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Everything posted by JohnsonJones

  1. Well, their creation of inroads explain how we got the new Temple films or the new First Vision Video. I would also include the change in dialogue which led to the release of the historically accurate, if not accurate to Church History articles on LDS history that have been posted over the past few years.
  2. Fornication, adultery, nudity, characters actively participating in extramarital relations, all of these are prime things that don't really inspire our family values, so we try to avoid them. Graphic violence, language, and things of that nature are also items that our family can be sensitive to. The idea we strive for is if we would allow our 5 year old to watch it, or our little children, it's okay to watch. If it isn't something we'd allow them to watch, it is probably not okay to watch. Of course, some people will allow their little children to watch shows that are much more graphic than we do, so that is a subjective idea, but overall, we look for shows that promote what we view are either good family values, or at least do not try to portray things that we do not view as good family values as being good things in life.
  3. Too many shows these days have too many things that we, as a family, choose not to expose ourselves too. We tried once upon a time, but it had many things in the first few episodes that went against our family values. We tried, Downtown Abbey, wife was horrified, and we stopped watching that (though if one wants a good replacement, we found a show called Lark Rise to Candleford). For shows being broadcast, the only one I try to watch now are the Duck Dynasty shows, and the kids watch PBS or Disney. Other than that, we watch old 80s show (like the original MacGuyver, Knight Rider, Battlestar Galactica, etc). We do allow the kids to watch more modern cartoons like the Justice League Unlimited, Batman Animated Series, Green Lantern Animated Series, and older TV cartoons as well (Thundercats, GI Joe, Silverhawks, Transformers).
  4. Hopefully my mother forgives me for telling this story if she didn't want me to relate it. However, I don't think she would mind, as she freely tells others about it. My Great-grandfather suffered from some sort of condition when at his general store. This was many decades ago. He lived in Utah at the time. The doctor prescribed that he drink one cup of coffee for it each day. He did not hide this, and the stake Presidency and other Authorities knew about it. It was viewed upon as medicine, as long as he took it as prescribed (in other words, he didn't drink it voraciously and constantly, even when he did not need to). He was called as a Bishop and served faithfully. In this way, what I'm saying is that if something is prescribed as medicine for a valid reason, do not discard valid medical treatments. I am not your Bishop, your leader, or any other sort of figure that can dictate what you should or should not do. However, when it comes to medicine, I know I am not a medical doctor and if given that scenario, I would not judge someone or tell someone to discard the advice of their doctor. If you have major questions, perhaps you should ask the Bishop and even the Stake President on their opinion in this regards, as they have the leadership in your ward, stake and area. My personal opinion as a non-medical individual is to let medicine be medicine, and the word of wisdom be the word of wisdom. Taking medicine is no different than if I took any other medicine and it should be treated as such. However, ensure that something is being taken as medicine, rather than exceeding what is necessary for pleasure (for example, as one put it above, pain meds at times get abused...there's a difference between using pain meds for medicine, and abusing those very same pain meds). Also, I am not a doctor, but a quick look appears to have alternate dietary ideas (such as drinking milk, though that is a non-solution if one is lactose intolerant), or having phlebotomy (blood drawn) and other ideas. Whatever your doctor prescribed is what you need to do, but there may also be alternate ways to either assist or aid in iron reduction as well. Hermachromatosis seems like a very serious ailment, and just like other ailments like diabetes or others, requires special attention to the diet and what one eats. In these instances, I would probably listen to a doctor before listening to someone who is not only very young, but also is not a medical professional (at least, most missionaries I've seen are not medical professionals).
  5. It was only one time...right? On something that small, I probably wouldn't bother the bishop with it, unless it turns into something that is recurring. I'd only say talk to the Bishop is if it REALLY is bothering you and keeps bothering you, then you might want to discuss it with the bishop. I don't think drinking decaf is really what one would want to do if they wish to keep the word of wisdom, even if it is decaf. However, though not necessarily with the Word of Wisdom, we all mess up in small, minor ways, sometime or another. For minor slip ups like what you described, unless it is really bothering us, the bishop does not need to hear every single thing that we have done wrong. I know how hard it can be at times to feel the spirit. My solution, typically, is to turn to the Book of Mormon, especially books like Mosiah, or 3rd Nephi. I find reading from the Book of Mormon can bring the spirit in a very recognizable form. Another book that I also think brings the spirit immensely is reading from the New Testament, especially the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. I hope that you can find a way to feel the spirit strongly again, and am glad it sounds like you are going to church. That can be hard for many at first, and so it's a pretty significant step in and of itself. For that, and having the courage to strive to do good and find the spirit, I think should be admired.
  6. Thank you for the reminder. I had forgotten.
  7. I think there are Gadiantons in the US right now, and they aren't merely terrorists groups, they are political groups. How many of us have heard of the cover ups of both parties recently (and more), or doing things that those not in power would got to jail for, or being involved with media and other conglomerates under the table so that they can cheat on interviews and question and answer arenas, or use those to deceive us. To me, these are all signals that there are Gadiantons among us, and perhaps are the majority that are in control of our political power at the highest levels currently. These are those involved with some pretty powerful and heavy duty secret societies dedicated to the control of the US government. I think there are multiple groups of Gadiantons, and the only thing that really is keeping us from being swept away by them is our own faith in the Lord (and it's not just LDS faith, I think it's anyone who has a strong Faith in the Lord and a dedication to keep his commandments as spoken in the Scriptures). I've begun to think recently that perhaps honest leaders are the minority these days, rather than the majority, at least in the highest halls of power.
  8. I agree, it does become more complicated. What do you do when your spouse continually reads smutty romance novels and watches chick flicks which promote extramarital relations...and feels no shame at all about it... Or watches things like Once Upon a Time and thinks it's fine viewing for their children.... The big problem many have is that they'll more than readily pick at the mote in their spouses eye, but overlook the beam within their own. At the same time they'll try to magnify that mote to be the size of a beam, even though it isn't, whilst ignoring the beam that is in their own. People tend to give a pass on their own activities but be more than willing to accuse others of something similar. When one deals with wives who have had husbands that are alcoholics and beat them, or husbands that beat and then abuse their children, or threaten to kill their wives and then proceed to try to pull it off, or husbands that have fallen away (and an occasional wife) and then try to convince their spouse that they should fall away to and do everything in their power to convince them to leave he church, or husbands that actually have committed adultery... It kind of puts things into a bigger picture of what are good reasons that one might seek a divorce, and what are really minor problems in comparison. The husband (or wife) complaining about their spouse involved with pornography has never had to worry that they might be killed in their sleep, might be beaten within an inch of their life, that they may have children that are badly hurt because of a spouse's abuse. They never had to worry that their wife (or husband) was actually in love with another person, or truly betrayed their trust to only have relations with them by actually involving a real live person who may have feelings back towards your spouse. Divorcing over a bunch of movies and pictures on the internet, or a smutty romance novel suddenly doesn't seem as major a reason comparatively. We all sin in this life, and we all have things that we do. Too often we get so involved in pointing out the sins of our spouse that we ignore our own sins. Even more importantly, many times when our spouse needs our help far more than we may realize and their actions are basically pleas for that help, we instead tend to put blame on them and refuse to give them the help from the person that should be the one most willing to be there for them. In the worst case, if they refuse to stop, it could be an addiction. If it is an addiction, sometimes it is something that they have a very hard time stopping, even if they want to. It is similar to any other addiction such as smoking or alcohol. We are all different, and there are some that can stop cold turkey. There are others that WANT to stop smoking, drinking, drugs, or whatever, but no matter how hard they try, they cannot. Many times it takes a while for them to admit they want to stop, and before that they may claim they love to smoke and drink (or watch pornography), and multiple other excuses. However, in many of these instances, they are merely trying to cover up their own shame they feel at not being able to stop. Addiction (especially drug addiction for prescription drugs it seems, I'm not sure why) is something that many LDS couples in wards are struggling to overcome these days. There is a HUGE amount of pain on both sides (both spouses suffer, even the one that isn't addicted), and I can only feel sympathy and sorrow for those (both of them) who have to deal with this type of struggle. However, simply choosing to divorce in these situations would not be my first suggestion. There are many spouses that cannot be strong enough to deal with a spouse with addiction (and we need to show empathy for that spouse as well), because it takes a strong spouse to deal with it, especially if the other cannot kick that addiction. They may choose to divorce. I can only offer the what the scriptures say, but in the end, we still need to show love and support for both of them. Others are strong and stick with their spouse. The best I can do in these situations after they've made their final choices is to not be judgmental and instead offer support and aid to both of the spouses who undoubtedly in a lot of suffering and pain over it. However, even if we allow it, I don't condone divorce, personally speaking, for any reason other than adultery (and I mean real adultery) or criminal actions (which would cover things such as abuse and other rather terrible activities).
  9. When I saw my wife, she was extremely cute. I wanted to have kids that were just as cute as she was. Probably a terrible reason to get married to someone, luckily she was about as perfect for me as one could get, so there's that also. But, on the cuteness scale, she is through the roof. What's even better is the older she gets, the more beautiful she grows. If there was a way to be oversaturated with cuteness, I'd have died and gone to heaven already. Luckily, I get to have heaven here on earth while, for whatever reason she sees in an old schmuck like myself, she stays around with me as my spouse.
  10. If their spouse would leave their marriage over something like pornography, they normally have some sort of other problem they may be struggling mightily with. It would be like cutting off your finger because you have an ingrown nail, or amputating your arm because you broke it. These are injuries, but causing greater injury because of it isn't really something that should be considered (In my opinion). These injuries are things that can be repaired or healed. Amputation on the otherhand is rather permanent damage. When I deal with someone with a pornography problem, it is on the scale (to me) akin to someone who has an alcohol or word of wisdom problem, or does not pay their tithing, or another such thing. This does not mean that I think it is insignificant, but when things start getting tossed around, especially like what the OP presented...that indicates that something is seriously wrong (and from the sounds of what has happened, it really sounds as if the spouse has some serious problems, either morally or emotionally which they really need to see a counselor soon for their own health). On the actual idea many exhibit in the LDS church, it may sometimes be disloyal, but as per Elder Oaks when he gave a talk on this, it is not always an addiction and it is not always a betrayal or disloyal act. Very similar to how calling your brother (or another) names is not fully equivalent to murder, but it is still immoral, evil, and if it has enough vehemence behind it can lead to thoughts or actions similar to what one might do if they actually did murder that individual. I'm not saying someone viewing pornography is good, nor that it is moral. It is immoral, but I think people seem to have a double standard. A big example of this are what people used to call straight up pornography. What we see as romance books now (especially the ones with more risqué covers and writing) were the pornography of yesteryear. Many of these get far more in depth on certain actions than simply a nude individual (which is something we see in art, and was actually a form of attire for some occupations during the time of our Lord). However, MANY give these things a pass. Pornography also was far more expansive of what we call it today. It was one of three things done to extreme, which would include what we include today, but also excessive violence or excessive language. Any of these actually fall under what is pornography, but most American (more specifically, US) Mormons give these items a pass. However, these are equally as bad as the other forms of pornography. It is ironic than, how people are classifying it. Should a woman or man (in my case) be horrified if their spouse watches something with pornography, but one that is of excessive violence or language and feel it is a betrayal enough to leave their spouse? Pornography is NOT a good thing and is wrong. I don't want confusion on that. I in no way or how condone it, and in fact condemn it. It is a horrific plague that affects our young men (and older) today. It also affects many woman. However, we have a tendency to ignore some forms of pornography while being horrified by others, or even worse in many instances, completely giving it a pass if it is in some medium that we approve of (for example, I am still shocked at how a pornographic Rated-R movie does so well in many highly populated LDS areas. One prime example of this is when I went to the Lego Batman movie. The parking lot was full and I was afraid it might be sold out. Luckily it still had seats...but when I asked what everyone was at the movie theater for, they stated that the 50 shades movie was the one that everyone was going to, especially woman, for some odd reason. I thought it was a movie that probably objectified woman, but apparently many woman want to see that movie). PS: I should state I include the difficulties with names and thoughts because I sometimes am not the best person or nicest...especially when I'm in my vehicle and someone cuts me off, or tailgates me, or other things. I need to be far more loving towards other drivers, and others in obviously I would hope I'm not in the same boat as murderers. It is a problem I have though, and one I can relate to and hence I bring it up. Remembering my own fallibilities makes me a little more humble when considering others...or at least I try to remember my fallibilities in order to try to humble my arrogant and sinful self.
  11. The bishop is not an idiot, but it really depends on the Bishop. The Bishop is a judge, but there are specific questions and things to ask. Some Bishops do really bad things in some instances, others do some really good things. It depends on how strictly the Bishop follows the guidance that has been handed out, to be honest, and how much that Bishop feels like bending the rules. The only real question is whether or not that individual is a full tithe payer, with the result being between the individual and the Lord. If it is obvious, then the Bishop may make a judgement, but that needs to be guided by the spirit rather than the Bishop really just thinking something. There are those out there that have no income and nothing of the sort that live relatively well. Just about every one of the 13 and 14 years olds from well off homes in my ward do...and some of the college age students have that same situation...and so and and so forth. Living well is no indication of how much they are making or receiving in many cases. My take, is unless something really strikes me from the spirit, the best course of action is to let it be between the individual member and the Lord, as that is who they are ultimately lying to or being honest with (as well as themselves).
  12. Thank you also. I am currently downloading all the Teachings of the Prophets, Lesson manuals, and Church history stuff.
  13. Great! That helps. I am now clicking on everything I think I might e interested in so I have it downloaded and can open it up when not connected. I can now carry it around with me and read, even in locations around town and elsewhere which I don't have a wireless connection set up. This is wonderful. Thanks! I appreciate the help!
  14. If that is what you feel is right between you and the Lord...more power to you. Of course, normally the assumption at tithing settlement, is that when you are being asked is if you were a full tithe payer for all that you should have paid tithing for over the course of that year, and not just paying for that current day... But, the interviews are not supposed to go into detail, the only question is whether you are a full tithe payer or not.
  15. If one is LDS and intends on keeping the commandments? That depends on which tithing option you go with. AS per the Handbook of instruction, members can choose to pay their tithing annually. If it's been a year, you can decide that you are an annual payer instead of one that does it paycheck to paycheck, weekly, monthly or another way which members decide to pay their tithing. (also, today, people don't even have to give it to their Bishopric, they can pay it directly via online). If it's been longer than a year, it really is up to you. The question when asked, is for you to seek out with the spirit to determine if you are a full tithe payer or not. Early in the church one could pay catch up with their tithing, and in some instances it was expected. Today, we have no such indications that this is required, and we really have only a little guidance on what is considered a full tithe. That is normally up to the individual member to decide what type of tithe payer they are. I'd say, if it were ME (and that's really the only opinion I can really share that will be completely accurate in this instance in regards to this question, at least from me) the first step I'd take is to start paying tithing regularly. That means, on my next paycheck, I'd pay the tithe on my current earnings. Whether I decide to do that annually, monthly, or weekly, as long as it is regularly and current on my current earnings, I think that would satisfy the requirement for being a full tithe payer. However, when the Bishop asks at the tithing settlement, normally it is in regards to the past year. So if it were asked in December 2016, it would be asking if one was a full tithe payer for the year of 2016. Of course, this is my opinion on the matter, as in many ways, there is nothing absolutely dictated on the matter. It is more an issue between one and the Lord (IMO of course).
  16. Thank you, I now have the Gospel Library app downloaded. Do I have to be connected to the internet to use it, or can I access it no matter where I go?
  17. So it looks like the LDS tools is what my clerk uses, though I think he probably has more access to the records and other things like that on the church computer and his sign in. Have to determine whether Gospel Library also has the hymnals as that is what the Music app looks like it has.
  18. Okay, I'm on Google Play and I have several options. What do these do? There is Gospel Library, LDS Tools, LDS Music, LDS Media Library, LDS Scriptures. Is all I need the Gospel Library...what do the others do. there also appears to be a FamilySearchTree, is this connected to Family Search? Anyone know what LDS Doctrinal Mastery is?
  19. This is much more serious than what you did. She just threatened you with emotional affair. In many cases like these, when a spouse threatens something like this, they are ALREADY doing it. This is something a Bishop or Stake President may need to be involved with if she is already doing something like this. It sounds like your spouse has a very serious problem, and if she is talking about things like this, I would advise either counseling (I'd heavily suggest this at this point), or a bishops visit to deal with this post haste. In truth, I would advise counseling for her. Even if she is not cheating on you presently, it sounds as if she has something far more serious afflicting her than what you did. It could be depression, or some other item, in which case she needs medical care (depression and ailments like that are just as serious an illness as if someone had broken their legs, or back, or other physical ailment). If she refuses that, don't use it as if it is for your problems, but utilize it as something with a medical background. If you can afford it, take her to her normal medical doctor and have them administer a test over her emotional and mental well being. If she is depressed, they can see signs of it and perhaps "suggest" for her to go to another doctor (one that deals with these issues or is a counselor). Many who refuse to go to counseling on their own accord, will go if a medical doctor they trust suggests it. In regards to the original problem of pornography, see if your church has a pornography addiction class in your stake. Even if you are no longer looking at this, going may be helpful to your wife and you. This class is separated into those who have problems with pornography, and those who have had spouses who have had problems with pornography. The class for spouses deals with forgiveness and learning to love the person who you married again. It can be very helpful for those who have problems forgiving.
  20. I'm going to be blunt. I'm appalled at this statement and ANYONE who would back something like this up. It's non-scriptural, it's non-canonical, and it's an out and out lie. That is not cheating. You have NO IDEA what cheating is or does to a person. This entire thing that has been put out in regards to this is one of the biggest blights I've ever seen on the LDS church. If this is cheating, ANY WOMAN who reads a romance novel (and even more so the dirty ones which are basically pornography for woman) and/or watches ANY romance movie (it's not just mere fantasy, that's a fantasy in one's mind involving those who are NOT your spouse) are ALSO cheating. If this is cheating, than if you have EVER had a dirty thought AT ALL, EVER, in your marriage, you are MORE guilty and have cheated on your spouse. Sound ridiculous. It should, but in essence it's doing the SAME thing you just accused the above individual above on. People like to divide it up in their mind, but simply seeing naked individuals or even naked individuals doing certain acts is not a sin in and of itself. That isn't even something talked about in ANY of the core scriptures. The sin that it breaks is in the Beatitudes. It is looking at such things with lust in their heart (as per the New Testemant). Now some feel justified by this saying...see...right there it states it is adultery. If you ascribe to that idea, just know if you have ever called someone something, you are also guilty of murder under that logic. Is that REALLY the logic you want to go with? The truth is that this is a sin, but not one as dire as what one who decides to divorce over it is committing. Right underneath the beatitude against lusting is given the actual law the Lord gave, and he gives it several times, indicating HOW SERIOUS divorce really is (rather than a much more minor sin of looking upon a woman (or man, it is not just a thing men can be guilty of). matthew 19. In essence, a woman who divorces her husband over pornography and then remarries, according to this, has committed Adultery, not the husband. NOW THAT IS HARSH...if we want to talk about something harsh AND supported by scripture. Luckily, the church and the Lord seems to understand that the current culture in our world has made us weaker than most have been in any of the past 2000 years (even the Romans didn't have the divorce problems we have) and are far more forgiving (or so I've been led to believe). However, let's not call someone cheating in that manner when it's not really cheating any more than reading romance novels (or what I would call, pornography for woman) or any number of other things are. I've recently seen a spat of what people are calling emotional adultery (that means they do not have sexual relations outside of marriage with another person, but they have expressed interest, flirting, and even dating others when married to someone else) and in all honesty, I consider that outright cheating, if not outright adultery (by the definition of having relations outside of marriage). I also think that takes a far greater emotional toll on the spouse than pornography should (as the emotional cheating actually involves REAL interest in someone else rather than some foolish fantasy or ridiculous habit). This showing interest in another person, betraying your loyalty, THAT is what cheating is. And yes, adultery is even worse than cheating. Woman and men are devastated by both of those, and it is a terrible thing to deal with (even worse when both are in the same ward, which can be a very terrible situation to deal with). That said, in regards to the OP, your wife may have something she is hiding herself. Her reaction may be bad at first, but the way she went about it sounds like something isn't right, something isn't normal in the way she reacted. To me, red flags are waving. I should have read this entire thread, but the statement above is something that always makes me upset because it is a major problem I see afflicting and tearing apart LDS marriages today. This isn't to condone Pornography (Because I am not doing that, this does not make it alright or okay to view all, and if you are involved in such you need to repent immediately), but to say trying to equate it with a much more serious and far worse sin is something that can cause terrible things (and has been causing terrible things) to happen.
  21. I have traditionally always brought my scriptures to church in the appropriate scripture case. I have seen many others using tablets. They also seem to have the manuals on them. I suppose I may be a tad older than some of them which is why I am asking here about this stuff. I recently bought a new Samsung Tablet. Where do I find these apps to put on it and how do I do this? I'm looking at whatever app it is that they use for their LDS scriptures and the lesson manuals. The more step by step you can give me, the better it is. Just pretend that I'm some person who has no idea about the new technology stuff and can't figure it out on their need to pretend as I'm right there now that I have this tablet. If anyone knows these apps and stuff, and can help me figure out how to get it on my tablet, I'd appreciate it. Thanks
  22. So someone expanded on the individual mandate of the Ryan Care/Republicans idea and after hearing what it actually was (instead of what the media is reporting) it actually isn't that bad. If you do not have insurance, but then get it through an employer, or sign up during an open window (normally 30-60 days a year), or and a qualifying life event, you do NOT PAY THE PENALTY. The 30% penalty are for those that drop it and then start it up again without any of the above factors. This is specifically to prevent people from not having insurance and then deciding to get it AFTER they get sick. In addition, that 30% penalty only lasts 12 months and then you revert back to normal premiums. I can actually live with that. The way the media was portraying it was FAR different, more like how it is today which is basically a tax because you were born, which I absolutely disagree with.
  23. Humor (just so no one really takes this seriously) What about cars? When does my car get a symbol? Right now all I get are plain solid red/yellow/green lights. Not one has a car (or truck, or suburban) symbol in it anywhere to be seen! Is this mean that people really hate cars (and trucks, and other motorized vehicles...except motorcycles, you get 50 points for each of those you take out...especially if you are in California and they are driving down the middle of the road on the striped line during rush hour and give you a cheesy smile as they flash by).
  24. I think it depends. Are you LDS? The answer differs depending on your answer. This means I'll give multiple answers below. If you are LDS you do not pay tithing because of "blessings." This is a fallacy that many think is an automatic simply from paying tithing. I've personally known those who paid tithing that have gone hungry, cold, and some that even lost their shelter and housing. I don't think I'd tell these people that they were being "blessed" for paying their tithing at that moment. It is NOT paid to help the poor, but to help the priests (or church) as per the Old Testament. The Tithe is to be used for the building up of the church, it is offerings which are to be used for the poor typically. This is a commandment in the LDS church. What is not asked is how much of your income it is...or how you count it up. Some individuals say it has to be 1/10 of your gross. That's an INSANE thought for some individuals in some nations where they already take 60% for taxes, meaning that you'd be actually paying 25% of your livable income. Others feel it is on net income, and others on whatever they consider a surplus. The question is only whether you consider yourself a full tithe payer. If that means you pay 15,000 in tithing, I suppose that's what it means. If it means something else, than that's what it means. There are also offerings, which are paid above and over tithes. Supposedly these are used on the poor, however, I have no verification that all offerings are utilized in that way as I do not oversee all the offerings of the LDS church. Today, it states that all monies donated to the church are to be utilized as the church desires (in essence at least), but I feel at least a portion, if not all those offerings are utilized in helping the needy. Unfortunately offerings normally only come in the form of fast offerings and those tend to be somewhat meager on Fast Sunday in comparison to the needs of many wards. NOW... If you are not LDS, it can be something entirely different. The term tithe means ten percent, but that commandment is ONLY really found in the Old Testament. Furthermore, it is to support the Levitical priests of the time. Do we still have the sacrifices of old, or the Levitical priests today? I haven't seen any in Christian churches doing blood sacrifices recently. have you? So, the question is whether or not tithing is actually still a requirement, as it is obviously NOT understood in the same way it was in the Old Testament. This understanding varies between church to chuch (or religion to religion). Paying something (and it does talk about tithes, but not as explicitly or as in detail as the Old testament) is discussed a little in the New Testament (Matthew 23:23 and 1 Corinthians 9:13-14 for example). However, it also specifies that it doesn't necessarily need to be 10% as per 2 Corinthians 9:7 I'd like to say, you give your tithe to your church of choice, as you would. If your church has specific rules on it, you may read up on those first, however, in general, it is up to you...even in the LDS church. AS I pointed out above, some feel that since the ideas of the Old Testament really aren't available today (again, know any Levite Priests in Christian denominations), that how one tithes is utilized in different ways. Many also feel it should be given to charitable organizations rather than a church. Here is a link to someone else who I found via google who had a similar question (though not necessarily LDS, but Christian in general) If you decide to donate to a charity, be aware that whether you are LDS or a member of another congregation, they probably will not count your donation to that charity as tithing, and instead (if they are more liberal in that area, the LDS church probably would not) may consider it an offering if anything. Some organizations which are good for donation from what I know of, and which will use most of the donation to the charity are as follows. Red Cross (as far as I know, beyond the necessary payments for infrastructure and salaries, it all goes for charity. Even those in the infrastructure are working to get blood and get it around. 95% goes to charity with only 5% to overhead administrative costs). Boy Scouts (a portion of this will go to the Council Executive and the District Executives as salary. The Council Executive at times is overpaid in my opinion, but the District Executives are normally just eeking by and are paid less then the national average salary or wage in general. A part is also taken by national.) Catholic Charities (you will need to specify which section this goes to. This can be a hospital or other area). Doctors without Borders (uses around 85-90% on charity) For more questions on charity overhead and what goes where, you can reference this site If you live in a large city, another place that can almost ALWAYS use donations is a soup kitchen or a place which gives food to the poor.