The Folk Prophet

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Everything posted by The Folk Prophet

  1. I don't read other people's minds. I can sort of describe my feelings. But the why is beyond my point. I can't understand how anyone thinks masks do any good. And I can't understand how someone could be so against masks that they stop coming to church over it. But both exist. Because both extreme pro and anti mask people exist in my ward, if compassion for others' feelings is the reason I chose to act then I'm bound to fail.
  2. Why does their discomfort have to conform to your view of things? The plain fact is that the mask wearing has caused many to stop attending. I am concerned for those individuals every bit as much as I am those who stopped attending because some won't wear masks. Both are irrational in my view.
  3. For you to dismiss something that many feel very, very strongly about as silly doesn't resonate with me at all.
  4. What about the people who are uncomfortable going to church because of the masks?
  5. I wonder if said young man is perhaps not speaking the entire truth of the matter (perhaps unconsciously).
  6. For myself I was quite scrupulous in social distancing. I think that's the equivocal nature of the mean the word wrangling I used to justify my masklessness. (Edit: Incidentally, FWIW, I am the Sunday School President in my ward as well. At the next Ward Council meeting, assuming it's held in the Bishop's office again, where I will not be able to socially distance, I will, indeed, wear a mask, because I've been asked to by the prophet.)
  7. Only in meetings where I can't socially distance. Which I can. So I won't. And as throughout the entire "pandemic", I won't wear the mask properly, because wearing it properly is not, nor has it ever been, part of any directive or mandate from anywhere. Yes. It's such an interesting thing. The problem is the politics. Those who have politically aligned with the fear-mongering, must-mask-or-we're-all-doomed views tend to also align with the destroy freedom, murder babies, and illicit sex and drugs for all folk. So it's natural that those who stand against the destruction of freedom, baby murder, and illicit sex and drugs for all are skeptical of the fear-mongering must-mask ideology. But then the prophet urges the usage of masks. (I'm leaving vaccination off the table for this reply, because I'm not that bothered by my concerns over the vaccine. But I fully understand the mask frustration.) So suddenly those whose natural principles align against a certain faction are being asked to align with that faction on this matter. And not only that -- but it feels SO obvious that evil, greedy people have elected evil, greedy people to positions of authority, who have then appointed evil, greedy people to positions of authority -- and the First Presidency calls the recommendations from these people "wise and thoughtful". Frustration over that is, I believe, understandable. I find myself dealing with some serious cognitive dissonance on the matter over the masks. Particularly where we're asked to wear masks -- but we're (in my ward at least) still meeting without social distancing practices in place, and no care or restrictions other than the stinking, stupid masks. Seriously? So the one change we saw today in "policy" from the warad is the deacons and priests were wearing masks again for the Sacrament, but still passing the trays for everyone in the congregation to touch (while removing their masks, of course), to then pass any "virus" on to everyone else who touches the trays as well.... But the deacons were wearing masks (that they all put on just before the sacrament)! Regardless, I will follow the prophet. And even with the mask thing -- if they rephrase it and remove the "in public meetings whenever social distancing is not possible" part of it, then I'll start wearing a mask according to the counsel, even if I find the logic unreasonable.
  8. I would guess that the perspective being spoken of in this case is not about freedom (mandates), but an inability to understand why people aren't choosing to wear masks and get vaccinated. But @JohnsonJones can clarify.
  9. I'll refrain from sharing my perspective on international views since I'm sure they care as much about what I think of their perspective as I do about theirs.
  10. I find myself greatly skeptical that there is much of an international perspective on Utah, Arizona, and Idaho.
  11. I've changed my mind on getting the vaccine as well. Why...? Follow the prophet. I recognize and fully accept that some may feel specific revelation to do otherwise, or may simply interpret the messaging differently than I have. I used to think that way. I have changed my mind. For me.
  12. This past Sunday I made a comment about something being a "semantic" issue and the guy I was responding to became visibly irritated and stated, "I will never dismiss something because of semantics. Semantics is the meaning of words and the meaning of words matters!" Later I explained to him that when I said it was a semantic issue I was not dismissing it. Saying something is a semantic issue isn't dismissive. It's pointing out that, perhaps, two individuals are using different meanings of a given word and then debating past each other instead of communicating. Or, in this case, looking at how others might view a word. God never condones "murder" according to His definition. He most certainly does sometimes condone murder according to other's definition of it. Edit: I see that you actually already addressed this point.
  14. The problem is you cannot boycott everything. And everything is evil and "woke". So it's actually really tough. I cancelled Disney+. I cancelled Netflix. Now I only have Amazon Prime. Are they one iota better? No. (I have them for the other benefits...but they promote evil garbage on their streaming service too. And they're a terrible, evil company....) So....cancel everyone? How and where do I buy stuff then? Is Walmart one bit better? Obviously with certain things you can hunt and find companies that support your ideals. But there aren't many of them overall. I won't buy Nike either. They are particularly egregious. I also, no matter where I go with my choices, am MAD AS STINK at Disney. Disney isn't just woke. It's a full on betrayal!!! And it's a direct attack on our families. Direct! I hate them! (I feel comfortable hating a company, whereas I wouldn't an individual.) I hate Disney the most because I loved them so much.
  15. Really? You do realize that what started our back and forth here was that I cracked a joke about you have a you problem. Who's the one who doesn't have a sense of levity here? I believe the one actually offended here is projecting.
  16. Here's an idea. If you want me to "chillax", don't be intentionally rude to me. You went out of your way to hunt down the post from 2 years ago where I said I wasn't going to be involved moving forward because of the progressive nature of the articles being published. Feeling like the articles are less egregious 2 years later, I've re-engaged a bit. But for some reason you feel it's necessary to try and point out that I was lying or faking it or something. And then you continue to harp on it the next time you engage with me, and then double down on the rudeness when I question you on it. How do you really expect me to take that?
  17. Seriously. What is your objective here? Are you upset I'm here or something. You're being exceedingly rude and it sure doesn't feel called for. Did I offend you somehow?
  18. So I'm tentatively dipping my toes back in the water here and there and your response is to try and embarrass and shame me? Am I reading this right?
  19. Yes. Because the prophet not only got it, but stated it was a God sent answer to prayers, and did a very publicized photoshoot of himself getting it. It's obvious that many are going to take that as prophetic counsel, which they will feel responsible/obligated to follow. And I don't see anything wrong with that, as long as they keep themselves from judging those who've determined that not to be the case as having done wrong or having not followed the prophet's counsel.
  20. I think you didn't get the joke. It was only a joke because the lobotomy thing is clear hyperbole. I tend towards fearing the vaccine more than trusting it. That being said, President Nelson did say: “We have prayed often for this literal godsend.” Sure. It's not doctrine. And sure, it is each member's responsibility to make the decision on their own. But the vaccine, according to our prophet, was a "literal godsend". I'm not sure how I can personally reconcile my concerns about the vaccine, which I share with many of you, with it being a "literal godsend" according to our prophet. But I can definitely state with some level of confidence that lobotomizing people wasn't a prayed-for, literal godsend procedure.
  21. And remember that time that our Prophet got a lobotomy.... Oh...... wait.
  22. I do not believe this is true. I think they clearly have an agenda beyond making money.