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Everything posted by Misshalfway

  1. Kona, Use your faith! Rely on your faith in God's power more than your need for a roof over your head!! God wants your faith more than your roof! Let God move the mountains in your life. He is good at that. It is easy for him. And it is His absolute joy to do so. Let your will be swallowed up into His will. There is tremendous safety there!
  2. I think it is always knowing where your power comes from. Like in Jacob where he talks about having great power to perform miracles but knowing that is "by his grace... that we have the power to do these things." (jacob 4:6-7). I could go on and on about humility, but this is the basis of it for me.
  3. The Lord wants everyone, regardless of their financial situation, to have access to his blessings -- the ones that are so abundant that we won't have room enough to receive them. The real question is not whether or not the church would expect her to pay, but whether or not the church would want her to have the blessings of the Lord. Paying tithes and offerings is the condition set by the Lord to open the doors to the windows of heaven. He determined that -- not the church. So I say if the Lord himself says to obey and that he will bless..... then tell your friend to pay and wait because the Lord will surely and generously bless!
  4. Who is this crazy person going after you? That just alarms me when I hear of things like that happening. It DOES make going to church difficult. I am sorry. What about one of the RS counselors? Sometimes if the RS Pres. isn't one that will understand, chances are one of her counselors would be. That is why they are there, yes?, to balance it all out. Would it be too unsafe to actually confront this person in a spirit of peace and reconciliation? Maybe that would just set you up for more abuse. I guess I just think people like that must be in so much pain to act out in such a way. Maybe you two could call a cease fire..... or even become friends. ( my eternal optimism shooting for the moon, I know) I love the early morning hours. What is it about that time of day that seems to open up more revelation and inspiration? I feel more open to the Lord at that time. Love your journey to church with the sun and snow and the little red church. I remember on my mission when things were sooo hard, somehow God would produce the most beautiful sunsets. It always used to settle my spirit and remind me that He was over all things and still somehow making it all beautiful. "Be still and know that I am God." So on my hard days, I still look to the sky to see his messages to me.
  5. I can understand why some may think it arrogant to suggest that one church would be "right". Most people like to be right more than wrong and don't like the insinuation that they are wrong. But, I must say that the official position of the church is that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the only true and living church. That is a little different than saying we are the only ones who are "right". There is so much truth through out the earth and with in many religions. Joseph Smith encouraged people to seek truth wherever one can find it. If God were to start HIS church, wouldn't you expect it to profess it's correctness?? I think the more important question is not over who is right and who is wrong. The question should be "Did God determine a true and living church or did he leave man to find his own way back to Him?" If God did create His church, it is the responsibility for any true disciple to find it. And how are they to find it? Study and prayer. For God is the only one who can settle this argument.
  6. Hey there! to you in Ohio. I served my mish in Ohio! I miss the trees and the fireflies and the way the foliage turns colors in the fall. Mmmmm. I loved it there!
  7. I just started it. I am taking the class. It is a cool concept. I think the ego is just another word for the Natural Man. I think he has some wonderful points. Don't think he takes into account the influence of the adversary or the influence of the Spirit upon our thoughts and reactions and emotions, etc. And I really want to know if they will address the idea of Love. I do like a lot of it. But in the end, I doubt if I can embrace the whole concept. He is another person who is trying to explain and deal with his own suffering. I think he is seeing some truth that is worthy of discussion.
  8. Over the course of my life time, I have asked God over and over to remove my depression.... and my struggle with self worth. Literally begged and pleaded for God to show me the solutions or help me climb out or change me from the inside out or reveal to me what steps to take. So far, He has not chosen to lift the burden. And so I manage it. I go long periods of time where I feel better. And I have stretches where very little helps. I often have asked "If God loves me why this?" just like the title of that book. If will power or effort worked, I surely would have beaten it by now. I will say that I am learning patience. I am learning to suffer long as I practice kindness towards myself. I don't expect too much anymore -- I don't expect myself to be a super hero and don't put so much pressure on myself to hide it and pretend like all is peachy. That helps.
  9. Well that is probably the happiest thing you could post on a site like this!!! My brother-in-law(BIL) grew up Catholic and his parents struggled when he joined the church as well. But, with time, they have worked it through. I think they needed to get over their misconceptions and my BIL was really patient with them and let them have their reactions. Leaving the Catholic church is so big. It is almost as big as leaving the Mormon Church. My brother left the faith and my parents were devastated. But they are fine now and letting my brother live his life without their parental pushing. I think generally, it all eventually works itself out.
  10. My personal opinion about testimony is that it is a multi-layered process. I think people feel it deeply because they have tapped into those layers. I don't think emotional expressiveness is the measuring stick for how deeply one feels and understands the truth, but I think that some get confused that way. I actually get less and less emotional about my testimony the older I get and the more I grow. I wonder if you just need to stretch your testimony. The answer to that, (whether I like it or not) is always back to the basics of prayer and scripture study..... and I emphasize scripture study even a little more than prayer because that is where i have discovered the layers and deeper learnings that have increased my testimony and not only that but my ability to feel and follow the Spirit. It is a place where I examine and measure my life. I look to those prophets and those stories to teach me what I need today and even in the most ordinary parts to my life. It seems when my study is going well, and I am feeling hungry and excited about what I am reading, everything about my worship is enhanced; my testimony, my church experience, temple, prayer, love for others, etc. etc. I always pray. Not always formally mind you. I talk to God in my head all day. And I talk to him with my heart while I study. That seems to make a difference as well. PS. I think every member of this church hits this place that you describe. I think it is a normal plateau that happens. Some stay there and think that because they have their initial testimony that the work is done. IMO, I think God has so much more to share with us.... so much more that he wants to do with our intellect and our feelings and our natures and our experience with His mighty influence. Just my two cents.....
  11. Perfection is not required to be a great parent! Perfection is in the process! So enjoy the process with all of its mistakes and twists and turns. And laugh at yourself!! And forgive yourself!! READ to them! All kinds of books from the very beginning. Don't be a helicopter parent. The most important part of falling down is learning to get back up. If someone always saves you, how can you learn that? Don't be afraid to call a sitter. Parents need to have a life too. And the kids need a break as well! And how many people wouldn't die to take care of a newborn?? Balance! Balance! Balance! Let them cook and clean and fix and garden with you. Be gentle when they make mistakes and throw a parade when they choose the right. Hide the permanent ink markers!!!
  12. Who was just talking about will power? Thanks for bringing that up. I really disagree with that approach. It is all about performance based evaluations. I haven't found this kind of approach very successful at all. It actually invites more failure and therefore more depression. I have found more success with meditation and reading influential books. I especially like Byron Katie's "Loving What Is". I think it is important to understand our thoughts and that we are not always defined by our thoughts and feelings. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. And sometimes I think it is a powerful position to understand better our relationship with our flesh or our natural man. I also like this little simple book called "The Knight in Rusty Armor". It is a cute little story about a Knight who runs around trying to be the best at everything and realizes that he was always kind, good, and loving and never needed to prove it to begin with. I think we need to be kind and gentle with ourselves. Especially when we make mistakes. And kinder and gentler with each other in all of our various brands of imperfection. Accepting the depression is a powerful idea. Whatever we resist will persist. I think the acceptance opens the door to gratitude and gratitude leads us to find meaning in our suffering.
  13. Hey! Congrats on the baptism. That is tremendous. What should you expect? In terms of your participation in the church, like others have said, you may get asked to serve in an official calling. That will be a fun challenge to add to your life. It may come right away, or it may take a while depending on your ward dynamics. Don't worry if you don't get one right away. All in good time. You are right that you will start paying tithing. I think you next few steps will be about implementing your new testimony into the fabric of your life. What I mean is forming new habits. It is all about the basics whether you are new in church or a forever veteran. I am referring to the new habits of obedience in your life like tithing, attending church meetings, praying, study, fasting and fast offerings, and FHE. These are the actions that will ground your new testimony. Be prepared for adversity. Satan is a mean little cuss and he will do anything to plant the doubt or tempt you at your weakest place. Don't be surprised if something like that happens. You can be ready to call his bluff. That is another reason why keeping your spiritual habits entrenched is a good idea. It helps you recognize the enemy and banish him quickly. Heavenly Father may let Satan work on you a little to strengthen you. So stay close to the wisdom of Father in Heaven so that you new Gift of the Holy Ghost is being exercised. Home teachers and visiting teachers should be assigned to you soon if they haven't already. You can ask the Relief Society Pres. to become a VTer. Other than that, get to know your ward and stake. Go to social activities. Get to know the different leaders in the ward and go to the sunday school classes. They are really important. Are you taking new member lessons? Do they still do that? It has been a while since I did all that stuff. Anyway, happy for you and welcome to the fold!
  14. Welcome and Congratulations!
  15. Depression is not an easy thing to diagnose or to deal with. I think that the advice of the OP could be helpful to some. There is no doubt that getting out of yourself and concentrating on others is beneficial for lots of problems. But I don't think that this approach truly covers the spectrum of people who suffer with depression and it certainly doesn't take into account the individual. I have experienced depression at different times in my life and for different reasons including post partum depression. One of the reasons I was depressed is that all I was doing was taking care of everyone else but me -- serving myself into the ground. So, I just find the statement "CURE for Depression" a bit naive or maybe just one dimensional. I don't say that to discount it, only to expand the discussion. I think that there is a lot to be said for learning self caring behaviors. And for people who truly have a hormonal or chemical imbalance, serving others endlessly wouldn't begin to address the issue. It may help to manage it though.
  16. Hey! I grew up in Orem. You knocking my hometown? (a poke and a tease)
  17. I like how you say that you aren't denying anything. You just haven't felt it. And you can't lie and say you have. I get that. The fact that you haven't felt the existence of a God doesn't really bother me. These things take time. I have experienced stretches of time when I didn't feel the existence of a God either. You sound like a moral individual trying to live a good life. That is admirable. And because I do believe in a God, I do believe that perhaps he did create you exactly the way you are. You certainly have tremendous strength in areas that are not my strengths. I appreciate that. I wonder if that is part of the experience here on earth. To be given so much of something.... and then be asked to give it up or to be put in a position where you can't use your strengths and then see what you do with that circumstance. Like the rich man in the New Testament who came to the Lord asking what righteousness he could do more and the Lord told him to sell everything he had and he went away sad. He couldn't let go of all that he knew and all that defined who he was. I find myself in situations similar. Just not about money. But I find that it is in those moments of stretching that has help create faith in me and has helped me to increase my faith. They, along with other experiences of my own personal seeking, that have taught me that God can do more with my life than I can. Mind you, they are not necessarily my favorite experiences because I do have a fondness for the "known", but they are some of my most cherished experiences just the same. Maybe I am totally wrong and maybe don't know enough about you beyond the little bit you write. But I wonder if God didn't give you all of your tremendous ability to see and understand science and logic and sense - only to ask you to abandon it and try something completely out of your comfort zone just to stretch you..... try you..... push you.... and invite you. Where else is dependence and trust in the Lord better established? It doesn't usually come when everything is familiar and comfortable and easy. I offer the idea.... not as a sermon..... just as ideas and experience that has meant more to my growth than any experience with this "known" physical, measurable world. In any case, if you do indeed choose to move on, I have appreciated reading this conversation. It has been very interesting. And good luck and best wishes to you.
  18. Hello there and welcome! I am happy to meet you. Sorry to hear of your recent divorce, but excited to hear that you are searching and questioning and reading. I hope you find solace and truth in your investigations of the church. I have found more real truth in this church. There is a lot of truth in the world scattered among the many places in the world. Truth that has blessed my life. But, I have found such growth and light and comfort because of my membership and understanding of the LDS faith. It is hard to describe. My belief goes beyond even the church organization itself. Anyway, I am babbling...... There are lots of single women..... and men in the LDS church. It is like a big family in that wherever you go in the world, the services and organization and beliefs are the same. When you move and contact the church, it is like you have instant friends... people who are aware of you and keep track of you. The church has lots of activities just for the single members. You most certainly will meet others who are single as well. I know of many who have divorced and been remarried to someone with like values. It happens all the time. There are lots of married people who have struggled in their marriages too. People who may not be single but with whom you may find common ground. We are just a group of normal people, with normal problems, doing the best that we can to follow God and give to the world. It is good to know you. How are you feeling about the Book of Mormon so far? Kinda crazy to think of God helping man find more scripture, eh?
  19. Are you serious? Awful! This just sounds to me like a frustrated mother who isn't using her love and creativity and problem solving abilities to help her and her children. Hope the Super Nanny set her straight. I have learned that when anger or frustration is the driving emotion of parenting, the outcomes aren't good. It changes the self concept of the child and breeds anger and resentments that eventually turn into rebellion. I like the Love and Logic stuff. Anybody read or used that or a similar approach?
  20. This is a hard situation. It must be hard to distinguish what his decisions might mean for your little family. Had he ever expressed concerns about the church before this point? Or was this announcement news to you? I am wondering what time will do. Maybe your husband needs to search himself and the world for truth. Maybe this kind of searching isn't the worst thing. Maybe time and discovery will help him come back to the church in time. And if it doesn't, then perhaps it is an opportunity for your children to learn other lessons in their lives. I am sorry though. It is difficult when spouses make such difficult choices. Stay close to the Lord. Pray often and open yourself to whatever the Lord may lead you to do. This IS an opportunity. Try to see it as such. The Lord will open your mind to wisdom and patience and faith and actions that may not seem logical or comfortable at first. This may be just the experience you need. You can still find happiness and contentment even if this shift becomes more permanent.
  21. Is it a free society when we are shackled with high healthcare costs and being turned away if we can't pay? If we are not shackled to the government, we are certainly caught in the net of the medical industries who take home outrageous profits at our expense. At the end of the day, are we better off? I don't think so. And I know who Michael Moore is and what he does. But in this case, I find it hard to disagree with him. It is not like Pres. Bush has anything more intelligent to say.
  22. I think one thing that bothers me a bit is our lack of concern about one another. It is "your" problem. Why should I have to pay for it? But we pay anyway and we pay more than we would if we were involved in a universal system. I guess I am thinking about the law of consecration or the united order. Isn't there some kind of principle from those higher laws that could benefit us here and now? In the movie Sicko, I was impressed by one Dr. that was profiled. He was still living a very comfortable lifestyle but because the costs were covered in a general system, he could focus on truly helping the patient without having to cover his fanny at the same time. I also liked how his pay was increased with the health of his patients. --more focus on preventative care and less self-interested decisions -- like what kudos he would get if he promotes this drug! If the united states could experience a paradigm shift, I think that would be very helpful. I think the idea of having the government and private sector involved in some kind of hybrid might be a good thing. I am very afraid of government red tape as it tries to regulate everything. I don't think that helps anybody. Like the way our government has handled medicaid. Geez! I also hate the idea of wages being garnished in a kind of forced compliance. But, car owners are "forced" to purchase basic coverage. So, why not do that for our bodies?? I am not sure how that solves the problems that come with trying to get insurance companies to pay. Mine just denied for a basic physical. ::Shaking head::