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Everything posted by JayKi

  1. Is possible to use could in present as conditional? If I say I could watch soccer tomorrow but I don't want to. Is that correct?
  2. Will you explain to me difference between: Could you help me tomorrow? Can you help me tomorrow? Will you help me tomorrow? May you help me tomorrow? I ask librarian can I borrow textbook and they said, I don't know if you can but you may. Are they correct my English?
  3. oh you seem so American.
  4. I don't go on phone during sacrament usually I leave it at home for church. When I was teenage I did go on phone during sacrament but I realise is good for me to listen and now I do that.
  5. If is your phone then I agree, but at some age is important people realise even if no immediate consequence is still bad. If a teenager always get immediate punishment or repercussion they never learn if they do bad thing and don't get punishment what they do is still bad. Like to listen in sacrament only because of avoid punishment doesn't teach the importance to listen, just to do it to avoid punishment or repercussion. Is has to come from the person.
  6. I think teach when children and once they are teenager they know right and wrong thing to do. Once teenager is okay to make choice to listen or play on phone, they know they miss out already.
  7. Jajajajaja you should let teenager choose if they listen or not, they will be one miss out.
  8. maybe my mother just happy I was there, so she choose her battle different.
  9. I know already but is their choice if they want join in with meeting fully or use their phone. When I was teenager my mother was amazed even I show up to church, I go on my phone she won't care, is my choice if I listen or play game.
  10. I enjoy it when I was young. I don't understand why you take a teenager phone away ?
  11. Is illegal in Uk and Costa Rica to make under 16 year old move out. My mother she never threaten me, is not nice to threaten child. If my mom told me I can not live with at home when I was teenager I will be happy to move out.
  12. I was terrible teenager, I became man of my house when I was 10 and no one have authority over me. If my mother try this she couldn't ground me. Is hard for some parent to exert authority on teenager.
  13. Are you not a American? Is was same for me when I went to England they spoke too quick and I was still working out first words when they finish speaking.
  14. I believe in England even you go Private for health care, the government interviene if you want to take sick child out of country. I know many case of brain tumours in Uk patients sent to America for specialist surgery. The government in UK has changed laws after certain cases the Sarah Payne law is a example.
  15. Have is a word I dont understand, when I was learn before I move to England I was told have mean I posses. I have 4 sister. I have black shoes. In England they use like you, "I have lived in England". I interpret it as I posses lived in England, which doesn't make sense. I think you mean the same as I lived in England a long time now.
  16. I was not accuse them It was just example of how parent can lose right to their child. No that isn't true there is court of appeal Alfie parent appeal was rejected but many are not. Parent of course still have a say. There are second opinion within the NHS is not just one doctor decision. I won't be having kid in England. I think I was misunderstood I am not saying there isn't a problem maybe with the law, I am no lawyer. I just say the government and medical professionals acted with accordance to the law and I agree with their decision. I don't know if law needs changing not my field.
  17. It is the governments view that the parent forfeit their right to decide as they were not acting in best interest of the child. If I beat or neglect my child I forfeit those rights.
  18. There will be no quality of life as he is dead. The benefit of keeping Alfie alive is for his parents I feel. Sometimes I look at scenario where someone is all but dead with no way to survive without constant support or if they can they can't function due to they are brain dead. My father was on life support my mother felt his soul had left him and he wasn't there so she agreed to switch off. Sometimes death is a release from pain. I meet lots of people who believe this, it still hurts of course to lose family and friend but lots of people say they are no longer in pain and they are now at peace. I believe all life sacred personally and professionally. Also, I think the parent will have pain and distraction for as long as Alfie is in vegetative state. We don't know that, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-43898972 this article explain a little how decision was made. It point out NHS can't release all information because confidentiality so is important to remember we don't get whole story. I don't know if pain would be there for him as I don't know the Italian doctors plans. The link above also shows government position. I am sure you acknowledge at some point Alfie must die, to extend that process of letting go is painful. Many parent make that decision but it is hard decision. If I had child I would probably use my not professional rational but I believe the government acted fair in the matter. What was benefit for them to stop Alfie move to Italy? I have sympathy of course for the child and family but I just defend the NHS and government a little out of duty but it align with my personal view too.
  19. Well university off I have still placement in summer after exams in May but short placement as I go to Costa Rica for wedding and honeymoon in July.
  20. I finish school already until September I just revise now but I just like the forum to practice English and get advice. I didn't troll you is my opinion. I won't comment more as I tell my opinion is not popular.
  21. Well somewhere is must draw a line that is all I don't think any one person can have the right to decide but is not always practical to let nature run its course.
  22. Irrelevant the child is British the experts in Britain are what is taken in to account. Most rational parents know what to do and do it. Unfortunately, Alfie parents were not capable of acting in Alfie best interest.
  23. I am trainee neurosurgeon for 2 year I have my medicine degree I know more than you. You are no expert on Neurological conditions. What is the point of keeping someone alive if they are brain dead.
  24. But you just think the opposite . If medical professional are telling you that he will never recover, he will spend the rest of his life in a vegetative state and you ignore that as a parent is irrational. Don't go into medical profession you wouldn't last a day with your irrational thoughts and naive hope.