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Everything posted by scottyg

  1. Rumor has it that someone from inside disney has leaked that the company has been lying about their movie budgets since captain marvel bombed in 2019...subtracting anywhere from 15-25% to make their flops look less bad, and to make their hits look better. For the flops, the company will also spend more money buying up tickets that never get used just so advertisers can claim that the film is good, thus encouraging others to go and see it too. disney reports sellout theaters, but people in those theaters have posted videos of mostly empty screens, debunking their claims. It could be balderdash, but from what I've heard the money spent on indy 5 was actually 400 million, making the 800 million break even mark accurate.
  2. There was the prayer of gratitude in 2020. It begins around the 9:00 mark.
  3. In addition, folks at disney work with many who were and are a part of this problem. I don't think for one second that it was just business executives and politicians on epstein's "list". You can bet your bottom dollar that hollywood brass and celebrities were and are a part of this disgusting practice. I am fine being called a conspiracy theorist in this regard...I take it as a compliment nowadays, but especially in regards to this kind of thing. No stone should be left unturned when unmasking child predators, and anyone who tries to push back on protecting kids are the ones who should be investigated first.
  4. The same "reputable" media outlets that are playing this movie off as propaganda are the same media outlets who praised the film cuties. Adoption of, and encouragement by the media, for pedophilia is right around the corner folks, and films like this are a threat to their filthy desires.
  6. It was a hard movie to watch, but the message is very much needed. First movie I have seen in theaters in 6 years. Also interesting to see which groups are taking shots at it, and saying it is an exaggeration of the truth...almost as if they were trying to hide something.
  7. A few videos I came across last night that prove how grounded the left is in facts. Sadly, not one democratic rep or senator nationwide has spoken out against the views expressed by the mentally ill people in these videos. Rather, they welcome these same people to their rallies and encourage them to act out in violence when their views are not shared.
  8. Almost all faiths will lend something of benefit to their followers. The biggest difference between Buddhism and Christianity is that Buddhism doesn't teach that there is a God. There are "divine spirits" of sorts who can help guide others along their path of learning over the course of their existence (they also believe in reincarnation in various forms), but no God that has a figure, personality, or character.
  9. This is easily the most bizarrely false and backwards statement I have heard in recent memory. Simply not true, period.
  10. This is true. Lawsuits cannot stop the blessings of God. Rebaptism is possible for you, and your local leaders have the keys to return you to church membership. A previously endowed person who is rebaptized is eligible to receive a full and complete restoration of all previous priesthood and temple blessings (with First Presidency approval) after at least one full year from their readmission/rebaptism. It is often a difficult road, but the end result will be better than what you have now would it not? The only time our blessings are truly gone is when we choose turn away from them. You can change your life, and you can feel that peace again. Far more who have done far worse than you have returned to the church, and have been blessed greatly afterwards. I would encourage you to seek a meeting with your local Bishop to get the process started. After a 1 on 1 with the Bishop, he and his counselors will need to meet with you, later followed by a meeting with the Stake President and his counselors before baptism can occur. At the very least, having a talk with him will help you feel better about yourself, and the vast potential your life still has.
  11. I currently work for a health insurance company, and we have had people who identify as animals try and get us to cover all kinds of cosmetic procedures stating that it is a form of affirmation surgery (which we also do not cover). One girl who used to be in our ward doesn't fully identify as a cat, but her parents lament because she likes to dress up as one and attend animal parties where food bowls and "litter boxes" are used...disgusting. (seriously) And I have said the same thing about the sicko pedos for about 2 years. The pedophilia acceptance and promotion is here now...most folks just don't realize it.
  12. I accepted a job 6 years ago that the Lord led me to. It was a step down in salary, and yet one of the top 3 decisions I have made in my life.
  13. To me Carl seemed to be a genuinely nicer guy (at least on the outside). Niel is full of subtle and passive/aggressive ways to insult those he views as less intelligent than himself. On a side note, it's interesting how mankind equates certain career fields with a higher degree of overall intelligence. Yes, Niel is smart, but he also has a luxury of reviewing material shortly before going on TV to also make himself appear smarter. The most intelligent person I know is an Electrician by trade. I have a Master's degree and this guy only has a certificate from 2 years of post-secondary education...and yet his overall intellect blows mine out of the water.
  14. I used to work in a children's hospital, and can't begin to tell you how many times the admin tried to use pizza to make their disgruntled employees happier. Fully catered lunches almost every day during peak covid craziness. It was ironic that the nurses (who the food was for) never got to eat much of it due to being so stinking busy all day. The hospital probably spent more money on food than it would cost to hire a few more nurses.
  15. I really enjoy his miniseries "Cosmos"; so much so that I bought it on Blu-ray. I learned a lot, and despite his blatant attempts to discredit God and labeling those who are religious as fools and/or a hindrance to science, I actually found my testimony in God strengthened from watching the show.
  16. Having some PTO is of course necessary for those unexpected life events, but for the most part I would just prefer it if I was paid a bit more. I have my PTO and sick time hours maxed out, and now have to take a day off every pay period or else I just lose out on those free hours. On the flip side, I also work with a lady who never has PTO hours stored in her "bank" she uses them all up every week for some kind of "fun activity", and always complains that we aren't given more time off from work...yet she hasn't worked a full 80 hours in a pay period since she joined the company. That behavior will hurt her if she ever really needs to take an extended leave of absence from work, and doesn't have the hours to do so. (she also doesn't contribute anything to retirement as she is one of those people with a "have fun now" and/or FOMO mentality)
  17. Could be because GOTG3 still hasn't been out long enough for most parents to leave an honest review.
  18. Common Sense Media is also pretty reliable.
  19. Two things strike me about this event. First, when you look at modern weaponry, and the various ways nations will try to destroy Israel, particularly Jerusalem, those prophets will be using the Priesthood in miraculous ways. To some it may look like a jedi using the force. They will be stopping all manner of bullets, bombs, and missiles. Aircraft and tanks, chemical and biological warfare, etc... Secondly, it will be remarkable to see how even then, people will refuse to turn to the Lord, and accept those men as His prophets. They will be so rooted in evil, and so full of pride, that they won't care about possibly being wrong, and will just want to see them dead above all else.
  20. I also believe the lack of rain to be the reason for this. As a supplement to the famine, fire and hail will destroy the crops of the earth. The hail is a major one I am watching out for as it cannot be deliberately caused by human intervention.
  21. That's pretty brazen of them. It's also sad that some would leave the church over not being spoken to in a particular manner. Rather than having a testimony of the restored gospel these folks treat the church as if it were a social club.
  22. Just musing, but perhaps they hold those leadership positions not because they know, but so they can gain experience, learn, and eventually come to know. I had a leader once who was a terrible choice for the position...he was truly just awful. But, the man he became over those few years was much different than who he was before.
  23. This is what I do, and what I believe the Lord would do. He would not lie or indirectly encourage / reenforce sin in any way.
  24. I was in Walmart last week, and the bud light display was comprised of several pallets of the stuff. The cost was 10.99 for a 24pk - absurdly cheap. But the real kicker was a $15 rebate card attached to each box. Basically, you would be getting paid $4 to take a case...and yet, the display was completely full.