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Everything posted by Traveler

  1. According the LDS doctrine, for example the Book of Mormon, scriptures can be “abridged” from the original. We also know from the Book of Mormon that the official or if you will “canon” or temple scripture of the Jewish people was removed from the Holy of Holies of the temple just prior to the era of captivity and lost to a person named Nephi. There is evidence from the ancient “Damascus” near the Dead Sea, where in our time the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, that anciently there were classes or levels of the scripture scrolls. That the highest valued copy was kept at the temple and that special copies were made by select scribes that were then used at scriptoriums where copies of the scriptures were made by various levels of scribes for various levels of the public. If this is the case then the only scriptorium level document ever found is the Isaiah scroll of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The main difference within the LDS covenant is that we do not rely on past scriptures for authority but instead follow the ancient covenant type where prophets are G-d’s Suzerain Vassal and as such are both proctor and divine representatives of sacred covenants as was Moses, Abraham, Isaiah and other prophets that wrote the original scriptures. The Traveler
  2. Most all modern socialist orders have denounced religion. Fundamentally communism opposes all religion as an opiate of the people. Please do not disgrace the United Order by a comparison to socialist orders that are anti to religion. I would also point out that the LDS welfare, fast offering and consecration is not free market capitalist economy. Neither is the United Order. My great grandfather was secretary (CEO) of the Box Elder United Order and I am well studied in the articles and principles of that specific order. Please understand that it is the order of G-d to have his children come into his “Kingdom” and social order as a manner of agency and expression of free will. It is the order of Satan to demand by force of law that man should be forced and taxed with no escape or relief from taxation. I personally see the redistribution of wealth under the current taxes in this country as it stands today to be more closely associated with the order of Satan than of G-d. And as long as the laws demand disassociation with all that is religious from the halls of justice – I believe that nothing but loss of freedoms will result. When we are not free to choose we are not free and if the majority is not the basis of order there is no democratic or free society. The Traveler
  3. It is very common to call things in new places people go by the old places names - like New YorkThe Traveler
  4. I have traveled the world over and have loved and enjoyed attending church – including Gospel Doctrine everywhere I have been. I though it might be fun to share one rather interesting experience. During my first visit to Taiwan I wanted to have a special experience. My company had provided a translator but only when I was at work. The rest of the time I was on my own. Attending church is a high priority for me. During the week I had taken more than one occasion to fast and pray concerning my Sabbath experience. I was expecting to have the spiritual gift of interpretation of tongues. My first experience being immersed in the Chinese language was a most difficult one. I could not recognize any sounds – even the sacrament prayers left we confused with where in the prayer we were. When I went to Gospel Doctrine I was sure that everything would come to me and I would start understanding. I can honestly say that I did not understand one single word said by anyone. There were some pictures I recognized but nothing I could understand. I felt that the gift of tongues was not something for me this Sabbath. After Gospel Doctrine the teacher took time to come over and talk to me in broken English. He asked me how I enjoyed the class. I told him I must be honest and admit I did not understand even one word. I asked him what the lesson was for that week. He responded, “The gift of tongues”. We will be taught great lessons in Gospel Doctrine – but they may not come to us in the manner we expect. The Traveler
  5. Forgive and forget. We are open to anyone that would harm us - not just those we have experienced ill treatment. The Holy Spirit guides us and keeps us safe - not the remembering of what others have done to us in the past. If it is a spirit of anger that has convinced someone to end a relationship, I doubt that there is forgiveness. On the other hand if the Holy Spirit indicates that it is time to forgive and move on when there is no effort to harm the other or take away any good thing that is a benefit to them then forgiveness has likely taken place as G-d would have it. The Traveler The Traveler
  6. I think that there is much more to the influence of spirits than many realize. But there are two kinds of spirits and often unclean spirits will present themselves as spirits of light. Telling the difference is not that difficult. If we have made place for clean spirits in our lives, unclean spirits have difficulty presenting themselves as clean. If we have allowed place for unclean spirits then there are limitless possibilities - almost none of which are enjoyable (even if the spirit is clean - example: Alma the younger). It has been my experience that if someone is encouraged to talk, without reservation, to others about the spirit that is influencing them - usually it is not a clean spirit that is guiding them. The Traveler
  7. No. There is no connection between what is on a ballot and how the voter is registered. But writting on a ballot can disqualify it. For example, writting in Mickey Mouse for president will likely disqualify your ballot. Sometimes writting in any cantidate can be judged (by the polling judges - which are almost always party faithful) and an invalid ballot. This is especially true if someone writes in somethng like a county or state judge because any cantidate must be pre-qualified.The game that is often played dependes on all kinds of demographics. For example - in heavy Republican districts, Deomcrats will try to disqualify as much as they can. Ususally the Republican respond in kind in strong Democratic districts. Remember Florida and who wanted what disqualified and recounted and in what districts they wanted it done. The Traveler
  8. There are strong connections with the spirit that is in your home and about your person and the language that one uses. I know that many people see such things a funny but I am not sure they understand the danger. I support and honor all that work towards making their home a place where the holy spirit of G-d is welcome. The Traveler
  9. I believe that everyone will end up in the place they really really want to live eternally. I do not believe that G-d will deny heaven for someone that would rather be there than any where else. I also do not believe there is a hell that a loveing G-d would damn anyone to if they did not perfer that place over heaven. I also believe that many so called Christians will, once they see heaven will be saddened by it and desire a place more suited to their wants and desires. Many feel we should all find a "church" that suits us. I am quite sure that such reflections on G-d and such will roll over with us in eternity. One last point. Most seem to think heaven and salvation is all about them - Them being saved - Them being forgiven, Them not having to suffer, Them getting what them wants for free or other wise - in other words a ME ME ME ME ME and what I get for ME ME ME. I think such have missed the most important part of what it means to be a Christian. If you think you are a Christian or LDS or whatever and you think salvation is about you being born again and you being saved - you do not understand. The Traveler
  10. Be careful what you do with you ballot so that it is not disqualified. This may come as a surprise but party faithful (both parties) - that often watch and judge at polling places love to disqualify ballots - it is not about what the majority wants - it is all about party politics and control evel at all levels even the local level. Which is one reason to belong to and vote party and not person.The Traveler
  11. There have been some very good posts. Some notes from my travels. Many wards have pot luck after regular Sunday meetings. It is a common practice in Taiwan. I tried to bring some unique American food all the way from America. I brought a case of beef jerky. The members did not like it much – they prefer squid jerky over beef which will cause most Americans to pass out. But the missionaries loved the beef jerky and ate it all. Sustaining is a very important part of ward conference – which includes general, stake and ward callings. I have been present when there have been hands contrary and in the case in point the person was released after interviews with those that objected. No other information was given – but sustaining should be taken seriously. It is also a time for teaching, training and feedback both from the stake to the ward and the ward to the stake. The Traveler
  12. I did not get to respoond to another thread before it was closed - so hear you have it. I do not think that in the society of G-d (in heaven) that there has ever been or ever will be a two party system. I am not a believer (any more) in political parties. It is my personal belief and experience that parties tend to represent the party powerful and not the people. I find it interesting that “Christians” have tended towards governments more closely associated with Pagans (even in their religious organizations) than with the “ancient” Christian (Biblical) understanding of Kingdoms and Suzerain – servant vassals. I do not tend to get involved in national politics – ever since Nixon – I have not felt that one can determine a better candidate from another when it comes to national politics and parties. And this comes from someone that served for two years as the state legislative chairman for the parent – teacher – student association in the state of Washington. I do vote and I will enter a national candidate on my ballot so that it will not be disqualified for the local election that I do believe still; has some resemblance of representation to the people. I am sure this will end up closed - too bad - so sad. The Traveler
  13. Forgiveness is closely linked to repentance. Part of forgiveness is the understanding through the spirit that the Christ has made “redemption” for all sins and thus we can be free from any ill affects of other’s sins. Perhaps the best example of forgiveness (as pointed out in President Faust’s April conference talk) was the Amish families that lost daughters in a brutal murder – yet reached out to the family of their murder to assist in their spiritual healing. If anyone has difficulty forgiving someone that has wronged them or someone they love – Jesus pointed out that such a un-forgiver cannot themselves be forgiven by G-d. President Spencer W. Kimball pointed out that regardless of the trespass it is the greater sin not to forgive. The last point concerning forgiveness – you can know you have forgiven someone when you finely are able to realize within yourself that you do not wish harm (or even spiritual condemnation) against those that trespassed against you. It is a matter of whose side you are on. Satan is the accuser of all and Jesus Christ is the advocate. The Traveler
  14. And you know of another? I have read many books - for example "The Richest Man in Babylon”. The author talks about “investing” and letting your money “work” for you. Oh really? Money does not “work” but it does entice others to work. It is a very common practice of the rich to exploit those that “work for them” and pay them only a part of what their work produced – even to the point where they keep the bigger share for themselves. Sometimes making the excuse that they take a bigger risk. It is sad my friend – but the rich will not only profit from another man’s labor but they are so filled with pride that they think they deserve it. I will give another very interesting example. Have you ever noticed that someone that works in a garden and grows much of their own food – will rejoice over the abundance of their garden and take zucchini and other items they produced by their labor to their neighbors? But not a person that extracts wealth from those around them. They are so afraid of loosing their wealth because they know they cannot earn it on their own that they hoard such abundance and resent that someone in greater need might have the mind to take for them as they have taken from others. So tell me – my wise friend – tell me what I cannot see for myself. What manner of wealth is there that does not rely on the efforts of others; directly or indirectly for such wealth? The Traveler
  15. I guess you have never heard of a slum lord? In our society there are no rich that have not accumlated their wealth from the labor of some one else. Who did Bill Gates "rob" from? How about a small (poor) company in Oregon that created "stacker" software? The Traveler
  16. I do not disagree with you entirely. There is a little book called “The Law” written by Frederic Bastiat that purports your notion of legal plunder. It is one of my favorite books on defining good law. One thing we all should have learned from economics 101 is that nothing is free – somebody pays for everything. The other thing we should have learned is that the rich pay for precious little; that is why they are rich. On the other hand the poor pay for a great deal; that is in part of why they are poor. Part of the problem is that we need a bridge to get us from where we are currently to a position of a more ideal economy – if such a thing is possible. In your economic example every dollar the poor receive must come from the wealthier and every one of those dollars is for ever lost. That may not be entirely true. I believe there are many examples contrary to this model. But let us think instead in terms of cooperative investments in a human trust. If a community pools resources for fire protection the cost of savings is enormous; compared to each property owner responsible for their own. The concept of collective sharing needs and responsibilities is the very engine of community and society. However, if there is to be any community or society there must be rules established for the sharing of needs and responsibilities. I submit that the best way to establish such rules is by the “power” of the majority. I do not say that it is the perfect way or always the best way but that it is overall the best that I have been able to determine. It would appear to me that you believe that if you have the power that you should exercise that power for your benefit and your wants and desires. And just so you know – I oppose such methods of social engineering. The Traveler
  17. My friend a-train: There are some things you should be aware of. The first is that Iran is not an Arabic country. Iran is a Persian country. The native language of Iran is not Arabic. There is no animosity among most Arabs concerning our western policies towards Iran – in fact there has been far grater barbarism given to Iran from Arabic countries than by any Western Country and this includes all the problems with the Shaw. Even during the Hajj there are divisions and factions in Islam that are against Iran being allowed to speak – something afforded to Moslems of even western countries. If you listen carefully some factions want to kill anyone that lives within Islamic territory that is not Islamic. We are hated more for freedom of religion than for what you call barbarism. Do you know what is done under Islamic law to those that convert to another religion and those that converted them? Are you aware that LDS missionaries are not allowed to proselyte a Moslem? Now when you are talking about human rights are you talking about nearly beating a woman to death for being raped? Are you talking about women not being allowed to drive a car, vote or attend college? Are you talking about freedom of religion? Are you talking about human rights to listen to the music of your choice? Are you talking about the execution of males that perform “female” homosexual roles and the men performing the “male” role in the relationship are of no concern. Do you remember when the Prime Minister of Iran said there are no homosexuals in Iran? Do you know why he said that? Now I want a straight answer. You talk about bad policies and you have not touched on any of the very bad policies our government has been involved with. Instead you are talking about corporate and business policies (oil) in the Middle East. What have US business done in the Middle East that is worse than what the same business have done here in the USA? Yet in other places on this forum you post that government should stay out of the way of business. Do we need less or more regulation of business to include government oversight of your paycheck? So tell me straight – Should government regulate how businesses do business – or just business debt? Should there be more regulation or less? The Traveler
  18. How can there be investment on one side and not debt on the other? What is the difference between “return” on investment and interest? Can you point out to me any major private business venture of the 19th century that had the best interest of their workers in mind? Do you know why there was blood shed in forming unions? Should government require proper labeling? It was not required in the 19th century. Should government prevent addictive drugs like coke from being put into drinks and sold as safe and helpful (healthy) to the public – Do you know what business but in Coke during the 19th Century? The Traveler
  19. Thank you for your post - and I agree The Traveler
  20. Perhaps you should read about the Ottoman Empire (Lawrence of Arabia). Perhaps you should read the history of Bahrain. Perhaps you should read about the clashes between Islam and Hindus in India and Pakistan. Perhaps you should read about what the Moslems have done to Buddhist in Indo China. Perhaps you should become familiar with the rift between the Shiite and the Sonnies within the nation of Islam. I have posted in the past that the problems of the Middle East has more to do with Saudi Arabia and the royal family than it does to do with anything from any Western country. In addition the power struggles of the Middle East have more to do with water than oil. Even the Quran spells that out very plainly if you would take the time to read that. I agree that President Bush has blundered in ignorance over the Middle East – but I think you are reading from a narrow view of history to think the west and our capitalistic based democracy is the singular problem to that part of the world. The Traveler
  21. For several years I have attempted to have open discussions about homosexuality. I admit that I have biased views. But it seems to me that by the logic of definition that a view is biased. I am not the type that demonizes homosexuality (there are homosexuals in my social circles and we get along fine). But I do feel that beneficial concepts are deliberately removed from the discussion. There are problems with social supports of homosexuality. Heterosexuality must be supported by society for a human population to exist beyond the current generation. To claim that homosexuality deserves the same support as heterosexuality makes no sense to me. Though mankind cannot exist without heterosexuality it can exist without homosexuality. One is a social necessity the other is not. If homosexuality is to be as socially supported as heterosexuality it must be as socially needed or the appeals must rely on something other than logic and this is where I take strong opposition to the arguments that lack logic and seem to appeal more to lack of real social concerns. Demonizing anyone that questions a concept makes me very suspicious. There can be no open discussion when one side is trying to prevent the other from speaking. If we are unwilling to hear the concerns of others then we cannot expect that others hear our concerns. The Traveler
  22. Thank you for your efforts to help in understanding. The area I have difficulty understanding the Trinity; is if G-d can be divided into parts or not. Is the Son a differential part of G-d? Is the Son to be differentiated from the Father as a non equal part or as Jesus said less than his Father? Was Jesus correct in this doctrine or was he confused? The Traveler
  23. The economy of the USA during the 19th century was more recession and depression than prosperity, over 50% of the banks failed and those that invested lost their entire life savings. More than 60% of farmers lost their farms (as did the Smith family twice). It was not until the 20th century that the federal government guaranteed and backed banks. And if I remember correctly the average life expectancy was less than 40 years of age.The concept of allowing business to operate without government regulation has not done well in just the last year. Two of the USA largest lending institutions booked over 20 billion dollars in loss. Thousands have lost their jobs and hundreds of thousands lost their homes and the economy of the entire industrialized world is now at risk. Not smart and it could get worse. I remember reading about a CEO that gave back over 700 million dollars and it was agreed that no “Laws” were broken so no prosecution. He took over 700 million that did not belong to him and no laws were broken? There needs to be some serious changes or the dollar will continue to shrink and the USA will cease to be a dominate power or even a major industrialized nation. How many products do you know of that are made (not assembled) in the USA? The largest contributor to the GNP? - are the pharmaceuticals. Lets put more people to work. Once we convince this nation to work there will be a difference. The Traveler
  24. You might be interested to know that in 1960 that 60% of the poor in the US were elderly. The Traveler
  25. Mark 14:7 Also please note that by the ancient biblical standards there are no poor in the USA. The Traveler