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Everything posted by marge

  1. I don't believe in the dates proposed by James Ussher at all (as most christian denominations don't) so I don't believe man only existed or the flood was only 5000 years ago. If you look at ancient history every culture has a flood story, the epic of gilgamesh for example is basically the same story as noah, except its 1000s of years older than the Genesis account. I believe there was a great flood in ancient history, the date of it, I don't think anyone knows. Perhaps there were several of differing degrees. Your question seems to be asking me if I am a bible literalist (6000 years, timing of the flood etc) I am not, but that doesn't mean the bible is not the word of God.
  2. I mean no disrespect either but I find this response extremely close minded. To assume that because I didn't get the same answer as you did that my answer is wrong, my methodology for finding my answer is wrong, or that I don't understand, recognise or refuse to accept the 'right' answer from God, or that I wasn't willing enough is well, too be honest, insulting and comes across as quite arrogant. I poured my heart and soul into this religion for two years, and wanted nothing more than for it to be true.
  3. The 6000 year age of the earth and the belief that man existed for 6000 years is tied together in the same flawed calculations, along with the flood. I'll read and respond to the rest of your post later on today
  4. I've got about 6 months food storage I think. I'm actually really grateful I did it, and especially with corona virus, now I have such a good stock up that I buy most things in bulk. It saves me a lot of money and its nice to know I can feed a bunch of people on a moments notice.
  5. The 6000 year thing is largely due to an Irish Anglican Archbishop called James Ussher in the 1600s, a bible was even published with his 'supposed' dates on the top of pages in the bible, they were taken out around 1900. Most Christian Denominations don't believe the world is only 6000 years old.
  6. I would say I have studied the Book of Mormon in depth, I also did come follow me all last year (and most of this year on D&C) I've attended LDS church (when I can due to covid). I've lived the Word of Wisdom the entire time, I've prayed with a sincere heart to know if its true. After almost two years of sincere seeking (and I mean very sincere) I have to conclude that it's not true. It makes me really sad because I WANT it to be true. I do still believe the Bible is the word of God though.
  7. I think bailing is the right thing to do, I also think his stuff should no longer be in your shed. I'm sorry you're dealing with this
  8. @JohnsonJones Thank you, its making a lot more sense to me now. I appreciate the time you put in to answer me. Thank you for the Catholic analogy too, that helps me understand it so much better as that's what I was raised with.
  9. Thanks @Vort that was really helpful 😊
  10. I think you did answer it, I didn't word it very well at all so my apologies. I should have worded like this Were all the demons chosen at the fall in LDS theology? Is it just the 1/3 of the hosts of heaven that fell that are demons? Were all the hosts who fell human spirits? Or can someone who goes to hell become a demon? If so, do all those who go to hell become demons? So I think you're saying that someone can become a demon in hell, like Judas Iscariot as in your example could have become a demon when he went to hell.
  11. More stupid questions! So if Angels and demons can be human spirits or angelic spirits, can demons also be angelic (not human) spirits? Were all the demons 'chosen' (bad term I know! English escapes me right now, apologies) at the fall or can a really bad human spirit (or angelic spirit) become a demon due to bad choices in free will?
  12. thanks @JohnsonJones and @askandanswer I appreciate it.
  13. I'm so off topic but I have to ask. What is the LDS doctrinal explanation of Angels? Can a human become an Angel in Heaven? Sorry if I sound like an uneducated idiot or if this has been asked before!
  14. Thank you everyone for your help. After a lot of prayer, prescription has been filled and I'm taking my medication, I wouldn't say it's guilt free, but I'm working on it 😊
  15. Hello everyone, I'm not really sure where to post this so I hope this is the right spot. I was wondering what the LDS view on contraception is? I was raised very catholic so was taught that contraception as a mortal sin. The only time it is acceptable to use contraception according to Catholicism (other than NFP, thats allowed) is in the case of health, and that the motivation for taking said contraception (like the pill for example) is for the health benefits and not for avoiding getting pregnant. I'm interested to hear the LDS view on this subject. I've just been prescribed The Pill to help with pre-menopause symptoms, and I guess the catholic guilt is strong! I'd love to hear a different viewpoint. Thank you Marge
  16. Are there other non-lds christians in your area? LDS are not the only christian church with strong rules about sex only within the bonds of marriage. Maybe try and make friends with like minded people who hold the same values you do, and lean on them for support when you find yourself struggling.
  17. I'm sorry this is so hard for you Jane, but I think you are right to think of it how you would want your children to think about you, you want them to ask you for the things they need/want/desire. God wants you to ask him for the things you need/want/desire. But that doesn't mean the answer will always be yes, but God doesn't want that to stop you asking, just like you wouldn't want your no's to stop your children from asking you for things. Trust in God, he loves you
  18. this guy on youtube is pretty cool too, especially for a non member, he's very clear and easy to understand
  19. thank you so much, I've seen some of them on youtube, but get confused on the order so that playlist on the church's website is great
  20. I'm not LDS but my New years resolution is to stick to come follow me for the year, and its on the book of mormon, which is perfect, because I really should read the whole book. Anyone else excited for come follow me this year?
  21. Thanks so much for the responses. I was more interested in anyones experiences with young people and these courses. I think its a great thing for young men and women to do these sorts of courses, life skills don't seem to be taught to them in the mainstream school system. Do you think it helped the young persons chance of success? Do most of the youth do these courses? Is it expected that the youth participate in courses like this? Is it a cultural expectation of parents to want their children to participate in these courses? (sort like parents want their children to serve missions)
  22. I've been looking through all the self improvement courses offered by the LDS church, like the self reliance course, the job hunting course. I think its fabulous! I was wondering if this is a structured thing offered by the church in classroom settings, and if the courses are expected to be completed by members or are totally optional, or perhaps a mixture of both? Have you done or know people who have done these courses? I'm especially interested in the job search and starting a business courses offered. I think this is a great resource offered by your church, this sort of thing is not taught to our young people in schools, I think LDS youth have a great advantage with this information available to them.
  23. I find the LDS word of wisdom fascinatingly accurate when it comes to providing good sound guidelines for a health code I saw a dietician (which wasn't cheap by the way!) a while ago and her advice was High fibre low sugar, lots of fruit and veggies and whole grains No coffee or tea (especially in the morning, you are already dehydrated and coffee or tea will just make that worse) Herbal tea is a good choice is you must have something More lentils and beans and limited meat Don't drink alcohol and of course don't smoke Sounds like the word of wisdom to me
  24. I think its the most beautiful teaching of the LDS church, I love the idea of an eternal marriage. I'm not an LDS member so this is just my personal view on it, but the bible says there is no marriage in heaven, so if you want to be married in heaven it needs to happen here, in the temple (or maybe in the spirit world? But before the resurrection), and because traditional marriage is only until death, you would need to be sealed for eternity so you your marriage is valid in heaven. LDS members, please weigh in and let me know if my interpretation is ok?