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  1. Bad news: Yes, it does. Good news: As a former porn-addict, I can testify that breaking a porn-addiction is a wonderful opportunity to experience the enabling power of Christ! By submitting myself to Christ, I made progress resisting pornography I didn't think was even possible! My testimony of the enabling power of the Atonement is now unshakable! And Christ will do the same for you! Remember, God never gives us a commandment - such as the LoC - without first providing a way for us to fulfill it! Good luck on your journey, brother! Check out if you need a online support group.
  2. If I am clearly a person who should be ignored, then why did you respond to my post? Why didn't you ignore me? lol! Instead of trying to (unsuccessfully) ignore me, why can't you simply show me scriptures or teachings of modern prophets that contradict my reasoning?
  3. That's good and all but the person you’re marrying isn’t your wife yet. And lusting after someone who isn't your spouse is a sin, no? Moroni 7:6-10 makes it clear that God will judge the intentions behind our actions and if we have evil intentions then our ‘good’ works profit us nothing. So it seems pretty obvious to me that God will condemn couples who get married just for sex since lustful desires are evil per Matt. 5:28. Can you show me scriptures or the teachings of modern prophets that contradict this line of reasoning? Your condescending remarks make me sad, btw. In 1 Cor. 7:9, Paul says it is “better to get married than to burn [with lust]”. Okay? There are some sins you’d be “better off” committing than others since the severity of different sins comes on a spectrum. For example, you’d be “better off” stealing someone’s property than blaspheming the Holy Ghost. But does that mean stealing isn’t a sin? No, they’re both sins and God can’t look upon sin with the least degree of allowance. There are sins that will put you in the terrestrial kingdom. There are sins that will put you in the telestial kingdom. And there are sins that will put you in Hell. The sins that put you in the terrestrial kingdom are ‘better’ than the ones that put you in Hell.
  4. Why does it matter if the first wife is okay with it? Her opinion has no bearing on what is morally right and wrong. God alone determines what is right and wrong. Yes, Heavenly Father gave us those desires but those desires are weaknesses that we're supposed to overcome. It's similar to how homosexual desires were meant to be overcome.
  5. I fully agree that 'sex done right' is a great good. But I do not believe the scenario you just described of a man getting married after the death of his wife because "sex is too good to go without" is 'sex done right'. Yes, I know a marriage is between three entities (both spouses and the Lord). I am not disputing that. The point I am making is that what is right/wrong is up to one entity - God. God alone determines what is moral/immoral and since He has forbidden lustful desires in Matt. 5:28 then a marriage built on lustful desires is immoral. I guess I phrased my question poorly in my last comment. I should have said, "Who cares whether the wife thinks it's morally acceptable to marry just for sex? What matters is whether God thinks marrying just for sex morally acceptable."
  6. Who cares whether the wife is fine with it or not? What matters is whether God is fine with it. Would you feel comfortable telling God on judgment day the reason you entered into marriage was because "sex is too good to go without"? I sure as heck wouldn't.
  7. There are certainly worse reasons for getting married. But so what? Just because one action is more sinful than another doesn’t make the less sinful action ‘moral’. At the end of the day, both actions are sinful and God can’t look upon sin with even the least degree of allowance. “Happy marriage”? I am not so much interested in a ‘happy marriage’ as I am in a ‘Godly marriage’ – a marriage that is acceptable in the eyes of God. There are plenty of ungodly marriages that are “happy”. I consider the only ingredient necessary for a Godly marriage to be a sincere commitment to follow Christ. And since Christ commands us in Matt. 5:28 to rid ourselves of lustful desires then a marriage founded on lust fails to qualify.
  8. *EDIT* I need to make a correction to my previous post: "It may be 'false' that marrying for sex is just as bad as extramarital sex but it is still 'unrighteous'. Would you agree?
  9. Are you saying you don't find it immoral to turn God's temple into a place to fulfill one's lustful desires?