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Everything posted by Traveler

  1. Trials are like taking exams in school - they can be a good experience for those that have prepared, they can have disastrous consequences for those that are unprepared.The Traveler
  2. There is a story circulating about Pres Monson that was presiding at a gathering of stake presidents. He opened the meeting to questions and one brother asked if Pres. Monson had any idea how close the end was. Pres. Monson responded that he did not know how close it was - no idea at all. He stated that the 1st presidency did not know nor did any of the Apostles. He then suggested that the question be taken to any High Priest Group meeting in any ward on any given Sunday. He suggested that he was quite sure one of the HP would know. :) The Traveler
  3. Part of the problem is not understanding clearly the difference between good and evil. They are opposit and have nothing in common. Evil is the focus of self - on self want, self desire, self gradification. Good is the focus on others (sacrifice of self - self want, self desire, self gradification) for the benefit of others.G-d the Father and G-d the Son are examples of sacrifice for the benefit of others. Satan is the example of self promotion, self need and achievement for self - without regard for others. The Traveler
  4. Delusional? In comparison to who? To the hoards and masses that have found their way through Satan’s delusion and are firmly entrenched in “The Way”. It has been my impression that the occupants of the “Great and Spacious Building” will out number (by more than a few) those that hold fast to the iron rod finding their way along the “Straight and Narrow Path”. The Traveler
  5. I am reminded of the joke about when Moses came down from Mt Sinai. He told everybody that he had good news and bad news. The good news he said was that he talked G-d down to only 10 commandments. The bad news he said was that Adultry was still one of them The Traveler
  6. There are always exceptions. I believe there are 4 kinds of poor and each type has different needs - not all poor should be treated the same and seldom do the poor need money. Money is what those that do not understand give - especially in government. The 4 kinds of poor. 1. The handy cap - mental or physical. They can never be on their own and require a life time of care. 2. Substance abusers - These have lost their tolerance and nothing anyone does will help until there is an inward change in the individual. 3. Those that live at the border line of economic stability. Any set back and they are sucked under. These are what most think of attempting to help back on their feet. 4. I call these the hobo. They could live within the economy but choose to drop out. Sometimes they are the pan handlers - but mostly they will not change - do not want to and like living as a begger. Please understand that often someone is not just one of the above. If we are going to help the poor we ought to know more about them than that they need a hand out. But this is not for those that want a quick fix. We must be careful to help and not add to problems. The Traveler.
  7. Have you considered that Satan is quite happy is seeing the covenant sons and daughters of G-d suffer pain - even for a short time?The Traveler
  8. I will extend the question - Does any one believe they are a different type of creation (created differently) than was Adam and Eve? If so - please take this opportunity to explain both how and why. The Traveler
  9. As a scientist and a High Priest in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I have become to wonder why so many have come to believe that a knowledge of science and a knowledge of religious doctrine cannot coexist. One time I was asked how I could believe in evolution and still be a member of the Church. It may seem odd but for the most part I have found science more willing to move forward with ideas than members that will say they believe there is more to be revealed but think that revelation comes only through religion. Let me give a small example – about 15 years ago a “super cluster” of galaxies was discovered that was so enormous that it was greater, all by itself, than what anyone believed the universe could possibly be just 100 years ago. As we try to adjust our thinking to an explosion of information in our modern age, many have come to think that any adjustments are contrary to scripture. And yet it would seem to me that there is an explosion of information concerning scripture as well; that is bringing much adjustment in thinking to the rest of the world. I think it interesting that 120 years ago the Book of Mormon was criticized because there was no evidence of any advanced civilizations in the Americas – today there are so many advanced ancient civilizations that it would seem impossible that all could have come from the 3 major groups presented in the Book of Mormon. So my question – Why are so many of us so afraid to extend ourselves and learn of the things that have not been known before? The Traveler
  10. Well thought out post. However, you missed an newly discovered volcano at the south pole (the primary reason for global warming?) It is a young volcano and the world's 2 largest - next to Yellowstone. It could errupt with a major erruption any time - for sure it will sometime in the next 500 years. When it errupts it will melt enough ice to rase the oceans from 12 to 20 feet which would displace 80% of the world's population.Also according to timetables given in the Book of Revelation there will be a 10 and 1/2 year period prior to the second comming that will be divided into 3 parts of 3 and 1/2 years. If one is to believe the Bible they would know that the 10 and 1/2 year period has not started and thus the world cannot end by 2012. The Traveler
  11. For years I have wondered about callings. I have wondered if great members get the great callings or if members with great potential get great callings. I have wondered if calls come because you have erned them or if the come to develop the member. I have come to the conclusion that it is none of the above. The reason we are given callings in the church is because with out the calling we would not serve. In other words - if we were not called to go to some neighbor as a home teacher we would not visit or make friends with many of the familes in the ward. It is sad but some members will not serve - even with a calling. The Traveler
  12. There has been some thought that in the last days the Jews are under divine covenant and commandment to gather - Just as Ephraim will gather – so will Judah – (See Ezekiel). A common theme in the Book of Mormon is that those that reject G-d counsel and protection will suffer for their error. Some have suggested that the Jews might have avoided the holocaust by being more eager to obey. It is possible to that this is a warning to others that reject G-d. (See Book of Mormon – 2Nephi chapter1) The Traveler
  13. I believe Satan knew about the plan of salvation. I believe he knew that Adam and Eve would, at some time, partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. I believe the reason Satan did what he did - knowing what he knows, is because when Adam and Eve partook of the fruit he wanted to happen on his terms. I think he achieved exactly what he planned to do.I also believe he is far more capable of manipulating behavior than most are willing to recognize. The scriptures say he leads people around with a “flaxen cord” which is symbolic of his ability to entice away any resistance. The Traveler
  14. Where did you get this idea?Just for those interested, Joseph Goebbles, (modern father of brainwashing) stated the changing the minds of an individual is only effective when the individual comes to believe their new stanse was completly their idea. The Traveler
  15. It is not so much that I disagree with anyone – except that I think there is too much emphasis on the wrong thing – or should I say emphasis on things that matter less instead of that which matters more. It is my impression that Christians should be looking forward with hope into eternity and not into the past thinking there is not much else to do. It appears to me that many asking questions about being saved are looking into the past; much like the rich young man that asked Jesus what was necessary for eternal life. Jesus gave him a forward looking answer when he said to keep the commandments but the man – still looking in the past, said he had all ready done that. Then Jesus gave him another opportunity to look forward when Jesus said to sell all that he had and come follow him. But the man just did not get it – he could not and would not look forward. The same problem exists when thinking of worthiness because such thoughts and questions are always looking backwards. Let us instead, look to the future and eternity and instead of asking if we are saved asked if we are prepared to be saved and live with G-d and what more can we do – not have to do so we can stop looking to the future thinking we are done. There is a big difference. How can anyone say they are prepared to be saved when they cannot forgive someone (including enemies)? How can we say we are prepared to be saved when we are so in love with one particular sin we keep it, pretending we will never really have to give it up? I think it is very unwise for anyone to brag about how much better situation they are in when we all are tarnished and need more divine preparation. Let us not give up before we really get started. The Traveler
  16. There will always be those that criticize when it is inappropriate – even Satan found ways to criticize G-d. Let us remember that worship is not so much about criticism as it is about prase.The Traveler
  17. I have not yet been saved from sin and I will suffer the wages of sin - which is death. Despite all the foolish claims, I have not yet met anyone that will not suffer death because of sin nor do I believe someone that thinks they are saved has the ability to think and understand anything regarding that which is of spiritual nature. I do believe that I will be saved - but that it is necessare to suffer death as a demonstration of my faith.The Traveler
  18. Interesting that anyone thinks that it is PR to select a cause that is becoming less popular and is falling apart. In light of alternate life styles the structure of a complete family where a Father and Mother make personal sacrifices of wants, desires and attractions outside such family structure is quite interesting. I wonder if the criticism is given by someone that believes in family as we do but does not want an ally. What kind of mentality does it take to treat a friend as an enemy?The Traveler
  19. Sorry I did not answer for a while. Some thoughts---. If you read Job Chapter 1 verse 6 through 12 (which is a verse of Hebrew poetry). It would appear that Satan was in Heaven addressing the Father – This is not likely since Satan was excommunicated from the presents of the Father. Where then did this take place? Could it be that heaven that was separated from the Father at the time of the fall in which Jesus resided as king and the sons of man presented themselves (reported) to Jesus that in turn went to another place to address the Father? As to the “Tree of Life” in Eden – Alma 32 has some interesting things to say about a seed that is planted in the hearts of men that if cared for will grow – produce fruit – and is the “tree of life” – See Alma 32:40. The Traveler
  20. If you look at my posts you will find two things.1. I did not give an interpretation - nor did I claim that I could solve the riddle of symbolism completely. 2. I did say that the symbolism was not eve addressed in the Beginning and Ending books of the Bible. My question is - by what right does anyone say the symbols are not Messianic and related? If the things of G-d are not known by man but only by the spirit of G-d – as per Peter declaring Jesus as the “Son of G-d”. So I will now ask the question directly – is it possible that the Cherubim of Eden is a prophesy directed towards the salvation of fallen man through Christ? You do not have to answer because I understand the problem that Trinitarians face concerning this matter. But I also understand that there is no interpretation or commentary from Trinitarians as to where or when man, in quest of the “Tree of Life” (eternal life or to live with G-d) or the path to it ever encounters the “Keeper of the way”. I have read many a commentary that says that a sword represents justice and judgment but I have never read any commentary that draws the parallel to Christ back to Genesis. But I did imply that I believe the truth of this matter, if understood, could unite Christians, Jews and Islam to a understanding of Christ being the Messiah. But then perhaps that is why there is so much symbolism in scripture. As I said there is a Trinitarian trap in trying to give any Messianic meaning to Cherubim and I have no intention of tricking you into it – I intended you discover it quietly and privately for yourself – as I did. The Traveler
  21. Just for fun there are some rather interesting parallels in the calendar given in the Book of Enoch - The calendar used by the people of the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls - The calendar used in ancient Israel (not the Pharisees) at the temple and the Mayan calendar that explain all kinds of things - like 7th heaven. i.e. There are 6 gates of heaven through the sun passes each morning and evening to cross the sky. This is the solar month calendar and the sun passes through each gate twice to complete a year cycle. The 7th gate was believed to be unseen and the gate to the heaven where G-d lives. Thus the 7th heaven.The Traveler
  22. You are welcome to your belief - I believe that you will be rewarded in eternity according to the desires of your heart. If you do not want any "Mormons" in your heaven - I am sure that eternity will provide a place where you do not have to deal with "Mormons" - just as Jesus pointed out to the Jews (including the 1st Christians) that they would not have to endure Samaritans in their eternally desired placeYes - I believe G-d is both merciful and just. He will not force anyone to live with him and those whom he loves and who love others like unto themself. BTW - I have yet to meet anyone that believes in heaven that does not draw their own sinful self into heaven and other out of heaven - thinking they will be forgiven but other's sin are not to be forgiven. As for myself - I believe anyone that wants to be in heaven will go to heaven and will be helped there by the L-rd and his saints. Likewise, anyone that does not want to be in heaven will not be forced there - regardless if they call themselves Christian or what church they attend. The Traveler
  23. I will go out on a limb and perhaps get someone a little excited. I will compare one aspect of the sin of unrighteous dominion with the great sin chronicled in the Book of Mormon known as secret combinations. I would put forth that it is unrighteous dominion to use other human life or effort in order to gain greater wealth for one’s self.I will also state that it is another kind of unrighteous dominion to incorrectly represent the actions of others (in a debasing manner) in order to gain wealth, power or fame for one’s self. Example of this are: those that accept money or fame by defacing others through their writing or other public announcements; something to think about during election time. The Traveler
  24. I disagree - staring at the truth has never been incentive to change or modify religious beliefs. The Traveler
  25. Interesting. You do have an exceptional daughter - so allow me to ask. What would you do to keep your daughter from the fire? (an Abraham experience)Also a question for a scripture expert. How come we remember Shadrach, Mesach, and Abednigo by their Babylonian names and Dainel by his Hebrew name. Since Shadrach, Mesach, and Abednigo had Hebrew names that no one remembers and Daniel had a Babylonian name that no one remembers. The Traveler