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Everything posted by JohnsonJones

  1. I have seen a few Venturing teams outside the LDS church. Many of them seem to be composed of Girls, ironically. I think many of the Young Men's programs did not use the Venture or Varsity ideas. Ironically, the young men's program basically mirrors the Venturing program already, the boys just were not being given any awards for anything they did that might actually earn them something in Venture scouts. In the LDS church, this doesn't change most Young Men's programs. I think Venture scouts will continue outside the LDS church...I think this kills and destroys any Varsity teams out there. I think Monson may be one of the big reasons the LDS church is still in scouting at all at this point. It could be in 5 years the LDS church exits boy scouts entirely. That will kill the scouting councils in Utah, Southern Idaho and parts of Arizona. Personally, I don't know how I feel about the LDS church leaving scouts. On one hand, with the changes the Scouts have made recently, and the failing moral decay, I would see it as an excellent decision. It is time to send a CLEAR message on what is right and what is wrong rather than waffling between the lines. On the otherhand, tradition is a STRONG thing to fight down in my heart. I love having Boy Scouts as part of the Young Men's program. As someone mentioned above though, this move guts our Scouting Committees. It is much harder to have the Varsity and Venture (aka, Young Men's presidency and Teacher's quorum/Priest Quorum advisors) on the Committee if we don't have Varsity teams or Venture Crews as an automatic thing. It will prove a little easier on the ward budgets though. Wondering if this means if a young man does not get his Eagle by 14, he is out of luck beginning in 2018.
  2. Son of Perditions need to see the light and declare it is not shining while standing in it's full brightness. Some think they are unredeemable, NOT because they cannot be forgiven, but because they REFUSE to be forgiven. They choose to fight against the Lamb, and do so with full knowledge of what they do and who they are fighting against. They know both sides and KNOWINGLY choose the side that fights against the Lord. Hence why being called one is such a heavy and drastic term with a very heavy meaning. They take their precedence from Cain, who, knowing what lineage would come from Abel, chose to kill Abel in order to try to destroy the Plan of Salvation before it ever had a chance to come to fruition. That by slaying Abel, and that entire lineage, that he could prevent the birth of the Messiah and hence win the war for his evil and dark master. It was knowingly done. This is the precedence and shows the great evil that they choose. Yes, they got through the pre-existence, but, when without their foreknowledge and being left to their naked souls of their true being, show their true selves and true desires in this life. Hence, they get to keep their first estate or their body after the resurrection, but will be cast out into outer darkness. Dark topic and not a fun one to discuss. In regards to transgression in regards to the Plan of Salvation, I'd say the choices in the garden of Eden would probably be a better illustration of such a paradox or idea.
  3. Paul was divorced???? Source? I've read that those who felt he was married at some point (due to requirements of his position he had formerly among the Jews) felt that if anything made him single, it was his wife most likely dying. Other religions have had the belief at times that he was never married. I haven't heard of this idea of him being divorced before. Source?
  4. Not a very long thought this time. It is more of a short thought. We had a lesson on Elder Anderson's General Conference talk and something struck me. At the beginning of his talk he relates the following... Some question whether Prophets see the Lord in our modern days. I think the answer is yes, but they do not share it as much with many because they do not throw their pearls before swine. I also recall recently that Elder Haight (who has passed away) also saw a vision of the Lord. I believe our prophets and apostles today still are special witnesses of Christ and that many receive these visions and visitations in our modern day. PS: And yes, this means my mind wandered a little during the lesson. I'm not perfect yet.
  5. I believe that NDE's occur and happen. I think it is something that the deceiver is strongly attacking and putting up false ones to also deceive us. The problem with NDE's these days are there are those who are part of a New Age religion that teaches that people can leave their body at will and go galavanting around the heavens. MANY OF THESE claim to have had an NDE. I DO NOT BELIEVE most of these people are being honest in regards to a true Near Death Experience. However, I think there are those who truly have had an NDE, and if you can find those who are reliable and truthful, it may be enlightening if you also have the spirit to help you discern truth and knowledge.
  6. This is a tricky question and relies upon one's definitions in order to really consider what answers could be considered. First, having the second comforter is NOT the same as having a calling and election made sure from my understanding. Secondly, every ordinance will need to be sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise. If one considers that the calling and election is to ensure that one is going to receive EXALTATION, this is impossible without a spouse. You cannot receive exaltation without your spouse. If one considers the calling and election as to ensuring that you will go to the Celestial Kingdom, but not necessarily Exaltation (though it could be up to Exaltation if one has a worthy spouse), that could be a different matter. From Personal experience, I believe the latter condition to be possible. I believe it has occurred to many people. I am of the personal opinion that for this to occur, one must already have been blessed with the second comforter, but that IS ONLY an OPINION. In regards to the former, or first situation, where one is guaranteed Exaltation (unless they commit the sin against the Holy Ghost...etc), that's a much tougher one to discuss. There are those among us who have received this blessing, but I believe that all of them are married and sealed prior to this promise. There is some reading in the Doctrine and Covenants that deal with this to a degree, though there is much more in regards to this than a simple read through of those sections may indicate...In my opinion, once again, of course.
  7. An interesting thought in regards to questions people have about where the Terrestrial and Telestial kingdoms will be. It is possible that this world and the Spirit World are both here. This means that this world has different places or existences (dimensions, not sure how one would phrase it). In that light, perhaps a world can exist in every state it has previously existed, up to the highest existence it contains. Thus, our world, having already had the spiritual existence, also has that existence still. In that light, when it is Celestial and rules over the Terrestrial and Telestial, perhaps it is possible both will also be in the same world, but just as the Spirit world and Our Physical world are on different planes of existence, so to will they be. Just a thought, not an opinion or anything else, just something that I thought of when reading through the thread.
  8. I am very cognizant of the commandment that we should not take his name in vain. Because of that, I tend to skirt around specific names, and utilize terms that are more general and still respectful. it can be a delicate balance on my part in regards to ME (and only me in this regard).
  9. I try picturing myself, but all I get is this silhouette of some ambiguous head. There's this kid that supposedly looks a LOT like I did when I was young, maybe I should post that picture for my avatar (if I can ever figure out how to actually do that) if I get permission from them.
  10. I guess Star Wars. I enjoyed the Original Trilogy, and the Prequels are okay, but I don't really enjoy these new movies like I enjoyed the original three movies that came out. I enjoy some of the new Star Trek movies, but they seem to be more flash than substance, so I'm not sure I would say that I'm really a big fan of them either. A few years ago we watched Star Gate SG-1 on Sci-Fi...that was a pretty fun show. Can I vote for another old show instead? I really enjoyed the OLD Battlestar Galactica (the new one is a little too risqué for me to be honest). How about...Duck Dynasty? That's a recent show I really enjoyed. Could I go with 2001 instead as my choice to be a current fan of? That's an older movie, but I still enjoy it and they haven't ruined it with tons and tons of sequels (they did attempt to make one several decades ago based on 2010, but that's the entirety of the sequel attempts they've done with it).
  11. LOL. I think there may be quite a few that have that idea. I think that in the next life, just like in this one, we will all have choices which we will be allowed to make. It is possible that you will get to choose what you wish to do, and if you work, what type of work you will do. Of course, considering how few Mormons there are, and how many Non-Mormons there are, if we are so lucky as to attain Spirit Paradise, I imagine that those who choose to work will be EXTREMELY BUSY in the next life.
  12. I am an old guy, so I apologize about my lack of knowledge. So far, Windows 10 doesn't seem all that bad too me. I suppose if Microsoft is interested in the LDS gospel library and as well as these forums and some other sites like that, perhaps they'll read up on Mormonism and convert. I suppose Windows 10 is made for the non-technologically talented old folks like me. The item I'm not really a fan of is this new Office 365 idea that they have going around now. I'd rather have a devoted office that I don't have to worry about whether it renews or not.
  13. Personally, I'd rather have the hope that if they keep coming to church someday they'll eventually change their lives about or come upon an epiphany. I never hope someone leaves the church, but I agree it can get tiresome if someone always harps on things they dislike about the LDS church. I always hope that somehow, someway, the Lord will touch their heart.
  14. I believe at least those Native Americans native to the US portion (or at least the Eastern and Midwestern portions) are the descendents of Lehi, but when doing DNA markers, they are looking at the wrong haplogroups and identifiers of what is Hebrew and what is something else. Despite how far the advances have come, it is still a relatively new science, and I think many things that we do not yet know will be discovered.
  15. I am pretty strong against divorce, but the Lord made it clear that adultery WAS good grounds for divorce. However, here's a clever contraption. He said this, put it to the test. If he said he'll do anything, say if he MEANS it and REALLY goes through with it, you'll accept him back. The condition, he HAS TO BECOME A GOOD MEMBER OF THE CHURCH. That means going through repentance, the whole nine yards. The added condition is he has to be sincere about it and cannot hold a grudge against you for asking that of him. I'm betting he's not being sincere when he says he'll do anything. However, if he is, it means, hopefully he'll come back as a stronger member then ever. On the otherhand, the bible is pretty clear about Adultery. You are a very good woman to even consider working it out with her husband (if he had only one or the other issue and even considering working it out, that makes you an exceptional person). I try to be good, but at times I can be pretty vengeful. I'd probably be filing for divorce already. You seem far more forgiving than I, and that's a good thing.
  16. Well, my wife watched a movie when she was young called Flight of Dragons. It's an old animated movie by Rankin/Bass. I watched it with her and found it rather enjoyable. In some ways you can see elements of the gospel in the ideas around it, though mixed in a fantasy type movie with magic and concerns about industry vs. nature.
  17. That's a good start, but being sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise is different than that. It requires obedience and adherence to the covenants that you make in regards to that ordinance or covenant. This applies to any ordinance that you participate in. Depending on your lifestyle, you may not KNOW if an ordinance was sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise until the next life. However, if you are living in accordance with the gospel and the promises you made in those covenants, you can rest in the faith that your ordinances have been sealed or will be sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise.
  18. Now for the other side of the equation. If you are NOT a male, and are a woman, please say so. I took it for granted that you were male, but there is always the other side of the equation. Some woman worry about polygamy as well, especially in the hereafter. They do NOT want to share their husbands and spouses (and this I understand). I can only say, in this instance, I do not know what will occur in the Celestial Kingdom exactly. I DO know that the Lord knows each and every one of us. He knows our concerns, our hopes, and our fears. We seek exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom because that is where we are promised to have the greatest joy and happiness. I think the Lord, who knows us, will only give us what we need to be happy and joyful, and will not do anything to us that would hurt or harm us in any way. While I do not know the state of what the Celestial Kingdom will be in this regard, I think no one will be forced to live something that would make them sad, unhappy, depressed, and unjoyful. In that, we can take comfort that in the Kingdom of Heaven, we can truly find the peace that we may be lacking in this life, and find the love that we deserve in the next. My personal thoughts (meaning, this is NOT even an opinion, but something more fluid) is that polygamy is not going to be something we have to choose to accept or reject. Any individual that does NOT wish to live polygamy will not need to practice polygamy in the hereafter (as long as they were not directly commanded to do so in this life personally by the Lord or his direct servants). The Lord knows our hearts and knows our persons. He would never do anything that would bring us misery, for that is the domain of the adversary. The Lord rather is full of love and mercy for us, and only seeks what will bring us joy and happiness in the worlds and life to come.
  19. The scriptures are not contradicting per se. Polygamy is ONLY correct when ordered by the Lord. When it is NOT ordered by the Lord, it is a sin. Furthermore, when a law is used as an excuse, or not taken as seriously as it should be, it can lead to sin. David and Solomon were given wives in polygamous marriages. Instead of being content with what they were given, they lived the law beyond what it was, and did not take the law as seriously as they should have. This practice thus, instead of building them upwards, eventually tore them down in sin. Polygamy can be a very perilous edge to man, and unless one always walks uprightly, can lead to one's destruction instead of exaltation. It is a harder trial than many would realize, especially because temptation thus increases, rather than decreases (contrary to what many probably would think) if the scriptures and our own LDS history are any indication of what the reality of practicing polygamy results in. Jacob's people were commanded not to practice polygamy. Any who did so, no matter what excuse they were doing, were committing sin. There were many who tried to use the excuse of David and Solomon. This did not excuse their sin. Their sin made many of their wives very sad and unhappy. It brought great unhappiness to the people. Furthermore, in their excuses, they ignored the trials that brought the sins that ultimately destroyed David and Solomon. Ironically it was those sins that David and Solomon were participating in that were actually the excuses being focused on by the people in Jacob's day to say they were allowed or even supposed to practice polygamy. They did not focus on the fact that the LORD gave David the wives that were allowed, but instead on the Lusts that eventually brought David to sin, and the other reasons for marriage (diplomatic, wealth, etc) that led Solomon down the road to eventual apostasy. This is why Jacob hits upon many of these things that David and Solomon did which were abominable in the Lord. With the things the Lord gave them, they were righteous in polygamy. In the things which they used to practice plural marriage where it was NOT commanded of the Lord, it was a great sin and abomination before the Lord. Today, if one is wondering about polygamy, be satisfied with what they have been given and know already. Do NOT strive after polygamy. It is NOT commanded of them to practice it in our day. If one is striving for polygamy in our day, it is like those in Jacobs time that strove after polygamy. They saw the unrighteous items that David and Solomon sought for, and instead committed the SAME abominations that David and Solomon committed that eventually led them to their destruction. Some excuses today sometimes also do the same as the people in Jacobs time. For example, one individual in the history of the church said that any man that wished to attain exaltation needed to be married to at least three women. Some, today, take that as a reason to seek after polygamy. Afterall, how can they be saved if they do not have this. However, this is NOT a commandment for our time, and it is NOT a commandment for our day. Jacob (from the bible this time) was a mighty and great prophet. He had two wives. Who would say he is not the anointed of the Lord? Indeed, I would say he would go to his exaltation far before many of us. Adam was married to ONE wife. He is the mightiest of the Angels, or at least the Arch angel. Who would say that he is not chosen of the Lord? They had commandments for their time and they followed them. They did not pay heed to those things which were not pertinent to them. Seeking after things which are not given to us, in the light that past or future generations had them, can only lead to pain and strife at the least, and at the worst, dreadful and terrible sin. If polygamy is something that was promised you would practice at some future point, be content with that answer. For now, live your life in such a way that you can actually live the laws that pertain to the here and now, rather than things that are not currently in force. If, as chance may be, the occasion arises that you would need to practice polygamy or any other law, and it has been made aware to you, then live your life according to the laws today, and be content to know that when the time comes, the Lord knows all things and commands all things. I would say, the first thing you would need to worry about is NOT multiple wives. If you are unmarried, the first thing you need to worry about is finding ONE wife. If you have the opportunity in this life and the faculties to be married in the temple, and do NOT...I think wondering about how polygamy may affect you in eternity is the LEAST of your worries. Next, after you find a wife that will marry you for all time and eternity, focus on HER desires and wants. You may find that the idea of polygamy disgusts her (not necessarily, but it is a possibility). Instead of trying to force your views on her, think about WHY she feels that way, and how you can truly love her as she deserves as a daughter of God, a daughter of Heavenly Father, and a daughter of the Ruler of all existence. Put HER FIRST in your life. Live unselfishly. It is hard to put your wife first if you are striving to find another. I have seen enough follow that route into sin and excommunication that it is actually rather frightening. MANY who have this happen to them, try to cite some of the things I mentioned above. DO NOT follow their examples. Instead, ALWAYS put the wife of your heart and your youth FIRST. By putting her thoughts, desires, needs, and hopes in righteousness before your own, everything else that is necessary and needful for you to obtain exaltation will follow, in this life or the next. In otherwords, get married and then put your wife before yourself in righteousness. If then, the Lord commands you to practice polygamy through the PROPER channels (aka, the prophet has a revelation, or the Lord himself reveals himself to man and commands it), the proper things in life will follow. But above all, you need to always put your wife and your spouse FIRST (well, after the Lord, but BEFORE yourself). Then, when wondering about polygamy, ask yourself what she thinks and HOW SHE feels about it. It is HER thoughts and concerns you need to worry about, for if you cannot handle one wife, how then would you handle more than one?
  20. This is a personal thing, and goes AGAINST the current scientific evidence. It is not something that is known in general, and as far as I know, the family has gone by other titles and names in public generally. I would qualify as native American I suppose, though just barely (there are certain requirements of how much blood, or how far down the line you are that qualifies you for Native American). Now, here's the kicker. In the individual families and such, mine would have the name of Manasseh. Yes...Manasseh. As far as I know, I do not have a lick of Judaic blood in me. I am NOT Semitic. More interesting, my mother was connected through the Patriarchal blessing to the tribe of Manasseh. I, on the otherhand, was told I was of a different tribe. So, the thought of mine that comes to my mind is, how is this? Is it possible that we are literally the descendants (however times removed)? If this is true, than it is highly possible that the actual DNA that the Hebrews had as a family is NOT the same DNA as is found among most of those in the Middle East. The tribe of Judah has been there long enough that maybe they have intermingled enough with others in the Middle East (something that the Israelites were told NOT to do, but probably happened, especially among those who returned after the Babylonian captivity) and that is what is linking them to the peoples of the Middle East in general. Or it could be that the people's of the Middle East have a lot of the blood of Judah in them (which would also be a connection). However, neither of those state that the Hebrews necessarily had that type of blood line. This is just a personal thing and has NO scientific backing to it. It's my pondering about my family background and that related to those found in the Book of Mormon. I know what the background of my family in that direction is, and with it having Manasseh in the background (It is spelled differently though), I think there is a strong possibility of a connection. As I said though, I don't think I have any tiny bit of Semitic blood in me. There are other connectors to European Jews that I have in common with them in my DNA (as in, common nations of origin where I have geneology and so did many European Jews, though as far as I know, theirs and my line did not connect) and many would say that the linkage of the European nationality comes from my European geneology (but does it in truth? I wonder). Maybe the tribe of Ephraim's blood line was what the Vikings had and those who share that lineage are related to Vikings, I think there are other possibilities. In other words, in looking to connect the Native Americans to the Jews (of which they are NOT part of that tribe) via the DNA common to those found in the Middle East may actually be a flawed logic, or flawed reasoning if looking for the traits of those who were Hebrews generally, and not specifically from the tribe of Judah. As I said, NO scientific backing. I think, in relation to my own background, there is a LOT we do not know.
  21. When we analyze the Lord and who he taught in the New Testament, he normally did not find much success among the rich and the powerful. It was normally among those that were already humbled by the problems of life, and thus were willing to accept his teachings and humble themselves by choice to be servants of the Lord. In that way, perhaps those in Prison are more receptive, because of all of us, many of them have been delivered into the ultimate humbling experience. In that light, many of them are thus prepared to receive the Lord's gospel and truly humble themselves by choice by following him and accepting his gospel. Of course, it may be for naught if one puffs themselves up with pride after receiving it and rebels against the Lord (or perhaps, that is one reason he feels to keep humbling some of them, to keep them returning back to him?). I think it has to do with how humble one may be that leads to how receptive one is of the Lord. I think many have been greatly humbled when in prison.
  22. That's an interesting statement. I think this is actually true in some instances. We KNOW people of all faith believe that their religion is the true and correct way. They largely believe this is true not from scientific evidence (of which, even in regards to the Bible, when done by those who are unbiased, shows a large scientific evidence of being mythological rather than reality), but from something else. (For Mormons, the same would also apply to the Book of Mormon for example). Is it possible then that the Muslims have their feelings preempt truth? is. In that light, is it possible that some Christians are relying more on feelings rather than the truth of the Bible? is. And finally, in that light, it is possible that some Mormons are also relying more on what they feel is true, rather than any revelation from the Lord or any truth in that light. So, then, how does one know what is true and what is not true. If you were to approach a Muslim and say...what I believe is true and what you do not is do you prove this? Is it simply going to be that you say your Bible is more correct than their Hadith and Koran? Do we think most of them will accept this (I would postulate that a majority would not, especially considering they did not convert to Christianity today, nor after decades of foreign influence on their nations where undoubtedly many conversations like this occurred). The Baptist believe there is a way that one can know of this truth far more than just feelings. There is a literal change within oneself. This takes steps, one must FIRST accept the Lord and his grace. If this is done, then a change of heart, a literal change, where the attitude and way of being are literally changed, can occur. One can literally KNOW they are saved by grace, rather than just hoping or thinking. Mormons feel something like this can also occur, but not so drastic. They feel that the Holy Ghost can come down and testify to each individual the truth of the Gospel. It may be a feeling that ONLY the Holy Ghost can truly impart (so, no, it's not like last nights indigestion, or some other feeling we may feel on our own). It also can come as an actual voice that comes with peace and love (rather than how a voice of the enemy or adversary would come) and with that voice, feelings of joy. This, in some ways, is similar to the Pentecostal idea that the spirit can come and manifest itself (though with them, they feel it manifests itself in the form of spiritual gifts such as that of tongues and healing in their meetings). However, unlike the Pentecostals, the Mormon idea is of one that is far more gentle and does not reveal itself to others in outward manifestations unless their is a distinct purpose to it. In this way, different faiths teach on how one can KNOW something. It is not just a simple feeling one has, but something far more and meaningful.
  23. Having seen the actual facsimile's (which is something 99.9% of those making this claim have not), or at least what we have left of them, I disagree with that. There are some things that are obvious (for example, Josephs studying it out in his mind made symbols and ideas of what they might mean, but that is not the actual translation and doesn't follow the translation he actually made in any way or form) which they typically blatantly ignore and try to state it was used or came about in a very different way then it was. It is like stating the Koran is Mohammad's translation of the Old Testament (also, untrue). However, the actual parallels and translations between what is found in the Books (breathings/dead) is an interesting topic, but not one I'm really interested in discussing on this forum or under theses auspices. More over, much as non-Christians would not accept that Babylonian myth, Egyptian myth, and others are taken from Hebraic theology rather than vice versa, the same would probably apply if discussing this item. In that light, though I disagree with your opinion, and my opinion differs, we probably should stick to the topic at hand.
  24. What you are saying is that the world went to the birds a couple million years ago.