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Everything posted by Fether

  1. I'm assuming you are referencing my statement earlier. You are right, a million rights do not justify a wrong. I was making that statement to counter a statement made earlier about how people who play video games are all losers. but then I did admit later that I probably was still a loser.
  2. @DoctorLemon Just got my first Tom Clancy game. Good ole Wild Lands. im all about conquering the world with an army of flesh eating undead! Or with an unstoppable spartan army! The likes found in the many 'Total War' titles. I never really got into Call of Duty, The OG Medal of Honor games were sweet though! and of course virtually anything Nintendo. StarFox, Zelda, Mario, super smash bros, Mario cart, etc. I find more joy in beating my siblings in an old fashion race or smash bros battle than in any FPS
  3. I'm sick of your garbage literalistic ways Zil
  4. I'm all about RTS AND turn based x) I play a game series called 'Total War' that is a perfect mix of the two... wait... Thou child of hell! Why tempt ye me!? Knowest thou that the righteous yieldeth to no such temptation!?
  5. Sometimes the spiritual advice needed to aid another is something that you already know and do not need direct inspiration. but rather consider the needs of the individual and counsel them using already revealed methods. I've done that a few times and things have so far seemed to turn out well
  6. I myself have been reconsidering my initial stance on gaming and may cut back more
  7. This post is 100% true. I hope my previous disagreement didn't put a bad taste in your mouth or that left you feeling cornered in this topic. a little background with my family. I'm the oldest and grew up playing video games. Naturally my siblings followed. One sibling plays videogames probably as much as I do. With some games (namely Skyrim) she would play more than me. She is now, after having overcome emotional and learning disabilities, in the air national guard and about to head off to college, likely going to be in the same situation your daughter was in. Another sibling plays a TON. He had a lot of friends that play with him too. He is the kindest human being I know and is very active in the church. I have never in all my years of knowing my brother ever heard him say an unkind thing about anyone (though we have gotten into our argument growing up). While home a while ago, I walked into his room and with his NINTENDO posters on the wall, he had a white board with inspirational quotes written all over. I feel absolute love and admiration for my brother when I think about how he treats others. When he was about 10, a friend of his at our house was talking bad about another kid in our Ward. My brother did not hesitate to to stand in defense of this kid. Who of us can say that we had the charity to do that st age 10??? my last sibling plays a ton! And does very little else. He also struggles greatly with an emotional disability that renders him nearly paralyzed when around others in social situations. He panics at the idea of being around others he doesn't know and trying new things. He has insanely high expectations for himself and if he doesn't meet them, he breaks down. I once asked him a simple "what do you think" question in FHE and he started crying cause he didn't know. It broke my heart. With these struggles, he is also the smartest kid I have ever known. He missed a TON of school last ear because of a series of sicknesses and day's feeling scared of going to school. He passed the year with straight As. He beats us all in every board game, understood and used sarcasm at the same time he could speak, plays with robot electrical systems and is crazy goofy None of this is to defend the use of videogames, but just to show that these people have more effecting their lives than just a sick addiction to videogames. I have a friend that plays a to. And probably fits in that "loser" category. He wants to get married so bad, but recently was dumped because he didn't meet his girlfriends standard of righteousness. I agree more than I disagree I have probably fallen into that "loser" category oftennin my life
  8. Legally the church isn't allowed to use JSTs that are not owned by them. Like Vort said, the church doesn't own them all.
  9. To be fair, there is quite a big difference between TV/Videogames/Surfing the internet and doing crack/pornography. But I do see your point. If I'm honest with myself, I have no arguement for video games. But if it is all about wasting time on video games rather than spending it on more righteous pursuits then We have to let the rest of the dominos fall. TV, Internet, Movies, Radio, Listening to music, comics, comedy shows. What about amusement parks, what purpose do they hold? Board games? Audio Books?
  10. I agree, I have a few friends who fit under the category you are explaining. But it isn't an all or nothing thing. Video games are not the problem, the people playing them are
  11. In highschool I was president of three clubs (Band, Drumline and Seminary), received a state offered prestigious music award, read scriptures every day, held a job, maintained a 3.85 GPA, acquired a dental assistant certificate/degree at a local tech college, performed on a professional level drumline, received my Eagle Scout and Duty to God Award (Only member in my Ward to have received it), and volunteered as a tutor at my local elementary school. Today I have 3 jobs and work 40+ hours a week, have no dept, I started my own business last month that is so far successful, maintain a high GPA at school, attend the temple weekly, study scriptures every day, read other books regularly, serve in the elders quorum presidency and am fully active, served an amazingly successful full time mission, I will likely be drumline captain next year at my college, nearly made a competition drumline that travels the Western USA competing (but chose to get married I stead) and with the help of my wife I have an amazing and clean home. oh ya... and I also play video games when I have free time. Life isn't always so black and white.
  12. @artista and I will be playing super smash bros here in a few days. Hopefully it will convince her that smashing your apponent across the map and ricocheting him off a wall is not just ok, but healthy for a relationship
  13. Lots of good advice here Life is not meant to be all sunshine and rainbows. God will place trials in our path that help us grow. When difficult times come or we get frustrated, it is our spirit telling us that there is room to grow. God wants this. "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them" ether 12:27 Life is meant to be difficult ALSO! There is a difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is that emotion you were feeling Joy is the constant feeling of security, peace and love that comes from consistent righteous living.
  14. I agree with what you said earlier about us being the witness! I think that was pretty profound actually! But it is the idea that if there are people who are sinful and unchanged in a particular church, then that church must not be true. I think a better statement would have been "If your religion is true, then it should require you to change your behavior"
  15. I agree with this completely! But you can't look at a member of a church who has not repented and say that this church is not true. There are plenty of amazing and repented members in every church as there are those that are "Luke warm" and care little of the gospel in every church.
  16. Simply calling yourself Mormon isn't going to change your behavior. It takes application on our part. I own a bottle of aspirin. The aspirin won't do me any good unless I swallow it. Same with the church. There are plenty of people that attend church that aren't doing anything with it or applying the teaching. These people are the "Luke warm" that will not enter the Celestial Kingdom. They are not representing what the church is meant to be. They are wrong, not the church.
  17. You got me... all I needed was a liger video to convince me the OP vid was good
  18. I have both a Spanish and English keyboard in my phone so my auto correct isn't always functional x)
  19. Ya, once we feel like we no longer need to put a handi-cap on a race or tie a races hand behind their back to create equality, then we have figured it out. Things like affirmative action that tie white males hands up in college acceptance and other programs or ideologies that sway a scale one way or another are always difficult to argue one way or the other. It is true that more blacks people live in poverty, that more males pursue science, that most Native Americans have it REALLY hard. But is swaying the competition one way really the best thing to do?
  20. I like it! I always get a little nervous when people try to make statements on our belief of Hell. A lot of times we make blanket statements like "we dont believe in Hell" or something of the sort. The answer really all depends on the context. I feel like this video did a great job of giving a brief explanation. Only conflict would be that the Bible dictionary says "fire and brimstone" (Rev 21:8) but he says we do t believe in it. Of course there is an answer to solve this conflict, but he would need a longer video to do so.
  21. If feminism is really about equality, than theoretically could I form a major Maleism movement without any backlash from feminists?
  22. My mission president was a high ranking Air Force pilot before leaving the military. He was a stake president and a bishop before and one of the most righteous men I have ever met. It is possible take your opportunity in the army and expand on your gospel living. It will likely be hard (I've never done it) but trials can either make us mighty men of God, or if we give in we can become drawn away from him. Your activity is not based on the military, but on you.