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Everything posted by JayKi

  1. I won't care who pull plug on me if I am in vegetative state. Look it is sad but he would never live any kind of life, his parent were irrational, the government stepped in acted in best interest for the child. Not every life is saveable is a sad truth.
  2. I am not English I am from Costa Rica.
  3. No because the government acts in best interest of the child. The parents in my opinion were being selfish and government stepped in and did what best for the child. If I was parent and I starve my child, you think is wrong for government to take my child from me? I will be surgeon in Costa Rica once I train in England is complete
  4. Is more than money. Alfie get sandwich every day but he is still starving. What is point of giving him sandwich? Is same Alfie get medication every day but his condition it gets no better. His quality of life is low and is kinder for him to die. Is selfish to keep him alive.
  5. You are just paranoid person not trusting government. Have lots of conspiracy theories but was does it benefit your life to not trust the government ? Nada no benefit. so keep looking at who shot JFK or whatever Americans do and have paranoia.
  6. No is wrong. You as parent are irrational, the child has degenerative neurological condition that means he will deteriorate until death. He won't have quality of life and the government is right it is better the child to die. Every day parents make this decision, do we turn off life support. The way is works is that child has human rights if you as parent violate them, the government will step in. If someone is abuse their child, you think is wrong for government agencies to step in? I never said about Jehovah's Witness
  7. Is frustrating because I live in England a long time now but I can't always express what I want to say in English. Where I live is hard to learn because lot of people use slang and have accents. If there is no major mistake then I will pass test and continue my study in England Is very obvious I not native speaker ?
  8. I didn't need contest the decision so much, I spoke to my uncle about situation now I say no more hanging out to my friend. We spoke with each other and pray together, my uncle see my side, he told me he knows I will keep promise. I had meeting with Stake President and I told him the situation, he said he thinks what I told him wasn't much of a reason so he will speak to my Bishop but I already knew my uncle will say that he believe I should have it. So I got it back
  9. I don't care for your opinion is irrelevant you know nothing
  10. The government can not give in to every appeal and offer alternative. There will be many appeal every day. Is important to trust the government act in best interest of all people not just for one child. Is a hard moral dilemma and I don't know legal process as I never train as Coroner.
  11. Maybe you are maybe you not hispanic, I don't care you can still be racist duh
  12. Is was strange for me because in Costa Rica I am consider to be white person. But my cousin told me in America I am light and bright but no white.
  13. Only first 2 was first day I was just with my cousin when it happened. You just never had it happen to you because you aren't not white.
  14. Good I didn't learn for long enough yet to write well but I read better.
  15. I was in Georgetown but it was racist someone told me I am a sandman and to speak English in America even my first day visiting. Also, people at a takeout place call me a spic.
  16. Can you tell me what you think regarding my English language skill? I have to sit test to continue my studying in England but I don't get feedback on writing because most my studying is practical or vocational and when I get is not grammar feedback. Is there many mistake?
  17. Is a little that but also what I been told by friends of mine who live in America or still live there. Also, what I read and American I meet not in America. I don't say all is racist but there too much for me to want to live there
  18. As a trainee surgeon in England I feel I can give an opinion. Doctor and Surgeon in England work very hard to save many life every day, the NHS save many lives every day that couldn't be save otherwise. One child that has limited chance of being save should not be placed above the many lives that are save a year. The same people being criticised for this decision save lives every day, make decisions on where most life can be saved and allocate money for this. It is not right to judge a nation or profession on one case. It is a privilege to have profession that allows life to be save but not every life is saveable and trying lots of money and resource is going to impact more saveable life from being save. Is sad these thing happen especially to child but is not the fault of doctor or the NHS or government that his life ended.
  19. I got it back Apparently being friend with someone isn't a reason to lose temple recommend. I go celebrate tomorrow in nail salon.
  20. I won't live in America anyway is too racist and I love Costa Rica I don't understand
  21. You can I think. I know someone who has I had a friend who had a baby when she was 16 and she gave the baby for adoption and she serve a mission a few years after. It may have changed this was 5 year ago.
  22. No she still come to my wedding I already buy her ticket and my family want to meet her. I just tell her I can't hangout with her until my fiancee live with me then we all be friend together.