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Everything posted by FrankJL

  1. PC... I understand that much..Limbaugh has an audience of what like 20mil daily that hang on every word he utters. Jamie... Dave Ramsey isn't a conservative political talk radio host. He does quasi Christian based financial advice for simpletons. Having listened to his show on occasion (since it was added to sirrus radio).
  2. Advertisors need to think about who they have plugging the wares they hawk. Glen Beck advertising for coffee, made as much sense as having Rush Limbaugh plug Lunesta as a "non habit forming drug". I mean c'mon considering Limbaugh's history would you really want him plugging some pill?
  3. FrankJL

    Tsk Tsk

    That sure seemed true for OJ and MJ.
  4. FrankJL

    Tsk Tsk

    I'm guessing you don't live in the great state of Idaho if you believe that. Nope never have, nor have I even visited the state for that matter, but its a media institution so of course it would have to be a bunch of tree hugging, America hating liberals Unless we are talking about Fox News
  5. I don't think she needs goading to "stir the pot", she seems quite accomplished at that.
  6. You know that was my first thought too when I saw that, but didn't want to post that
  7. For what its worth . I have only been a member (both of this forum and the LDS Church in general) for a short time (well short compared to some others), but I have never seen PC try to dissuade anyone of their beliefs. As far as I have seen he is one of the most civil and kind posters I've seen here, and I for one will stand up for him. Das you seem to want to create strife and discontent where none is warranted.
  8. FrankJL

    Tsk Tsk

    Quit with those self-serving exclamation points and LOL's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I couldn't resist..
  9. It often gets below 0 here (western PA / Pittsburgh) in the winter, so I would assume so or else they wouldn't install them here. Its about the size of a desktop computer CPU, and mounts right on the wall. I e-mailed them to ask them specifically about what they had, and they sent me this link:
  10. Have you ever looked at those tankless water heaters? My parents put one in their house a few months ago and love it.
  11. This has all been very educational.
  12. Your at Al Asad airbase? nice... At least you didn't get stuck out on some FOB in the middle of BFE. Shanstress.. Packages shipped to APO addresses in Iraq take about two weeks, maybe even a few days less then that because he is at one of the larger bases over there.
  13. Absolutely, its a great system for dealing with COBs (Civlians on the Battlefield). Though this isn't exactly new technology, we've had this thing in development since the late 90's. There is also a system that works with directed sound waves to disperse crowds. The only other option right now is CS (Tear) gas. Its non-leathal, but can cause long term problems for people with asthma. CS also can really mess up you eyes if you wear contacts.
  14. There must be a conservative talk raido ad rush on for boca java, I've heard spots for it on Beck's, Hannity's, and Limbaughs show in the last few weeks.
  15. FrankJL

    Tsk Tsk

    This isn't the press convicting him, he did plead guilty to this after all. No matter how much backtracking and CYAing he tries to do.
  16. I would just like to see some real ideas, specifically with cars. Nothing we have now is really changing anything. The little hybrids are junk. They make just as much pollution when the nickel is produced for their batteries, and then that nickel needs to be shipped to 3 different continents before the battery is even made. The crash ratings on these things are horrible, then if you do survive the crash you (and those trying to rescue you) have to worry about being electrocuted. Sure a prius gets 55mpg, but how much money are you really saving if the car costs several thousand more, then a similar small 4 cyl gas car? My focus gets 40mpg, and cost only 14k, a prius gets 55mpg and costs around do the math. E85 is about the same, it looks nice on paper, but is not practical for widespread use. We can't make enough corn to even replace a quarter of the cars on the road with e85 cars. It is also causing an artificial scarcity in our food market, and has caused raw food prices to rise in the last few years. Ethanol has also been shown to pollute even more then regular petrol would. So I'm still waiting for something more realistic to come along rather then these piecemeal solutions.
  17. Seems most Republican's I've talked to recently about this don't really care or are even glad to see him gone. A lot of them saw him as too soft on border control issues, and are really upset about him not stepping up to halt the prosecution of Ramos and Compean.
  18. FrankJL

    Tsk Tsk

    First of all I need to correct myself. I referred to him as "Tom Foley" I was thinking of another congressman, the pedophile in question here is "Mark Foley". That being said, to classify Foley as "one of the most liberal republicans in congress" is incorrect. Besides being in support for gay rights he was pretty much down the line another cookie cutter conservative Republican. He's pro-life, supported the PATRIOT act, supported the war in Iraq, ect, ect... Now for some real liberal Republicans.. His hypocrisies stems from the fact that he liked to proclaim himself as a defender of children from sexual exploitation, he even served on House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children. Don't get me wrong, I don't think this is reflective of all Republicans, capitol hill is full of sickos of all political persuasions. I would like to end by saying: I still would feel safer hunting with Richard Cheney, then driving with Ted Kennedy. Edit: it appears using the VP's nickname gets me censored, so I had to use his real first name.
  19. FrankJL

    Tsk Tsk

    Josie you are thinking of Idaho's other senator, Mike Crapo who is LDS. and btw...its pronounced cray-po.....not crap-o (what a horrible name that would be) What on earth is going on with these closet hypocritical gay Republicans, Tom Foley, now this guy...
  20. I don't think it even matters who he nominates. Bush could nominate a ham and cheese sandwich and the Democrats in the Senate would criticize the kind of cheese he used. Its a really a no win situation for him, and should be interesting to see how he handles it. That and before his nominee would even get to a full floor vote in the Senate he would have to get through the Senate Justice Committee. The Democrats on this committee are some of the most liberal in the Senate (Kennedy, Schumer, Leahy, Fienstien, ect). Even the Republicans on the committee are not exactly friendly to him. Specter (the ranking member...aka the highest ranking member of the minority party) has snubbed several of Bush's nominations in the past. Also Graham is a loose cannon and can be all over the place with his views.
  21. Using that definition, I would have to say George Bush. When he first elected I thought he had a lot of potential, but turned out to be a huge disappointment to me.
  22. If he's going to recess appoint a new AG, Bush needs to hurry up. The Senate comes back into session on the 3rd, a week from now. From what I've seen Bush talk about a nomination hearing, doesn't suggest to me that he will try to sneak in a recess appointment. However there is a few end arounds (football analogy) he could run. First of all he can appoint a new temp AG, without senate approval, even if they are in session, and he/she can serve for 210 days (or something like that I don't remember an exact figure), then after that he can nominate a real candidate for AG and delay his confirmation hearing for another 210 days. So the President has a lot of options at his disposal, considering he has 16 months left in office, has a lot of wiggle room here.