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Everything posted by jerome1232

  1. If Microsoft can refer to the NTFS File System then...
  2. I think the point is you get two books of differing origins with the same message, making it easier to interpreted the messages held within.
  3. I think for many the answer would be both. I think I actively do good things out of love, avoid the negative out of fear of punishment. Sometimes I'm not really good at putting my personal thoughts into words but hopefully I'm conveying my meaning well.
  4. To my knowledge we believe that some of them are in fact resurected beings, and thus do have feet, hands, arms, legs and bodies. I suppose your statement holds true for beings which have not been resurected. Based on things Joseph Smith has said I assume they would appear to be in a human form not unlike a resurected being.
  5. I did not realize that "angel" was a role! Based on the link to the Old Testament student manual given by Jayana, cherubim are indeed considered to be angels, though it does say the exact meaning is unknown. I certainly do take some descriptions of God symbolically, I recal points in revelations I believe where his tongue is described as a sword of justice amoung various other things that are seemingly symbolic. Fortunatly we have modern revalation to help clear some of these things up for us and we don't have to rely soley on interperting the Bible. I understand you were responding to Loudmouth's post, I hope I'm not veering to far off of subject by trying to discuss and do some speculation about the description of divine beings. I'm certainly not oppossed to the depicition of angels with wings. If someone were taking physical depictions literally from the Bible why do they take it so selectivly and create this beautiful human with feathery wings instead of the creature actually descibed. I wonder how many would recognize a six-winged, multi-eyed, four-faced creature as a biblical angel? Not all of Gods creations are made in his image, are we the only creations that can aspire to becoming angles? I'm just doing some speculation.
  6. Yeah playing with my son and typing at the same time didn't work out to well. I'm genuinely curious if there are other prevalent interpretations out there, especially non-lds. I faintly recall reading somewhere (obviously this was just someones opinion) about there being other divine beings than ministering angels etc... I'm trying to recollect if it was an lds source or non-lds source.
  7. My point is, are the words seraphim and cherubim interrupted to angels?
  8. Doe we necessarily interrupt cherubim and seraphim to be angels? Are those verses to be taken literally or is symbolism involved? Aren't seraphim described to have 4 faces of various beasts. 6 wings that cover their body with eyes all over the wings? (definitely not the modern day take on angels) I've had these described to me as being symbolic rather than actual physical descriptions. Even by mainstream Christians.
  9. Weird, I live in Cali and haven't noticed any unusual wind, I was wondering what my mother was talking about when she said the wind was blowing extremely hard. (she lives about 30 mins away from me)
  10. Hey now, Elder Maxwell was my favorite Apostle. Naturally he spouted true doctrine every waking moment of his life on this earth.
  11. That was right on the spot about a few topics I've been pondering internally recently. Thanks!
  12. I'm sure the occasional overzealous bishop over steps his bounds now and then, however I seriously doubt it is the norm nor to the degree being suggested.
  13. Maybe I'm going off of topic, but modern science no longer favors a big bang theory where nothing becomes something. Most support that there was something before the big bang and there are several intriguing theories that work in cycles, much like the rest of nature works in cycles.
  14. Now granted I'm no expert, but last I checked, archeology argues against much of the bible. The first thing that comes to mind is a mass migration from Egypt is unlikely. A catastrophic world wide flood is not supported by anything I have read. I haven't heard of anything supporting Joseph's, son of Jacob, rise to a position of power in Egypt. I haven't exactly searched this stuff out thoroughly, however, I don't agree with your statement as it was made.
  15. As long as he's not using THAC0 I'm on board Actually I used to play DnD with a close group of friends but we never used the Forgotten Realms settings, we just made our own worlds. We played pretty ad'hoc. I am adding that C.S. Lewis book to my list, I was a childhood fan of Narnia, I haven't read anything else by him.
  16. I read The Belgariad! I felt it was to simple though, I enjoy being held in suspense (perhaps that's why I like WoT with it's endless side plots) and The Belgariad didn't do that for me. I think had I picked it up in High School I would have loved it though. I have book one of The Hunters Blade trilogy by Salvatore, I couldn't really get into it. It was lent to me by a buddy who is on his mission, He said I would like the Dark Elf trilogy a lot better though.
  17. Even I as a fan of the series, have to agree. When Brandon Sanderson took over the series, he did a good job of finally closing up 20 million lose ends in 2 books.
  18. I think I'd prefer something rather clean in nature, a friend recently recommended I read The Godslayer Chronicles and it was the most vulgar, disgusting literature I have ever read. I could barely stomach it. Although If firefly aired on TV, it can't be anywhere near as bad as that book. I will definitely check out Orson Scott, I've heard a lot of good things about "Enders Game". Thanks for all the suggestions! I have a suspicion I'm getting a kindle touch very soon, so hopefully most of this stuff is available for Ebooks.
  19. I did not see anything in prop. 8 about attempting to make homosexuality illegal.
  20. Would your recommend jumping into his Discworld series? Can you just jump in at any point or start at the beginning? From what I read about him on wikipedia it looked intriguing.
  21. I'm a big sci-fi fan, I've been reading the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan for awhile now, which lead me into reading Brandon Sanderson (he took over Wheel of Time when Robert Jordan died and he happens to be lds, which get's him brownie points). I absolutely fell in love with his writing (Mistborn and Stormlight Archives are amazing) while I'm waiting for the his next book I was looking for a new series to start. Any recommendations?
  22. Perhaps "denounced" was to strong a word, regardless the Prophet was unhappy with it, didn't approve of it, and it does not speak for the church. Mormon Doctrine isn't really the focus of this thread anyways, seeing as the president of the church is the only person on earth authorized to speak for the church, I was under the assumption the first presidency got the final say on whether or not something spoke for the church as a whole. I agree with your point about the temple being a source of official doctrine. I suppose church learning materials would fit under that category as well, such as the FHE Manual. I'm curious if anyone has read the book linked at the beginning of this thread? Is it good?
  23. "We [the First Presidency of the Church] decided that Bruce R. McConkie’s book, ‘Mormon Doctrine’ recently published by Bookcraft Company, must not be re-published, as it is full of errors and misstatements, and it is most unfortunate that it has received such wide circulation. It is reported to us that Brother McConkie has made corrections to his book, and is now preparing another edition. We decided this morning that we do not want him to publish another edition."[2] I stand by my statement. I'll respond to the rest later, I have to run to work.