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Everything posted by Sunday21

  1. So pleased to have you back! Thank you for your post. Hope your health problems improve.
  2. I am sorry. These are very painful afflictions.
  3. Dear Pam, Why do yo u need to avoid fiber? I think that I may have the same problem
  4. You are obviously a great and creative cook!
  5. Oh come on tell us what they did!
  6. Do Latter Day Saints believe that those who die single in this life can marry in the next? If a saint is married in the next life, is this a proxy marriage in which two living people take part in a proxy ceremony so that the dead person can be sealed to their spouse?
  7. This is not my understanding. Perhaps there are different opinions on this? Let's start a new thread.
  8. Suddenly I am absolutely starving! This sounds amazing.
  9. You really are going through hard times. Hugs!
  10. We are looking forward to getting to know you too. Welcome!
  11. I am searching for a breakfast that is lower carb and does not require turning on the stove - I am afraid that I will burn the house down, I am so sleepy. Knives are also a bad idea! What do you eat? I like ensure with fibre but it is a bit expensive. Any ideas?
  12. Sorry. Ignore this. I got lost in the tread and did not realize that it has been answered repeatedly
  13. [ You don't think its a tad cruel to tell people "so sorry, you'll be alone forever cause people out there are terrible, sucks to be you I guess" They remind us that we will be able to marry in the next life.
  14. My profile has a line "0 warning posts". What is a warning post?
  15. When investigating the church I spoke to other Christians. I was hoping to find an easier way to have God in my life. You know, no tithing. You can have sex if you really love each other. I talked to some devout Lutherans who told me that no one can really know if there is a God. This struck me as sad. How do you go forward and make commitments, if you do not know? This suggests to me that personal revelation is less common outside the church. Also when I suggest to Catholic friends that they pray for answers, they become hostile. Something odd there. Perhaps, there is a lack of guidance with respect to personal prayer? So they know, they should but they don't know how? Or they have little success and feel frustrated?
  16. One third of those who marry will divorce. Half of all marriages end in divorce because those who do divorce tend to remarry and divorce again. There are a fairly small number of people who marry and divorce frequently who drive up the divorce stats. Most, two thirds, of those who marry do not divorce. Given all the curve balls that life throws you, that's pretty good! Marriage in fact is thriving!
  17. Never have been to nauvoo. I wonder what would be nice to see if I did go? I wonder what is so special about nauvoo? Special sprit? Is the nauvoo temple in current use as a temple?
  18. Are you perhaps a former catholic? Are you thinking about different levels of sin: venial, mortal?
  19. James4:17 to sin is to fail to act righteously when you know you are doing wrong. Sin makes it more difficult for the Holy Ghost to communicate with you and hurts Heavenly Father. There was a time when a prophet Kimball failed to take the sacrament. He explained that his mind wandered during the sacrament prayer. Little things are sins and should be taken seriously because they distance you from God. Do you need to confess taking a post it note from work to the Bishop? No but you should stop taking post its. Do minor sins make you a bad person? No because we all sin. Thinking uncharitable thoughts. Cutting people off in traffic. When we notice a sin, we should repent and stop or at least with traffic offences, cut down!