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Everything posted by yjacket

  1. And now there is evidence of a friendly business relationship between John Podesta and Federal Judge Richard Leon through (who is involved in the State Dept. e-mail Clinton case) ??? They teach a law course together. Man, people wake up and smell the coffee!! It is corrupt to the absolute core. Clinton was never going to be prosecuted for her high crimes. It was all theatre to see how to make it go away without the American people seeing the corruption.
  2. And now there are e-mails that show a friendly relationship between Federal Judge Richard Leon and John Podesta https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/2811 And this is the same judge that was involved in the State Dept. release of e-mails: http://www.syracuse.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/07/judge_wonders_if_release_of_hillary_clinton_emails_is_being_deliberately_delayed.html And that's only one, I've seen other in the batches that indicate a very friendly relationship. Lol . . .all you've got to do is read between the lines. That e-mail was January of this year. This is now possible collusion between the Court system and the Clinton Campaign. Man, this system is corrupt and what does the MSM do . . .nothing. This should be a huge story, someone should be asking Judge Richard Leon about his personal relationship with John Podesta and isn't that a conflict of interest considering he is involved in the Clinton e-mail case????
  3. 1st time in 16 years I'll vote R for Pres. . . .
  4. I understand that, but the actual facts of what he has done speak a little bit differently than what he says he will do. In certain cases, I'm actually okay with libel laws . . .I'm not okay with the press being able to hide behind the cover of the "freedom of the press" with the ability to destroy people's lives based on rumor, innuendo, etc. Using a lawsuit and then winning if what the press says is baseless (when it is reported as fact as opposed to opinion pieces) and it can be proven has been destructive in nature, isn't curbing the freedom of the press. And Trump is also coming at it from a business perspective, businesses certainly have the right to sue when a newspaper make a fallacious claim that materially harms the company. There is a big difference between suing and then letting the courts determine if the suit has merits vs. shutting down newspapers simply b/c someone doesn't like the paper. If your fear is that he would do that, then you are already admitting we are a 3rd world country.
  5. Ginsberg is 83, Kennedy is 80, Breyer is 78. So in 4 years it'd be 87,84,83. A very good chance that 2 will need to be replaced, plus the current vacancy that's 3. Replace at 2 lefties with Conservatives + the current vacancy that would really give this country a shot in the arm towards actual constitutionalism, smaller government, less power, etc..
  6. And Ron Paul was the white Knight on the Right, but just like Bernie they treated him like crap. The real problem is that many honestly do not understand just how far we have gone. The deck is set for a dictator. The Boston Lock-down? Another 9-11 and it's toast, our freedoms are gone. Maybe Trump instigates it or maybe he is the last hope, I don't know. But this much I do know, Hillary would make the Boston lockdown look like child's play and we are stupidly letting immigrants in from war-torn countries that do not like us, are we really that dumb. It'd be like letting a mass of Germans or Japanese into the US in 1943, dumb, dumb, dumb. If you do, you better have a really good vetting process.
  7. Lol . . .I shall grovel and obey you my king . . where is your ring to kiss! Can I pick up your train too?
  8. I meant it more as a figure of speech than a literal sorry :-).
  9. I'm probably close to your age. I've gone a little bit the other way, it's not about being pragmatic, it's seeing the system the way it really works. Maybe it's b/c I was involved in a few political local "takeovers" with Ron Paul in 2012. I've learned that being "pragmatic" means getting run-over, slammed against the wall and run roughshod over. I've seen more local dirty political tricks than I care to. These people don't play nice, they don't give up power and they are out for blood. If they were actually willing to work with you that is one thing, but they aren't . ..their view of working with you is to throw a few crumbs here and there while they slam the crap out of you. It doesn't matter if you are 48% of the vote, if you don't have the majority you are screwed. After several years of playing the game kissing the ring, etc. i.e. you become indoctrinated into the program, then they give you a few more than crumbs. But by that time you've become one of them. The real power brokers are out for blood and if you aren't ready to give it right back at 110% you will be destroyed. Pragmatism just means government grows larger and larger. That works until the party stops and believe me one day the party will stop b/c of fiscal constraints and then it will be very interesting. Jefferson was right: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” When it's not the system just becomes more and more corrupt. I'm not advocating for actual revolution, but from time to time the system needs to be completely flushed; we are at that point.
  10. I've said it before, the #NeverTrumpers simply do not understand what this election is about. They think about policies and this election isn't and never has been about policies. It's about the fact that a very substantial number of people feel completely used and screwed over by the politicians who were supposed to be "conservative" and have simply sold them down the river and haven't stood up for them. I can't say it enough, Trump is not part of the political elites and that is why he has garnered so much support. You can laugh, despise and make out the "Trumpkins" are fools, idiots, etc. But to do that is to completely misrepresent, underestimate and not understand what is going on politically. The political elites don't understand it and to not understand it is do to so at one's own folly.
  11. I don't feel like rehashing his policies, but he was is part of the problem not the solution, more big government-talks a good game but not really.
  12. Nope, it's not cheating by the other side, it's that people realize that both sides are corrupt. Really, how long and how often has the Rs talked about deficit and debt reduction? For all my entire adult life and not once have they actually done anything substantial to make it happen, a bunch of coward, spineless sellouts (except for a very select few). Even the great Reagon did jack. Look at the past 100 years and it is one long train in one direction (with very minor blibs), larger and larger government with more and more control.
  13. Blatantly false, they are neoconservatives and moderates. Romney was a moderate. I've looked into this and the only reason why he became a Republican was so he could run against Kennedy and possibly win (it is documented that he was a Dem. prior). Romney instituted RomneyCare? That's conservative? Cruz is more traditional conservative (and I don't like Cruz and he does have a flare of neo-con in him, but it's more subdued) than Romney, McCain, W (they are the War Party).
  14. I said at the time and I still think so that personally Romney is a very moral man-but he is still part of the power elites. No the hypocrisy isn't staggering. The bathroom thing is all about government control. And to use the left term "factcheck", Trump is not a known pervert. Today's society is sick, a women just has to claim "he abused me" and a man is done for-it's amazing men even go on dates anymore; why take the chance of being persecuted in public court. 3 weeks before election day and this all comes out . . .pleez that is political motivation. One of the women works for the Clinton Foundation (the woman who accused Trump for something 30 years ago) . . .hmmm. If he is a perv, bring a suit, and we'll see. That's the thing in today's society, a woman just makes the claim and she must be believed or else you hate women. Frankly, we don't know what the truth is and it will take a while to actually sort it out, and 3 weeks isn't enough to sort it out, it is enough for a political takedown however.
  15. And that is the real story here. The vast majority of what we see, think and feel is shaped by the peddlers of news and except for the conspiracy theorist no one thinks the news media is that corrupt. Yet wikileaks proves otherwise, the system is corrupt, journalism in bed with politicians letting the politicians write their own story and read the script (verified by wikileaks that Clinton does this). Anyone who doesn't become part of the corrupt system will be trashed. The news media is the first line of protection for the Gaddianton Robbers and power elites.
  16. The only other R candidate who could possibly beat Clinton be Rand Paul. Cruz is like Rand Paul without the libertarian flare. And that libertarian flare is needed to bring in the moderates and independents. But both Cruz and Paul would be destroyed like Trump from the corrupt establishment media. We have documented proof from wikileaks that the media is in the tank for the Establishment. So blame Trump if you like-but it just isn't the reality of the situation.
  17. I personally think the only thing that will save us will be the 2nd Coming; but I definitely hope more people will take solace in religion.
  18. You have more faith in the system that I do. I believe the only thing that is going to save us is literally Christ Himself; can't wait for Him to get here. In other news: Looks like the Clinton Team were putting out fake jobs on Craigslist spoofing Trump. Now the curious thing about this is the items they mention like. * Must be open to public humiliation and open-press workouts if you do gain weight on the job and the date on the e-mail was May 18th. It can be inferred that the Clinton Team knew about the Machado thing many, many months ago and with the collusion with the News Media it becomes obvious that they were instructing the news media to specifically hold back on it until they wanted it released. Trumps fault in all this isn't that he is a cad, it's that he's a political neophyte, they are and have been screwing him 6 ways to Sunday, but he certainly hasn't helped himself https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/12803 The political elite with their open disdain for religion and this "commission" report. We are only at year 1 of homosexual marriage . . .just wait this will get a lot worse before it gets better.
  19. I understand, I don't hold any ill-will towards those who want US protection, I just happen to think it has caused more problems than it as solved, just like the Drug War has caused more problems than it has solved.
  20. Correct. Their non-intervention stance? Unless a country directly attacks us, we should not be involved militarily, period end of story. Unfortunately, the mantra of "look at WWI" gets trotted out every time, when the truth of the matter is WWII would never had happened if the US had minded it's own business, Hitler would have never come to power. But we get to live with that mantra for the next 30+ years until it is finally dead and gone.
  21. I understand why the Church did that, they explicitly came out against recreational marijuana but they didn't comment on medical marijuana. I align myself very closely with official Church stuff, unfortunately they are wrong on prohibition of marijuana like they were wrong on prohibition of alcohol; but that is okay. IMO the Church is wrong on very, very few things, so it's not a big deal to me. I completely 100% agree marijuana and alcohol in recreational sense are not good, against the WoW and shouldn't be use. The actuality of the laws (i.e. when should we through someone in jail for it) is a different matter however.
  22. If you want to have your voice hear then vote for the Constitutional Party of the Libertarian Party. Both parties who align well with LDS values (Johnson not as well, but the Party itself lines up closer to the LDS root values of leave us alone to practice our religion). Don't follow the pied piper Romney who simply says, hey vote for McMullin with 3 months of vetting . . .that just shows a lemming quality rather a principle quality.
  23. Where he has been and what he has done is on the wikipedia page. My statement about him being connected to the insiders/Establishment/Gadianton Robbers is based upon what I know about the CFR and investment banks and the CIA. This guy worked for 10 years in the CIA, then in investment banking and now he's a Presidential candidate? Sorry, no dice. You don't work for 10 years in the CIA as a covert officer switch to investment banking, and on August 8th of this year declare your candidacy for President. The guy was an OPs officer with them in the middle east; people obviously don't understand that mentality. There are a lot of good people who work for the Agency, but working for the NCS . . .let's just say it's very, very hard to maintain a marriage. He spent 10 years of his life pretending to be someone (or multiple someone's he his not). The training they put you through is very, very good. We are talking you are a businessman one day, a state employee the next, one day you do this, the next day you do y. After you have been trained in the manipulative ways of how to turn people to betray their country, it is very, very hard to turn it off. I know from personal experience, I wouldn't trust anyone who spent 10 years as an NCS officer to run for President. And you certainly don't go from NCS officer (b/c those guys life are extremely private) to investment banking then become senior advisor on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs without knowing the right political connections and I can guarantee the "right" political connections at those levels are the Elite/Robbers. 3 months of vetting? That's it, and 25% of Utah is going to vote for him? Lol, wow talk about not smart. You are being trolled, big time.
  24. I know right! I just need to sprinkle fairy dust and click my magic slippers together and we'll all be singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"!