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Everything posted by zil2

  1. Every day I grow more and more convinced that every problem in society can be traced back to the failure of the nuclear family (success of the extended family is even better, but failure of the nuclear family is equivalent to the failure of a society).
  2. I don't know enough to compare. It's just that the Church and its off-shoots are very different, so I wouldn't expect the off-shoots to use Church material, though there's nothing stopping them, I suppose. It's just that they're founded on the idea that Brigham Young wasn't the right one to take over, so using materials that would include quotes and teachings from that prophetic line would be sort of self-defeating... In other words, the Come, Follow Me manual isn't just a schedule for which Book of Mormon chapters to read, it includes lesson material, quotes, references to General Conference talks, hymns, etc.
  3. I cannot imagine they would - that would be strange indeed.
  4. I mean that in that moment, while they were talking, Mahonri was brought into the presence of the Lord - that it wasn't just a vision, the Lord was there physically (His spirit). Read the rest of the chapter - being brought into the presence of the Lord appears to include seeing all things (v25-26). I don't think this was necessarily a future thing - whether the Lord appeared to Mahonri on future occasions, I don't know, but on this occasion, He did. Whether that was like being in the celestial kingdom, I don't know - I only know what was written in the chapter... But verse 20 is interesting - Mahonri could not be kept from within the veil - presumably the veil that separates us from God... Mahonri experienced things we don't know (again, see the rest of the chapter - not all that he wrote has been given to us).
  5. Yes, I think this means the brother of Jared had his calling and election made sure at this point. I think "brought back into my presence" means literally what it says. We were in His presence in the pre-mortal realm, and now the brother of Jared was being brought back into His presence. IMO, these verses teach a degree of faith that is easy to understand intellectually (e.g. v12), but not as easy to live.
  6. Sounds like the Hello Saints dude. I only have vague memories of this guy until someone (else) recently posted about his baptism, then I went and watched all the LDS videos he'd done - it was an interesting thing to watch his conversion before he even knew it was a conversion. We're reading all year long. You can join in any time. The schedule is the same for everyone.
  7. Did I dislike him? Are you by chance mixing him up with the "Hello, Saints" dude, or...?
  8. Seems like a good place to put this. I enjoy visuals like this:
  9. I think you mean Camp 2.
  10. Oh, right. I got side-tracked. Nevermind. Sorry.
  11. This one seems more useful: https://www.fairlatterdaysaints.org/answers/Mormonism_and_doctrine/Repudiated_concepts/Adam-God_theory
  12. Interesting. I always thought "pleasing bar" made perfect sense... But that's a fascinating paper. Thanks.
  13. Or maybe the Nephites came up with things that their predecessors didn't. Not exactly the same, but the idea of something separating those of power from the rest: Perhaps at some point, the Nephite judges had something similar - a bar separating the court from the "audience". They certainly had lawyers... Anywho, just a thought.
  14. Do you know that the written talks are submitted before hand so that the translators, interpreters, and technical people have a "head start"? That it is far more likely, especially given the video, that the spoken talk diverged from what was written and that the printed version was not edited from what Elder Packer had previously submitted? Just checking. I used to assume that the printed came second, but it turns out, it comes first (per Elder Bednar).
  15. Watch the video. It's perfectly clear what happened.
  16. This question was definitively answered in the April 2024 General Conference by Elder Holland and Elder Dushku.
  17. Congratulations, @Lindy! Wonderful that your family is growing so and you get to see it all happening.
  18. Got it. Not limiting "environment" to the natural one.
  19. What am I forgetting? I don't recall any natural disasters associated with King Noah (assuming the one in Mosiah 11-19)...
  20. Ok. Clearly I don't understand your way of communicating, so I'm done here.