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Everything posted by Amillia

  1. Half? A full half? Where do you get your numbers? I would like to see that study where you got that percentage from. Ok, maybe a third? A quarter? USN was generalizing about Catholics by saying half of them are inactive, so I just used the same number...sure, I was exaggerating. I have seen some statistics showing that out of 12 million LDS members, only about 6 million are actually still alive or active. From what I have heard, the dead members do not have their names removed from Church records and are counted...I guess when you believe in resurrection, death is just temporary, so there is not reason to remove them As for inactives, I read that, especially in Latin American countries, many LDS converts to not list themselves as LDS on their census information, because they went inactive and didn't know they were supposed to take their names off the records. Sorry, I have no source, so that is just a rumor. But you are right, we need a reliable source that could tell us the number of dead or inactive members, so we can subtract that from 12 million. To stay on topic, we at least need the number of inactives, to find out who wants to be excommunicated, but are afraid to for family reasons. My guess is 2 million to 3 million. B) You live in SLC don't you? That is why you think there are so many. Most really high concentration of members not living up to their covenants and wanting to leave the church are right here in Utah.
  2. Perfect Mormon 11 Orthodoxy, 5 LDS knowledge, 9 Cultural homogeneity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orthodoxy ranges from (-) anti-, non- and liberal Mormon, to mainstream, conservative, and fundamentalist Mormon (+). The obedient Latter-day Saint. Temple recommend in hand, you live the gospel every day. Like a city on a hill, you remember the slogan every member a missionary. You beat your peers in seminary scripture chase, and you look forward to (or fondly remember) your beautiful temple wedding. My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender: You scored higher than 99% on Orthodoxy You scored higher than 99% on LDS knowledge You scored higher than 99% on Homogeneity I don't think so!!! LOL There were quite a few questions I would have rather answered with an essay ! But there you go ~ :)
  3. C'mon, Dale, CG is a hit-and-run, he's long gone by now. And Jenda, the BoM is scripture, whether others believe it or not. Just because they don't believe in it doesn't diminish its reality in my eyes. And please correct me if I'm misinformed, but it has been my impression that part of the whole RLDS/CoC name change and shift towards mainstream Christianity has been a result of their diminishing the importance of the BoM in their religion. I think you will find that it was Amilia who made that statement, not me. I never said ANYWHERE, that the BofM wasn't scripture!!! Come on guys. Open your minds before you post and read what is written. If you can find anywhere, that I stated the BofM wasn't scripture ~ show it to me now!
  4. That is pure BS! The bible isn't even considered valid scripture by many sects. Amilia, truth is truth. God doesn't change the truth for the different world religions. Please try to understand what I am saying. If we believe the BoM to be the truth, it has to be the truth for everyone. Just because they don't accept it doesn't mean it isn't the truth. Absolutely, but you said it had to be accepted as scripture as the bible is accepted. It isn't accepted universally as the Bible. It is only accepted by members of churches who believe it is scripture. I don't know how we got to this point, because it just doesn't seem to have gotten anywhere. Everyone knows the BofM isn't accepted as well as the Bible. If that is what you didn't mean, then this whole discussion has been for not.
  5. Sometimes it does some good to go tell, but really ~ My dear friend had many of her grand children molested by one man and because she was so upset over it, she tried to discuss it with her VT. But this woman was so up in the night, she told my friend that she carried a dark spirit into her home talking about such things, and told her she wouldn't discuss it with her. It so upset my friend she told her daughter, who was going to have a personal visit with Pres. Hinckley about child molestation ( it was a big trial, and her daughter was the mother of some of the kids molested) This daughter told Pres. Hinckley what the VT had done to her mother, and Pres. Hinckley said something to the effect of : It is so sad many people are not doing what they should in their callings. They don't serve the needs of their people. He didn't run right out and chastise the VT. But he did validate the fact that many people are totally insensitive. We must realize there are a lot of mistakes people are going to make in their callings... running and telling on them or just festering over those mistakes isn't going to improve any situation.
  6. Hey contact your local church! Also you can go to the youth board here and talk all you want with the kids that come in.
  7. What good would it do? What would it change? You have some pretty rare bishops there. I have never heard of anything so stupid in my whole life ~ and that is a long life we are talking about. I have lived in several states and lots of wards and stakes and never have ever heard of this before. If I were you, I would chalk it up to some pretty stupid men, and move on. Let your mother's life stand on it's own power and live in honor of her life, not her funeral.
  8. Yes. That is another thing ~ mothers are to stay in the home.
  9. I hope there isn't any preditors reading these hints. Thanks for posting them ~ it is good to know.
  10. Cool. Consider prayers already ascending to heaven in their behalf!
  11. I believe he gave up all religious belief; he fell prey to the "try to prove it" syndrome I mentioned earlier. After just having slogged through Whyprophets reams of dreck (you so thoughtfully posted, A) the thought of him leaving THE CHURCH after he tried to "prove it" made me laugh and laugh and laugh! thanks! It made my day, somehow. :) Maybe you shouldn't have 'slopped' through it. It always seems the way though , doesn't it? Those that slop through things expect to have the same insight as those who search ponder and pray.... Actually, I used the word "slogged", not "slopped". Gives it a little bit different meaning, eh? To make it clearer for you: I read it completely and thoroughly, all of it. However, I found his reasoning hard to follow and pretty fatuous. It was repetitious and poorly written. The arguements proffered were not convincing. I found it hard to finish, but I carried on to the bitter end anyhow. Is that any clearer? My thinking is clear, but not the thinking of the author of that DRECK you posted. Is yours? Actually I see them both as having to do with lazy. And it is evident that the Spirit wasn't present to ease the understanding any. That is very much clearer. I posted dreck? LOL Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? LOL
  12. It has been commanded, both in the past and the present. But to be totally honest, there seems to be a competition among the women and men, as to how many children they can have ~ and there is a bit of a 'snub' towards smaller families.My married son has yet to be able to have children, though he has been married now for two years. There are rude people who ask them why they haven't had children yet.
  13. It was taught in one of the conferences recently. It was emphasized that wisdom was to be used.
  14. I was wondering the same thing. I always heard (since I moved to Utah) that the Church considered it an LDS person's duty to have as many children as possible. I even heard stories that within LDS Culture, some people judge women if they don't have at least three kids. Needless to say that is an arrogant attitude, and I have not heard anyone say such a thing since I joined the Church. My wife is one of seven kids. Most of her siblings have had at least three kids, or say that they plan to. One of them has five kids that he can't support. It seems like they feel obligated to do it. My wife and I tell them that we are happy with one kid, but if we have a second one, that's ok...but two is our limit. I'm guessing this is all based on the commandment to be fruitful and multiply, though I don't think God necessarily meant for us to do it non-stop. Maybe He meant that people should populate the world, until it reached a certain maximum point, and then start regulating population by having two or less children. Or is there a uniquely LDS scripture that recommends three or more kids? We have been told to have as many as 'possible' barring any health, financial, or emotional problems. I had as many as I did because of my mother wanting grand children and she only had two kids to get them from. LOL I definitely didn't follow the teaching of not running faster than I had strength. I tell my kids to not have any more than two because with the demands on today's parents, that is still a lot of work. With the school demands, financial demands, and this faster than real world we live in... it is not wise to have too many kids... I had to take care of my elderly parents as well as my little ones. It was just too much.
  15. Yea, I am not saying Latins are more faithful. They are just more emotional. My in-laws are both I love our neighbor. She is my best friend, and yes she is very emotional ~
  16. I bet many Catholics would welcome Excommunication, except for one thing...their Catholic families would probably disown them or become depressed. Sort of the same situation half of the LDS are in...including myself. We would LOVE to be excommunicated if it wouldn't tear apart our families. For example, those excommunicated Catholics in the the more emotional "Latin" cultures would have grandmothers crying every day, "Aye! How could you turn your back on God???" My LDS in-laws are from South America, so I know they would react the same way. Funny thing about that ~ it is just the opposite with my 'latin' neighbor. She and her parents are the ones who left the church and took the caucasian sil out of the church with them. He really didn't want to leave the church, but he loved his wife more than the church.
  17. Ok, thanks, I just misunderstood your original comment :) I don't always say things exactly how I mean them to be understood. :) So never take my comments personally or offensively...
  18. That is pure BS! The bible isn't even considered valid scripture by many sects. Are you referring to Christian sects? If so, name one that doesn't consider the Bible as scripture. M. No ~ I was referring to religious sects in general because Jenda never specified christian, just restorational churches. There are many such churches in every sect, christian or not.
  19. This is too true. It might be why it is so popular ~ LOL
  20. Well, I admit I am not leadership material...and I don't want to be. But I think I have strong points to my personality No question~! you have a very pleasing and fun personality. :) Your candid honesty is one of the best!
  21. That is pure BS! The bible isn't even considered valid scripture by many sects.
  22. Yet the LDS church is securely tied to the BoM. Ask anyone who knows anything about the LDS what the differences are between us and other churches, and they will tell you about our belief in the BoM. Sure, there are other churches that teach from it and some others that even believe in its truthfulness, including one notable Baptist minmistry in Mo., but they are small in numbers when compared to the LDS. The BoM is one of the main things that sets us apart in the minds of other churches. To separate the LDS church from the BoM would be impossible in my mind. You won't see one without the other when investigating either one. I am not arguing that the LDS church is not tied to the BoM. I am arguing that the present theology (indeed since the 1840's) is not represented in the BoM. What theology isn't represented in the BofM are you specifically referring to? I just don't see what you are talking about because I don't see what we are taught differing from the BofM teachings.
  23. Spawn of Satan? LOL I heard that phrase once ~ in the movie "Overboard". ROLF!
  24. Yet the LDS church is securely tied to the BoM. Ask anyone who knows anything about the LDS what the differences are between us and other churches, and they will tell you about our belief in the BoM. Sure, there are other churches that teach from it and some others that even believe in its truthfulness, including one notable Baptist minmistry in Mo., but they are small in numbers when compared to the LDS. The BoM is one of the main things that sets us apart in the minds of other churches. To separate the LDS church from the BoM would be impossible in my mind. You won't see one without the other when investigating either one. Exactly! ~ hence the name "MORMONS"! :)