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Everything posted by mirkwood

  1. Do you think we shouldn't desire or support that happening?
  2. We have a Facebook page for those interested in joining. This allows members to remain in touch should the forums ever shut down, or wish social media contact with other forum members. Unfortunately it can lead to stalking, I can't seem to get rid of @LDSGator from my FB page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1680286298907600
  3. Anyone who has truly put up food storage has sacrificed purchasing something else in order to have (work towards) a year supply.
  4. Lots of things you can add to them for flavor too.
  5. No, you have sacrificed something else to be self reliant.
  6. Not me, I stare at the person in the pump next to me and watch them squirm.
  7. Who wanted to regulate tattoos in the 80's?
  8. I find the topic fascinating. It does not impact my salvation at all, but it is very interesting to me.
  9. Yes and yes. But overused probably not the way you are thinking/meaning. Uh, no, we don't have money in our budgets for social workers nor do the ones who really have spent time on the streets with us really want the involvement the way so many on the left think. At least in Utah, but I thought nation wide, they have been made illegal. Smaller budgets? No, but yeah, there are things that the police get sent on that we should not be handling.
  10. Carb, there are two different discussions going on in this thread. One is what you said, which as far as I know, we all agree on about gun grabbers and their antics. The other is the below quote. That quote is factually inaccurate, which is where the discussion of calibers occurred. There is either ignorance or willful ignorance (I frankly don't know which) going on in that part of the discussion. The M4 (and other variants) do not fire a .22 cartridge.
  11. Nope, because you have an incorrect understanding of the LOC. That is okay, if you are still alive when it is implemented again I believe you will still live it even though you misunderstood how it really functions.
  12. I went and found her FB page. I didn't see anything that indicates she is still active and/or a member. She's definitely quite the leftist.
  13. I am no fan of BYU, primarily it is about sports, but...about freaking time. There has been a deep rooted cancer among the faculty at BYU for years.
  14. Again, search LOC on lds.org and start reading what the prophets and apostles and manuals teach: once you have been deeded back your stewardship it is your private property.
  15. @JohnsonJones feel free to follow this link: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/ and put Law of consecration into the search bar. You're going to be surprised at what you don't really know about the LOC.
  16. From a talk I recently gave. I address the Law of Consecration, quoting directly from the church website. People really have a poor understanding of what the LOC is and is not. There are some members who believe when hard times arrive we will all pool our food and everyone will have enough. They somehow believe that a miracle like the fishes and loaves will occur for them, or they think the Law of Consecration will take care of everyone. Let me read to you Doctrine and Covenants, section 130: verses 20-21: 20 There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated— 21 And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated. If we fail to obey a principle of the gospel, we cannot receive the blessings for another’s faithfulness. Faith without works is dead. If you do not have the faith to follow the consistent counsel from the prophets and apostles to put up some food storage and other essentials for your family, how can you believe you will have faith equal to the fishes and loaves miracle? For those who smugly think that the Law of Consecration will protect them, allow me to point out certain principles associated with the doctrine. Under the Law of Consecration all things are deeded to the church. The agent bishop than returns a stewardship back to you based on your needs and circumstances. That stewardship becomes private property for the steward and his family. It is not communal property. If there is a surplus from that stewardship, it would then go to the bishop’s storehouse to care for the poor and needy. To be clear, under this law, a year supply of food for one family, is not a year supply for everyone else to tap into. If there was any surplus, it would be available through the bishop’s storehouse.
  17. I hide duplicates all the time. I think I'll leave this one up though.
  18. I have lived both in and out of Utah. You are correct in the hostility levels (in my experience) have been at vastly higher levels here in Utah.
  19. My experiences have been that the LGBTQ are unwilling to do this. None that I have interacted with allow for this, so instead we just don't talk about the topic at all.