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Posts posted by Tyme

  1. The ones who complain are also the same ones who usually come five minutes before close. I can bet money on the fact that 9 times out of 10 the customer complaining about cleaning comes in five minutes before closing. Ten out of ten people who complain will always find something to complain about. It might behoove you to recognize in your wanton criticism of restaurants that at least they're clean.

    It says a lot about you that you were so perturbed that you felt the need to post on a random internet forum.

  2. 8 hours ago, clbent04 said:

    I don't have a problem with restaurants cleaning while you eat (generally speaking), but I've been somewhat confounded recently by the the lack of common sense some people have. 

    Example #1 - Two weeks ago, my wife, 2-year old and I are eating at an Italian place when a server comes out with an extended duster and starts dusting the ceiling vents directly over the tables where people are eating.  Luckily he didn't come to our section, but from where we were sitting I could see all the dust that was disturbed visibly falling in the air and settling onto peoples' food. The people sitting in the areas where he was cleaning didn't seem happy about it either.

    Example #2- Yesterday I'm in Costco getting that sweet $1.50 hot dog and soda special. I'm sitting down at my table when a Costco employee with a broom and dust bin comes along. She sweeps around my area and then wants to clean the area around my feet. I have to lift my legs to avoid the path of broom as she says, "Excuse me."  

    I know, real 1st world problems. But how hard is it to wait till people have left their tables before you start cleaning?

    That's your hint not to come 5 minutes before they close. It's a jerk move.

  3. 5 hours ago, mirkwood said:

    I've been telling them that I'm a Christian.  I guess I better change that since they define the word the way they want it to mean.

    Nah, I'll stick with what God has taught me.  You are straight up wrong JJ.  You should go spend some time learning what God has told us about the topic through his Prophets and Apostles.

    I've already offered you up examples.  You can choose to ignore, or learn.  The ball is in your court, but I can't make you play.

    Is it beyond the realm of possibilities that you're both partially right? Man, LSD people crack me up.

  4. 3 minutes ago, mikbone said:

    Did you go through the MTC?

    It is an interesting place.  When I was there I was sleep deprived.  Required to wear a uniform. Required to memorize and recite discussions word for word (in a language that I barely understood). I prayed at least twenty times a day and was required to play role playing situations. Testimony meetings were almost daily and we were constantly admonished to teach with and identify the spirit even when I know that some of my fellow students didn’t feel the spirit and the teachers many times stated that we were feeling the spirit when at times we were not...

    Sleep deprivation is a big tool used to brainwash. How were you sleep deprived?

  5. 4 minutes ago, mikbone said:

    Thanks for the edit.

    I take my children to church, teach them, and encourage them to think for themselves.

    Forcing your children to be Mormon without their consent and understanding can only harbor future problems.

    I was raised in the church from 6 months of age.  My bishop and stake president from childhood were both ex-communicated.  And my mission president was inactive during the mission.

    I attend the temple and have two children currently in the field (daughter comes home from Temple Square this month and my son is in the MTC fixin to leave for Cambodia).

    My faith is in God.  When we go to church I make sure that my children are taught correct principles (sometimes they are not).  And I teach them to think and seek out their own testimonies.

    This post is about ‘brainwashing’ I will not brainwash my children.

    If you don't brainwash/teach them somebody else will. They get brainwashed in society to act a certain way. They get brainwashed at school. They get brainwashed in church. They get brainwashed at home.

    I don't know exactly what you mean by brainwashed. Could you give me examples?

  6. Screw it brainwash them! I believe in the promise that is repeated throughout the Book of Mormon, "If you keep the commandments you'll prosper." That's a true promise from God. The church is also very practical. In my mind, I know that if my daughters are reared in and follow the gospel their lives will be so much better. They will truly prosper in many different ways. The only two things I don't want to teach my daughters is to blindly follow men and not to feel guilty about everything. After all, this is a gospel of repentance. I will teach them that no matter what they've done the Lord has experienced it all and they can be forgiven. As far as blindly following, I will teach them to follow Jesus Christ not man.

  7. 3 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:


    This isn't political humor, this is stinging powerful rhetoric that needs to be taken seriously.  Here's me taking it seriously:  First and foremost, this is fake news.  Her real quote:

    Once someone has lied/made crap up that sounds good, in order to score some political point, they've crossed a line.  Hey Tyme - you strike me as someone with a moral compass, and more than a few brain cells to rub together, so tell me: Where did you get this picture, and what are you going to do about it?  You have been lied to, and have passed along a lie as truth - how do you feel about being used as someone's puppet?


  8. 2 hours ago, mikbone said:

    Without a doubt Eli Herring


    I was on the BYU track team with this Giant of a Man.  Very quiet and reserved.  And he had the most amazing appetite I have ever witnessed. 



    # 2 

    BYU Decathlete

    David Draney


    That’s an inspiring story.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Midwest LDS said:

    That's so awesome, way to go @Tyme we are ecstatic for you!

    I’m a little uneasy about it because I’m relying on the Apostles testimony of the family. It’s not really something I have a testimony of. I guess I don’t see a difference between myself and children or even young adults relying on the testimony of their parents. At times don’t even the people farthest on their discipleship journey rely on others testimonies? An example would be somebody going through a faith crisis. It seems better to rely on somebody else’s testimony than have none. What’s your thoughts disciples?

  10. 18 minutes ago, Godless said:

    They're also all current or former players for the Baltimore Ravens. Weddle and Ngata might have a shot at the HoF.

    I see what you're getting at now. That is pretty interesting. It's also important to note that Ngata played for the Lions also.