oh right. This is as clear a political takedown as I've seen. You don't think, CBS, NBC, etc. were looking for accusers over the last 6 months? But now, 3 weeks before an election they come out? These women didn't have any thought to contact the news media prior to this last week. They didn't contact the media when Clinton attacked him in the first debate? They couldn't simply contact the corrupt journalist who are in bed with the Clinton Campaign 3 weeks ago? But now, simply b/c he denied it on national TV, now they come out? This is a takedown of the highest degree, coordinated and planned. Get him to deny on TV that he ever sexually assaulted women, give it a few days then find several to corroborate. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't-but regardless this is a targeted, planned, political takedown. And yes, I've witnessed a few locally and the news media can be extremely harsh. This is why non-politicians don't stand a chance. If you don't kiss the ring of whoever the party boss/bosses are they control the media they will take you down. I've seen good people I've worked with get elected to office, not kiss the ring and walk right into a trap and get taken out by their own party. I'm actually at the point, that you know what, if he gets elected and is a predator, then you legitimately will have a trial and he will go to prison and/or impeached. I'd rather have that scenario happen, knowing that if he did something illegal he will be prosecuted, than have a corrupt two-faced, very sick, completely immune from any scrutiny President. And if you don't think she's physically ill, watch the left portion of her neck at :07. Something is very, very wrong. Neck muscles/nerves do not involuntarily spasm that much. Maybe the news media should actually dig into her health?
  8. Oh this junk is starting to get real. The information is there it requires people to put it together (or a non-corrupt bought out news media that actually did their job). Wikileaks is doing the drip, drip, drip of information. We now know of journalist that forwarded debate questions to the Clinton team who then responded back with her answer. We know of journalists who where in the pocket of Clinton. We know of the private vs. public facade. We know of a journalists who bragged to Clinton about destroying Trump at a debate. We know of Podesta talking with individuals who planned to flood the Colorado caucuses with ineligible voters. Now it appears that Wikileaks will be releasing the 30k+ deleted e-mails in 4 batches plus they have video of Clinton and bribery. This may make her look like a saint compared to Trump. Trump is a cad, a jerk, an immoral person. But this system is so incredibly corrupt; I will vote for him just to burn it all down. Sorry Utahns, thinking you'll be able to through the election to McCullin or someone else just isn't going to happen, but I get it if you can't stomach it. No ifs/ands/buts, we are a banana republic, Clinton should be in jail. I've worked in security environments my entire life-there is no way anyone (and I don't care if they said I don't remember 40 times) would not be prosecuted and at the very minimum have a misdemeanor for this crap. Burn, baby Burn. I want some fireworks.
  9. Welcome to the future. Anyone who thinks this crap is going to stop with Hillary as President is fooling themselves. What do you think her comment about "implicit" bias is all about? This country is done for. The 2nd amendment will be gone and then the 1st and then we can be like the rest of the world. The age of American greatness is coming to a close-we are seeing what made it great being hollowed out bit by bit. Mark my words, tax exempt status for religious organizations will soon be going the way of the dust. When that happens, most of your small town churches will simply dry up having been taxed out of existence. While Congress and the President haven't yet found a way to get around the constitution with actual laws, they can very easily tax it out of existence.
  10. Quick question. Have you called the Stake Executive Secretary to set up an appointment? The way the Church generally functions is members set up appointments with either the Bishop or the Stake President by contacting their respective secretary. Unless the Bishop/Stake President either a) knows of a problem or b) has a calling for you they very rarely go out of their way to call you into their office for a chat. They are both generally very busy individual who are managing church affairs, on top of business and family affairs-I wouldn't be so quick to assume he doesn't want to talk with you. Generally speaking one contacts the Bishop who then give the go ahead to speak with the SP (it doesn't always work like that, but if one hasn't talked with the Bishop prior to talking with the SP, prob. one of the 1st questions the SP is going to ask is "have you talked with your Bishop about this?". If the answer is no, or well a long time ago-there had better be a really good reason as to why you should be talking with the SP vs. the Bishop.
  11. McCain is a punk; there isn't a conflict that he wouldn't love to turn into a full-fledged war or an area of the world he wouldn't love to bomb. This is the guy who sang about "bomb,bomb, Iran". McCain has ridden the "war hero" mantra out, the last 25 years have shown him to be anything but.
  12. I agree, I think we are. Ah, the dawning of a new era, JAG and I agree on something :-). Queue the music!
  13. I disagree, but I also disagree that "romantic" love has been the way the world worked for thousands of years. Romantic love is a relatively modern invention; this isn't to say there were never romantic love, but that is one of the reasons why romantic love was such a great story. Abraham sent a servant to find a wife for Isaac; arranged marriages have been a norm for a long time. We have this modern idea that you just love someone, i.e. it is spontaneous and you either love them or you don't (i.e. romantic love), which is completely backwards and IMO is one of the big drivers of divorce (we just "fell out" of love). Love is something that takes work, you have to work at loving someone, especially your spouse b/c more than anyone else you will know more of your spouses faults (and they yours) than anyone else. And to love someone despite all their flaws and imperfections and problems isn't something that just comes spontaneously or naturally. It takes an active choice. Now certainly due to certain flaws and faults some people are easier to love than others, but regardless, spousal love is quite different than "romantic" love. So maybe you don't see "romantic" love in the letters (i.e. the fawning over how they like their spouses hair, or their ascent, or the way they dress, or repeating how their souse is the man/woman of their dreams, etc.,etc., etc.) but I bet you do see a tremendous amount of spousal love-it's just a different manifestation of it. It is extremely foreign to most people b/c they are looking for the romantic love vs. spousal love and unconditional love.
  14. I think of most slavery in a different form; it was a function of the world they lived in for very practical reasons. First off we must remember that "laws" as we currently have, i.e. codified, written down and enforceable are very much a modern function. For most societies over the span of history very few laws were actually written down, The Code of Hammurabi, The Bible, etc. Government as a function was much smaller then it is today and was much more private too. The King was in essence a private owner of the land and territories in his possession, i.e. literally "The King's Highway". The actual function of building a prison and holding people in prison was/is extremely costly; to house people in a jail cell and keep them alive is expensive. So what do you do with someone who has broken an unwritten law or code of conduct? You can't kill everyone for stealing a loaf of bread; and cutting of hands can also be challenging and it doesn't repay the wrong done. To build a jail and monitor them requires a lot of productive resources. So you enslave them. What do you do with a conquered people? You're options are either to butcher the entire lot of them or enslave them. In fact, much of slavery that has existed was different than the slavery in the US. Most ancient slaves had the ability to work their way out of slavery, to become citizens of the country (in the case of Rome), etc.
  15. It's about the hypocrisy; Clinton will come off all sanctimonious about how she has been fighting for women's rights and how much of a slimball Trump is, yet the record shows that she was willing to cut the knees off of all the accusers of her husband. She didn't automatically believe them, she targeted them and went after them. They are all corrupt, they are all dirty-Clinton isn't any cleaner than Trump (more likely a lot dirtier). Again, I've said it before the fight that is currently being wagged on the surface looks like it's just Clinton vs. Trump; R vs. D. ,etc. but it is way more than that. Below the surface, the war that is being waged right now is the current cabal of insiders thugs (Skull&Bones, CFR, globalists, etc.) vs. an external thug who isn't part of the "in" crowd.
  16. There might be more, or there might be less: The article lists 3 incidents. 1 with his an ex-wife. 1 with a the wife/girlfriend of a business partner with whom he was suing prior to this incident and 1 with a 13 year old. I hate sexual assault and no one should ever have to deal with it . . .but I also quite frankly don't give a whole lot of credence to incidents that happened a long time ago that the individual is just now bringing to light b/c #1 memories are extremely faulty and many times unless someone was actually recording the incident it's really difficult to say with 100% accuracy, xyz happened. Unfortunately rape and sexual assault has turned into a guilty until proven innocent crime in the US. A woman who accuses someone of sexual assault must automatically be believed or else the other party is misogynist. And yet, again it is proven that eye-witness accounts in general are notoriously faulty, so the actual memory of what happened may or may not be accurate as to what actually happened. I'm of the theory you need to report the event right away or quite frankly your story doesn't hold too much water with me (yes that even goes for people like Bill Clinton). Where I will change my mind on this is when a plethora of evidence starts coming up (like Bill Cosby and Clinton). So yes, if we start seeing quite a bit of evidence, I will change my mind on this with Trump . . . as of right now my mind is that he is your typical vulgar, uncouth CEO. Is it possible he is a predator, sure, but I'd like to actually see evidence that he was at this Epistein party. Also remember a lot of this is changing as more and more women enter the workforce (it wasn't long ago that having a playboy centerfold hanging up in the office wasn't really that big of a deal).
  17. Oh don't worry, in true #NeverTrumper fashion they will ignore the massive list of Clinton infractions (sexual assaults, dead bodies, public corruption, etc.) claim that Clinton has more moral fiber than Trump that she is more of a "conservative" and vote for her! I completely get not voting for Trump-but to claim to be to "conservative" and claim the moral high ground by voting for Clinton over Trump is ludicrous-they are just wolves in sheep clothing . . really big government liberals wrapped in the Republican party-good riddance to them.
  18. 15.63 million baptized members to be exact as of last December. Yeap, fairly decent size with more members outside the US than inside it. Now of course those numbers are sure to be a little off as we don't have access to all the death records and I think the church keeps members on the list until they are about 105-110 unless the Church is notified of a death. The activity rate is around 50% so we probably have at best 7 million active members with (I'm guessing 50% of that being worthy temple holders??). But yeah, still a good bit of members.
  19. Well, the NeverTrumpers are NeverTrumpers . . .MLK was a womanizer and was cheating on his wife the day before he was killed. Doesn't excuse the behavior, just that so many of our so-called "great men" weren't saints at home . . .if only we had twitter and youtube 100 years ago (sigh). I do think there is something about power, prestige and money that corrupts a man. It takes enormous willpower, moral and training to not let that stuff go to one's head. And yes, there is something about money and power that draws women to men. It makes me appreciate Church leaders so much. Look at almost any big organization with prestige and power and you will find very immoral people at the top (Catholic Church anyone?). It's a testament that we as a Church with over 15 million members and millions (if not billions) of dollars of funds are pretty darn squeaky clean. For presidential stuff, I care more about how you are going to lead this country rather than your personal immorality-I still don't like it one bit but . . .
  20. Oddly enough, I have found that being a parent with multiple children, I've learned to understand more the inconsistencies of life. I have to parent one child completely different than another child-from the tone of voice, to the discipline I use to the way I treat them. I love them all equally but they could say, "dad yo u are so inconsistent!" Maybe, but I have a goal in mind of what I want my kids to be as adults so in order to teach them those principles sometimes they each require different tactics b/c each one has different areas that need focus. One child needs work on being a harder worker, one child needs work on standing up for them-self, etc. It's not that I'm inconsistent it's that I'm using different tactics for each child so they can realize their full potential.
  21. For the above case, we know of no know instances where God has condemned polygamy in the eternities.
  22. Get used to it; life is full of inconsistencies. Take the Word of Wisdom; JS drank beer, most of the members of the Church in the 1800 drank, smoked, swore, etc. (they were pretty uncouth and "vulgar" -vulgar as in people of the lower class). It was perfectly acceptable to be a member in good standing go to the temple and drink. In the early 1900s that changed and it became 100% unacceptable to be a member in good standing and drink/smoke/etc. Why is that? Again you'll have to ask God.
  23. ??? My apologies, generally speaking when we talk of polygamy being banned we refer to the physical act of being married simultaneously to more than 1 living woman.
  24. The stance is that God has commanded the practice in the past; when he has done so through His authorized representative on the Earth then we are to obey that commandment and it is moral, just and right to practice it. If it is not authorized then we are to not practice it and doing so is grounds for excommunication from the Church. Why would God command it to be practiced at one point in time and not in another? I don't know, for that answer, you'll have to ask Him.